One United Black Voice

One United Black Voice

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from One United Black Voice, Political Party, .

Phoenix Program - Wikipedia 14/07/2024 #:~:text=Southern%20plantation%20owners%2C%20fearful%20of,states%20seceded%20from%20the%20Union.

How should Blacks react to the existence of such a program? How was it funded that Washington Officials denied awareness of it existing? Once aware how long did operations (murder, torture) continue under another name? What is the project to remove 'neutralize' Blacks who are anti white'terrorism' superiority and racist domination? Pretend it is impossible to exist? Believe whites would never do such crimes on Blacks? Believe a miracle or Messiah will not let it it did to Vietnamese..? Reminds me of Haiti...

Phoenix Program - Wikipedia The Phoenix Program (Vietnamese: Chiến dịch Phụng Hoàng) was designed and initially coordinated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Vietnam War, involving the American, Australian, and South Vietnamese militaries. In 1970, CIA responsibility was phased out, and t...


For Humanity to prove it's Genius to survive violence it must choose Peace. This means You, as a person, community, organization, business, or nation. The World must choose Peace. The Living must reflect on the Reality that violence only requires violence. War has never been a solution to conflict and disagreements. Truth is, Nature has chaos not murderous instinct or intent. Differences in personalities and interests are to ensure the flow of natural balance never to claim as reasons to hate harm hurt oppress enslave deprive neglect and wrong others. Divine Order offers no alternative to the Divine Way to share Quality Living in Peace. Original Truth All Sense obligates everyone to do right for the Good of All. The Divine Source unfolds Good that sustains Divine Totality. Humanity suffers due to failure to submit to Divine Conscience. There is no compromise to Peace. We are to reproduce Good with the Good We Are for the Good of All, the Present and Future. Once All accept their Divine Purpose to live in the best interest of Peace and Harmony Humanity will leave in history it's legacy of self inflicted consequences resulting from Violence. Peace is the Universal Goal, Priority and Neccessity to achieve to sustain.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Listen to LOOKING FORWARD TO IT by LoveMagician on #:~:text=Africa%3A%20More%20than%2035%20Armed%20Conflicts&text=Western%20powers%20and%2For%20neighbouring,NIACs%20involving%20multiple%20armed%20groups. #:~:text=War%20exacts%20a%20heavy%20toll,to%2012.9%25%20of%20global%20GDP.

LOOKING FORWARD TO IT Some will insist, World Peace is impossible. Some will say only after Humanity is dead. Have faith in the Good You. Look Forward to Making the World Our Home of Peace and Quality Living. -Real Love


THANKS TO ALL DADS FOR FATHERING THE WORLD SONG Celebrate Dads everywhere for Fathering the World in every way Men do responsively as Fathers. -Real Love Magician


While those Divine Elements are essential of Maat, Maat is a way of interacting with interdependence caring sharing and loving doing right for the Good of All, the Present snd Future responsively...AS A CONTINUOUSLY....
Meaning the proper definition of Maat is the Tradition of Knowing Your Good Holistic Self as part of Nature Eternity And Divine Totality Of Divine Infinite Good.
The Woke, aware and tuned to Divine Conscience, apply Original Truth of Divine Communication to become Wise by creating Wisdom through the application of Divine Actuality by doing right for the Good of All, the Present and Future. No people, beings, society, kingdom, nation can achieve greater good or benefit living better than those who continue sincerely a Tradition of Doing Right for All.
Maat is Living Truth as a Continuous Tradition.
Making Maat, Divine Original Truth, Divine Conscience, Divine Consciousness, The Divine Way, Divine and Natural Submission to being Your True Good Self, Divine Eternity, and Divine Totality one and the same. The Woke Wise are Maat. Maat is Truth. TRUTH IS TO BE THE LIVING TRADITION OF DOING RIGHT. There is no lesser or greater, or least or greatest, in doing right all are of equal importance value and worth to be a living Legend as a Living Tradition of Holistic Good of Divine Order (Maat, Living Holistic Wellness).
- Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo


