Lessons With Ceili

Lessons With Ceili

Personalized Songwriting Lessons from a Berklee College of Music graduate. Remote Lesson Available! In October of 2021 I released my single, Oh Edison.

✨Wanna get to know me before committing to lessons??✨

My name is Ceili (kay-lee) Spaulding. I've been playing guitar since age 11, piano since 13, and singing since I can remember. As a high schooler, I performed in Choir, Chamber Singers, District and All-Star concerts, Open Mics, Talent Shows, and solo performances all around Maine. I also recorded and produced my first album in my junior year.

Photos from Lessons With Ceili's post 17/02/2023

✨Songwriting Myths✨

We all have something holding us back in one way or another. But what if those restrictions weren't even there in the first place?

Slide through some of the songwriting myths I hear often and how to combat that thinking. As someone who works with creatives at all different levels, I've witnessed this shift in perspective transform the process of writing for so many. Don't let these myths control your innovative outlet!

Need a little more songwriting support? Reach out today for remote songwriting lessons from a Songwriting grad! ✨👩🏻‍🎓 ✨Or, if all you need is another set of 👀 and👂to examine your song, I provide short and sweet songwriting analysis sessions as well! Get the feedback and resources to take your music to the next level.


Still accepting new & past students, start 2023 off right ✨It’s never too late to try something new or dive a little deeper into something you already love!

To all the creatives out there who want to explore potential and reconnect with what brings you joy, DM me 💌 I would love to use my degree to help your art shine ✨👩🏻‍🎓🎓

✨ Weekly / Bi-Weekly Lessons
✨ 30 / 50 Minutes
✨ Remote


🫶🏻🥳2 YEARS🍾🎉


Thank you to all the students who have shared their art with me.

You trusted me with your vunerability and expression, with something deeper. Something you might not have thought you'd need to share in order to get to the creation. You conquered your fears and tried something new, again and again, getting stronger each time. Learning an instrument, a skill, or how to believe in yourself again is nuanced and daunting. It's a journey most don't venture into because it acknwaledges insecurities, it picks at the creative child, it shifts your prespective on life.

But you did it! You took the leap! ✨

I am so proud of each and every one of my students, old and new. Whether you stayed for a season or have been with me every✨single✨week since the beginning in 2021, you inspire me endlessly. You give me peace in my passion, and the ability to persue a career doing what I love most. Thank you. 🙏🏻🥹🥲

I hope to continue walking this path alongside more storytellers and artists for the rest of my life. It is a pleasure to be a part of your voyage. I hope you know how much you impact mine.



🌧️Feel the Rain🌧️

Need help getting those creative juices flowing? Reach out today for songwriting, voice, piano, and guitar lessons! Let a grad like me help get the ball rolling👩🏻‍🎓

Checkout my website in my bio and reviews from past and present students! Contact me for more info 💌


✨You can't edit a blank page✨

No one should be expecting perfection from you, especially not on the first try. That’s the kiss of death for creation 💋💀 The most fulfilling part of writing a song is seeing it grow 🪴

It starts as a seed, a hook, or a concept, maybe even a line or a recorded melody in the language of mumbles. And then it blossoms into its own entity, something you can’t control but can work alongside as a guide or partner toward its full potential.

I think that's why people feel so intensely about their art: you've seen the song at its birth, and let it shine on its own when it's past the point of needing a hand to hold. The song goes out into the world and makes its own connections with your audience.

But it can't get to that point if you don't document it first, water it, pull out the weeds, let it rest then come back to it with a new perspective. Drafts are your friends, let the progress show! And never, NEVER cross out/throw away/ delete your work, it's all progress!

For more songwriting tips, songwriting analysis sessions, or one-on-one lessons 💌DM me or check out my website in the bio! Get instruction and support from a grad 👩🏻‍🎓 and an experienced teacher today!


✨ Let's Listen Back✨

Ever hear the phrase, “ear fatigue”? It's most often used during the production side of things but it can also apply to songwriting.

