Serenity Wellness Ottawa

Serenity Wellness Ottawa

Sound Healing Group Meditations and Individual Sessions, Tuning Fork Sound Balancing and Reiki


I am grateful to the students in my Chair Yoga class that go out of their way to welcome newcomers to the class and make them feel accepted 💞


Here’s a great offer. $15 for 15 days for new students. This is a beautiful place with a wide variety of classes including my Chair Yoga classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

YES!! We are extending our 15 days for 15 dollars special because we KNOW the beginning of September is always nuts!

Hopefully, you are finding your fall rhythm - it's now time to take care of YOU!

For September and October, if you are new to Willow - find your way here with this special offer!

We have a beautifully curated menu of options for you to move and nurture your body and mind. But, we know that we can get in our own way sometimes.

Do you say to yourself:
I'm not flexible...
I'm too overweight...
I'm too old...
I'm too (insert your current negative thought)

What if you told yourself:
I can start where I am at
I can use a chair
I can be grateful for what my body can do
I have been through hard things - I will give myself a break
I am enough

We invite you to give yourself permission to come as you are. We are all about mental health, movement and community and we KNOW that you DESERVE this time.

Reach out. We are happy to tour you around and get you started!

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes - including you" ~Anne Lamott


Good reminder to be conscious of the words we choose.


A great reason for keeping a Gratitude Journal.

Shift your focus, my lovelies.
Let today be the day you choose to seek out the good, rather than focus on the bad. 💖


We’re meant to be human beings, not humans doing, yet we’re constantly just trying to get things done, to accumulate more possessions, to achieve power and success.

But we can reframe our perspective of what matters and focus more on simply being—on sitting, listening, noticing—to improve our happiness and satisfaction in life.

A few things that help me be more present are spending time with friends and family, journaling, meditating, and going for a walk.


Looks like kitchen renos will be completed tomorrow so I am planning a backyard Sound Bath next Wednesday August 30 for the Full Moon. If weather is not conducive I'll move it indoors.


So many different classes to choose from including the Chair Yoga classes I teach on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

New to Willow??
Get signed up with our August special for 15 Days for 15 Dollars!

With yoga, strength, dance, meditation and breath classes - we have a carefully curated "menu" get you bring you into stretch, flex, lean in to your "edges"

We strive for inclusivity so if you haven't moved in a long time (or ever!!) - we've got your back!

Please make the first step by calling, messaging or DMing us.

[email protected] / 613-362-6218

Timeline photos 21/07/2023

Learn the latest advances in Neuroscience and Behavioral Psychology by joining our weekly newsletter.

Timeline photos 11/05/2023

"Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy." ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

Sound Healing Reduces Generalized Anxiety During the Pandemic: A Feasibility Study 21/04/2023

Peer reviewed published paper that shows that Sound Healing can be effective to treat anxiety at a distance.

Sound Healing Reduces Generalized Anxiety During the Pandemic: A Feasibility Study This study examined the feasibility and effectiveness of a virtually-delivered, biofield-based sound healing treatment to reduce anxiety for individua…


Words of wisdom from a 4 year old.

FREE: Mental Health & Well-Being Global Summit 27/03/2023

Free Mental Health & Well Being Summit by nenowned teachers.

FREE: Mental Health & Well-Being Global Summit Free & Online April 11-17, 2023. Begin the journey to better mental health & well-being today. Featuring an extraordinary lineup of 60+ speakers including Deepak Chopra, Gabor Maté, Andrew Weil, Michael Singer, Tara Brach, Jewel, don Miguel Ruiz, Wim Hof, Thema S. Bryant PhD, Sharon Salzberg and ma...


May I feel all I need to feel in order to heal.
May I heal all I need to heal in order to feel.
~ Marguerite Rigoglioso


I love these!
