

Encourage, Uplift, Inspire, Support


When we go through Trials and wonder why,
One cannot effectively deliver a Testimony one hasn’t experienced
~Minister Gwendolyn

Photos from CryOut Teen Org's post 11/08/2024

I am So Proud of our Youth. This is a Group I have no problem Passing the Torch to.
~Minister Gwendolyn


Your brokenness is the foundation of your MINISTRY,
Your healing is the source of your powerful TESTIMONY

~Minister Gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton


William Murphy - Same Grace LYRICS 06/08/2024

The “Same Grace” is available to all
John 1:16 AMP

Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton

William Murphy - Same Grace LYRICS Same Grace with LYRICS by William MurphyBuy it here: support this great artist!I do NOT own the copyright to t...


Resist negative thoughts,
Assist positive thoughts.

Positive thoughts are not going to stay, they need to be assisted.

Negative thoughts are not going to leave, they need to be resisted.

Shared by
- Minister Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton

Send a message to learn more


Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton


“The Scar” We as People sometimes have scars, some visible and some not. That’s because sometimes the scar is on the inside.

Either way, The Scar is a Representation and a Testimony that We didn’t give in, We didn’t give up, and we Survived.
The Scar is proof God is true to his Promises

~Minister Gwendolyn

Psalm 147:3a
He heals the brokenhearted
And binds up their wounds…..


This is a great testimony.
Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton

"In a routine physical, I was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease in my early 30s. I was told there was no cure and that I could look forward to dialysis and/or transplant in my 50s or 60s. I continued to live my life normally until another routine checkup indicated that my disease had progressed quicker than originally anticipated. My new nephrologist did not want me to be on dialysis if possible, and he referred me to UAB for transplant evaluation in June of 2012. At the conclusion of that thorough evaluation, I was told that I was just 2-3 months from kidney failure.

Because the wait to receive a kidney was much longer than that, I was strongly encouraged to seek a living donor. My wife and I had no idea how to go about seeking such; we wondered how people found living donors. Did they run ads in the local papers? We didn’t know, but we started with close family. No one in my immediate family qualified as a potential donor, and my wife was not a match. One option we considered was for my wife to donate a kidney to someone for whom she was a match, who might also have a donor who was a match for me. It was a complicated process, but we considered that option with our transplant center.

We were a private family, but after much prayer, we decided to post this grave need on social media. We were overwhelmed by the prayers, support and encouragement we received from friends, family and acquaintances. UAB was overwhelmed by so many who called to be considered. Within a month of beginning our uncertain search, a matching donor was found. My donor desired to remain anonymous because he wanted no credit or praise for the sacrifice he was about to make. Because he lived some distance from Birmingham, the costs for him to travel for evaluation and the transplant, were great. There were scholarships available to help with those expenses, but in order for him to receive such assistance he had to reveal his identity so that I could apply for the needed assistance.

I was blessed beyond belief to learn that an old friend who I had not seen in 17 years was a match and willing to donate one of his kidneys. We met again in Birmingham for the evaluation, and my wife met him for the first time. He was willing to come for the surgery whenever I was ready. The Lord blessed me and my family with a living donor within a month. I was able to continue working not just for 2-3 months but 13 months before transplant became necessary. My donor met us at UAB July 7, 2013, and I received the gift of continued life on July 8, 2013.

As I considered the tremendous gift of organ donation that my donor gave so that I might have life, I was in awe of his sacrifice. How do you thank someone for the gift of organ donation? A thank you note or a verbal expression of thanks seems to not measure up to the value of the gift. Then I was reminded of the even greater gift of Jesus; He gave more than an organ but His entire life that we might have eternal life. I shared that with my donor in a feeble effort to express my deep gratitude for his sacrifice. At that point, he shared his thoughts with me. My donor was always positive and upbeat, but the first time I saw him after the transplant, he looked rough. He shared with me that when he awoke from surgery, he said, “My God what have I done?” He experienced much more pain in his recovery than I did. He told me that as he endured that pain, he realized that all of his pain was nothing compared to the pain that Jesus experienced when He was crucified for the sins of man. It was a blessing for both of us to see the love of God through Jesus in our shared experience of living organ donation and transplant.

My kidney transplant introduced me to a whole new world. Just months after my transplant, I learned of the Transplant Games of America and learned that some local people had participated in them as well as the World Games. Having attended some Olympic Games, I was thrilled to learn of this new opportunity for someone like me. Although I enjoyed viewing many different Olympic sports, my favorite activity at the Olympic Games was pin trading.

My family and I attended our first Transplant Games in Cleveland in 2016, and we loved it. It was a great experience to meet so many people with similar experiences and all with an appreciation for a second chance at life. I also enjoyed the competitions, but one of my favorite activities was pin trading like at the real Olympics. My kids and I have thoroughly enjoyed the thrill of the hunt in collecting the pins as well as meeting and sharing stories with others. We enjoyed the 2018 Games in Salt Lake City as well as the virtual games in 2021.

Another blessing for me during my transplant was my primary caregiver. My wife, Roxie, was my faithful helper in the 13 months prior to my transplant. She was an encourager, and she studied to prepare the best foods in an effort to prolong the life of my kidneys. She was by my side in recovery, where she continued to encourage me and help me in any way possible. I recall meeting a man who had a kidney transplant the same time I did. We walked from our apartment building to the lab daily in the weeks after our transplant. He never seemed to have a caregiver with him, and when I asked, he told me he was alone and had no one to help him. Although I was sad for him, I admired his courage. However I was reminded just how blessed I was to have a loving wife to be my faithful caregiver, and I was blessed with extended family that also helped me in those weeks of recovery.

