Biloxi BP
Dedicated to those that endured their time spent working the BP Oil Spill environmental claim proces
Our new employee, Genesis. I’m not sure how long she’ll be with us but her job is to entertain the folks when they come into the shop. She’s such a itty-bitty little thing found on the side of the road by Chelsey.
Five hours seemed like 5 minutes.
Linda and I have plenty of room if anyone what’s to stay over.
Linda and I rented
2060 Beach Boulevard,�Biloxi, MS 39531
We got it for Friday Saturday and Sunday night. We’ll have our get together on Saturday night at the condo starting at 4pm till whenever. We’ll order food during the night.
I suggest we have blszin Cajun deliver us a bunch of food. We’ll know how much after a head count. Let everyone know. See you there!
We are setting up a reunion of all our Biloxi peeps for March 25, 26 and 27, 2022. Stay tuned for details. Tell everyone you can think of that was a part of this and let them know. We would like a head count ASAP so we can rent a room and stuff.