Twigbush Oracle

Twigbush Oracle

Teacher & student of life. 🦉


Natural guidance
Today I was drawn to the following signs and things while on my walk:

- red-white checkered playing card face-down
- upper body of a shaman-type smurf
- a scaffolding
- yellow car sales cards
- little dead bird
- green acorns
- chattering birds in bush
- pink broken and empty cig lighter
- damaged empty cigarette package
- hearing a dog cough > feeling of wanting to eat licorice
- partly broken white pacifier

Remember this is a general reading pertaining to many. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

It is time to reveal your strategies and games, for they are seen by some as well as by higher beings. If truth is not spoken, the universe will reveal them. You must learn to see the patterns in your life and either follow them step by step, or learn to get out of them, which can also mean getting out of one's comfort zone.

There’s need to work on your root chakra, since you may be experiencing signs like: nightmares, vivid dreams, dizziness, nervousness, anxiety, paranoid thinking etc. You are in the process of slow or fast awakening to your truth. Focus also on your upper chakras, bottom to top, in order to realize who you are and to heal yourself. Some of you are shamans and asked to step into your healer role. This also requires you to work on your body and presence, a need to rebuild yourself to allow your true and healthy self to shine through. For others, it is time to let go of old personas that do not serve you.

Some of you plan to or have to sell things, others must be careful about whom you make deals and agreements with. A trip with a car may be indicated for some. Be careful not to let pride and ego interfere. Listen to the universe's guidance, or the plans, projects, planted seeds may not sprout. For some, you are not listening to the guidance provided, therefor have to wait for new opportunities to present themselves.
There will be much (needed) communication and socializing happening, which may be overwhelming for some. It will help in gaining new insights. Be aware what or whom you listen to.

Those in the process of allowing heart healing to take place, have now the opportunity to do so. This is the time to let go of unhealthy habits. Healing of sadness, grief and smoking may present as respiratory challenges. These can also occur due to opening and healing of the heart and throat chakra, making way for communication from the heart space. Those with colds and coughs may want to help themselves with foods and herbal teas containing licorice.

I felt the pacifier relating to a young (baby) boy or boys, which may also represent the divine masculine energy in us. This whole process assists in healing inner children and childhood experiences. You are asked to step into a father role to help your inner child or divine masculine energy heal. For a few others, this may relate to having become or being a father to a little (baby) boy. This may have happened or ended unexpectedly or is going to be unexpected.


All my life I was wishing for and living [similarly] to the following inscription of Georgia's Guidestones:

1. Maintain Humanity [at a low amount] In Perpetual Balance With Nature

2. Guide Reproduction Wisely [less births] -- Improving Fitness And Diversity [more health]

3. Unite Humanity With A Living New Language
[everyone can understand one another, a simple language]

4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition And All Things With Tempered Reason [moderation, balance, trust, spirituality]

5. Protect People And Nation With Fair [and useful] Laws And Just Courts
[no corruption, lying and deceit; no false judgements]

8. Balance Personal Rights With Social Duties
[everyone helps everyone]

9. Prize Truth — Beauty — Love — Seeking Harmony With The Infinite [and all living beings]

10. Be Not A Cancer On The Earth — Leave Room For Nature
[more clean, intact nature and wildlife, no big cities beyond 200-300k, people treating nature like their most precious treasure]

Photos from Twigbush Oracle's post 10/07/2020

Again and again the universe provides me with so many confusing and intriguing, amazing and wonderful surprises.

The past days during walks I was repeatedly guided to different things that I picked up. Over the course of the last few months, I came across so many feathers of different variety, and other items. And they often came during specific times or after certain events.

The past days I found a beautiful piece of bark with much moss on it. And then found a cutesy double-acorn. Yesterday I found an egg shell from a blackbird and today, I was led to walk across a meadow to walk towards some benches, where there was a waste bin and a mother with her baby carriage. My guides wanted me to walk along there and, oh my! There it was, a beautiful and very shiny medium sized feather from either a raven or crow. Then I continued to walk further and they pointed my gaze towards the right and there was another small feather from the same or another crow/ raven. When heading on, they then led me to walk across another meadow, where, beneath a bush was resting a big long crow/raven feather again.

