Mark Sarvas

Mark Sarvas

Author of the novels MEMENTO PARK (FSG 2018) and HARRY, REVISED (Bloomsbury)

His Blessed Keys 13/11/2022

My first Substack is up now, a bit of a deviation from the norm. A personal essay about my father and one of his odder obsessions. I hope you'll check it out.

His Blessed Keys Discussed: Fathers, Hotel Keys, Obsessions, Thefts, Arthur Hailey, Grindelwald, et alia

Après Musk, le deluge 31/10/2022

Come follow my next, post-Twitter chapter!

Après Musk, le deluge Thinking about next steps in the post-Twitter age

Virtual Guild Hall Artist-in-Residence Showcase: Mark Sarvas 03/03/2021

Friends! As part of my residency, I'm doing an event on March 11 via . We'll talk about Memento Park a bit, but also about the project I'm developing in this residency (gulp). Please pop in and say hi!

Virtual Guild Hall Artist-in-Residence Showcase: Mark Sarvas Welcome to the 2021 Guild House Artist-in-Residence Mark Sarvas Join us for a discussion on\f his 2019 American Book Award winning novel, Memento Park.

Brentwood - Wednesday, February 26th at 6:30 pm - Publication Party! April Dávila in conversation with Mark Sarvas discusses and signs "142 Ostriches" | DIESEL, A Bookstore 19/02/2020

Breaking my Facebook hiatus to invite you all to a special event next Wednesday night at Diesel Bookstore in Brentwood. My former student April Davila's debut novel, 142 OSTRICHES is being released, and these are the best kind of events, a celebration of hard work and commitment. If you've ever taken a class through the UCLA Extension Writers Program, come out and be inspired and see the possibilities. I'm thrilled for April and can't wait to discuss her novel!

Brentwood - Wednesday, February 26th at 6:30 pm - Publication Party! April Dávila in conversation with Mark Sarvas discusses and signs "142 Ostriches" | DIESEL, A Bookstore

News & Holiday Editing Specials 16/11/2019

I've just announced three discounted editing packages if you'd like to work with me on your novel. If you're interested, please check the link or drop me a line. My clients have gotten agents, book deals, into grad school.

News & Holiday Editing Specials Hello again my friends, Here we are again, it's that time of year. It's been a remarkable 2019 around here, as you know if you're on social media. In addition to becoming a Sami Rohr Literature Fellow and winning the AJL Fiction Award, I topped it off with an American Book Award earlier this month.....


Tomorrow night in Beverly Hills! Free and open to the public.

Jewish Book Festival | Jewish Federation of Greater Naples 04/03/2019

Delighted to be headed to Florida to participate in the Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival! What a great line-up - please come and say hi if you're around!

Jewish Book Festival | Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Most of the Festival’s books are available at the Barnes & Noble store at the Waterside Shops. Books will also be available for purchase and signing at each author’s event.

Writers Studio | Writers' Program at UCLA Extension 04/01/2019

There are still a few open seats left at the UCLA Writers Studio in February! Come and work on your first novel with me for four focused days ...

Writers Studio | Writers' Program at UCLA Extension Writers Studio Jon Bernstein listens to a story pitch at the 2018 Writers Studio. Enroll soon for the 2019 Writers Studio, held February 7-10, 2019. Here’s what some former Writers Studio participants have to say about their experience. “This was my first writing class since undergrad 20 years a...

2018 Holiday Editing Specials! (10% to fire relief) 13/11/2018

If you'd like me to work with you on your novel-in-progress, you'll want to check out my holiday specials - with 10% going to California Fire Victims relief.

2018 Holiday Editing Specials! (10% to fire relief) Hello my friends! I know it has been a tumultuous year with many ups and downs for us all. In face of all that, I hope your writing has been going well since we last met. I've been thinking about this wonderful quote from my hero, John Berger: "I can't tell you what art does and how it does it, but....

"Pain is the protest of the body" 04/10/2018

Hello friends, I have a new Tiny Letter out ...

"Pain is the protest of the body" In 1980, when I was 15, my mother took me to the Picasso retrospective at MoMA . For the first time in the museum’s history, every gallery was given o...


New tour dates announced! Please watch this space for additional details as I have them.

Conversations in Sculpture – Arts at AJU 19/07/2018

I'm thrilled to be part of this fantastic series at the American Jewish University this Sunday morning. Please come out and spend a little time in their lovely sculpture garden.

Conversations in Sculpture – Arts at AJU

Jewish Book Council on Twitter 21/06/2018

Jewish Book Council on Twitter “Our JBC Summer Read is Memento Park by ⚡ This engaging, psychological novel centers around an LA actor who finds out that a valuable painting, looted during WWII, might belong to his family. Woven throughout this compelling and fas…”

Mark Sarvas' new 'Memento Park,' about looted art, was 'the book I was waiting to write' 21/04/2018

Mark Sarvas' new 'Memento Park,' about looted art, was 'the book I was waiting to write' L.A. writer Mark Sarvas' sophomore novel "Memento Park" is a tale of trying to repair a father-son rift, and tracing a treasure lost in Hungary during World War II. Sarvas will appear at the Los Angeles Festival of Books on April 21 on the panel "The Meaning of Family."

Literary Tea with Mark Sarvas 18/03/2018

A full house of 50 readers traded in green beer today for champagne and delectable treats for our quarterly literary tea, this time with the delightful and talented Mark Sarvas


For a current list of my upcoming events, please visit

Welcome Mark Sarvas is author of the books Memento Park and Harry, Revised. He is a book critic and teacher, and created the literary blog The Elegant Variation.