Chelsea Theodoropoulos

Chelsea Theodoropoulos

Unlocking potential one gym, one habit, one real conversation at a time. Owner Burn Boot Camp STL


A couple nights camping. 🏕️ A couples hours of golf. ⛳️ A couple of rested bodies and full hearts. ❤️
I’m thankful. 🙏🏻


Consistent decisions lead to consistent results. It can go in either direction. 📈📉 We’re all capable of making decisions that empower us to live the life we want to live, and to become the person we want to be. Consistency doesn’t require talent or superhero status. 🦸🏼‍♀️❌ You and I are both equipped to have everything we want at our fingertips.
Consistency simply requires a decision.
The decision to become better. 
The decision to prioritize ourselves.
The decision to not compare.
The decision to save money. 
The decision to trust.
The decision to set boundaries. 
The decision to fuel our bodies.
The decision to show up. 
The decision to be patient. 
The decision to embrace struggle. 
The decision to ask for help.
The decision to be humble.
The decision to love ourselves fully.
The decision to seek progress, not perfection.
Read that last one again.
I hope you do. I hope you make the kind of decisions that propel you forward in life. 🎯I hope you see your worthiness in having everything you’ve ever wanted - all within you.
I hope you start. 🩵
If you’re feeling stuck, DM me. I want to help you. 🤗

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 07/08/2024

I used to justify why I couldn’t, shouldnt and wouldn’t. Work. Layover. $300. Now, I snag opportunities left and right to have the time with my family - even just for 60 hours. Time is never guaranteed. ❤️
Little sis’s baby shower
Nephew’s Graduation party
I met my newest nephew, Fabian
1:1 time with Clara
I squeezed the necks of all 8 siblings
Burn Boot Camp (Victor) with 2 sisters and niece
Coffee with Mom
Dinner with Dad
…and so much more…
My heart is so full. 🥰


My body wants to rest today, but my heart wants to HUSTLE. ⚡️I love what I do. I have the privilege to witness transformation unfold every single day. I get to see real life struggle turn into strength. I get to hear celebrations of resilience, non-scale victories, and physical results. I get to see women empowering women, husbands supporting wives, and this entire community lifting each other up. I get to receive love through sweaty hugs, and support through high fives. I get to lead a team of talent who love first - always. I get to wake up each morning with purpose, passion and pride.✨
These awards are merely a byproduct of that, and most of all, they are not mine. These awards belong with team and communities, including the medal I stole straight from ‘s neck.😆
Congratulations to us all. We did it, we’re doing it, and we’re going to keep leveling up in all the ways that matter most! 🩵🔥
To my team and members across all of Burn STL, thank you for being a part of this community. 😭🙏🏻 My commitment to you runs deep…
Lastly, but never least, thank you to .kline .a.kline and the entire HQ team. I am grateful for the opportunity you created for me, and the partnership we share. We’ve come a long way, and unity will continue to take us further. I’m proud to be led by you all. 🚀


Sawyer is S-I-X! 🥳 And so naturally we did six birthday burpees. 👏🏻 But this is so much more than burpees. This is about…
A mom who took a chance on herself years ago at Burn Boot Camp. Her friend asked her to join and she reluctantly said “yes.” 🙄😉
And as a result, little Sawyer only knows a fit lifestyle. Celebrating birthdays with burpees just “is.” It’s a gesture of gratitude because movement is a gift. 🙏🏻
Her and big sis, Hadley, see their Mom consistently showing up. If they were asked to describe Mommy, I’m sure “strong” “healthy” and “active” would float to the top of the list. 📝 In fact, they had a front row seat watching mom compete in Level Up Games this year. 🔥 Now, they know what it looks like for a woman to prioritize herself, overcome obstacles, and stay laser-focused in her goals. 🎯
These little ladies will continue to look up to their Mom as the blueprint for their own lives.
And as they grow older, they will inspire others in the same way. ✨
That’s what it’s all about. We’re not here to impress, we’re here to impact. When we prioritize ourselves, we pave a brighter path for others.🩵 You’re doing just that, and I LOVE to witness it live!
Happy Birthday, Sawyer! 🎈


Say “YES” this time. 🙋🏻‍♀️ A more energetic, vibrant, stronger, confident and healthier YOU is on the side of that scary head nod. 🥴 I know that, because I’ve lived it. 🤩
The first time I was asked to go to Burn Boot Camp, I offered up my best, and most polite hell-to-the-no. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and deconditioned. I couldn’t run up the stairs without panting like a breathless dog. Woof. But, I was also desperate to feel better. I wanted to feel like myself again. And, so I said yes. [more on my blog; link in profile]
I lost weight.
I built muscle.
I got fit.
I developed a healthy relationship with food.
I made friends.
I created a lifestyle.
I learned to love my body, cellulite and all.
I became a Personal Trainer.
I competed in Burn Athlete, twice.
I moved to St. Louis.
I opened five gyms.
I dedicated my life to movement and transformation.
As a result, my life is fuller, and my family and community are healthier. I’ve witnessed THOUSANDS of transformations! 🥳
I want YOU a part of that. 🩵 Say “YES” with me. You never know where your journey may lead you. I sure didn’t. ✨
👉🏼 Tag a friend to join you this week! 👯