They have beautiful shiny colors of green, blue and purple. It was funny to me to receive them today, because before that, I received another undeniable confirmation of being a twin flame. And what information I received was also aligning with the feathers I received today.

A few of the collected ones:

Timeline photos 14/06/2020

Thank You


Channeled message for specific person or few specific people.

During my walk I saw and heard:
- “Profi” written on a white big car driving by
- “Mh, this tastes delicious”
- a jogging more masculine young lady
- I saw a squashed older tomato and heard “Italian dish”
- Letter H and Number 100
- Number 11 and 888
- two green stripes
- Number 369
- Number 13 and 4

This is a message for a selected few people, it seems.
You may be dreaming about or planning to create a project, business or similar about food creation. Whether it is cooking, baking, confectionary or ice-cream. Someone in particular may be planning on creating Italian dishes. :D You seem to have a hand for this, and not only others but you yourself enjoy dealing with food and tasting it. You may plan on creating a name starting with H, or maybe your own name starts with H. Or maybe a person with a name starting with H may be of importance for you about this in some way. Of course, it can also just mean that the H plays a specific role in your life and is a sign that this message is meant for you. The same with number 100. Going professional in this art may be very fulfilling to you. Make sure to keep up a healthy lifestyle, for you will need regular exercise in order to stay healthy in these professions.

You are still to wait for a few more insights about some aspects that will help you plan out and be sure about how to start or continue. You may also want to practice faith in a good outcome and in your own abilities. Securing certain business projects or the likes might require some security or insurance aspects, which you may want to dive into as well. Matters of the heart are very important here and pave the way for your success, for this work requires you to keep your heart open, vibrant and filled with joy and love, in order to bring about a wonderful creation for everyone to share your meals or creations with, to pass on that loving healing energy. To help yourself, meditate on, visualize or listen to specific sounds for your heart chakra, but also for your root chakra. Both will support you in creating enough trust and faith and a sense of joy and love in a balanced way, to go forth with your project. Solfeggio frequency 369 Hz may be of help to you as well. Old patterns need to be let go of in order to create a strong foundation and structure to successfully move forward.


On today’s walk I saw and heard:
- an aluminium foil that looked like a butterfly
- much noise from some machine
- plastic wrapping with yellow tulips
- a document with filling form
- a couple small white feathers
- some dove feathers
- battery in street
- carrot piece
- many dogs and people in good mood
- peaceful sensations
- sunshine
- movement everywhere
- a courier person telling someone they received a package
- two single crows/ravens kraa’ing at different places
- people cleaning a truck, lots of things stored outside
- pink button
- a cloud that looked like a dog’s head facing East
- old ripped open dirty envelope

There is a lot of movement happening in some of your lives right now. You are taking charge of matters and prepare for necessary changes, which may involve cleaning your environment. Letting go of things unneeded, people not serving your highest good. Allowing yourself to pack for possible travel or movement to a new place.

You may have already received or will be receiving messages or signs soon, that will allow you to understand what to do and when to take action. This message will take a moment for you to step back and halt, but eventually allow you to go forward. You are learning to trust and have faith in the higher, in a force that may lead you to a better future. You are starting to connect with your spiritual self and allowing yourself to learn to nurture and nourish yourself. You are in the process of allowing, accepting and treasuring your own feminine energies, but also understand that it requires patience and time to improve and implement these energies in order to integrate them fully and experience the full extend of a healthy balance of masculine and feminine energies in you.