The Bible...itself
Is the biggest lie..
It's the whole book..
Calling it the Word of God...
Calling it holy...
There are points and statements one can realize are true on their own
Because they were not part of the religious bjble..
The purpose of creating and mass producing the Bible that includes some stolen truthful points and statements was to give the world a book of big lies with religious claims as answers to common questions..
How were we made?
God made us?
From dirt.
How you know?
We wrote the story, now it is written, we labeled it God's Holy Bible for none to doubt us.
What if you're wrong?
Nobody can prove a lie false to those persist to believe defend share teach and live by lies.
Do you admit you wrote the Bible as a book of lies?
No. We deny that. We created characters, Moses, Prophets, Matthew Mark, Paul, Luke John..all John Does.. who wrote the books of our Bible..not our names... Like King James of Jesus...they...our characters..including our religious God with his own human hands wrote the ten commandments....then later spoke it was OK to kill to defend religious conduct...
And claim
We offer religion more perfect and right than truth
Knowing religion is the fruit
Offered to our Adam and believe
All Who hate Truth
Cause hate
Is our doctrine
When Hate contradicts and condemns
It convicts the Wise
Yet wisdom can never be silenced
Since Truth is Sensed not written as religious horrors and spiritual-fiction
Examine our writings
Let's see..
God made everything
Then said
Everything I made is Good.
Everything and Everybody God Made Good.
All of its kind for its purpose.
Satan was part of the Good Creation.
Then God made man.
No other story of any being cursed
Except man and the serpent.
So the cunning serpent had not been condemned until the woman came from the man rib.
Satan God made Good.
God made the Devil cunning.
God put his tree in the garden.
Satan told the truth if they sinned by eating they would see
Seeing they saw they were not good
So God cursed them and cloth them
The only beings making and putting clothes on themselves are people
When being made human
They can never hide their interest to sin ugliness
Man was,created not to belong in the Good Paradise
He was not made to see himself as Good as Nature and other beings
He was made to sin with the fate and need of a Saviour
He was made for hell
Not heaven.
To believe this
Is to believe the religious God
Deserves to be blamed charged and convicted
Eye for an eye for all human sin and suffering..
The Wise know
People made that religious God
Only Sinners who want to sin believe
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Florida School for Boys - Wikipedia 13/04/2024

Wise Never To Forget government was more forced to reveal some of the much terror abuse r**e torture occurred...what horrors did the boys suffer...will Racists give an honest report of their violations and crimes on Origian (Black) it really the I past...dare it be forgotten..the right to housing voting reparations... can they be denied? it a mere choice of law...sure with a stroke of the can't start again again? #:~:text=Her%20team%20identified%2055%20burials,death%20and%20identification%20of%20remains.

Florida School for Boys - Wikipedia The Florida School for Boys, also known as the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys (AGDS), was a reform school operated by the state of Florida in the panhandle town of Marianna from January 1, 1900, to June 30, 2011.[1][2] A second campus was opened in the town of Okeechobee in 1955. For a time, it wa...


Listen to BE CAUSE OF LOVE SONG by LoveMagician on

BE CAUSE OF LOVE SONG Who needs you? You do. The World do. Others do. Who do All need you to be? Love. Who do the Future need you to be The Cause of Love. Give Me Reason to Love. Help me Love. Share Love. The Greatest Best


The only 'sin' one can do...
Is not be true to the good
who you are
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

There is no physical heaven
Or physical hell..
When any judged
Will be condemned
Sin-tensed (Sentenced)
And sent...
There is no Judgement
By a religious God...
There is YOU..
You are your witness..
You are Your Judge..
You know Your Choices
You Know the Reasons
For Your Acts
You are Your Bible
The Story of Your Life
You have no Eternity to escape
Your Knowledge of Yourself
You are in Eternity NOW
As Part of Divine Totality
With the Obligation
To Do Right
For the Good
Of All
The Present
And Future.
You are NOT
The judge of any other
Only Yourself.
Above All
Know Yourself
As Part of The Total Divine Good
Of Divine Actuality
To Escape the illusion of the temporal self
With freedom to create delusional realities
That contradict the Good
Who You Actually Are
To realize
The Unique Good
You exist to Be
To self realize
Yourself as Immortal Good.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimancrelo

