I don't wanna diet

I don't wanna diet

Follow the adventures of a firefighter in Springville, New York, trying to get in shape via carnivor So my setup here is simple. I'm a wolf in the forest now.

Ahoy pals... Just a quick explanation about "IDWD" and why it's risen from the bread. Many of you might recall that I had this page and a website going for quite a while and at some point, I had more than enough of social media and destroyed everything I ever created. Much in the same way, I've taken to a lot of different methods for getting healthier and in better shape over the last ten years an


An interesting thing happened over the last several months. Let me backtrack...In APRIL we went on vacation and I was doing great on my grub lifestyle. I allowed myself some space to experience the occasion and it was fine, until I got home. I found it redic hard to get back on track and kept sputtering in and out of commission until Summer kicked in and I pretty much threw in the towel. Understanding that it's not a race and that the Universe would let me know when to kick the good stuff back in, I maintained as good as I could, but really...did not. So it's been just over six months since vacation and I feel like I can dig back in and stepping on the scale this morning just to have a starting point, I found that I didn't gain ANY weight. This is crazy to me. I left no Butterfinger unturned during the spooky season, I scuba'd in bourbon and stuffed myself with stuffing (not literally). Two years back I dropped 50lbs, which was very easy after figuring it out for myself and I think I truly reset my body's metabolic rate to maintain at this new weight. So, I'm just going to slip back into something more comfortable and do the same thing again, the same way. I'm guessing, working it like that will keep my personal thermostat working nicely with what I take in, as I have learned, calories do not matter much. It's all in controlling the hormones and resetting your personal metabolic rate. Maybe this doesn't work the same way for everyone, but for me, I def feel like I've figured it out, not without the help of reading too many books on the matter and watching countless documentaries. I finally feel like I'm on autopilot with what I know is proper for me, so...off we go on the next adventure.


I took the cooked chuck roast and tossed it into the air fryer creating a sort of Chuck jerky and it’s awesome! Plus my 13 year old daughter made shrimp scampi. All was delicious and there was much rejoicing. Later we’re making chicken wings. When the fridge breaks, you have to cook everything, it’s and unwritten and awesome rule. I think we fixed it though (again).


This might have maxed out the Ninja Foodi Grill. It seems to have only taken moments for the beast to reach 120 and I gave it 15 to rest and cook through. I looks great but def a bit chewy… I guess I understand now why this cut is better braised or stewed. Still, it’s cooked perfectly for me as I like it rare. Prob take that other half and add it to stew. Anyway… I’m full, which is a bummer because I’m nowhere near where I need to be calorie-wise today. All good though. I’m sure it’ll all balance out.


Size isn’t everything (I keep telling myself) but dis is big 😳

Photos from I don't wanna diet's post 28/09/2022

Down another 5 *uckin’ pounds MF’s! And I say that with love. Been so down about the stagnation over the last few months but I’m back baby! Today I cooked up a chicken from Davies Hillside Farms in the grill and it was the best I’ve ever had. Also finally used up all the bones I’ve been hoarding for ruminant stock, and I got a separate pot of chicken soup rolling. What can I say, it’s dreary outside and I have too much energy. Smells great up in here! Does anyone need to know any of this? Hell no! It’s ok though.


Beef heart steaks. I’ve been holding off on this one.


Wasn’t going to check this morning because it’s not been very long but I’m already up to .03. That’s still not really ketosis but it shows progress, which I def need to note in order to keep trucking in the early stages. Now to occupy myself with no less than one million projects to keep my brain off grub. It’s easy eventually, but the next few days have the potential to be jerks.


Dinner today… raw salmon, ribeye steak and iced coffee with cream. It’s a living. After this I go to the first of seven aerial operations classes at the fire department, so I’ll get some exercise to boot. Next refuel will possibly be tomorrow around same time… maybe not. Depends if the wolf catches anything on the hunt. Heh.


Figured I’d check my blood ketones for fun. No fun was found. BUTT… this’ll be an excellent start point to see how long it takes to ramp up again. Doing pretty well so far today. Only moderately angry about everything. Still fasted since last night and planning to grub around dinner time on some raw salmon. It’s true. I’m sure I’ll post a pic. It’s what I do. Stay strong friends, and not in a smellin’ way.


