The crystalized moon

The crystalized moon

Intuitive tarot reader, psychic medium and crystal crafter. No sugar coatings!! ❤️ highly rated 🥰


Neither. We go straight ahead.

If you go left you lose your sense of direction and go off path. If you go right you'll be succeeding all alone. If you go straight you can succeed and finish victorious with your tribe 💕


This! Something that angers me is when you meet someone who has ego issues and think they're better than everyone else and that they sit at the head of the table. This is not how spirituality works. We are a community. We are equal. Everyone has different gifts and some none at all but that doesn't mean anyone is better. We are all as one. We don't put other people down at my table. You're in my circle as an equal


Collective message 💕
You may feel drawn to only one of these cards or both, just take what resonates 💕

The sacred fire lives inside of Mother earth. It's the fire that creates and sustains life on our planet and is responsible for the earths magnetic field. The heat that exists within thr second sacred fire contains the life-giving blood of mother earth herself which formed within the planet and created all that we see here today and which arises in the form of magma and heat. Some of you may be giving " birth" to a new phase in your life, a new project or new idea. Now is the time to fully delve in the power of creation, take in all the wonders of mother earth, and marvel in your own significance. Breathe creativity into the new opportunities appearing in your life and allow that power to flow through your veins.

The spirit totem animal card reminds us to reflect and reconnect to the animal spirits that are guiding us through life. Your spirit totem animal is always present and can be called upon to assist you in your journey. Your spirit totem animal walks with you in this life down all different roads you take. They help in decision making, assisting in finding our way when we are lost or meet a cross roads. Sometimes our choices lead to far reaching consequences and our spirit totem animal can help us make those decisions. Call upon your spirit totem animal. If you're unfamiliar you can request a sign from spirit or I offer totem animal readings for $8.00. This card heralds an opportunity that requires direction. Trust that your spirit totem animal is there with you and allow their presence to guide you.


Channeled song. If you can take it, please do.

I've been hearing " sing me a verse of amazing grace! " from the song Budweiser by Nate Haller

The next part of this song goes " Sure, we made mistakes along the way. Sure, we got a long way to go. Just another year, another beer, Just another fork stuck in the road. All of the lessons learned, all the bridges burned, and all the all-nighters."

This if your reminder that yes, you're going to make mistakes cuz that's what happens in life. You're learning new things your whole life weather you even notice it or not. Those forks stuck in the road are your path markers set in by spirit. You learn lessons along the way and this is how you learn what to do and what not to do. What works and what does not. Plus those bridges that you had to burn were for your own good. What doesn't resonate in your life any more has to be let go. You can't use a fork to eat soup and expect to get far with it lol just as you can't have jealousy and people who hurt you in your life and expect to feel loved and supported.

Look to the holy spirit if you are ever lost on your path, because you will be found. ❤️


Want to win a free reading for you and a friend? Yes that's right. Two free readings, one to keep and one to share.

How to enter? Easy.

🪬 Share this post
🪬 Like/follow my page ( if you haven't already)
🪬 And comment done.

🎱 Bonus entry: Tag a friend.

Please note you have to comment on the original post for me to be able to see it and count you in!

Good luck ✨️🍀

>> Draw closes on December the 1st


Soft not sulfur.

Protect yourself when needed but don't turn into that side of you for good. Not everyone is toxic


Damn right!


🤑Ching, ching, ching goes the money tree 🤑
✨️and everytime it chings money comes to me. ✨️
🤑It all flows in so abundantly. 🤑
✨️From the top, left, right and up under me.✨️
🤑 Wave, wave, wave I am a money wave. 🤑
✨️Money flow, money flow, money made.✨️
🤑 Flowing in and out plus money saved. 🤑
✨️All debt, debt, debt, all debt is paid. ✨️

Photos from The crystalized moon's post 13/11/2023

I have a handmade pendalum shelf now available! $50.00 ☺️




Hi, I am Noble ❤️


We will remember them ❤️



Photos from The crystalized moon's post 10/11/2023

Something new available at The crystalized moon 👀 rune casting stones!

