

Ayureasy tells the true Ayurvedic treatment, causes, symptoms, home remedies of diseases,thus, making it the best blog for Ayurveda.

National Nutrition month in India 2020 | Dr Rucha Sawant - Ayureasy 01/09/2020

PM Modi in his Mann ki Baat 2.0 told to observe September as the National Nutrition Month in India.
The National Nutrition Month focuses on the nutrition of children, pregnant and lactating mothers and so on.
More importantly, it is a people's movement for their own health. How should you live the through the eyes of

Read it here.

Share this story so the benefits are not only limited to us, but they go beyond!

National Nutrition month in India 2020 | Dr Rucha Sawant - Ayureasy National Nutrition Month in India is observed in the month of September. What should you do for your health in September? Read this post on Ayureasy

Psoriasis Treatment in Ayurveda | Psoriasis Ayurvedic Medicine - Ayureasy 16/08/2020

Psoriasis through the eyes of Ayurveda!

The causes of almost all skin conditions are one. So, even if you are not the one with psoriasis, but with some other skin conditions, this post is for you.

Go read the blog! Like, comment, share.


Psoriasis Treatment in Ayurveda | Psoriasis Ayurvedic Medicine - Ayureasy Let us seek answers for Psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda on Ayureasy. You maybe fed up of your skin condition but Ayureasy is here to help you out.


Pitta prakriti people have interesting traits and many of you might relate it to self or your friends.

Everything about Pitta dosha, what they should do is up on the website.

Like, comment, share, tag if you relate to it. Read the blog here-

Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation | Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation- Ayureasy 17/07/2020

Constipation- 8 out of 10 of us are surely suffering from constipation right now.

Many of you might be having headache, back pain, insomnia etc. Do you know that constipation is one of the major causes of all this?

Read more about this on Ayureasy.


Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation | Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation- Ayureasy The correct approach to ayurvedic treatment for constipation is essential. Only taking stool softeners won't help in the long term. read in detail on Ayureasy.


Chyawanprash has been in the limelight recently and for all good reasons.

This medicine told in Charak Samhita more than 2000 years ago stands true to its promises even today.

And that is why we have personally been using this even before it got a place in clinical trials of immunity boosters for Covid-19 in India.


Ayurvedic Treatment For Vertigo | Vertigo Medicine In Ayurveda - Ayureasy 25/06/2020

An increase in cases of Vertigo or dizziness has been observed in the last 2-3 years.

Vertigo is a disorder which is quite overlooked because only the patient knows what he is going through. Others around him cannot feel it as there are no visible external signs.

A vertigo patient has fear to drive, even walk or run, has frequent anger outbursts, etc.

Ayurveda is here to solve their problems.

Read more about ayurvedic treatment of Vertigo on Ayureasy.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Vertigo | Vertigo Medicine In Ayurveda - Ayureasy A growing symptom nowadays and a frequently asked question - Do you have ayurvedic medicine for Vertigo? Ayureasy will tell you what Ayurveda has to say about ayurvedic treatment for Vertigo.

Timeline photos 21/06/2020

Happy father's day ❣️

❤️ ❤️ ❤ 💕

Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetes | Ayurvedic Cure For Diabetes - Ayureasy 13/06/2020


Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetes | Ayurvedic Cure For Diabetes - Ayureasy Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is one of the most sought answer. Keeping your blood sugar level in check is possible if you follow these health tips on Ayureasy.

Ayurvedic Immunity Booster - Reality Unfolded - Ayureasy 04/06/2020

Imagine you are in a war scene; you are equipped with all kinds of sharpest weapons. However, you do not know how to use them. How are you going to fight the war even if you are fully equipped?
Here, -19 is your war scenario. Ayurvedic Immunity boosters are your weapons. Now, you have to shape your body to prepare itself in this war.
boosters will work for you when you work for yourself. Know more about this at Ayureasy.


Ayurvedic Immunity Booster - Reality Unfolded - Ayureasy Ayurvedic Immunity booster- Probably, one of the most searched topic these days. Out of fear to save ourselves from corona, each one of us wants to safeguard ourself using ayurvedic immunity medicine. The outcome of the relation between corona virus and health is two-sided: 1. Sadly, the reason had....

What Is Panchakarma? What Are Its Benefits? - Ayureasy 30/05/2020

is the Ayurvedic way of Detoxification. A specialty of , Panchakarma is an experience in itself.

Every few years, you renovate your house, have a personal makeover, revamp your vehicles. Similarly, your body and mind need refurbishment, and Panchakarma does this for you.

It offers a complete body, mind, and disease transformation uproots a disease right from the root.
Know more about this experience at Ayureasy.

What Is Panchakarma? What Are Its Benefits? - Ayureasy What is Panchakarma? Is it really helpful? Find out what exactly is told about Panchakarma in Ayurveda and its benefits on Ayureasy.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Piles | Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles - Ayureasy 26/05/2020

is one condition in which patients are inconvenient to talk about. They prolong to show up to the clinics and in turn worsen their conditions.

Many of them even don't know what they exactly have- Piles, Fissure, or Fistula. Know the difference between them and read what has to say on the causes, symptoms, and of Piles/ Hemorrhoids/ Arsha.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Piles | Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles - Ayureasy Let us seek answers for Ayurvedic treatment for Piles on Ayureasy, your one-stop ayurvedic health solution.

How Much Water Should I Drink A Day? - Ayureasy 20/05/2020

Water- One of those elements without which we cannot spend even half of the day. However, excess of anything is harmful, be it abundant wealth or affection. So is with water!

Ayurveda never ever told to drink abundant water. It has said some amazing facts about water consumption and you will be surprised to know them as what you have heard till today may sound exactly opposite.
Find out what are they on Ayureasy. https://ayureasy.com/how-much-water-should-i-drink-every-day/

How Much Water Should I Drink A Day? - Ayureasy The most frequently asked question- How much water should I drink per day? Get the right answers to all your questions related to water on Ayureasy.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Acidity | Ayurvedic Medicine For Acidity - Ayureasy 17/05/2020

Acidity- A common complaint that keeps us away from eating our favourite, spicy foods. Yet, our irresistible tongue gives up and we land in heartburn, nausea, stomach-ache the next day.

Do you know that drinking water excessively can also land you up in acidity?! Stopping the causes that lead to acidity is 50% of the treatment.

Read what Ayurveda tells about acidity and see how you can get rid of it.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Acidity | Ayurvedic Medicine For Acidity - Ayureasy Do you experience heartburn or burning along your throat, chest and stomach? Let’s know the real causes, symptoms and Ayurvedic treatment for acidity here.