Anyone up for a reboot tomorrow, July 5th? I slack off on holiday weekends. I said slack. Anyway… all in tomorrow. Sink or swim MF. You’ll have to excuse me, I’m trying to get rid of the last of the vodka. Happy Independence Day, pals.


Farter forgive me for I have shinned.

Not bad really, the biggest prob is that I've been too busy to do much posting lately, but I'm working on it! Side note, that it's tough to keep posting just to post for myself, so I hope I'm somehow affecting anyone in a positive manner.

The bad news: I've been eating a lot of crap, but less of it and on a better schedule. Crap being a relative term, so still making better choices, but occasional breads and some ice cream... stuff like that. I think the fact that I'm so opposed to it for my own well being is great at making it difficult to actually eat too much of it. Still, I feel guilty as $hit when I do and my self esteem plummets, which is really saying something because I have none to begin with.

The good news: Somehow, I'm smaller in inches! NOT THAT WAY. Or maybe yea, that way... like my waste size is down. It's weird, I weight the exact same as when I got back from Vacation, over a month ago... but I'm somehow down about six inches in body mass, after measurements. Clothing fits the same too, so that's good. Even thought I feel kind of crappy, I'm apparently still trending in the right direction, however slowly.

Read a lot about body homeostasis recently and I think that's what's happening. My body has adjusted to this new weight, which is around 290 and it wants to stay there, so if I overdo it, it just burns the cals and if I under do it, it slows the metabolism a bit. It's a really cool machine.

I think now that I've been at this point for a few months, I'm probably ready to suggest to my body that it's cool to move further down the road, and see if I can get it to agree to be around 275-280 for a while. Pretty sure by eating right and fasting, it'll be OK with it, because I'll be getting all the right nutrition.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around! I'll try to make more time to post and be available, as staying accountable to you's helps me a little. Not much, but just enough :)

Have a great day!




That’s right… night chicken wings in the and they is awesomeness!


Sometimes your wife grabs a clearance T-Bone and you cook it for lunch and it’s freaking amazing. It’s true.

4 min to rare in the 🔥🔥🔥🥩🇺🇸


Happy Turdsday! Almost there…hopefully by this eve or tomorrow morning I’ll be fully back in nutritional ketosis. Also hopefully today, my body will be through the looking glass on carnivore reentry. When you go full carny, you don’t need the copious amounts of water in your digestive system and it “purges” the water…quickly. So two things to remember when I go on vacation next time… remembering the keto flu and the purge that will await if I stray too far off my path. It takes a good 4-5 days to get through it all. Also, super foggy outside today.


Amazing and poignant artwork by Víctor Hugo Yáñez Piña. More info here: https://mymodernmet.com/victor-hugo-yanez-pina-sculptures/


Pork steaks, cooked from completely frozen in the and ready in 10 minutes. Insanity. Hank approves this message.


Still at .02 blood ketone level. 😬🙂😐😕😣😖👹

At least I’m on day three and starting to feel better.


Tonight’s adventure grub took a whopping 4 minutes in the on “air fry”. Wild caught Sockeye Salmon. I know, not a great pic but at least there is a Resident Evil duck in the background. I took in 15oz of salmon and about 10oz of leftover ribeye (throughout the day). Stuffed.


Geeeeeez... I've been exhausted as all heck today and it JUST dawned on me that I must be in the throws of the Keto Flu, getting back into action. I should prob do this every so often so I realize how much it kinda sucks to go through this every time I fall to the wayside. At least the realization has me looking to stay on track. I obsess over just about everything I do, so I've checked my blood four times already today. Never got above .02, but at least I'm part pincushion now. I feel for my friends that have to do that regularly to manage diabetes...which in itself is another fire under my ass.

I've also been ravenously hungry today. I started to eat around noon, finishing off the remains of leftover ribeye from yesterday (from everyone else, mine was gone pronto). I kept telling myself... DUDE... eat whatever and as much as you want just NO CARBS OR SUGAR. The steak was awesome and I'm only marginally hungry now, but I'll still hit up the salmon tonight.

