Michael Stranks - Ontario Metis Info

Michael Stranks - Ontario Metis Info

Campaign page for Michael Stranks for the Secretary-Treasurer of the PCMNO in 2020


**Upper Great Lakes Metis Land Claim**

My dad, Jim Stranks, has been working on this for a few years now, and it is ready for publishing.

He is asking metis who are living in the Upper Great Lakes basin or whose familes lived in the Upper Great Lakes basin to adhere to the land claim to help preserve the land for metis for future generations.

This is not a political movement or group, it is simply a land claim that is being developed as an extra tool to help preserve our people, culture, and way of life.

If you are metis and live in the claim area, or if your metis ancestors lived in the claim area, you can adhere to the claim.


Please share this with other metis who would be interested so we can build momentum in this.

THE UPPER GREAT LAKES METIS | Hi and welcome to the Upper Great Lakes Metis site Hello, I’m Jim. If you are here then you must be interested, as I am, in protecting the Upper Great Lakes and their drainage basin as a homeland for the Metis People! I am a Senator with the Great Lakes Metis Council in Owen Sound. About four year...


Thank you to everyone for your support in this election. Unfortunately, we were not successful. I wish the best to all the Metis in Ontario. I continue to hope that strides will be made to increase accountability and transparency in the MNO, as was my platform. We need it.

For everyone who ever reached out to me during this campaign, thank you for your support and your questions and concerns. If there is anything I can do for any of you, please let me know.

All the best to you all.

(I will be removing this page in the days to come, thank you again to you all.)

Photos from Michael Stranks - Ontario Metis Info's post 14/05/2020

Proud to be part of a long tradition.

(RMC 2016)

TIKTOK COMPILATION • Learning french tonton tond thon, your uncle mows your tuna... 02/05/2020

When your wife is Quebecoise and you are learning French, but then you run into things like this:


TIKTOK COMPILATION • Learning french tonton tond thon, your uncle mows your tuna... ton tonton tond thon ver vert vers verre sang cent sans sent et d’autres nombreux calembours pourris


I think we can all agree that the Metis youth are critical to the survival of the MNO.


Been using this mug for a few years. I got it at the Vimy Ridge memorial in April 2017 with the MNO. Means a bit more to me today.

1st victim in Canadian NATO helicopter crash identified 30/04/2020

I'm at a loss for words right now. Abbigail was a good friend to me when I was at RMC in ALOY in 2015-2016. So many good memories of sailing, pipe band, and the church group we went to.

You will be missed.


1st victim in Canadian NATO helicopter crash identified The first victim of a Canadian military helicopter crash off the coast of Greece has been identified.

Canadian Armed Forces confirms contact lost with Cyclone helicopter near Greece | CBC News 30/04/2020

Sometimes I don’t really feel like it, since I was in for only 3 years, and most of that in the Reserves as an Infantry Officer Cadet. I know I’m technically a veteran, but there are so many other people who have given so much more in service to their Country and their people.

I have been thinking this evening about the crew of the missing CH-148 in the Ionian Sea. Nothing in my service ever came close to that. My thoughts and prayers go out to them this evening and the crew of HMCS Fredericton as they continue the search.

Really, the most important thing that did stick out to me was being on the inside of the tightest-knit and strongest group in Canada. I got to meet so many other members of the CF who have laid it all on the line in service and sacrifice. I got to see what they actually went through. I got to see the discipline, the selflessness, and the strength-- first hand.

I don’t advertise it often that I served, since I only gave a little, but I just want to say how proud I am of those that serve and have served, who lay their life on the line every day. I want to reaffirm for people who haven’t seen the inside of the CF just how much devotion they put in. It’s not just being willing to die, it’s the way they LIVE every day. We have been given so much by our Veterans and currently-serving members.

Let’s hope today we don’t have a new stark reminder about the cost of service.

Find them and bring them back safe to their families and fellow-soldiers.

And remember our veterans and how much they have given. They deserve our support!


Canadian Armed Forces confirms contact lost with Cyclone helicopter near Greece | CBC News A Canadian military helicopter serving with a NATO naval task force has reportedly crashed while participating in a mission in international waters off Greece. A tweet from the Canadian Armed Forces operations confirms the incident involved one of their CH-148 Cyclones.