Nine years later it was my turn to be her caregiver in her battle with cancer. I don’t think I was near as good of a caregiver as she was to me. The Lord chose to give me a second chance in 2013, but He chose to take Roxie on home in 2022. My kids and I are excited about the 2024 games in Birmingham for two special reasons. The first is a special pin we made in honor of my Caregiver, Roxie, that we will be trading. The second reason is that I will celebrate my 11th anniversary of my transplant at UAB, July 8, 2013, at the Transplant Games in Birmingham July 8, 2024. Whether I win a medal or not, whether I collect all the team pins or not, I will be grateful for my donor who gave me a second chance at life and for my Lord who gave His life for me."

Frank - Ellisville, MS
Competing in Table Tennis, Badminton, Pickleball, Basketball, Volleyball

The 2024 Transplant Games is in Birmingham July 5-10. Watch our social media for updates on how Team Mississippi is doing this year at The Games!


Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton

Another grant came through. Thanks for your support & allowing us to help Transform the South!


Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton

It's National HIV Testing Day! This year's theme is "Level Up Your Self-love: Check Your Status". The theme emphasizes the importance of valuing yourself, treating yourself with compassion and respect, and prioritizing your health needs through self-love.

No matter how you test, no matter your test results, you can take the next step for your health.

Learn more about HIV testing options at


Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton

CryOut Teen Organization (COTO) was founded 20 years ago by passionate advocates who recognized the need for a dedicated organization to address health concerns in the South. In 2022, the organization launched a targeted campaign to bring Mississippi into the U=U movement by soliciting proclamations from each city in the state to proclaim June 25th as “U=U Day.” Although still in its infancy, this project has been fruitful, allowing COTO to partner with others across the state who have the same passionate heart. Come along with us and celebrate U=U Day in your city by reaching out to with information on how to get your city on board with this movement that is sure to get Mississippi’s HIV rates to ZERO.


This blessed me as it spoke to my Spirit. I thought I would share.

Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton


Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton

Happy Juneteenth to all who are celebrating! MORA staff is out and about across Mississippi today to spread the good word about the importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation.

Did you know? African Americans make up 13% of the U.S. population, but 28% of those are waiting for an organ transplant. Dr. Velma Scantlebury, the first African American female transplant surgeon in the U.S., reminds us, "Increasing organ donation in minority communities is not just about numbers—it's about saving lives and giving hope to families." Your decision to sign up as a donor can save lives and bring hope to those on the transplant waiting list and their families.


U=U - U.S. by CryOut Teen Org

CryOut Teen Org is excited to announce that we are a Transformative Grant partner through , , and


Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton
Dallas Sutton Sr.

Today is World Blood Donor Day!

Safe blood saves lives. Thank you, blood donors!

Your selfless donations have had a profound impact on the lives and well-being of hundreds of millions of people, as well as their families and communities across the world.


Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton
Dallas Sutton Sr.

We know the importance of blood donors. We celebrate all past and current blood donors on today.
CryOut Teen Org


Today we celebrate!!!


Mental Health is IMPORTANT!

Mental health has no color, race, gender, or nationality.


During Mental Health Awareness Month, don’t forget to support Minority Groups. It's ok to not be ok. Don't be ashamed or too prideful to seek help.


To Elevate in “My Calling” and walk in “My Purpose”, I periodically examine Myself. I then RENEW, RESTORE, RESET.

Here is one of my go to reminders:

Have a Blessed Day
~Minister Gwendolyn

Our Daily Reminder:

Always be the best person you can be. Be kind even when you're tired.
Be understanding even when you're angry.
Do more than you're asked, and don't ask for anything in return.
Don't silently expect anything either.
Listen when someone talks, and really listen too, stop just thinking of how you'll reply.
Tell people that you love them and that you appreciate them.
Go out of your way to do things for people.
Be the greatest person you can possibly be and when you mess up, make up for it in the next moment or minute or day.
One thing you should never do?
Never spend your time trying to prove to anybody that you're great, your actions will speak for themselves and we only have limited time on this earth, don't waste it.
If someone doesn't see your light, don't worry. Like moths, good people are attracted to flame and light, and they will come. Amen 🙌🏾

Have A Blessed Day
SoilBrotha's & SoilSista's

Mother's Hugs 01/05/2024

Mother's Hugs Celebrate the special bond between a mother and her children with our Mother's Day T-shirt. This adorable tee features a heartwarming image of...


May 1, 2024

This is the day which the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 KJV

DECLARE: Lord, I will praise you where I am. I may be struggling, yet I am Good!
I am blessed and favored! I will REJOICE! I will be Glad

~ Minister Gwendolyn


There are seasons in Life when we FALL OR JUST STUMBLE; God is the light within, hit that reset button, You can rise!
Micah 7:8
Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.

~Minister Gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Bryant Sutton


Replace Generational Curse
with Generational Blessings.

This can be a start:

~Minister Gwendolyn


Please Consider, As a Multiple Tissue Recipient, I am Truly Grateful to those who made the chose to DONATE LIFE.
Donate Life Mississippi Bryant Sutton

April is National Donate Life Month! This April, we invite you to look up to the night sky and the billions of stars that make up the universe. Stars remind us that even in the darkest night, there is light.

Your decision to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor gives hope and light to the 1300 people in Mississipipi who are waiting for a second chance at life. That’s why donors are SuperStars!✨

This National Donate Life Month, join us in helping save and heal lives: register your decision to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor at, learn more about living donation, and champion the Donate Life cause.

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Psalm 118:24