Sometimes listening to or playing your song over and over again can actually make “hearing” the changes you wanna make more difficult. 🔂🚫🙉

Take a break, share it with friends for a fresh point of view or submit your songs for analysis from a Berklee College Songwriting grad 😉

Whatever route you take, its time to give your song some space 🌜👩‍🚀 ✨

Try working in another art medium to keep the creative juices flowing before jumping back in the saddle! 🤠

For more songwriting tips, songwriting analysis sessions, or one-on-one lessons 💌DM me or check out my website in the bio! Get instruction and support from a grad 👩🏻‍🎓 and an experienced teacher today!


✨Sharpen Those Pencils ✏️✨

I hope you’re all continuing your object writing! I’ve made a post about it in the past but if you’re new here, object writing is when you pick an arbitrary object and focus all your senses on it! 👃👁👂🖐👅

This is a quick 10min daily exercise that helps your audience feel like they’re placed in your song instead of being told what to feel. And the more you do it, the more you experience life presently with your writer walking beside you the whole way. We rely on our sight the most, so opening up our other senses and trying to relate them to other textures really makes you look at the world and your art differently.

For more songwriting tips, songwriting analysis sessions, or one-on-one lessons 💌DM me or check out my website in the bio! Get instruction and support from a grad 👩🏻‍🎓 and an experienced teacher today!

Photos from Lessons With Ceili's post 16/09/2022

✨Hit that Record Button✨

One of the most common comments I hear from new musicians and writers is how intimidating listening back to yourself is. Or how much pressure that little record ⏺ button puts on you to perform perfectly. But don’t think of it as a finished product you have to show your friends. It's a tool, a draft, it's there to capture an idea. Hit the button, and forget about it, let your mind flow.

I can't tell you how many times I see friends or students improvise something and when I say, “That was amazing! Play that one part again!” They say they can’t because they don’t remember it…

How many amazing ideas are lost that way?!

Take a look at the excerpt from ‘s book on the next slide. Highly recommend checking it out if you’re new to writing.

If you need more support in your writing or artistry, start up songwriting, guitar, piano, and/or voice lessons with me! Im a graduate 👩🏻‍🎓 who’s been teaching for a couple years now and would love to work with you!

💌 DM me or take a look at my website in my bio for more info 🤘🏼✨


✨Find the balance in your craft✨

It's not always easy, but it's rewarding when you find it. Your craft should be challenging, yes, but also enjoyable. It should be a haven for you to express yourself.

Speaking from experience, I felt disconnected from my art for a while because I was conforming to what others wanted and lost my voice. Many musicians have felt this way, it ebbs and flows. But what got me out of that funk? Realizing that the pressure I was putting on myself - to have something that people liked - was killing my craft altogether. Let it go. Do it because you love it. Get critique to grow, not to feel disempowered.

In an MSNBC interview, Phoebe Bridgers said something along the lines of, “if I think too much personally about what other people think about my art, the worst thing that can happen is you make something you don’t love that other people like…“

She knows a lot of artists who have songs they despise playing live because it's not them but the fans love it. She never wants to have that relationship with her music. An example of this is, Radiohead stopped playing Creep in concert because it doesn’t represent them or their best work. And though I like Creep, I have to agree that it doesn’t compare to the majority of their other work!

So don't lose your voice, find the balance by starting up weekly/bi-weekly instruction with a songwriting grad ✨👩🏻‍🎓✨ or submit your song for analysis to learn how to put YOU back into your work!

💌 DM for more info, or email [email protected] 🎼🎤🎵

You can also check out my website in my bio for reviews and so much more!


I'm constantly telling my students that songwriting is a practice like any other activity. The more you do it the more intuitive it becomes. Do you have to release everything you make? No. Most musicians don't. But more material - no matter the quality - means an opportunity to edit, and one step closer to a song you can be proud of. Slow progress is still progress, quitting won't make it any faster. And rushing your work might get you a result but at what cost?

Get feedback on your songs from a graduate 👩🏻‍🎓 whether through my lyrical analysis sessions or reoccurring weekly/bi-weekly lessons! check out my website in my bio for more information or leave me a DM 💌



If only there were a button that magically made our songs use these correctly... But where's the fun in that?!