You are still in the process of transformation, and already started to notice or will soon notice how your internal changes will reflect in your environment. These reflections help you understand the importance of your inner state with your environment and that every change you create within you will allow for positive changes in your environment, bringing new opportunities.
There is still much noise happening in your environment, that continues to distract you, or tries to keep you off track from your path. Stay focused on your main goal, do not get swayed by the noise in your environment and the people surrounding you. Learn to be flexible and ready for unexpected changes, and be observant of and learn to understand universal warning signs. It is important to stay clear of those who keep nagging and spreading negativity, for this does not serve your best interest.

You may need to take better care of your body and keep track of your own energy. You still seem to forego your body’s signals about when to rest, how much to rest and when or how much to work. Keep track of and allow yourself to recharge your energy as the body requires it regularly to promote your overall well-being. You are urged to make sure to eat healthy, especially more vegetables. For others, you are asked to take better care of your eye sight, for you stay in environments or work with devices that do not serve your health. You may want to reduce the use of TV, Phone, Computer etc. and not read or work in not well lit places. Generally, the universe demands you to stay and be more observant, to watch your surroundings and your own behavior, and learn to see beyond the veil. Learn to open your eyes to the truth.

You are wishing for a reconciliation with someone. Hope to be friends with someone (again), or wanting to make up with someone. Jealousy may be (or may have been) involved. The opportunity for this will be presented. The outcome depends on everyone’s effort and free will.

These changes allow you to form deeper connections with either a few specific old contacts that are reconciled with, or with new people that you will meet. These connections may ignite a stronger and true sense of loyalty and trust than experienced with others before. This will further bring about more joyous moments and a feeling of belonging in you, for you are creating these changes actively. Community matters may improve with your own created changes, enabling yourself to find more happiness, calm and peace, and surrounding yourself with people more suitable to your own growth and well-being.

Your journey and the decisions made and based on heart matters and true passion are divinely guided and protected. This will bring you and allow you to create more peace in and with yourself and therefor in and with your environment. You start noticing more small moments of peace and calm arising in you.

Currently or soon, there will be the chance to sign a contract, an agreement or finish a business of some sort – this may be related to moving to a new place, a new job opportunity or marriage or divorce. Something that may require thorough deduction and caution, but may lead to mutual agreement. A chance for changes of circumstances. Something requires closure.
There will also be some messages that will either arise in your memory or be presented to you from old contacts, which you may not give importance to anymore, for you understand that some things need to stay in the past and not be reopened and taken into your current and newly developing self and life. This will grant you to walk forward with courage and a new authentic and more fulfilling energy.

May you stay blessed and treasure each moment that is provided to you!


On yesterdays long beautiful rainy nature walk with my dog, I came across the following signs and messages:

- a broken neon yellow plastic spoon
- an empty plastic coffee bottle
- insurance
- 888
- people moving furniture
- 3 black goose or swans flying in the sky towards north
- many air filled balloons
- several slugs and one snail

You are feeling empty, running out of energy. There are issues about how you live, your lifestyle is wacky. You need to take better care of your health. Eat regularly and healthily, drink more water as is needed. Coffee will only add to your fears.
Your sacral chakra needs attention, it may be either overactive or blocked, which causes emotional turmoil but also the possibility of sexual addiction or libido issues.

Some of you may be facing some financial or material challenges that require support through insurance. For some this may be a sign to be careful about making investments at this time, or being cautious about what you will invest in. For others, unexpected events will take place that may require you to make use of insurance.

You are asked by the universe to have faith, and to connect with the universal guidance that is given to you all around you and from within you. Money matters are currently weighing heavy on you. You require to reflect on your situation more and learn to connect with your heart, in order to clearly hear the guidance given to you.

For some of you this may be related to a moving to a different apartment, house or home. Or maybe a different town or country. It seems that you are slowly moving into your personal true north. Considering the signs, it seems the movement is done with two other people, which may be a partner and a child or two general family members or two specific people, that you still have connection to/with and/or require karma to be resolved with.

For others, moving may be a suitable solution for you (soon or currently, depending on your present karma and the changes you already achieved in your self and life). An opportunity may present itself, which you may be taking.
This may result in some form of joyful change or reason for personal celebration or success, or maybe even a real celebration, reunion, reconciliation or personal achievement.