I feel like I could go to sleep right n

Photos from I don't wanna diet's post 02/05/2022

Ate my meal(s) for the day. Started with an avacado to break the day around 4, followed up by 4 eggs from our hens and a 13oz ribeye. Took in about 1500 calories, still have 200 left but couldn’t eat anything else if I tried. Everything was amazing and again, the Ninja cooked the ribeye to perfection. Wanted to eat a little early because I have drills tonight at the fire dept and I’d rather not be stuffed if I have to move that much. Tomorrow I’ll try salmon in the Foodi. Was thinking of posting my daily food intake regularly, but I don’t know if that would make people unfollow me haha. We’ll see. Have a great night!


New week, new geek. Still getting back in gear after vacation and it's been two weeks haha. No real trouble, but where I was taking in zero grams of carbs and very little dairy, I instead, did my best to remain between 22-50g of carbs a day. I knew I prob wasn't in Keto anymore, but figured today, I'd check the meter and as a sort of experiment, test in the eves and mornings to show how my situation fluctuates. I'm surprised I even have .2 mmol/L, but I'll take it. That means that even though I wasn't super strict, my body is still able to go back and forth between ketones/stored sugar for energy and that's a really good thing.

Anyway, I have some fantastic ribeye set up for dinner tonight and already have Sockeye salmon at the ready for tomorrow. I'm guessing I'll be ready for another fast by Wednesday, but we'll see. I'm interested to see where the ketone meter progresses, if at all. It should, I suppose.

When you see that kind of progress in real-time, it really puts the wind in the sales. Not sure if I'll end up going through keto-flu again.... reason enough to super stay on track, but whatever. You have to pay the piper and I've got a pocket full of ... piper coins? In my coin slot.


If I have to make a choice between metabolic syndrome or a delicious ribeye as my downfall... I'm going with the ribeye.

I didn't make the meme, found it on another page, but I've absolutely had the comment from folks that "know better", that eating carnivore style is deadly.

We have a micro-spark of existence and nobody truly knows what the hell is going on. To think that you do (self included) is folly.

You be you.


It's snowing, I'm yammering about motorcycle contemplation and some fasting goals. Hope you're day rules!

Also, if you're going to tell me not to get a motorcycle because they are dangerous, you are more than welcome to save that breath for a peaceful meditation, where it will do more good 😬


I call this super short one... "Random Corned Beef".

The explanation is longer than the vid....I think. For St. Paddy's day (who was most likely Italian, but I'll let you google that yourself) a lot of folks get the old corned beef rolling in it's grave and I was no different. I did however buy two, because I need two of everything, probably because things that come in two's are awesome. Anyway, I bought cheap ones from Aldi, if I remember correctly and guess what, they were full of injected junk, so I was the only one who ate the last one. This second one, was sitting in my fridge since then, but somehow not expired. I knew that nobody would eat it but me, so I figured I'd just throw it into the Ninja Foodi again, as another experiment and if it failed, then I'd just eat really tough, injected stuff.

So I set the internal meat thermometer to 140, figuring it'll raise up closer to 150 or the recommended 160 ( I NEVER cook food to the oblivion temperature set by the "dietary guidelines" unless I want to eat bark, which I never do.

I set it in the Ninja and walked away, until I heard the dinner bell ding, about 12 min later (took longer because it came right out of the fridge and was about 45 degrees inside.

The Ninja went to work, with a one-two karate chop to the... chop! Followed by a (beef)roundhouse kick to the loin and probably some nunchuck wizardry. It does it so fast, you can't even see it, so don't bother looking for it.

After sitting for five min, I cut into it and to my wondering eyes did appear, a darn fine cooked piece of meat, all insanely juicy and the like.

I don't know when I'll stop being surprised by the Ninja. I mean, it sneaks up on you, throws one of those explosive powder filled eggs and blammo, you have a fantastic bit of protein in front of you (unrelated).

Whatever will I cook up next?


Ninja Foodi Ribeye... Holy $hitville it was awesome. Thanks to our new sponsor, "Aunt Sandy's Safety Harbor", for passing along the Ninja Foodi to us! It took SIX minutes to cook to perfection.

I love my cast iron for a good crispy sear, but this was redic easy. Highly recommend! Yea I know it still says "Pot roast" at the end, but I have to go to drills. Enjoy the pups...

Talk soon pals!


