The CovenantServant of God

The CovenantServant of God

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Into your Saturday I declare, OPEN DOORS!
Go forth and take over!
Your lives are richly blessed!
Your loved ones are blessed!
You have great intelligence!
Your finances are blessed!
You have the spirit of wisdom!
You are favored!
Divine opportunities and opened doors locate you this season in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
The remainder of your month is blessed in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
I release a blessing over your financial destiny in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ!



Into your Friday I declare, FINANCIAL EXPLOSION!
Atmospheres bow for your sake!
Financial atmospheres bow for your sake!
Takeover financial territories in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
Takeover those thrones from the unbelievers!
Go into the marketplace and succeed!
I release contracts your way!
I release those signatures that you need in the Name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
Offices and authorities are opened unto you!
Documents are released in Jesus’ Mighty Name!



Into your Thursday I declare, ABUNDANT WEALTH!
The spirit of wealth will brood with you!
It will give you ideas and insight and open your eyes to understand the marketplace and take it beyond what it is!
You shall be trendsetters in the society in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
You shall amaze the people of the earth!
You shall financially amaze the people of the earth!
That which is to come from you shall leave the whole world flabbergasted!
Keep growing until you become a financial wonder!
Your hands are empowered to make wealth!
I bless your life with unusual wisdom, with confidence!
With tenacity and with power to make wealth in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
Your mouths are filled with financial wisdom!
All that you need to make wealth is released your way in Jesus' Mighty name!



Into your Wednesday I declare, WEALTH FROM HEAVEN!
You shall be an open passageway for the wealth of heaven to pass on the earth!
You shall be hand-picked for the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, intellect, and might!
Divine revelation of wealth rest upon you this season in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Your life is favored!
Your family is favored!
Your health is protected in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!



Into your Tuesday I declare, DIVINE ALIGNMENT!
You shall be led by the Holy Ghost!
It shall be from the right decision to the next right decision!
In this week, your ears will be open to hear the voice of Yeshua and your heart tuned to follow His ways!
You shall not stray from His paths!
It shall be a week of consecration!
A week of divine alignment!
A week of order!
A week of blessing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!



Into your Monday I declare, SURPLUS!
Your week is blessed in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Favor rest upon your life in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
The surplus of heaven is released to your households!
Testimonies shall fill your mouths!
It shall fill the mouths of your children!
It shall fill the mouth of your loved ones in Jesus’ Mighty name!
You are moving forward ever and backward never!
Progress always in Jesus’ name!
I bless your lives!
I bless your status quo! You are not going back!
It shall only be from improvement to improvement!
You are breaking to the next level in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!



Your lives are blessed!
Your finances are blessed!
Favour rest upon your life!
Rest upon your finances!
Rest upon your families!
Rest upon your financial month!
This season brings blessings in great amounts!
A tantamount proportion!
It's going to be a springing forth!
It's like a well springing!
Surprises are coming your way this season!
Great financial surprises in Jesus' Mighty name!



Into your Friday I declare, DIVINE PROTECTION!
The plans of the enemy concerning your life shall never come to pass!
Supernatural protection is all around you!
Wherever you are worldwide, supernatural protection from Yeshua is all around your life!
No devil, no force shall be able to infiltrate your destiny!
I bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Whatsoever you touch is prosperous in the name of our Lord!
Death shall not see you!
Your superior shall look at you and see unusual excellence!
Unusual diligence, unusual commitment! And wealth shall be entrusted in your hands in Jesus' Mighty name!



Into your Thursday I declare, EAGLE'S SIGHT!
The eye of the eagle is given unto you!
Eagle site is your portion; to look into the marketplace, look at the niches, and see the places that are opened and kept waiting for you by the angels!
There are things in society waiting specifically for you!
It's a niche created in the realms for you to come in and solve that problem, solve that challenge the economy has!
Bring the solution and open up the realm of wealth for yourself!
As you go into the marketplace, the Eagle site is your portion!
Confidence is your portion; walk into places and take over!
Strength for diligence and commitment rest upon your life in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Be the best in your workplace!
Be the best in your projects!
Be the best in all that you do!



Into your Wednesday i declare, DIVINE HEALTH!
Your finances are blessed!
Open doors locate you!
Blessings locate you!
Blessings locate your life!
Locate your families!
Locate your loved ones!
Divine preservation is your portion!
That which you have already is preserved! Divine wisdom to move it into its next level to multiply rest upon your life!
I bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
The wisdom to multiply your wealth and to multiply finances, rest heavily upon your life in Jesus' Mighty name!



Into your Tuesday, I declare, DIVINE HEALTH!
Life is your inheritance!
Life is your portion!
Life is yours in Jesus' Mighty name!
Your bodies are in health!
Your families are in health!
Your businesses are in health!
Your destiny is in health!
You are moving forward ever, backward never!
This week is a prosperous week!
A victorious week!
A blessed week! A fulfilling week in every area of your life!
The dealings of Yeshua shall spew forth in this week and you shall be comforted!
Your lives are blessed!
Your week is blessed in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!