All of these topics can help your songs grab the listener. The more you practice them the more subconscious and instinctual it becomes!

🌊Let's do a deep dive together 🤿

Get weekly/bi-weekly instruction from a songwriting grad ✨👩🏻‍🎓✨ or a one time song analysis!

💌 DM for more info, or email [email protected] 🎼🎤🎵

You can also check out my website in my bio for reviews and so much more!

Photos from Lessons With Ceili's post 11/08/2022

What’s your writing 🚩

Whatever’s holding you up, I’m here to help! Whether you want continuous support through weekly/bi-weekly lessons or just a quick and easy songwriting analysis session, has all the tools and critiques to get your songs where you want them!

Our minds naturally resort back to what is comfortable when creating and breaking out of cycles you may not be aware of isn’t easy on your own. Let a fresh pair of 👀 illuminate the cracks in your writing and give you the resources to exceed your expectations🤗🎵🎶

💌DM me today or email [email protected] for more info ✨

Get instruction from a songwriting grad ✨👩🏻‍🎓✨

And don’t forget to peruse the new Lessons With Ceili website in my bio!




When I first started taking guitar and piano lessons as a kid, my Dad MADE me practice for at least 30 min every day. Needless to say, I wasn’t his biggest fan during those times but I could not be more appreciative that he kept me motivated. I look back on those memories fondly and definitely saw the fruit of my labor.

It doesn’t matter if you’re learning guitar, piano, voice, or songwriting, any skill takes practice and determination. You get what you put into it. What are you putting into it? 🧐


I’ve had some slots open up for new students. Beat the fall rush and start your Songwriting, Voice, Piano, and/or Guitar journey today!

I provide one-on-on and group lessons, both weekly and bi-weekly to all ages! Im passionate about your passion so allow me to help provide tools, motivate, critique, and support!

Lessons from a songwriting grad 👩🏻‍🎓

Check out www.lessonswithceili.com for more information about pricing and scheduling in my bio.



It’s been a long time coming but the website has officially launched! 🚀

If you’re looking for answers to common questions, reviews, or just wanna know more about me, it can all be found at www.lessonswithceili.com 🥳

🎸🎹🎤📝Start guitar, piano, voice, songwriting, and/or production lessons today with a grad 👩🏻‍🎓

Link in Bio 🔗

Photos from Lessons With Ceili's post 19/05/2022


The best part about my job is knowing I’m actually making a difference in my students’ lives.

Feedback is extremely important to me because I’m constantly trying to provide the best for them and growth means listening, adapting, and exploring new possibilities with excitement! 🌱

Thank you to each and every one of my students for trusting me on your learning journey. 🥺🥰

If you or someone you know is interested in songwriting, guitar, piano, voice, or production lessons from a grad 👩🏻‍🎓 DM me or leave an email at [email protected]. You can find more information on my new website in my bio!


What unrealistic standards or expectations are you putting on yourself and your creative process?

Moments to recharge are essential to produce your best work and remind yourself why you’re creating in the first place. We are humans, not robots, accessing vulnerable places within us can be exhausting. Take some time to reflect, step away from a song that’s been giving you trouble or comparison that isn’t serving you and your craft.

Why do you do to refresh?? Leave a comment 👇🏼

Photos from Lessons With Ceili's post 14/02/2022

💕Happy Valentines Day💕

I've shared some of my favorite love-related songs in the next slide. Let me know in the comments below what your favorites are this season!

Photos from Lessons With Ceili's post 13/02/2022

✨How does music affect your day?✨

When I was a freshman in college I made an “it’s gonna be a good day” playlist to listen to for when I wasn’t feeling so hot. It’s wild how much it impacted my day. I guess I know why now!

Do you listen to music that matches your mood? Comment below ✨🤗✨


If you’re struggling to write your own music, spend some time listening and analyzing others' work, whether it be a fellow musician friend or your favorite artist. Learning to communicate what you hear, why it works, what you would do differently is not only a great tool to strengthen your own writing but it will also help you co-write or give feedback in a constructive and thoughtful manner.