It's been tougher getting back into gear after vacation then I thought. Def not doing too bad, but I can do better. Today I'm on a 24 hour fast, so I'll eat a ribeye for dinner before drills. On the firematic side of things, I'm always amazed at the Mercy Flight crew and the precision they have to land in between live wires/trees/ditches ... you name it. And although I'd rather not have anyone in need of their services, I really feel honored to be able to help in situations as such. The feeling when the bird winds up to speed and lifts off is absolutely palpable. You get back to reality when the debris begins slapping you in the face from the thrust and gust. Anyway... it's Monday and I hope you all had a great 80 Degree Sunday if you were around there... supposed to snow again on Wed. Well... we tried. At least there is Ribeye later!


This pot roast saved my soul.... so there's your answer, Jewel. Wasn't a who, but a what!

Getting back into the swing, the only way I know how... with big roasts that make me stoked. It was super good too... super... good.

And easy as pie.

Happy Wednesday yous!


Well... back from vacation! How'd I do? How much did I gain? Did I fast? Did the wheels fall off?

First... I wasn't going to step on the scale until next weekend, figuring it didn't matter, but I'm the impatient type, so I hopped on this morning and oh snap... I ate like a champ and did not gain one single lb! Score.

Being on vacation, I absolutely allowed myself some indulgences and I'm glad I did. I had a LOT of fish and steak street tacos and Modelo!

I did have a bit of an off night after having some deep-fried gator, but it was a good lesson in how much my system healed, to where fried food was an issue.

I had one slice of NY-style pizza and it was just OK, but it was from a place I used to go to 20+ years ago, so it had merit.

Interesting note on the last two nights, during travel, I was def tired and grub was ... whatever. That night I had a bit of a quesidilla that had a flour shell and last night I had a bit of turkey sub (on bread). BOTH nights, I had the chills before bed. My best guess is that my system wasn't used to it and needed to pull blood away from the rest of my body to aid in the breakdown/digestion of the carbs.

All in all, I stayed on track about 90% and limited my fun to the least amount of net carbs I could in a given day (without counting). Again, I was fired up this mornign when I learned that I didn't gain any weight!

I did not fast at all on my getaway, so I'll mellow back into that concept when it feels right. I'm super happy to be back to my clean eating today and enthused to push myself into the next 10 lb loss.

It'll be interesting to see how long it'll take for me to get back into ketosis. I'm sure I'm out at this point, but I'll def keep you posted.

Talk soon!


Indulged in some greasy fried stuff last night, figuring I don’t do it often and got super sick at like one AM… like flu feeling sick. Finally passed out and woke up this morning, thankfully feeling way better. It’s like the frog in the boiling water thing. Raise the temp slowly and the frog won’t notice and will be cooked. Toss it in boiling water and it scrambs to get out immediately…. Err something like that. Gonna be moderate for rest of vacation. Not eliminating a few beers on the beach or whatnot, but keeping it in check. The beer I had today was amazing after not having one in so long. Prob had more to do with the company and scenery. Anyway…. Have a great day!


On vacation but grubbing has been easy so far! Oysters and alligator for dinner today at Crabby Bills.


I'm so stoked about my physical results today that I figured I'd make a vid for dinner. :D Maybe I'll show the end results later!



Just got back from the doc with my yearly physical and I'm amazed at the improvements to my health I've made by going carnivore/keto with routine fasting.

My BP had been fairly out of control without meds since 2005!! That's a LONG freaking time. I've felt so good for the last few months that I decided to cut my meds in half, to ween myself off a bit and see how I felt, which was... fine. Last several weeks, I've pretty much gone without, as an experiment to see how bad my bp would be and it was AMAZING.

Heart rate 78bpm and BP 118/72!!! For a guy that had an average of 140something over high 90's... that's just great.

Doc said I'm fine to go off, as long as I routinely monitor myself.

Absolutely, I am a full believer in what I'm doing and can't wait to see more and better results. Def have a lot of wind in the sails right now (if you know what I mean).

Anyway... stoked. Let's see what this next year brings.

Thanks to ALL of YOU for being a part of this journey!


I just made carnivoreish/keto chicken fingers. Dredged in mustard with garlic/ onion powder and rolled in crushed pork rinds, pan fried in olive oil. First try… they had merit. I think if I adjusted the heat, timing and care levels… they’d have been really good!


Sup gang! Hope all is well and awesome this Wednesday.