NO REGRETS 08/01/2024

The biggest reason
Blacks are denied reparations
Universal Justice Fairness Respect
And acknowledgement of their Sovereign Inheritances Status Wealth Resources and Role as The Original People (Origians) is because of those believing the lies of others
And choosing to worship and submit to beliefs of others not Original Truth of Divine Actuality. A people divided stay weak in divisions and conflict warring and hating one another faking unity as on and off protest to the crimes on their humanity.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Delusions people made...
None should believe or teach:
White Supremacy (Hate not Glory)
Conquest (Massacre not Victory)
Earn Heaven (Heaven a State not Place)
Die Go Into Eternity (In Eternity Now)
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Be Wise
Young and Old
Go to sleep early
Wake Early
Do what is is Right
All Day
There will be no need
To waste life and time to Pray
Do Good
As All Should
And Live with no regrets...
Old School Rule
Of the Wise.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Listen to NO REGRETS by Sirman on

Original Truth
Original People.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Original Love and Devotion
To Divine Natural Actuality
Not delusional beliefs and rituals.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Some songs
Have a Conscience Deeper Meaning
Than words can say...
Words only relate and refer
To the Actual Meaning...
Old School Black Unity only possible with Original Spiritual Love...
Listen to OLD SCHOOL REAL LOVE by OldSchool RealLove on

NO REGRETS Life is only short enough to do right share good and speak for what is worth living for. Help Right the World. Oppose violence racism war. Advocate for Universal Justice World Peace Fairness and Quali


Replace Hope with Actuality
By Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Some dark skinned people agree and support those who identify as white by opposing slandering and criticizing Origians (Blacks) who consistently resist expose and speak against the racist status quo traditions culture laws media images politics marketing advertising images and religions. Such dark skinned people need to wake to unify in their own best interest. In America for example Origians (Blacks) are hyphenated as African Americans and labeled as minorities opposed to be red white and blue full birthright citizens and With equal status. 24/7 racists persist resulting in racist realities continuing. Protest activism resistance and opposition by Origians (Blacks) alone have little or no effect. Racists must end their racist conduct. Origians (Blacks) must unite for Right, Universal Justice and what's Good of All, the World, Present and Future with no corrupt intent or motive. Instead many Dark skinned People brag to be in company of Whites as if accepted as equals while suffering racism and proudly claim religious or political titles that can't end their suffering from racism. Pray and praise all day and night will not win the war wise conscience continuous unity for right must fight. Instead of defaming faithful warriors battling for your good become one. Wake up. Massacre Genocide Lynching Prisons Double Racist Standards are real and hope and pray will not delete them or change the minds and hearts if those who don't care for your well being and quality or degree of living and peace. Help Right the World with critical reasoning. Accept the facts not faith wishing those who hate deprive and wrong you will suddenly have a change of heart and belief. Don't trust the smiling faces acknowledge the Actual Truth of their murderous corrupt racist history and continuing crimes on your humanity.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimancrelo


Wake Who is Within
See Beyond Delusions
Escape Illusions
Know Your Actuality.
This is Original Truth:
Be The Divine You
Do Right for the Good
Of All
The Present and Future.
This is the Duty and Role
Of Sovereign Nobel Origians
as Original People of Divine Nature.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Between your ears is
Your Mind
To Mind All Business
Rather than believe lies
Sung to entertain you
To not reason
To realize Your
Actual Original Divine Conscience.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo


Listen to FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS LOVE by LoveMagician on

SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio


To Have Unity...
-Real Love Magician

Listen to ONE WORD ONE ACT ONE THING LOVE SONG by LoveMagician on

ONE WORD ONE ACT ONE THING LOVE SONG We what to hear.. what we want to feel... we want to feel.. what we know is right to hear.. Love -Real Love Magician

5-year-old girl r**ed, killed, police say 22/10/2023

Don't be an Offender..
Don't keep being one...
Whoever you are
Help prevent abuse...