If you or someone you know is looking to enhance your songwriting or get feedback from a Berklee College of Music grad 👩🏻‍🎓 then look no further! I offer virtual analysis sessions, songwriting lessons, and beginner guitar lessons for all ages from the comfort of your home.

💌If you are interested in learning more details please DM me or send an email to [email protected] ✨🤗✨


Start the new year right by trying something new or feeding your creative side with remote songwriting lessons!

Each lesson is personalized for you and your goals. Wanna be more in tune with your senses and more present in day-to-day life? Want to learn tools that will help you communicate your emotions? Or maybe you're a musician or lyricist looking to take your work to the next level by getting honest feedback and exercises from a Berklee College of Music Songwriting graduate.

Whatever your goals are, I work with all skill levels, ages, and both domestic and international students to enhance their artistry at their own pace. Some of my students are from the US, Canada, Mexico, and the UK.

DM me today or leave an email at [email protected] to learn more about songwriting lessons and other services such as lyrical analysis sessions and guitar lessons.


🎄What Makes A Great Holiday Song?🎅🏻

There are many different types of holiday songs, longing by the fireside for your loved one to make it home before Christmas, simple singalongs in a major key and upbeat tempo, and everything in between. 🎄Holidays are unique to everyone so look to your own traditions for inspiration!

🎺🤗Make it Jazzy: many Christmas songs use 7th, 9ths, diminished, and augmented chords to deepen their emotion and add a luscious, teary-eyed sentiment to their songs. Take Mariah Carey's, All I Want for Christmas is You, for example. It pulls from American Holiday Standards such as Irving Berlin's, White Christmas, and Phil Spector's, Christmas - Baby Please Come Home.

Oh and sleigh bells, bells, add lots and lots of sleigh bells 🔔🔔🔔

A study conducted by Berklee College of Music stated that 95% of popular holiday songs are written in a major key. But if you're like me, some of your favorites are a bit more somber. Holidays can be extremely hard for some people so write a song that acknowledges that struggle and let them know they're not alone. Write a song for your chosen family or about the spirit of "giving" in a non-commercial way.

Whatever you choose to write about this holiday season, I hope you are surrounded by loved ones and staying safe and healthy. Don't take the little gifts we receive every day for granted. 🎁💝


🎶🎶Let’s Talk Melody 🎶🎶

Melodies come easy to some and can be like pulling teeth for others. But what makes a catchy melody? Repetition? Range? Step-wise motion? Whatever the answer is here are some things to keep in mind if you want to experiment with your melody writing ✍️ 🎼

•Use prosody by reserving the tonic (do) for when you feel resolved in your lyrics. And use non-diatonic notes or leading tones to create tension in your music where there may already be tension in your lyrics!

•Write to a scale ⚖️🎹 try out different modes or scales and challenge yourself by sticking to them. See what kind of mood it creates.

• Follow the chord progression you already have and sing freely over it to see what comes naturally to you. Then make sure different sections have contrasting melodies.

What do you do to create memorable melodies? Leave a comment below 👇🏼🤘🏼 and if you want more details, quick feedback, or more information on how to sign up for one-on-one remote songwriting lessons with me send an email to [email protected] 💌


You don’t always have to have a game plan when you write a new song. But knowing how the game is played and then breaking the rules to create your own game is part of the fun!

Learn songwriting tools and get feedback from a grad ✨👩🏻‍🎓✨ Take your writing to the next level! Each lesson follows a lessons plan that is easily personalized for you and your unique style as we determine and enhance your voice as a writer.

All classes are remote, which allows me to teach students both internationally and domestically. From Maine to Mexico and Canada to Britain, I’m proud of every one of my students and the work they’ve accomplished thus far!

💌DM for more information or leave an email at [email protected] to hear more about Songwriting Lessons, Beginner Guitar Lessons, Song-Analysis Feedback, and much more!


🎃✨Hey pumpkins! ✨🎃

It’s finally HERE!!! Happy Halloween to all my spooky writers! 👻🕷🦇

😈 Something wicked this way comes….a haunted object writing exercise for you and your ghoul friends💀 Submit yours to [email protected] if you want a chance to have yours shared!