First, I'm stoked to have received messages from more than one of you over the last few weeks about weight lost, confidence built, and feeling good! I'm stoked to be somehow connected to that and you guys. I'd not have bothered making this page if I didn't think it might help or motivate others.

Since my fast earlier in the week, I've been maintaining carnivore with only mild dairy infusions of cheese. After eliminating pretty much everything by going carnivore for a month, eating cheese, and having a lovely macchiato proved to be a difficulty for my digestion, so I'm guessing that my considerations of being somewhat lactose intolerant are absolutely a reality. I'm going to eventually try some more aged cheeses because I do love cheese, but whatever, if it's done it's done. I particularly love cheeses of Nazareth, but mostly the holey ones, like Nazareth Swiss.

Other than that, I'm taking a holiday for the next week or so, just a break from work with the fam and perhaps some travel. I'll most likely not fast during that time, but I'll do my best to keep carnivore and at most, delve into the keto zone if needed. I want soft-shelled crab... a lot. If I do happen to fast, then bonus. I'll def dig in again, routinely when I return.

My personal weight has been a little stuck in the low 290's, which is way better than where I started, and although I was hoping to break into the 280's by the time I took this break, it's OK. My clothing is fitting better still and my measurements are still going down. I've researched that a lot of folks gain weight for a while on carnivore, but it's mostly an increase of muscle density (supposedly).

Anyway, enjoy your day and talk soon!


Fast day for a slow Monday. If anyone wants to join me, doing a 36 hour quickie. You heard that right 😎

Also, I’m gearing up for an upcoming getaway and I fit in like six old pairs of shorts and swim trunks that I’ve been saving for when I lost some weight. They’re very 80’s but the fashion never went stale. NEVER!

Happy Monday.


I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know what I’m doing in general and I’m a sort of mad scientist in the kitchen. This top round roast does smell awesome though as it relaxes in a hot bath of Hazy IPA and a herb infused broth. I went to high school with Herb.


Updated from earlier... I DID NOT FIT in those new shorts I mentioned like I thought I did, so I had to take them back. THEY WERE TOO BIG! DAOMN GINA!

I snagged the next size down and they fit much better, but prob could have gone one more size if I had the clothing equivalent of a shoehorn. Actually, I'm wondering if they would have been even better. I'll keep these though... "for knockin' around" as my Dad used to say.


Last night... or actually, this morning from 2 AM - 6AM, Kelly and I were called out on standby for a structure fire in a neighboring town, so I'm on my 16th cup of coffee now (not counting the ones I had on the call).

Kelly is back to the Keto lifestyle, after taking a break for a while, not because she needs to lose any weight, but because it just makes one feel better.

Not currently on a fast that I know of, but in the standard procedure for the last few weeks, I'm basically OMAD or at most, eating in a 2-hour window (no glass). I'm not trying to, I'm simply not hungry and sometimes eat just because I prob should. It's a truly interesting flip that was switched inside me last month.

Test strips and blood tests have shown that I've been consistently in ketosis to varying degrees for several weeks and I feel really good.

Yesterday I bought a pair of shorts that were three sizes down from when I started (and I have to wear a belt with them). I note this because my weight isn't really going down all that much, so it's a testament that I'm getting fitter, most likely gaining muscle mass while losing fat.

Other than that, had a big fat (battered) fish fry last night, figuring that I have zero carbs on a daily basis (and what I get from carnivore eating is well under 20 grams), that to have the batter on the fish was a fine indulgence, and I was right, still fully in ketosis. The one caveat of the grub was a bit of a face flush and an odd zippy feeling on the sides of my tongue along with a little regret from all the oil.

I'm super sensitive to food now, in taste and quality. I can REALLY tell when something is less quality, is overly salty, or just trying too hard. Flavors in "natural" foods have increased to where I really notice them.

Anyway... the sun is out, so you should get out there and feel the warmth on your cheeks while you can. Maybe your faces too.

Happy Saturday!


Stoked for dinner after a 48 hour fast (second this week). Kelly’s eyes bulged a little as I ordered the steak and shrimp special AND chicken wings (just for me) 😜😎

Videos (show all)

I call this super short one... "Random Corned Beef". The explanation is longer than the vid....I think. For St. Paddy's ...