Whether this celebration related to having taken a necessary action about changing your environment, or whether it is related to learning to show your true nature and being true to yourself, baring yourself naked in front of others, standing your ground, only you will know.
This is a slow process that you are not rushing. It may be a strenuous journey for you. It takes time, and may demand you to be patient with yourself and the journey ahead of you. Rushing won’t lead you forward any faster but may cause more setbacks and stagnation. Patience and perseverance about learning to show yourself truthfully and exploring your bared essence, is required.

This may, at some point, lead you to a time of withdrawing completely, so that you can fully focus on the journey within, to start from the beginning and walk the spiral towards its center, step by step. For some others, this may only be a few of you who will remain in a position of withdrawing in your shell, not wanting to show yourself. Being defensive in your environment and about life and self, continuing to delay your own progress and healing journey.

I felt guided to pull oracle cards as well now:

It is going to be a time of vast changes. Be aware that you need to be prepared for any eventualities, because your life won’t stay the same. Expect the best only, for it will help you to spread your wings into expressing yourself truthfully. For some of you, this means heart healing and expressing romantic feelings. You are learning to communicate with integrity and from your heart, through any challenges. This journey unfolding for you helps you to ascend further on your soul growth journey, and you are able to allow yourself to experience life in all its facets. The opening of the heart gives way to diving into life with more joy and a feeling of connection. Relations will start to feel deeper and you will begin to feel more fulfilled, diving into a higher awareness about the importance of matters of the heart, solidarity, community and union. And the importance of staying true to your self.

May you find your way and walk it with courage and integrity!

Lauren Daigle - Still Rolling Stones (Social Distancing Version) 05/05/2020

A universal nudge for all the divine masculines, refusing to surrender to the universe's signs. Listen to them and your intuition. You will find your way, and your heart. Be brave, be you, follow your true path.

Out of the shadows
Bound for the gallows
A dead man walking
Till love came calling
Rise up (rise up)
Rise up (rise up)

Six feet under
I thought it was over
An answer to prayer
The voice of a Savior
Rise up (rise up)
Rise up (rise up)

All at once I came alive
This beating heart, these open eyes
The grave let go
The darkness should have known
(You're still rolling rolling, you're still rolling rolling oh)
You're still rolling stones
(You're still rolling rolling oh)
You're still rolling stones

Now that You saved me
I sing 'cause You gave me
A song of revival
I put it on vinyl
Rise up (rise up)
Rise up (rise up)

I once was blinded
But now I see it
I heard about the power
And now I believe it
Rise up (rise up)
Rise up (rise up)

All at once I came alive
This beating heart, these open eyes
The grave let go
The darkness should have known
(You're still rolling rolling, you're still rolling rolling oh)
You're still rolling stones
(You're still rolling rolling oh)
You're still rolling stones

I thought that I was too far gone
For everything I've done wrong
Yeah, I'm the one who dug this grave
But You called my name
You called my name
I thought that I was too far gone
For everything I've done wrong
Yeah, I'm the one who dug this grave
But You called my name
You called my name

All at once I came alive
This beating heart, these open eyes
The grave let go
The darkness should have known
(You're still rolling rolling, you're still rolling rolling oh)
You're still rolling stones
(You're still rolling rolling oh)

Lauren Daigle - Still Rolling Stones (Social Distancing Version) The social distancing version of "Still Rolling Stones" by Lauren Daigle. From the Grammy Award Winning album, Look Up Child:


Mankind is not meant to remain stuck in the same cycles of repetition.
Mankind is not meant to keep up rigid systems, belief systems and traditions continuously.
Mankind is here to evolve. They are here to learn to create something vaster, brighter, open and creative.
Mankind is here to learn to go beyond the old and allow the new, to grow out of fear and allow companionship.
Mankind is here to learn to work together in unison, as one, throughout all continents.
They are meant to expand their consciousness and being beyond pettiness, greed and the rigid.