5-year-old girl r**ed, killed, police say A man has been arrested in connection with the r**e and killing of a 5-year-old girl, police in Topeka said.

With California having nearly a third of America's homeless, Gavin Newsom leans into the 'Yes in God's backyard' movement 13/10/2023

With California having nearly a third of America's homeless, Gavin Newsom leans into the 'Yes in God's backyard' movement The new law, a response to the "NIMBY" problem, rezones land owned by nonprofit colleges and religious institutions to allow for affordable housing.

A Shocking Tale of Slave Cruelty That Will Chill You To The Bone 11/10/2023

Are you understanding why Reparations must be paid in full for the Origian (Black) Holocaust?

A Shocking Tale of Slave Cruelty That Will Chill You To The Bone On 10 April 1834 a fire broke out at a large mansion in Royal Street, New Orleans. It was the home of a local well known socialite called Marie...

Jury sentences "sadistic torturer" Alicia Calderon to 75 years 04/10/2023

Are racists fearless or live in constant fear of their hate wrongs killings corruption... Have they ever shown amy fear of Divine retribution? Do they believed they are prepared with super AI assault drones and powerful weapons with invisible or manless armies to make sure it never happens...keep in mind...Inalienable Rights mean...You always have it...You are Sovereign... Your inheritances is always yours..when you acknowledge You Are An Origian ( Original Humanity by Divine Will).
Never ignore the fact...robbing massacre is monstrously inhumane...the complete truth of the Actual Origian (Black) national and world Holocaust denied suppressed and minimized...yet..Warning....becoming a clone of Hellish Wicked Wrongs is no solution... Have Faith in Divine Eternal Everlasting Right. Only Good is Immortal.
Be the Righteous People who conquer without abandoning your Divine Responsibility to Right the World in the ways that Heal and cleanse the World of racist corruption lies killing and violence.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

How much does this story reflect the Black Holocaust Experiences of many Victimized...dismembered..lynched...whipped...
???? How is Reparations in question?
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Jury sentences "sadistic torturer" Alicia Calderon to 75 years

A Shocking Tale of Slave Cruelty That Will Chill You To The Bone | History Hit

A torture chamber is uncovered by arson

Jury sentences "sadistic torturer" Alicia Calderon to 75 years "Calderon tricked the victim into living with her, and then controlled her with unthinkable torture. She severely burned the victim's arms, chest, and back by pouring a pot of boiling water on her."


Stream JUST TRYING MY BEST SONG by LoveMagician



Absolute Unity offers the Greatest Potential to Manifest.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Consider Speaking.
Unity of breathing tongue teeth lips.
Unity of Transmission and Receiving.
Absolute Unity Manifest as Communication.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Consider disagreement.
When there is differences in beliefs goals lifestyles boundaries there is conflict.
The tolerate endure while suffering from the inability to communicate on all matters in the interest of peace and quality living.
Where there are diverse multiple differences in opinions beliefs definitions interpretations translations concepts philosophies psychologies laws claims and theories there is no Absolute Unity.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Divine Order Nature and Original Truth have Absolute Unity for All.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo


GONNA LOVE LOVE MORE SONG MASTER MIX 1 REAL LOVE MAGICIAN WORLD CONCERTS are designed as in person and online interactive local and global activities urging all to have fun enjoying peace sharing unity and making Love Songs to manifest Rea

Shooting of black teen in Dallas suburb did not meet ‘our core values,’ police chief says 27/06/2023

Shooting of black teen in Dallas suburb did not meet ‘our core values,’ police chief says - The Washington Post

Shooting of black teen in Dallas suburb did not meet ‘our core values,’ police chief says Balch Springs reversed a claim that a vehicle Jordan Edwards was riding in backed toward officers “in an aggressive manner.”