$18.00 a set plus shipping ( if shipping is needed)
$22.00 a set with bag, plus shipping ( again if shipping is needed)

*** By custom order only ***

*** Please note special requests such as adding flowers, crystals, etc into stones costs extra***


Just let it be ❤️❤️❤️


Always remember you are enough ❤️❤️❤️

Canadian hotline: 1-833 -456-4566
American hotline: 1-800- 985- 5990
Just in case someone who sees this needs it!!! ❤️

Love yall ❤️🥰


In pagan beliefs, The tree was brought into the house so the wood spirits would be kept warm during the cold winter months. Food and treats were hung on the branches for the spirits to eat. Bells were hung on the limbs to chime when an appreciative spirit was present. A five pointed star, pentagon representing the five elements was placed atop the tree.


" the crystal ball told me that the key is that we really need a tattoo " 🤣


Let's talk ouija boards.

Are they as bad as they're said to be? Well. No but there are entities that you do not want to come across. I'll explain what I mean in just a moment.

So what really IS a ouija board? And do demons really possess you? No lol but it does open a way of communication.

Buisnesness man Elijah Bond created the ouija board on the 1st of July in 1890. The Ouija board was regarded as an innocent parlor game unrelated to the occult until American spiritualist and professional Chessmaster Pearl Curran popularized its use as a divining tool during World War I.

So why's it said to be so bad? Well thats because it does have the potential of going from awesome to scary. How come you ask? Well, you never know what spirit wants to come play of course. When you're using a ouija board you don't really know what spirits you're going to encounter if youre not focused on a specific spirit in mind. It could be a friendly grandma or a toxic entity. What's the likely hood of opening yourself to something evil? Not really likely. But this is what i do want to tell you before you go out and buy a board now that you know its not as horrible as you originally thought. It can happen and this is also why I want to warn to use caution if you do pull out a ouija board. Do I warn against it? Not really... But I don't think I'd use one myself lol.

A ouija board can be an open portal for spirits yes, so in a way, the lores are true. Some people do preform sences to open the portal purposely. Yes. Purposely. And this, you have 100% no way of knowing what's going to come out of that board and that portal will never close without a fight. You have no control over what kind of spirit wants to come out. It can attach to you, your friends, your family or your house. It might just stay attached to the board. But what it can tell you, might not be so great. What it might do, probably won't be so great either.

Do not open a portal whatever you do. The consequences are far greater than you imagine. Because demonic entities are as real as spirits are. They come from portals just as such as that one.

Now most of the time you're going to find just friendly spirits ( if you dont open a portal lol). If you do come across a negative one, just beware they're smart and can pretend to be friendly at first. Remember to play your cards right. Protect yourself, close down and always remember to say goodbye.

Have you ever played ouija? Comment your expeirences and beliefs below. I'm interested to hear!

Xo, the crystalized moon

*** picture is not mine ***


Irish Pagans, believe that the world is filled with spirits and entities, both benevolent and malevolent, and that it is important to maintain a respectful relationship with them, which they refer to as being in ‘Right Relationship’.

Irish Paganism is a polytheistic religion that honours a pantheon of deities and spirits. It is a nature-based religion that recognises the sacredness of the natural world and the interconnectedness of all living things.

Celts believed in 10 elemental constructs for healing, including water, herbs, stones, fire, music, Nature, symbols, storytelling, deities, and rituals.

Most of the Irish healing practices date several centuries back and those include the techniques offered by the Celts. The Celts’ history dates farther back than the 4th century BCE. Their healing practices came from the spiritual world. As they believed that all things came from the Celtic Otherworld, they based most of their healing practices on the guidance and observations through the lenses of their perceptions of what pleased their deities.

