The Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs' Association

The Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs' Association

Our Mission is for every neurodivergent person to know that entrepreneurship is an option...



Want to change something in your life or business?

Are you stuck on the same things each week or season? Again and again and you can't quite work out why you can't just seem to sort it?

This is simply evidence of not having the right support.

Support can look like training, information, practical support like hiring someone to help you...

The biggest piece of support that gets missed is 'community'.

Having people to lean into - a group of people who share some of those experiences, who want to champion you, cheer with you, remind you that you're awesome in tougher moments, and call you out when you're not showing up for yourself.

(Who doesn't love a little bit of needed, gentle butt-kicking??!)

Some of my best business friends have come from How 2 Entrepreneuro. And meeting up with them each week in a more focussed way in The 120 Club has cemented the interwovenness of our community and friendship.

New colleagues, new people to call when SHTF or when feeling a little lonely... and in my case, new people to add to my 'butt-kicking' list each week 😉 (by permission of course).

Imagine what you could do with a support team of 4-8 people. Sharing many aspects of the journey you're on. The ND challenges, the 'i'm not good enough' moments, the organisational isses and the business nous as you grow and explore new opportunities.

You're not alone.

You have things to offer other people... I promise - your presence alone is plenty, and you have your own journey and experiences to share.

Come and give it a whirl - and let us help you discover the community that might be the missing piece you've been looking for 🙂

Doors are open until Monday 17th at midnight GMT.

Cycles run for 5 weeks - more details and to sign up - See less


Do you prefer pen and paper, a favourite planner, a google calendar or an all in one app?

Do you like to plan in broad brush strokes and fill in the detail as you go, or do you prefer to break things down into granular steps?

Do you have set things each week that need tending to, or is every week different?

Or perhaps your life, your business and your circumstances are something else entirely.

Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed, lost in a blur of scraps of paper, or apprehensive to commit to a 'plan' because you know it's like to trigger PDA or similar...

Perhaps you feel like you've tried 'everything' and you simply cannot plan - it does not work.

Would you like to have the space to be supported to discover what works for you?

There will be something. A unique way that can hold the flexibility you need, ebbing and flowing with your capacity and life circumstances. Something that can even feel fun. A way of doing things, of setting up your time, your rhythm, creating a foundation that will give you a compass - a way out of overwhelm and chaos towards feeling empowered and resilient.

The 120 Club will support you to do exactly that.

To find what works for YOU.

Whilst being supported every step of the way - with planning, habits, rhythms, accountability, community support and business support - from and for ND brains.

Some people in the club plan using a map - places they need to visit, without set times. Other's like to keep their 'why' in mind to help motivate them each day. Some like to have an over-arching 'to-do' list that they pull from each day depending on their mood and capacity...

Most people started out thinking they couldn't plan. That accountability wasn't for them - that it was triggering even. That habits seems to have hold of them rather than the other way around.

Bit by bit we've experimented - taken chances, explored possibilities, and leaned into one another's experiences - to discover what way of organising ourselves and our time works for us.

Come and join us - and let us help you discover what will work for you :)

Doors are open until Sunday 16th at midnight GMT.

Cycles run for 5 weeks - more details and to sign up -