It is vital
For Origians (Blacks)
To be united
In voice.
This is done
By realizing who we are..
The Original Humanity.
This means
You are Sovereign.
You have Inheritance.
You have birthrights and Inalienable Rights.
This means none had or have the right to claim ehat is yours or deny your true Nobel Global Status.
Without this understanding acknowledgement and agreement
Origians are reduced by politics to be the most inferior and lacking in power and influence.
Our resources are in the possession of others.
We are without say.
We fail to utilize our most Effective Solution:
Our One Voice..that as verbal and written word states our Spiritual Intent and our Natural Cause for Universal Justice and Fairness as Reparations and abandoned of all racism that violates and wrongs our humanity with crimes by sins of those who persist preserving the racist status quo.
Acknowledge you are an Origian, a natural descendant of our Original Ancestors..who were before all other ethnic groups..who lived by Original Truth of Divine Order..which was before any manmade religion or law.
By applying Original Truth in your choices plans requests demands and decisions you reclaim your True Conscience and Status as an Origian by acting as an Origian and meeting your obligations as one. This is the only way to honor and respect the truth of your actual being and the greatest and contributions to the world pur Ancestors made. Manifest Your True Self by living in harmonic accord doing what is right for the good of All, the Present and Future. Do not insist justice rendered as Reparations to spend and party..demand united for reparations as our declaration that crimes on our humanity were willful intentional and deliberate to rob kill suppress oppress and enslave...not for any good reason that any should ever be repeated on any. One Sovereign World People..One Voice...We Are Origian...Entitled to Reparations and a total complete end of racist crimes as wrongs on our Humanity NOW.
-Pharaph X Amanserpritefrimacrelo


Original People are Origians..
Origian means Original People.
Original People were before religious or political labels. We identified in contrast to things and other beings. To survive created villages. Accept the title of Origian that is the Sovereign Title that gives world rightful nobel status to inheritances lands and reparations. -Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

The illusional light
Blinds snd binds with delusions...
Wake in the Absolute. Perfect Space of Divine Void that appears as Nothingness
That seems as Darkness..
It is the Grand Absorption of All Wisdom
All Knowing...
The Actuality of the Conscience of the Spiritual Consciousness of Divine Order as Original Truth of Divine Totality..
Of which
All are part...
And none can escape
The Purpose and Unfolding of Immortal Good of Divine Eternal Right.
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Wake those asleep..
To see their true Divine Being
Their eyes are tired
From reading
Their minds weak
From believing
The image of White
Is Good
Black is cursed
They desire to be washed
Whiter than snow
Failing to be taught
The Original Truth suppressed in their souls
Steaming to erupt
And inspire them
To restore their Divine Conscience
To Live Truth as their Actual Selves
To do Right for the Good of All
The Present and Future
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Reparations is More Beneficial to Origins than Juneteenth - Allinall, Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo, Warren Williams - Google Books =onepage&q=pharaoh%20x%20amanserpritefrimacrelo%20juneteenth%20reparations%20google%20books&f=false

How to replace wrong with right...
May all be enlightened...
To get change laws..
The current system is designed
To and approval from the masses..
do fake public hearings
Already decided
Ask for public input
Just to seal snd close the legal loophole
So a candidate must get a required amount of supporters or pay money to qualify to run for office
A request for change of law requires a petition with required amount of signatures..
In this design Whites dominate the process
When Blacks present their united effort
In most incidents
White Unity overwhelms it..
To wake the masses of Blacks or and Others to sign in support
Begins with changing their belief
The corrupt system can not be defeated replaced or changed
Be part of it
To get your share of its pie
Dream their corrupt dream
And accept good has no power...
With such as the norm
It is easy to fill corrupt positions
And prisons
It is easy to bring anyone down
When most accept
All are sinners..
Therefore all are criminal suspects
None can be trusted
There is only the Dead and Gone
Like Jesus or Mohammed or Buddha or Another...
Most fail to see themselves as the solution
Shifting their duty
Replying on another to perform it
putting faith in money law and law makers
Instead of investing time and resources defending insisting demanding and doing right for the good of all the Present and future..which is everyone's calling to share teach support and do...
Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Reparations is More Beneficial to Origins than Juneteenth This book is a manual for all readers to understand why reparations is more beneficial to Origians (Blacks) as birthright citizens than apologies or holidays. All are urged to use the research to value appreciate and support reparations being paid in full for all atrocities and grievances Origians s...