6 celtic beltane celebration rituals:

🔥 Fire 🔥
the element of fire is part of most traditions, religions and spiritual practices. also in the celtic tradition. you can bring fire into your celebrations by lighting a candle. an easy but powerful practice is to light a candle before your evening meal. this is a beautiful time to set an intention that you are gathering for dinner, that you have food on the table and that it is a celebration. even if you are eating on your own. you are honouring the sacredness of eating and it only takes a second. perhaps you want your older children to get involved too. of course, you can light a candle anytime, before your meditation, yoga, prayer…

🌿 Foliage 🌿

in the celtic tradition, hawthorn and rowan are sacred plants. if they grow near you have a look around and explore. if you don’t have access to hawthorn or rowan get some yellow flowers. yellow mirrors the sun and the coming summer. as you arrange your foliage do so with intention celebrating the sun and summer. yogandha salute roll-on also honours the principle of sunshine, brightness and joy. you can apply yogandha salute roll-on as a ritual with the intention of celebrating beltane.

🍴Feasting 🍴
beltane is an important time in the celtic calendar and its a time for celebration. gather friends and family for a feast to mark this special occasion. it’s a great way to bring the ritual and intentions of celebration into your life and the new yearly cycle.

🌅 Morning dew 🌅
for the celts morning dew is considered sacred. practically you can honour and celebrate the morning dew by going for a walk at dawn in nature or a garden. be aware of the dew on the plants and grass, perhaps wash your hands or face with it. this is the perfect time to embrace the morning dew as it’s not too early for morning walks at dawn.

🗡 guarding your possessions 🗡
this is perhaps the only time the celts are guarding their possessions. usually, it’s all about inclusiveness and sharing. but this symbolises a start of what is coming for the rest of the year. for that reason, this is the one time in the celtic calendar that is about being a bit more protective. become aware of being around what is sacred to you and keep it protected.

🕊 veil between worlds 🕊
beltane is a sacred time where the veils between the worlds, or other worlds, are thinning. for us, as a ritual of intention, it’s an auspicious time to ask for guidance or protection for the year ahead. it’s the perfect time to ask for support and start a practice of meditation, prayer or rituals.


7 native grandfather teachings

The Bear carries courage. We seek the strength and courage to face our greatest enemy-oneself. The bear will give us the understanding to seek resolutions through spiritual intervention: hence, spiritual healing to deal with anger, pain and ourselves. Bravery is represented by the bear. The mother bear has the courage and strength to face her fears and challenges while protecting her young. The bear also shows us how to live a balanced life with rest, survival and play. To face life with courage is to know bravery. Find your inner strength to face the difficulties of life and the courage to be yourself. Defend what you believe in and what is right for your community, family, and self. Make positive choices and have conviction in your decisions. Face your fears to allow yourself to live your life.

Love is the gift from the Eagle. Love is a force that is undeniable. With love all things are possible. It is everyone’s right to have and experience it. In terms of the Medicine Wheel, love is the hub. It is symbolic of fire and the Creator. Man is incapable of understanding the Creator; so in turn, he gave us a way to experience love and enjoy love through our children. The eagle that represents love because he has the strength to carry all the teachings. The eagle has the ability to fly highest and closest to the creator and also has the sight to see all the ways of being from great distances. The Eagle’s teaching of love can be found in the core of all teachings, therefore an eagle feather is considered the highest honor and a sacred gift. To know love is to know peace. View your inner-self from the perspective of all teachings. This is to know love and to love yourself truly. Then you will be at peace with yourself, the balance of life, all things and also with the creator.

