

Daughters and Sons of Ma Kali


Ladsu pena kavach..nicotine in block zeal chakra...Boku lespri Malin in hack zt pineal gland ... Fr 8 moi blue pyramid


Insanity, most of the time is the ascension of energy through the energy centers resulting disruption of the brain, burning of nerves cells or sudden awareness of the paranormal world. MOST of this madness happened because the brain cells was ready and it is pure intelligence. The quantum field in the asylum is pure intelligence. A mystic will download the entire quantum field.


Zt ti off duty.


Mo papa so ta**ra in touy 1 tonton appel egam...
R moi sa pa marS...r moi GGN baT.


O secour... Bondieu Quan vir boul... Ou rod fer ou zenfan pass pu fou!


Eski zt in demand moi permision avant koz r ou? Eski sa ban dimun LA ena mantra Shakti pu bhairav?


Bhudevi cner ki legum in destinE pu Al kot kisana... Ma so lecor ki fer sa ban legum LA pouS.


I am the first masonic emperor..i


MN upload ban lenergie puissant Dan psychologist LA... Al get li, zt pu GGN ban solution pu zt logical life.


Psychologist LA 1 jolie dimun... MAIS conplot LA...zis ban plok ki fer sa!!!!! Pa vin fer Mari r moi...


Zt fr conplot pu admet moi lazil... Zt fesse pa pu zt... SanC bel Mari zt in fer!!!!!


tO kav fer Mari r bhairav toi? Bachara... Vin fr m abhishegum. 700 Millard ou doi


Ena 1 group imbecile p deactivate lender give Durga dan kalimay. Mopu lev 1, leres entier Maurice pu corec...bzin encastrer Murthi ma Durga Dan kalimay,Sinn ma kali pu vin kaalaratri. Bzin fr condition.


Kalimay ladigue vacoas unblock...zot kav fer kirtan labas... puissant net


Kalimay Hollyrood unblock. Re fer stapan Hanuman.


boku ban garson in ggn ggn ban la force. Si zot h***y, pa enbet ban femme la, sanC pu ggn la force etc.. ! Dir ban femme la fran, zot envi monte lor roche. Ena boku pasteur. traiteur etc... p tir manzer sa ban madam la... mo fini dir zot, pa marC cumsa sa.
question from a lady:-
en lin met so nom 'kaal bhairav' lor fb.. non li pa kaal bhairav et ni raag bhairav. Non li pena vajraang shakti (divine sperme secretion, saem ki done 3em oeil so stabilitE) vajraang shakti ggner quan depass tout entrainment physique et bzin pass par indra dev done so zarm apres hanuman done shakti pu train lecor physiq pendan boku naissance.. lerla kaalaratri Ma done permision servi. Pu ban devi laise passer, kaal bhairav et hanuman bzin dne permission... encor boku naissance so tapasya. Pa laisse zot enbeT par ban dimun... sa ban dimun la p evoluer et moi si mne bien pass par la. Aster quan mne ggn li cuma bzin, mo pa p rod client.