Is Classical Music Actually Effective in Fighting Crime? | WQXR Editorial | WQXR 12/04/2023

This is not Reparations..
The Classic not fit in our community
Ok in yours...
Oppose 24/7 Classical Music of 7&11

To Right America..the World double standards as racist ones must end. It is not ok for businesses to disrupt residents with loud music alleging it chases the homeless away, prevents drug sales or eliminates crime on properties. Even if it frustrated the homeless to leave it would only have them go outside a residence door across the street...(experienced opening my door to homeless there).

I am for effective sensible crime prevention that better lives and rights relations. I am for reasonable business that remain humane. Blaring classical opera music 24/7 is tortuous to residents. 7&11 should not be permitted or allowed to disrupt sleep of tenants who live nearby. File complaints to police code enforcement city county state and national officials. It is a national disgrace on inconsideration to others. The solution we all know is reasonable safely house the homeless with services that meet and match their individual needs; not chase them from one place to another. The cost to house the homeless would be less than property damage, clean up and policing. Every business need to manage affairs respecting customers and local residents; not pretend they don't exist (even when a racist or selfish mind think only profit matters not people). Police as a response to a complaint I made stated no more they could do to have the music silenced than report to me that 7&11 allege their Corporate handles it. Owner said he will not turn music down as in his belief it is proven effective. He did not answer my question if he plays the same opera music where he resides 24/7 for his neighbors praises approval and cheers. 7&11 plays the music on external speakers so they do not hear it loud inside, if any.

I took photos of people outside the store sitting. Standing. Doing whatever...they were not chased away by the music. They stayed a while. When asked police stated they agree the music is an annoyance and knew of no sound evidence playing loud music is effective as crime prevention. Some, media reports as older Whites, the wealthy and racists are believed to defend the classical music as proper and enriching even when it annoys them and disrupts their sleep. Music is what you like to hear as music when you can enjoy and appreciate hearing it. When any music is forced on any, especially 24/7 and loud it is torturous. 7&11, Walgreens and any other business..playing it for the reasons given, you're wrong, when the most harmful effect is on nearby residents. Any success to impact the targeted is lost many times more when tenants complaints are ignored.

Consider what is being suggested in its full implementation. One business starts it to chase homeless away. They go to another business. Police tell that business to use the music also. Other businesses knowing if they don't have the music the homeless will come to their location so they get the music. Each business is now playing their own loud music. Racists making sure they are promoting their favorites as just music, nothing racist. (The denial of racism is not the absence of it). Homes, Condos and Apartments start getting the homeless on their properties. New laws are made to implement fully play loud music to chase the homeless away. Everyone playing loud music complains about others loud music. It is legal. Everyone has a permit. Police told do not enforce old codes or respond to any complaints. In cities No one is able to sleep. People get stressed. Violence increase. Murders rise. The homeless
find the housed too much a danger to them and noise everywhere constantly so they move to the peaceful resorts nation parks and campgrounds. Park Rangers start playing loud music. Fish and wild life say humanity take that racket off this planet. People don't. Homeless into space. God say..not in heaven and start playing loud music. So heaven space and earth becomes a big volume of noise. Would that be success or hell? Of, full implantation of 7&11 classical crime prevention...
-Pharaoh X Amanserpritefrimacrelo

Is Classical Music Actually Effective in Fighting Crime? | WQXR Editorial | WQXR

Residents living near southeast Austin 7-11 complain about opera music playing for nearly 2 weeks – KXAN Austin

7-Eleven stores in Texas, California, New York use classical music to shoo homeless people

Is Classical Music Actually Effective in Fighting Crime? | WQXR Editorial | WQXR What it means when Well-Tempered Clavier becomes acoustic barbed wire for storefronts. 
