YEAD Consultan Engineering

YEAD Consultan Engineering

YEAD Consultant Engineering
Create Change through Innovative Thinking

Photos from YEAD Consultan Engineering's post 21/03/2023

"The Measure Australia Pty Ltd is collaborating with Young Developer Consulting Engineering to set up and conduct a ground survey of the 400-hectare in Dili using GPS RTK. Young Developer has collected a total of 300 coordinate data points to check the elevation in the survey area."

Photos from YEAD Consultan Engineering's post 21/03/2023

Young Developer halao akordu ho Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ba serbisu Survey topographical durante fulan 1 liu iha Irigasaun Mota Bulotu, Comoro III no Irigasaun Bulobu Maliana, survey refere nia objetivu hodi check fila fali mapamentu ba konstrusaun projetus nebee mak konstrui husi Governu Japaun ba Irigasaun Bulotu-Laleia no Bulobu-Maiana tinan hirak liuba, iha mota Comoro Young Developer survey no analiza kontura rai halai nebe akontese iha tinan 2021 liuba.

Photos from YEAD Consultan Engineering's post 11/02/2023

Marsu to Maio 2022
DURANTE FULAN 3 NIA LARAN YE4D KOPERA HO GEOTECK.LTD (Consultant Indiano) hodi halao survey mapamentu no prosessa data ba projetu hirak nebee mak hetan estragus husi inundasaun dia 4 abril,2021 liu ba.
Mapamentu ba topografia refere hahu husi irigasaun BOLUTU (Laleia-Manatuto), Estrada Ligasaun Dili Aileu (Ponte Comoro-3), Bee mos (Mota-Ulun), Irigasaun Bulobu (Maliana-Bobonaro).

Photos from YEAD Consultan Engineering's post 11/02/2023

Timor Leste hetan inundasaun makas iha dia 4 fulan abril liu ba, husi udan no anin boot Durant loron ida tomak, Estraga populasaun nia uma no sasan I balun lakon sira nia vida, Mota Loes mak mota nebee nia Volume bee makas liu iha Timor leste, aliende nee hetan estragus total ba nia bareira, Bronjon inklui moos Rai halai i ameasadu ba estraga ponte refere…Young Developer hamatuk ho Vox da Vinci Consultant Engineering, L.d.a (joint venture),hetan fiar husi contractor Internasional balun ba estudu fila fali problema nebe akontese liuhusi survey no analiza mota nia volume hodi prosessa no entrega dadus ba Contractor relevant.

Photos from YEAD Consultan Engineering's post 11/02/2023

Fulan Julho 2020, Young Developer Consultant hamutuk ho Vox da Vinci Consulting Engineering, Lda hetan suporta Inter-Continental. Hodi Survey mapamentu ba Projetu Estrada DED (Detail Engineering and Design) Alas to Turiscai 41 Km, ( Obra refere Join venture entre Consultant Wan Husin & ASS. SDN BHD no Inter-Continental Consulting Engineering, Lda.

Photos from YEAD Consultan Engineering's post 11/02/2023

Fulan Junho liu ba tinan 2020, Young Developer Consultant Engineering Suporta Vox da Vinci Consulting Engineering, Lda hodi survey Mapamentu ba projetu DED (Detail Engineering and Design) Ponte 4; Sumako Uma-Tolu, Sana Laisorulai Watulari, Munisipio Viqueque , Samalari Baguia Munisipio Baucau no Comoro 3 Munisipio Dili.
Objetivu ba survey, mak hodi determina linha elevasaun rai ho forma E, N no Z kordenadas husi referensia tuir sistema Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) nian em geral ho akurasaun tuir digital terrain model of the project road corridor ba preparasaun strip plan, Rekonha dadus topografia (Utiliza Total Station no GPS garming) atu bele dezenha ba projetu pontes.


YEAD Young Developer (YEAD) was founded on 12nd November 2020 by Two Civil Engineers. Indeed, YEAD Young Developer (YEAD), which means Every CO Founder are Young's and Civil Engineers has been starting their works or mission since July 2019 until today .

YE4D Young Developer core business offering is Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Services along with Project Management with in the environment. What makes us unique is that we also offer a one-stop service, focusing on “Survey: Design- &Construct Projects” .Clients are offered an all-inclusive package, including the full spectrum of professional and construction services across project life-cycle; initiation, planning, execution/construction and close-out. Professional Services, Consulting Engineering and Project Management, are provided by registered Consulting Engineers and Construction Project Managers respectively. We also have long standing affiliations with as election of Specialist Consultants to support our service delivery, where required.

Create Change through Innovative Thinking

To convert our Client’s dreams into reality through
unequalled Professional Service

To foster long term partnerships with clients in order to form a unique understanding of their requirements.

Project Teams
To adapt services through the use of project-specific teams with Engineers expertise that result in highly competent and proficient services.

Value is created through the integration of capital cost, technical considerations,
risk factors, life-cycle costs, sustainability and other operational issues, which all impact on the long-term outcome of a project.

Photos from Agência Desenvolvimento Nacional, Instituto Público ADN, IP's post 08/09/2021

Young Engineers for Development