boku ban dimun dan ciT pu cne moi...
Boku dimun dan ban rave party ultra clandestine, underground sa.. pu cne moi. Sa ban vacabon ki ti p cass poz dan bois pres r gran bassin... zot faible zot parski zot pan reusi servi technology ki bzin... ena vacabon pren lacenseur desan dan zot bureau dan pay.
Moti dan ban gro yen et mne pren dan ban dimension hellish kot person pa kav sorti. Pena aucun science, aucun healing et aucun bondieu kav tir moi ladan. Kifer pa kav tirer, parski mne depass tout lamane avec yamlok et consomation pass pres avec 1 su***de. Dan yamlok li 1 sucide et li 1 lamane grave. Quand 1 dimun commnce vibrer dan ban dimension lenfer, so ban shakti chakra vibrer dan 1 lot fason, li pu kav manifester cash zis r kokin , vend la drogue, koz menti etc... mne desan pli enbas ki sa.. mais moi moti p fer mo ban sadhana et moti fini develop tout mo chakra par mo meme.
Quan mne fer sa par mo mem, m pan reusi ggn access avec ban protection pu enpess ban highly evolve entity depi patal lok pocede moi... quan mne consom sa ban substance la, tout mo ban chakra ti p vibrer dan lenfer et moti p truver cuma lenfer laem eT. Tout sa ban demon, satan etc.. avec ban corn.. lichien 3 latete etc.. etc.. ban dimun p plorer dan magma!
Person pa pu kav arrive labas, pa esay fer sa... mne perdi zis tout enbas mais Maha kaal bhairav doucement doucement p monte tout.
cuma mne sorti, mne zis commnce fer sadhana mo guru. mo guru p rod rod craz craz moi, ou pa pu kav craz maha kaal bhairav so fierT, ou ki pu craZ. mais mo guru His Holiness Sooraj Beeharry ress mo guru, li meme kin mntrrer moi tout et li mem ki pli fort.. kaal bhairav manifesT dan li mm mais li pa servi sa dimension , zis moi ki servi
Avec so ban spiritual practice, mne fer mo ban chakra vibrer dan 1 higher dimension, mais chak 3 mois, moti p tomber acoz 1 ban dimun ti p fer diable lor moi kt moti p resT. M guru in fer fause quan lin couver banla mais dapres so consciance lin bien fer acoz banla vieu,, et zot pena boku letemps pu vive etc... ici moi mo p ggn beZ.
Mais avc so sadhana mne develop ban lenergy interieur extrement puissant et mne develop 1 body dan ban higher dimension. Pu ban dimun ki envi evoluer, al get mo guru... li 1 vrai zom li, 1 lot guru bouR r moi. sa ban guru ki p rod fer fer mari r moi la, ban fause sa... dan 2 3 dialog mo meT r zot.. zot tomber... et mo guru pa contan sa mentaliT la mais bholenath so ban rakshas so yen sa et bholenath pa cass tete .
Bon courage et bonne annee.


a question from the supreme master :-
kot mo la force eter aster?
b mne fini desintegrer mo mem dan mo 2 maitre zordi, zot ban disciple bzin pa jalou... c 1 choix exact dan moment ki bzin deman... ... mo maitre mem dir moi juer r jeux.. quan juer, bzin fer li vin vrai juer la... sinon li pu paret fause. bzin arete juer? dan p juer, mne analyse tout fason pu jet zot... zis moi et 1 2 disciple kav defan zot, le rest p juer pot fleur. Person pa pu kav jet amoins zot laise enemy la rentr dan zot circle privE.
Boku naissance bzin fer tapasya pu kapav fer ban choix dan lheur ki bzin.. timing important..... dan dimension ki bzin.. boku in deman zenfan, marriage, leducation etc.. moi mo deman 1 zafr extra net haha.. et ou ena moins ki 3 seconds pu reflechi.... 1 training boku naissance sa.
Dans p juer, 39 jeune fille dan maurice.. in sorti dan ban chemin cuma easy s*x, drugs etc... mo conseil zot ale get ban sports specialist et al acheT zot nutrition kot iron mind ousoi waren. Commnce fer sport.. al apran bien dan lekol.
La plupart tifi ki pan rod apran, mo truver ki apres marriage zot lom ena 1 gros la force lor zot.. parski zot pu 100% dependent lor zot missier...
Dan maurice ena ban ong cuma B.M et GHF ki kav aide zot develop zot la force interieur... aret servi zot lecor pu ggn lattention visuel parski ban zom pu get zot dan 1 fason s*xuel... zot pu vo zis sa, servi zot lecor pu roule dan 1 bon vibe.


Many are attacking spiritual association in countries because they are not doing progress in the country. Their are many extremely powerful spiritual movements in the world like GHF, isha foundation, Vatican, Buddhism, Sanatan Dharma etc... Masters in those movements are giving spiritual practice. Those Spiritual practice will help a soul to adjust the body and once adjust, the soul which is you will built energy centers in the body. Building energy centers in the body, at first will help you feel the body and its energetic canalisation and circuit (nadi). It is a long process for the soul to accept what you have built in your conscious state as it will be a battle of what is you and not you. To make progress in a country, a master's disciple should be receptive and ready to receive the power needed to make those progress. Many are still stuck with black magic, gossips etc... and most of those disciples are not doing enough sadhana to built receptivity. Masters are not at fault, disciples are not doing homework.