I received more messages for the divine masculines on my walk. I saw and heard:

- a bill
- an unopened tampon
- lots of birds chirping at once
- a single dove hoohooing and a single raven screeching
- the sky – one side dark blue rain clouds, the other side blue sky with some white and tiny rain cloud stripes
- a brown chestnut, which had its brown skin peeled open, and the beige seed revealed
- a bee in the street
- an empty blister of two pills
- a package of pain balm

Some of you are facing money issues, or are still tackling money issues. Some new unexpected bills or other financial issues may be presenting themselves to you.
For some, you may be getting unexpected notice about a pregnancy with a girl or woman you mingled with.

There is much mind chatter going on currently, and you have trouble calming the monkey mind. It keeps driving you crazy. There is one opportunity that can provide you with peace, if you listen to that guidance. And another, which will drive you into more despair, if you listen to that one. Which you choose, is up to you, so make a wise decision for your greatest good. Use your discernment. Listen to your inner guidance, not your fears. Some others of you may be faced with many options and opportunities, be aware that some may lead you to new karmic cycles.

Whichever way you look, your mood will shift depending on what you focus on. Do you look at the dark or look towards something promising?
Currently it is a time for some rest and rejuvenation, in order to regain some energy and ponder about what next steps to take.

Some of you are starting to notice some minor changes, about things you invested effort into, which will start to blossom in time. Continue to do what is good and right, for your well-being and growth. Projects, self-care and so forth may start to bring more positive shifts again, that will be long-lasting, if pursued further.

Some of you may tend towards "self-medication" which is a karmic habit that needs to be broken through, for it does not provide you with healing and relief. Seek professional support to tackle your circumstances and emotions, if necessary.
Some of you feel pain in the body (legs, lower back, head) due to unhealthy lifestyle and continuously focusing on the negative and destructive. Or, because you keep neglecting your body's needs and signals.

May you receive the strength and peace you need, may your path be filled with healing.


On today’s walk I found and saw the following things:

- a heavily ruffled black feather (from either a Raven or a magpie)
- a half of an empty walnut
- many cigarette buds
- both turned over and face up beer caps
- a purple flower directly in front of my path
- many white and yellow flowers, a few purple ones
- a single raven, a single starling
- then a group of ravens and a single starling searching for food
- a brown wooden frame, which seemed to be the frame of a mirror, which was missing
- a silver star
- alcohol bottles
- a woman’s shoe
- an empty tissue package
- a child toy which was some sort of character/ figurine
- many flower buds and petals spread on the floor

This message was received for all who are in a stronger divine masculine energy or are divine masculines.

The messages retrieved are the following:

You are going through a tough time of challenges, that make you feel exhausted, stressed and on edge. You want to dive into calmer waters and get some peace, but your circumstances are not allowing you to receive the peace you wish for at this time.

You are holding onto karmic habits and patterns that do not serve your highest good. For some of you, you may have relapsed, for others, you are still struggling with letting go of addictions, especially in regards to alcoholism and smoking. For a few of you, I feel you are already at the edge of conquering to overcome your addictions completely and are on the right track! Well, done. Keep going!

You may need some clearing and meditation on your crown chakra, solar plexus chakra and third eye chakra, for you do not seem to be able to or wanting to see the signs the universe nudges you to see and take note of. You may not see clearly what to do or where to go, nor what the circumstances you are facing are about, or what is happening in general. A sense of confusion. A sense of not knowing what is happening.

Some of you have now taken the road of singlehood, striving to find away to regain balance and break away from codependency and attachments, as well as allowing yourself to not get influenced by other people and their behaviors, ideas and patterns.

Others of you are still staying in surroundings and with people, who may seem to be good for you, for they provide you a sense of family or togetherness, and you may still learn some things from them, but it disallows you to grow in the way you could. There may be one person in your surrounding, which may hold a key to change. If there are circumstances that require support from others, see if you can find out who that person is, who can provide you with the necessary support and guidance needed to tackle whatever challenge is presented before you.