Into your Monday I declare, DIVINE ENCOUNTERS!
Your week is blessed in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Favour is always on your side!
Things are working for your favour!
Angels are dispatched to do your bidding in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
They are on full speed, concerning your destiny!
Things are aligned in perfection for your sake!
As you walk into this week, you walk in strategically!
You walk into a set up of your miracles!
You walk into divine encounters with your destiny helpers!
You are positioned in the right place at the right time to meet the right ones for you!
This week is victorious in Jesus’ Mighty name!



Into your Saturday I declare, BLESSINGS!
Everything you lay your hands to do shall prosper!
Yes, it shall prosper in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
There is gold beneath your feet!
August shall favor your destinies!
Favor your families!
Favor, your loved ones!
Favor your destinies!
Every week in August is blessed!
Death is canceled!
Life is released!
Your hands are blessed!
Your feet are blessed!
Where you walk, you take over In Jesus' Mighty name!
I bless your financial month of August in the Mighty name of Yeshua!



Into your Friday I declare, REJOICING!
In the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ, you shall rise and become a voice in your families!
In Jesus' Mighty name, you shall surpass the expectations of your bloodline!
I bless you above limitations!
I bless you above curses!
The curse that has no foundation cannot alight on you!
You're taking over your financial family thrones in Jesus' Mighty name!
Poverty shall be eradicated from your households, from your bloodline, from your ancestry, from your dynasty, from your legacy!
Rejoicing shall forever be your portion!
It shall be forward ever, backward never for you in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!



Into your Thursday I declare, ABUNDANT FAVOUR!
For your sake and for your financial sake, you are preserved even on the roads!
As you go out daily, no accident will touch you!
I bless your children!
I bless your loved ones!
I use you as a point of contact and release the blessing to your families in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
When others say there is a casting down, you will be saying there is a lifting up!
Your lives are blessed!
Your financial futures are blessed In Jesus' Mighty name!
Favor rest upon you!
Rest upon your families!
Rest upon your households in Jesus' Mighty name!



Into your Wednesday I declare, FORTUNES!
When you speak, people listen!
Whatsoever you declare, write your vision, make it plain, they that hear it, they that see it, shall run with it!
The kings attached to your life shall locate you!
They shall be present at the right time to hear your visions in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
I bless your projects, they shall come to full completion!
I bless those ideas, they shall move with super speed!
I bless the works of your hands, they shall bring forth gold!
Bring forth bounty!
Bring forth fortunes out of the economy in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
Your going out is blessed!
Your coming in is blessed!
In the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!



Into your Tuesday I declare, TAKE CHARGE!
Take charge of our destinies and take hold of your August!
This week shall favor you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
You are protected!
Preserved and blessed!
Fortified against the enemy, fortified in this end times, in the Mighty name of Yeshua!
I bless you with the blessing of overdose, bulldozing, taking territory, taking over, and taking charge in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
Unusual confidence!
The spirit of might rest heavily upon your shoulders to walk into places with that atmosphere and conquer!
As you walk into offices, you take over the atmosphere, and they shall honor your presence in Jesus' Mighty Name!



Into your Monday I declare, POWER!
Your week is blessed in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Favour is your portion in this month of August!
Life is yours!
Death shall not see you!
It shall not see your families!
It shall not come nigh thy households!
Blessings are yours in Jesus’ Mighty name!
All voices of strange enemies are shutdown this day in Jesus’ Mighty name!
You are taking over your thrones in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
Nothing shall rule over your destiny, except you!
You are sitting on that throne!
What you say comes to pass!
What you speak over your life is power!
No force shall be able to counter it in Jesus’ Mighty name!



Into your Saturday I declare, you are TRAILBLAZER!
Divine ideas to your brain cells are unlocked!
Reason at a higher level, in a higher capacity than the sons of this earth in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
You shall bring forth innovations, trends, styles, events, creations!
Things the world has never thought of shall flow through you!
Shall flow through the sons of God as a solution to the economy in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Heavenly downloads rest upon you in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Your lives are blessed!
Your finances are blessed in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Go forth! Make waves!
Go forth! Be a trend setter!
Be a trailblazer!
Do something new in Jesus’ Name!



Into your Friday I declare, CONQUER!
Your spiritual financial eyes be opened to the happenings of this end time, to know what is to come so that you might map out your footsteps according to the perfect will of God!
I bless your finances!
I bless your lives!
Be aligned in His perfect will and you shall be preserved!
I open doors to you in the season, in Jesus' Mighty name!
As you go into the marketplace, as you go into the economy, take over!
Engage in the economy’s dealings and bring the wealth back into the kingdom!
The spirit of tenacity, strength, power, boldness, and confidence to represent Yeshua financially, rest upon you!
Prosper in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!



Into your Thursday I declare, FAVOUR!
I bless your lives in Jesus’ Precious name!
Be blessed all the time in every season, in your going out and your coming in!
Be blessed in all that you do!
Be blessed wherever you are!
Whatsoever ground you step upon is blessed for your sake in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Atmospheres in your workplaces shall favor you!
It's turning around for your favor!
It's turning around for your good in Jesus’ Mighty name!
I release the blessings of the Almighty for your life in Jesus’ Precious name!
Your finances are blessed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Divine wisdom to map out, to strategize in your financial lives for these end times rest upon you in Jesus' Precious name!