I am writing in creole language for Mauritians to understand the situation to comprehend the difficulties the island is suffering.

Boku p reusi sorti dan lenfer la drogue/alcool/ infideliT/colere/insomnia etc.. chaq 2 3 mois.. apres re tomber. Quand re tomber, perdi tout. Sa ban situation la, li 100% paranormal! Dapres ban gran recherch et experience kin fer dan maurice, zot 'will power p pous sa ban diable la ver dimun kin avoi zot et sa dimun la ggn beZ lerla li re attacker avec pli fort. la plupart du temps c famille . c 1 travail kin fer depi zot lenfance sa, zot met sa dan manger etc.... Sa ban yen la deja dan zot sa mais zot resistance tini yen la mais ceki arriver, diable attack sa resistance endan zot la,zot perdi latet.
Quan dimun p fer sa r zot en 1 sequence continuel, zot latet virer dan plusieur dimension. infideliT, zot rod alcool, pa kav fer la priere, encoler, excessive ma********on, ex droguE pu re rentre dan la drogue etc...
Mo p re pass 1 lappel avec ban poosari et sorcier dan maurice, aret soutir sa ban dimun ki p vin fer travail cot zot la.


vieu ,zenfan ou adult bzin cnner ki maturiT vin dan evolution zot awareness et ban bon seeds kin vin arbre dan zot l'ame. Boku vieu dimun p rod abaise ban jeune acoz zot l'age et zot p deman pu kav dne zot sa obeissance la cumsa, bzin get zot action etc..... Respect, bzin respect tout l'age etes humain.. . veilless c catabolism ban cells et old souls c maturiT ou l'ame o nivo boku realisation.
Boku p vin vieu, zot p penser zot pu present zot status dan la socieT r bondieu lahau. ou zot pu dir ki zot zenfan in vin avoca,pandit, programmer, docter ousoi zot pu montrer zot achievement academic.. bondieu pa sa pu geT, tout sa la pu ress lor la terre! ... Lahau bondieu pu get ou karma, ou realisation et ou la force spirituel..


Abolishment to slavery
Thoughts pattern accompanied with emotion will manifest electrons vibration with this specific thinking. The emotion you felt with it will give power to the electrons. Your quantum field will be filled with the electromagnetic energy which will act as a broadcasting environment to attract this pattern you were thinking.
For Example, at your workplace, if you experience fear when you see your boss because he once yelled at you for something, your brain will produce thinking pattern with fear emotion on this specific situation. When your quantum field is filled with this electromagnetic situation in your work environment, you will usually found yourself doing the same error each 3 weeks as you attracted it. Doing the same error will influenced your defense in your mind to find solution to hide the error which will lead to more fear of your boss if he finds out. Broadcasting electromagnetic charge again on him finding out that you hide your errors, of course he will found out. After 1.5 to 2 years working in this environment, your body will built a specific neural network with genes stimulation because of this fear. It will become worst, like a severe trauma. Many will fight fear with anger which is another bad emotion to unleash at work. Spiritual practice in yoga will heal those emotions, masters can create Catharsis in you to release bad emotions.
shivaShakti melveen murday


Incestual relationship between siblings (brother and sister) and parents (mother and father) is 10% karmic memory. It is always a satanic manipulation.
The world are doing it and i suggest you to stop doing s*xual in*******se because it will be extremely hard for you to answer this relationship to the supreme judge after death as these relationships are against the divine law.
I wont tell you to stop completely as the pleasure will be more intense when it is forbidden and you will do it more often. Control the interaction and restrict it to oral s*x.. then talk to each other, seek spiritual healing... slowly you will stop. Do not stop because of fear, stop because of a good moral.
Most of the people are gossipers and know to who you talk in Mauritius island.


The invasion on chicago is today, in 4 hours. Their will be no damage, they will just desactivate 14 crown chakra. 14 people there, ascended to higher dimension without protection again. They will use those highly evolve human being.