Some of you have been in contact with someone, soulmate or twin flame, who may have mirrored to you your own self and habits or patterns. Now, this person has disappeared, therefor you are wondering what all of this was about. You may feel lost about the circumstance of them leaving, and you are holding onto the material and physical aspects rather than observing the mirroring aspects that had been shown to you. In order to reveal yourself and what wishes to be revealed in you.

There is someone in your life, this may be related to the soulmate or twin flame some of you have encountered, whom you hold dear. Or, you have some visions, hopes and dreams about something that can allow you to regain hope and strength in order to do what needs to be done, and to continue life with energy and perseverance, to promote changes and healing. If you allow yourself to remember and keep focus on these dreams and hopes for your future, you will help yourself through these challenging times.

For some of you, you are with a woman, that is either not good for you, and who is not faithful or truly interested in you. For some others of you, a woman has left you recently, or you found out something about her, that left you in shock and despair. And for the rest of you, you may have encountered the loss of a female person in your life that left you with a feeling of sadness and emptiness. Much crying is involved. All of these cases resulted in many of you to go back to drowning yourself and numbing yourselves with alcohol. You are only seeing at what has left, what was, what happened, and lose sight of what can be, what can come, what can change. Allow yourself to remember your dreams, hopes and wishes. Regain the inner strength you believe you do not have, and purge what needs to be purged, and pursue a better life and self.

Many of these circumstances are related to childhood experiences or memories or events that occurred during your upbringing. If you reflect on your past and upbringing, you may find ways to break out of the karmic cycles you drive yourself into repeatedly, and can gain clarity for yourself again. And you may reignite and see again, parts of who you truly are. Gaining knowledge about what to do, in order to change your life and turn it around into something much better, even amazing!

Much love and light on your paths!


The process of union of divine masculine and feminine is a process of utmost importance. It is the balance of all aspects of self, of one another. The connection with all. Being one with the universe. Image must not be used, reused or similar!


On my walk today, I saw the following things:
- a black ruffled feather
- a playing card which had its blue back upwards, not showing its face
- a single earplug
- two tiny white fluffy feathers
- a light blue paper heart that someone cut out, in the street

Some of you are going through a rough time, having to face a lot due to having accumulated heavy karma due to own created situations, choices and decisions made. Due to circumstances and people, environments that you stayed in.

For others, it means that someone you are connected with is going through such a difficult time. They have to face the karma of their own decisions and behaviors, which makes them feel defeated and lost.

Some of you are not able to or wanting to show your face. Not willing to show your true colors, or not daring to out of fear. The same can apply for a person some of you are connected with. They may avoid showing their true colors and selves due to fear or deceit. They continue to play games, or you do, gambling with their circumstances, life and well-being. Attracting more challenges.

Some of you have been receiving guidance, both from friends or family members, or from your spirit team, guardian angels, higher self or spirit. Yet, you are not wanting to listen to the signs and messages they keep presenting you. You may partly listen to it now, but the rest remains unheard and unseen, for you are unwilling to see, staying in denial of your circumstances. The same can apply for someone in your environment, who is not listening to the loving guidance they receive from the higher realms or their friends or family.

There is hope though. Two small opportunities are provided for you (or the person you may be relating to these messages), which you can draw upon and allow for change to happen. If you take these chances, you will allow yourself to set free your heart again. It may be the heart of a young boy, the heart of a man with a young boy's heart, who is guided to open themselves to allow a connection to their hearts again.
In either circumstance, the heart is going to be set free, whether one tries pushing against it, or not. The end result will be the same, yet one may be more challenging than the other. These precious young hearts need to be nourished, nurtured and cared for with patience and self care, self love and gentleness, to whomever they belong.

Stay strong, you are able to overcome these challenges if you are willing to face the truth, reveal the truth or dare to go beyond your own fears and shadows, listening to the messages of guidance you receive from your higher self and spirit team.