Honesty is carried by the Sabe (Sasquatch). It is from within and not to confused with truth (law). In reality there is no “ifs or buts”, there can only be honesty if one is to survive. In the wilderness, one either knows survival, or one does not. Presently, man as a being is living on the edge, simply because he is not honest with himself. He does not want to believe that what he is taking in is toxic-alcohol and drugs. Furthermore he is not honest with his environment, which supports him. This generation is the first to leave a legacy of destruction; literally, we are feeding them upon our children-blatant honesty. Honesty is represented by either the raven or the sabe. They both understand who they are how to walk in their life. “Sabe reminds us to be ourselves and not someone we are not. An honest person is said to walk tall like Kitchi-Sabe… Like Kitchi-Sabe, Raven accepts himself and knows how to use his gift. He does not seek the power, speed or beauty of others. He uses what he has been given to survive and thrive. So must you.” The Seven Sacred Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman, by: David Bouchard & Dr. Joseph Martin. To walk through life with integrity is to know honesty. Be honest with yourself. Recognize and accept who you are. Accept and use the gifts you have been given. Do not seek to deceive yourself or others.

The Turtle carries truth. Truth is symbolic of law and principle. Since the beginning of time the turtle has not changed. The turtle has been chosen to be the bearer of truth and the basic truth of the laws of nature have not changed. The turtle has been able to adapt to change without changing; thus he represents truth. He also represents time. His shell has thirteen big plates, symbolizing the thirteen moons in one year. Truth is represented by the turtle as he was here during the creation of Earth and carries the teachings of life on his back. The turtle lives life in a slow and meticulous manner because he understands the importance of both the journey and the destination. Truth is to know all of these things. Apply faith and trust in your teachings. Show honor and sincerity in all that you say and do. Understand your place in this life and apply that understanding in the way that you walk. Be true to yourself and all other things.

The Wolf carries humility. Central to the wolf is the family pack. To ensure survival, the pack must be as one. In one’s life, much the same as the wolf, we need to understand humility. In the wolf pack, each member understands his individual role and in our individual lives humility becomes the factor, which allows us to ask for guidance humbly. Humility is represented by the wolf. For the wolf, life is lived for his pack and the ultimate shame is to be outcast. Humility is to know that you are a sacred part of creation. Live life selflessly and not selfishly. Respect your place and carry your pride with your people and praise the accomplishments of all. Do not become arrogant and self-important. Find balance in within yourself and all living things.

The beaver represents wisdom because he uses his natural gift wisely for his survival. The beaver also alters his environment in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way for the benefit of his family. To cherish knowledge is to know wisdom. Use your inherent gifts wisely and live your life by them. Recognize your differences and those of others in a kind and respectful way. Continuously observe the life of all things around you. Listen with clarity and a sound mind. Respect your own limitations and those of all of your surroundings. Allow yourself to learn and live by your wisdom.

Respect is represented by the buffalo. The buffalo gives every part of his being to sustain the human way of living, not because he is of less value, but because he respects the balance and needs of others. To honor all creation is to have respect. Live honorably in teachings and in your actions towards all things. Do not waste and be mindful of the balance of all living things. Share and give away what you do not need. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Do not be hurtful to yourself or others.


Stop minimizing and discounting your feelings.

You have every right to feel the way you do.

Your feelings may not always be logical, but they are always valid.

Because if you feel something, then you feel it and it’s real to you.

It’s not something you can ignore or wish away. It’s there, gnawing at you, tugging at your core, and in order to find peace, you have to give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you feel.

You have to let go of what you’ve been told you should or shouldn’t feel.

You have to drown out the voices of people who try to shame you into silence.

You have to listen to the sound of your own breathing and honor the truth inside you.

Because despite what you may believe, you don’t need anyone’s validation or approval to feel what you feel.

Your feelings are inherently right and true. They’re important and they matter.

You matter, and it is more than okay to feel what you feel.

Don’t let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise .

Author: Daniell Koepke


How interesting! Which is yours?

Photos from The crystalized moon's post 04/11/2023

Pricing charts on my readings 💕✨️


What they hate in you, is missing in them. Remember that and keep shining! ✨️💕


Don’t worry about telling your side of the story, the universe saw everything 😉