MY two last post was for mauritian people.
Mauritian people are having trouble, many are doing laksmi siddhi but they forgot the deal they made in their blueprint. Their wealth is manifesting in Gurukul for progress. etc.. etc.. etc...

Many human are thinking that they will get h***y woman in Indra lok (paradise). No, you will get more than 100 women in patal lok for s*x because their soul is filled with lust. Angry lust. etc.. etc.. etc.. After death, your soul will get allocated upon your spiritual power and deeds. So if you go to paradise, the devi in paradise is also karmic relationship and your Devi will get aroused each 7 months, s*xual interaction is mostly and energetic connection.


mo conner ena ban fause lenseignment ki p circuler depi 2005... si 1 humain fer la priere 5 fois par jour, 5 different kaal.. meme si zot vend la drogue.. fer crime... fer business r femme so s*xualiT etc... si zot a genou devnt bondieu, bondieu pu pardonne zot... FAUSE net sa, cash la p sorti dan lenfer et zot pu al dan lenfer meme. lenfer c 1 dimension, kot ena 10 a 15 race resT.. demon, serpent, human soul, etc..
Lecor humain kav enjoy s*x avec lecor humain acoz ena ban nerves cells, heat production, hormones etc.. pu ki zot lecor ggn plaisir r s*xual in*******se. Quan zot mort, zot l'ame sorti dan lecor pu al dan ban lezot dimension par appart a zot la force spirituel ki zot ena. Dans paradi, c chak 6 a 7 mois ki 1 devi kav fer in*******se, sa aussi avec lenergy. Zot pa pu kav ggn aucun plaisir lust r s*x parski zot pa pu ena lecor human mem. 😃 lecor human c just lor la terre ki ggner.
Dan lenfer, zot pu ggn boku femme et 1 lecor.. pres 100 femme zot pu ggner pu satisfer zot lust.


Pa pu kav manipul dimun pu fer donation parski la plupart hindu pena cash lor laterre acoz pena guide etc ... fer lakshmi siddhi,.. ou clan dan brahma lok, vaikunta etc..... depi lahau dir zot higher self ou pu pren 75% zot wealth en term manifestation et lenergy. La plupart pa connecT ek zot higher self, zot pa pu cnner... mais servi li pu 1 bonne cause..
mem si zot faire siddhi lakshmi toute longu zot lavie jamais zot pu kav desan 100% zot wealth depi Kuber so la bank et pa tout dimun enregistrer dan kuber so la bank.
Ena clan dan vaikunta, brahma lok, kritikka, indra lok etc... dan maurice! Zis 1 maha Yogi kav desan Sa 100%.. mais zot in fini fer 1 deal avan vin la... ena in fer deal 90%.. ena 75%...
Ban ceki ena zot la bank dan lenfer, zot pu ggn cash r gambling, prostitution, stealing, vend la drogue etc...
Si zot pa pren initiation avec 1 maha yogi, kav zis 1 ou 2% zot wealth kav desan, pa plis.. 1% la million sa! mais bzin cne manifesT cash la.

Pu ban ceki zot la bank dan lenfer, si zot fer bon travail lor la terre, zot cash pu monter mais avec imP dificulT. ...
Ile maurice pa supozer ena sa kaliT cash la parski maurice trop tipti et a la base ile maurice in prosperer avec ban bon fason positif.


Indian rituals invocation for siddhi is a scientific profound research that work only for a certain type of DNA to genes living a certain environment. lifestyle of westerners and their vibration are 100% different from Indians.
Yogis are has their celestial lab where they are doing research in how to ascend human being with all their modes and different DNA. The result is that strict discipline is needed to make your auric field conducive to healing and high level frequencies. They have ways to make you receptive to energy and ways to influence you at your soul level to accept rituals invocation to perform siddhi.


Devi is an ecstatic awareness , which won't make you hallucinatory , or mentally unstable but will keep in intense euphoria and blissfulness 24/7 . Once you touch her your life is transformed .


These lotus eyes can remove all sufferings from your life, the only thing who have to do is to have firm faith in Kamalnayan (lotus eyed).