Into your Wednesday I declare, GREAT POWER!
Your families are preserved in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Your Finances are preserved in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
It shall not be swallowed up!
It shall not be eaten up by this end-time atmosphere!
All foul devils released in this season to frustrate the people of the earth shall not come nigh thy dwelling place!
Your families are blessed for your sake!
You're moving at great speed!
Great speed with great power to conquer and take over!
No force working against your life shall continue!
I end its reign in Jesus’ Mighty name!



Into your Tuesday I declare, FAVOUR!
Your week is blessed!
Your lives are blessed in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Favor rest upon you heavily in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Your lives are untouchable!
Your families are untouchable in Jesus’ Mighty name!
I declare you blessed in season and out of season!
You are moving forward ever and backward never in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
Let these coming months favor you!
Favor your life!
Favor your household!
Favor your families in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Your financial destiny shall come to full manifestation and nothing shall be able to stop it!



Into your Monday I declare, PRESERVATION!
Your week is blessed in Jesus’ Mighty name!
This week is blessed for your sake!
It is favoured for your sake!
It is assigned to your preservation in the name of Jesus the Christ!
I assign this week to commit itself to preserving you and your loved ones, your family members, those that are attached to your destinies, the kings attached to your lives in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Be blessed in season and out of season in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!



Into your Saturday I declare, A DIVINE RISING!
The eyes of your kings are open to you in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Your financial lives are blessed!
As you go forth, people shall see your light!
You shall so shine!
Get ready for higher positions!
Promotion in your workplace!
Promotion in your businesses!
They will continue with the contracts, even before it rounds up, they will say, “we want to extend it”!
The spirit of excellence rest upon your life!
Indispensability rest upon your life in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
Your lives are blessed!
Your finances are blessed In Jesus’ Mighty name!



Into your Friday I declare, FINANCIAL VICTORIES!
Yeshua is directing blessings your way!
Angels are dispatched into your life, into your month to begin to make way for you in Jesus' Mighty name!
I bless your endeavours in Jesus’ Mighty name!
I speak an overdose of testimonies!
An overdose of rejoicing, of celebration, of victories into your households in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
Financial victories in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
As you go into the marketplace, you shall thrive in Jesus’ Precious name!
What you lay your hands to do shall be prosperous!
In the name of Yeshua, what you lay your hands to do shall be prosperous!
There shall be a turning around!
There shall be divine opportunities!
Divine open doors!
That which you need, that opening you need for that which you have been called to do on this earth is opened to you in Jesus' Mighty name!



Into your Thursday I declare, FINANCIAL WISDOM!
In Jesus' Mighty name, wisdom for financial exploits rest upon your life!
Even in the things people say that do not prosper, you can make it prosper!
May wisdom to operate the economy of this earth rest upon your life!
Your eyes are open to the secrets of the economy!
There are secrets to this economy and there is a way to run it, these secrets are released upon your life!
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, you shall lambano wealth in this season in Jesus' Mighty name!
Favor rest upon you heavily!
Bring forth gold and silver out of your life!
Be prosperous!
Be fruitful!
Be productive!
Be successful! The Lord bless you richly!
This is empowerment to go and be, in Jesus’ Mighty name!



Into your Wednesday I declare, KINGDOM WEALTH!
Open doors locate you!
Favor rest heavily upon your life!
The mantle of wealth rest heavily upon you in Jesus’ Mighty name!
The mandate of prosperity is opened over your life!
Kingdom wealth rest upon you heavily in Jesus’ name!
Ideas will begin to flow in your mind like never before!
The simple things that you need to tweak in your company, things that you need to change that will alter the whole atmosphere of your career, rest upon your life!
Things that you were not aware of that turned your customers off will be highlighted to you!
You see with the eyes of the Spirit, so that you make the efficient changes that you need to for effective business!
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, be blessed in all that you do!
May the kingdom wealth locate your bank accounts in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!



Into your Tuesday I declare, YOU ARE COVERED!
Favour rest upon your life in Jesus’ name!
Your families are blessed for your sake!
Your loved ones are blessed for your sake in Jesus’ Precious’ name!
Your children are blessed for your sake!
Your loved ones are covered and preserved for your sake in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!
The end times will never be overwhelming for you!
1000 shall fall aside you but none shall come near your dwelling place!
You are preserved in season and out of season in Jesus’ Mighty name!
Forever there shall be the testimony of a lifting up upon your lips!
Where people say there is a casting down, you shall say there is a lifting up!
Your story is different from that of the world in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ!



Your week is blessed in Jesus’ Mighty name!
This week shall favour you!
This week shall serve you!
This week shall beckon to your voice!
It shall hearken to every instruction you shall give it!
So speak!
Tell your week what you want it to be!
Speak to Monday!
Speak to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
Your week is blessed in Jesus’ Mighty name!

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