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 07/07/2024

My worlds collided these past few days. A piece of home…at home. 🏡❤️
Until next time, Dad & Bets…🥹


High fives are for five year olds.
High fives are cheesy.
High fives are too “ra ra” for me.
High fives spread germs.
I hear this often, and nine out of ten* times it’s from those who have never been inside Burn Boot Camp. Because once you experience the power of a high five, you get it.
High fives are a symbol of support. An instant smile maker. They are a transfer of energy. High fives are the unspoken words of, “You got this” and “I’m so proud of you!” High fives are a sense of belonging and token of teamwork. They are the gateway to our youth and our golden ticket to aging with confidence. They get us through the hard, and celebrate the wins. 👏🏻
So, the next time you want to diss or dismiss a high five, consider what it represents and how transformative it can be for those who need it. That person may be you. Lean into it. Indulge in high doses. Let it be silly, because on the other side of that high five is pretty serious stuff. Your best self. 🩵✨
*this one person just started Burn Boot Camp. 😉 Wait for it. You’ll be high fiving your dentist, soon! 😆
Drop a 🖐🏻 below and tag someone to make them smile!


I’ve been feeling STRONG at Burn Boot Camp for nine years (and counting!). It was a new relationship with strength that I was unfamiliar with – uncomfortable even. My strength didn’t just come in the form of burpees and chest press, but the strength no one could see. It was a strength only I could hear. My thoughts. With time and enough consistency, I started to view food differently to FUEL my body, not punish it. I started to LOVE my body, not shame it. I started to SHOW UP because I wanted to, not because I had to. Discipline became my freedom and balance became my joy. I learned how to navigate setbacks, believe in myself, and lean on my community to push me through. Through each 45-minute, heart-pounding camp, new potential saw light.✨
I know it can for you, too.🩵
📚 This book, Burn: The Burn Boot Camp 5-Step Strategy for Inner and Outer Strength, captures it all giving you a blueprint for navigating a healthy lifestyle that is far more meaningful than a picture-perfect set of abs on Insta. It’s real stories from real members, workouts and recipes to inspire, empower and transform. 👉🏼 Pick up your copy this week (or for a friend) at all Burn Boot Camp St. Louis locations!👈🏼
Hey, it might just change your life. 👏🏻
Congratulations and all members highlighted! 🥳 You are making a difference.


Squad. We’re a group of female CEO’s who meet monthly to discuss business challenges. We hold each other accountable, call BS, support one another, and celebrate our achievements. As a result, leadership isn’t lonely, it’s a party. 🥳
Whether you own a business or not, surrounding yourself with people who share similar goals is vital to your success and growth (personally and professionally). Lean on them. Learn from them. Be inspired. 👏🏻
We represent:
I’m so grateful for you ladies. 🙏🏻🖤

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 22/05/2024

At the heart of our burpees and bicep curls, it’s the people. When we love and lead our team and members well, everything else follows. This afternoon, we kicked off our Leadership Development Series at my home for our gym managers. We talked about transitioning into a new leadership positions, and the difference between Leadership and Management.
None of this is easy. I’ve made so many mistakes and have failed forward daily. I’ve had regrets, and resistance to breaking bad habits. I’ve had to trust by default and allow space for others to work differently, and BETTER, than me. I’ve had to apologize, tackle difficult conversations, receive feedback, and bury my nose in leadership development books. I only have 9,926,038,631,874 left to read 😜, because there’s always, always, always more to learn. 📚
Through my team, I can make the biggest impact. Through their teams, they can make the biggest impact. Through all of us, we can be the most influential community for positive impact here in St. Louis. 🙏🏻🩵✨ Let’s go! 🔥

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 17/05/2024

When there aren’t words to fully capture the feeling, a double rainbow seems to do the trick. What a magical moment…and week. 🌈🙏🏻✨


Where we embrace transformation and fall more in love with life. These past few days have been a rollercoaster of emotions and a steady anchor of connections. We sang, danced, cried, laughed, meditated and even wrote a song with . I’m into it.✨🎵🌵
Today is day four and cloud nine. 🙏🏻


The quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our life. 📢 Even with the best of intentions to speak kindly to ourselves, our society has a way of creeping in with negative language that we pick up subconsciously. The fitness industry is notorious for this. ❌ We’re all guilty of it.
The harder the workout, the closer we become to “death,” per the words we use:
“I hope I survive.”
“I almost died today.”
“I got victimized.”
“That workout killed me.”
“Death by burpees.”
But why? How is this helping us create a positive mindset when we’ve normalized death (the saddest, most pain-inducing heart break) to talk about our healthy fitness routines.
Pay attention to how these words creep into your everyday conversations – the ones you have with others, and yourself. The intentionality of choosing positive words will instantly put you in a different mindset. A mindset that encourages, supports, lifts and creates positive outcomes. Fitness is associated with health, strength, energy, and LIFE. Not death. Call it what it is and next time, instead try saying:
“I’m living today!”
“That workout made me strong today!”
“I can do this.”
Your words matter.✨
👚MINDSET - A habitual of characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations. Thank you for reenforcing these positive messages and keeping me looking goooooooood! 😉🩵

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 09/05/2024

I’ve been squeezing her neck and calling her my best friend since 1985. Happy Birthday to my big sister, my heart, Carrie! ❤️ I love you. 👯‍♀️


Every year, I take one of the kids on a solo trip to see family (📸 layover). Ted will take the other and we basically spoil the kids with our time and presence. I’ve learned so much MORE about my kids by doing this. The guards they’ve built to defend themselves from their sibling are taken down, and the masks created trying to fit in with society are taken off. They can be themselves fully. I learn what they truly value, and what their interests are. I hear the big questions and how they interact with others…without being distracted, tormented or poked by their sibling. 🤯
One thing I love most about Connor are the simple things that fill his bucket most. It’s, putting our phones away, playing UNO, watching Young Sheldon, making up new handshakes, eating grocery store sushi, and finding Waldo. He wanted to take pictures of us, and often thanked me for “being a a good mama.” 🥹😭 What? I often pretended I couldn’t hear him and had him repeat it just so I could file it twice in the memory bank. He was happy, full of life, and our connection only got stronger. ♾️
Time and presence doesn’t cost a thing, but not making it a priority costs everything. ⏳❤️
Meanwhile back at home, Ted got roped into eye masks, daily entertainment and fancy dinners. The girl knows what she wants. 😆


Every season has served its purpose. The season we’re in is my favorite. 🌱❤️💍
Thank you for growing with me, fighting for me, and always protecting me. I love you !
Happy Anniversary! 💋


It’s taken me 11 years to realize that I don’t need to have all answers, solve all the problems, or even be responsible for the feelings my children experience. In those desperate attempts to fix, solve, coach, teach and even discipline, at times - he only needed to hug. 🖤
May he always be this open to my arms around his neck. 🥹🙏🏻
Thank you for always capturing the most perfect, raw and real moments. 👏🏻✨

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 15/04/2024

If we’re not intentionally teaching our children what a gift movement is, who is doing that work for us? For them? For our community? The sooner we instill a mindset of gratitude, the more generous we become to help others in need.
For years, has partnered with the MDA emphasize this message, and raise money to help children with muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular-related diseases attend MDA Summer Camp – a program designed to feel limitless and 🔥STRONG🔥 regardless of one’s limitations.
It’s been an incredible journey to be on, and we’re still marching strong in St. Louis!🩵
Join us in this movement (ha, pun intended) of celebration, gratitude and community giving. You can make a difference, too.
Saturday, April 20th, 2024 @ 9am
Parkway Central High School
$25.00 to attend
DM me and I’ll share the registration link! All proceeds go to the MDA.


Marriage is so, so hard. But, making your way back to one another is so, so rewarding. ✨
It’s easy to fall into traps of resentment and excuses. Pointing fingers and rolling eyes are the easy part of marriage. Self-reflecting and communicating is the hard part. Without it, we drift even further.
Years ago we chose the hard route. We’re still working our way back to one another. Prioritizing time with each other is part of that. The process is long…and worth it. Being in his armpit feels so, so good. So much, I kicked up my heel because I felt extra cute and adored. 🥰
You are my favorite golf partner. ❤️⛳️

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 01/04/2024

Join me tomorrow night! 🪩 I’ll be joined by two other women on the panel to help bring guidance and light to common business struggles for greater results. 📣 Tickets available on bio. 🎟️
Business can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. ☠️ Be surrounded by other small business owners who know your challenges, can shift your thinking, and cheer for you along the way. 👏🏻
Don’t have a small business? Perfect. Come shop, support local, and be inspired! 🛍️