Trust me, it’s not too gourd to be true! 😅Ok, ok, I’m done! Be safe and have fun kids 🥰


✨Are you ready to learn a new instrument, start your songwriting journey, or receive quick, detailed feedback on your songs?✨

Designed for the busy aspiring musician and personalized for your individual artistry, Lessons With Ceili provides fun, inspiring, and valuable insight! The hardest part of trying something new is staying consistant and committing to a routine. I'm here to hold you accountable, push you when you need a shove, and give you all the tips and tricks I can to enhance your music! 🤘🏼

I offer weekly & bi-weekly lessons for 30 min or 50 min. All ages are welcome 💕

Open your mind through music and storytelling!

💌DM me or email [email protected] for more information. Get lessons or feedback from a grad 👩🏻‍🎓 today!


To become a better writer, you write every day even if it’s only 10 minutes, you read a lot, you find works that inspire you.

Crafting your sound or unique perspective as a musician can be made 💯 times easier if you immerse yourself into many different genres, attend shows with unknown openers, keep your ears alert to the most unexpected sounds.

It’s easy to skip through, especially with streaming and short attention spans. People often decide if they like a song within a few seconds. What are you doing in your songs that make people wanna stick around?

Everyone has idols or influences that peek out in their own creations. Do some research into your favorite artists to see who they like and how their music pays homage. Who knows, maybe you’ll find some deeper meaning behind their songs or another band/artist to get inspired by!

Have you ever been shocked by your favorite artist's influences? Leave a comment below!

💌For more information regarding remote songwriting lessons, beginner guitar lessons, or one-time quick and easy lyrical analysis sessions DM me or leave an email at [email protected]. How can this grad help you? 👩🏻‍🎓✨


🧐✨Where to Next?✨🤔

First, we have to determine what's already been said. Each line you present should reveal new information to your audience. Don't waste any lines explaining something you've already stated before. Try not to make your listeners work to like your song. Highlight each special moment to make it easy on them. 📌

Where have you already gone in your song? Do you have an end destination in mind? 📍Build development boxes that summarize each section of your song to see if important details are missing. We're not inside your head, so assuming anything makes your listener's job harder.

One more quick tip: getting too attached to the current order of your song sections may prevent you from letting the song speak for itself. Mix up the order of your verses, write out the timeline you currently have and see what comes up. It may end up in the same order you had it previously, but at least now you know all your options.  

💌For more information on remote songwriting lessons, lyrical analysis submissions, or beginner guitar lessons, please DM me or send an email to [email protected]. How can this songwriting grad help you? ✨👩🏻‍🎓✨

Photos from Lessons With Ceili's post 13/10/2021

✨How to Get Over Writers Block✨

I make some pretty big statements in these slides. But the main takeaway should be: you have WAY more control over your writing than you think!

If you’re experiencing “writers' block” don’t give up!! If you stop writing then it’s about effort, not restriction. Don’t let your block turn into a vacation from writing. Because the longer you stay away, the harder it is to get back on the saddle 🏇🏼

Now, if the QUALITY of your songs is the main cause of your defeat, there are so many exercises and tools to spark some new ideas. My lessons are designed to give you pressure-free support and feedback that makes you appreciate your progress and helps craft your individual voice as a writer!

💌For more information about lessons in songwriting and beginner guitar or lyrical analysis sessions DM me or send an email to [email protected] 📨

Get remote lessons or quick feedback on your songs from a graduate 👩🏻‍🎓🌻

Videos (show all)

✨NEW WEBSITE✨ It’s been a long time coming but the #lessonswithceili website has officially launched! 🚀 If you’re lookin...
Start the new year right by trying something new or feeding your creative side with remote songwriting lessons! Each les...
You don’t always have to have a game plan when you write a new song. But knowing how the game is played and then breakin...
✨Lyrical analysis is one of the most undervalued tools to a songwriter✨There’s a stage ➡️in between⬅️ writing your song ...
🍁Fall is just around the corner, and remote lessons are filling up fast! There’s no better time to get quick and easy ly...