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 01/04/2024

Join me tomorrow night! I’ll be joined by two other women on the panel to help bring guidance and light to common business struggles for greater results. 📣 Business can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. ☠️
Be surrounded by other small business owners who know your challenges, can shift your thinking, and cheer for you along the way. 👏🏻
Don’t have a small business? Perfect. Come shop, support local, and be inspired! 🛍️

Photos from Chelsea Theodoropoulos's post 21/03/2024

Simply grateful. ❤️ The more chaotic our schedules become, the more I prioritize family. This time, our health, and these memories are everything. ✨🏝️


March 14th.
An area code.
Pi day.
A reason to eat pizza. Mmmm.
The number of times a day I have to remind my children to pick up their snack wrappers.
…most importantly for me…a symbol of HOME.
I moved to St. Louis in 2017 with a purpose that burned so deeply in my belly. 🔥 I wanted to change people’s lives for the better. I wanted to create new opportunities for confidence and strength. I wanted to build meaningful relationships and earn the trust in others so I could push them a little harder. I wanted my belief in them to become their own. I wanted others to feel accepted, seen, loved, and worthy of transformation. I wanted to create jobs, build a team that felt like family, and multiply this impact.
And so I did.
St. Louis has been one of the most beautiful chapters in my life, and it will continue to be a story that I write. A story of home, purpose and potential.✨
Happy 314 Day, St. Louis!



This little cutie and I will be on tomorrow to kick off International Women’s Day! 💪🏼 burnbootcamp isn’t just about empowering women. We are laying the blueprint for our children. ✨
The way we look at ourselves in the mirror.
The words we use.
Our relationship with food.
The values we live.
The time we invest.
The commitments we make.
The strength we value.
The way we overcome.
The way we encourage others.
The lifestyle we live.
The way we prioritize our time.
The way we prioritize ourselves.
The reasons we celebrate.
The setbacks we forgive.
The worth we believe.
It all matters. Her future begins with me, and that’s enough to keep me grounded in this mission.🩵
See you tomorrow at 10am! 📺
Photo Credit: 💕


The time we don’t have is exactly the time we take for each other. ❤️ We’ve been at our worst (a few times 🥴), and are slowly (but surely) climbing our way back to the top. ⛰️ We learned the hard way, but now we know, a strong friendship and marriage doesn’t just happen…it is created, fiercely protected and prioritized. The work we’re putting in is starting to feel (and look 😍) reallllllll good. I’m so proud of us!
If you want a better marriage, don’t wait for it. Create it. Grab your hammer and start knocking down those bricks…one…by…one. 🧱🔨


We all need a cheerleader. 👏🏻 That’s why Burn Boot Camp feels so good. When you think you can’t, we show you that you can…in your own version, on your own time, and in a way that’s empowering to YOU.
Meet Erin. 🩵 The challenge was 60 seconds unbroken mountain sliders. An exercise that is both mentally and physically challenging. Basically, it sucks. But, she fought through every second (not to mention this being the last round 🥵) and finished STRONG. Both of our faces say it all! Proud and accomplished! 👏🏻


This is what I’m bringing into 2024. More feminine energy🌙, more light ☀️, and a whole lot more smoochin’ with this guy 💋.


We all have a first camp at Burn Boot Camp. Mine certainly didn’t look like this. I was deconditioned, uncoordinated and unsure of my own abilities. But I knew that if I wanted change, I needed to make change. I wanted to look different, feel different and think different.✨
And so I kept showing up.
Confronting the discomfort.
Failing forward.
Gaining confidence.
Getting stronger.
Trying harder.
Learning who I am.
Loving deeper.
Trusting the process.
I felt the impact at two weeks, six months, three years, and to today…nine years later. Every day provided me new opportunities to fail, celebrate and GROW. 🌱
But I have to wonder, what if I never took that chance on myself? 🙏🏻
I’m feeling extra grateful for the 2015 version of myself who recognized a need and had the courage to begin. 🩵


This is so exciting! Burn Boot Camp St. Charles is hosting a guided meditation and vision board workshop to kick off 2024, and I have the honor of leading you to your fullest potential. 🩵
We’ll get real with our inner dreams and desires, face our barriers head on, and get to a place of ACTION.
Tag and bring a friend who is ready to manifest their best life. 👯👇🏻 RSVP on Facebook events or link in bio.

Videos (show all)

You can’t live a fit life without experiencing LIFE. Don’t give up yourself - especially on the hard days. Keep going. 🔥...
To the parent who is stuck inside today busy building their dreams, I see you. You feel justified making the sacrifice b...
POV: Your mom thinks she can smoke you in tennis. 🎾.(His reaction is fair.).The mom’s POV: Best sound in the entire worl...
Owning a gym has its perks. I could spend time like this all day long with him. ❤️ #morethanagym #livewithpurpose