Purple Dragon Poems

Purple Dragon Poems

Due to family bereavements and circumstances this website is currently inactive. Thank you all.


Hello everyone. Sad to say, but this is likely to be my final post on Purple Dragon. I have enjoyed interacting with you all, but everything must come to an end. Having my literary itch scratched has been a long time coming, but some things in life are far more important. At my increasing age I have less time left to spend on needier things than having my ego massaged. So thank you, one and all for your wonderful support over and beyond lockdown,
it's been a wonderful journey. David. 😢🌑❤️💜


Yesterday we had to say a very sad, tearful and emotional goodbye to our loyal, faithful four-legged family member, Lola. She was the bravest, kindest, warmest soul that ever walked into our lives.
This is for her (and us).

FOR LOLA (2012-2023)

She sits beside us as we weep,
she lays beside us as we sleep.
She visits us each time we dream,
she comforts us in all our grief.
She nuzzles us when we are sad,
she cuddles us when times get bad.
She lives inside us, in our hearts,
her soul and ours shall never part.
Her love for us had no limit;
she blessed our world just being in it.
She's better now and free from pain,
when our lives end, we'll meet again.
Rest In Peace, baby girl.
Love always and forever
from Mummy, Daddy, Kissyfur & Jon'fan.


Countdown to Ostara (21st March) which is also the Spring Equinox.
Just 2 weeks from today... 💚🟡=⚫️💚



Maiden of the springtime skies,
goddess of the chastened moon;
such innocence, divine disguise,
the Mistress turns to Mother soon.

How barren have the cold days been,
with passion frozen for so long;
a welcome warmth now wakes the scene,
as life returns to earth, so strong.

From moonlit fields to sunset shores,
with winds and tides the world is blessed;
the promised dance begins once more,
and dormant seeds arise from rest;

White witches cast the spells they weave,
surrender to the flame re-born;
the purest light the chaste moon bleeds,
between the sunset and the dawn.

Bright Maiden of the springtime skies,
so innocent, yet worldly-wise.

© D. Hague; March 2023


Chaste Moon Goddess


Full Moon 7th March...


HECATE (Dark Moon Rising)

Black witches and warlocks at Dark Moon invoke
the presence of Hecate, once more uncloaked.
Let bloodstones and moonstones their power instil,
the magick of shadows must bend to her will.
Nocturnal Queen of the Black Arts supreme,
whose face is kept hidden, her visage unseen;
praise now the Goddess of Darkness and Death,
bid her to charge us with unholy breath.

Foul frankincense oil and incense we burn,
with red and black candles upon her return;
after the blessing and cleansing of sins,
dark spells we weave as dark magick begins.
Hecate, Goddess of Black Magick rites,
your power grows stronger each hour of the night;
we offer our worship, our loyal assent,
our hearts and our spirits we've already lent.

Hecate hear us this night as we pray,
give strength to darkness and keep light at bay.

© D. Hague; February 2023🌑🦇🕷🐈‍⬛🖤


Anne Stokes Art


Another verse for Imbolc...


When daffodils and snowdrops
break through the softening earth,
with crocuses and bluebells,
we’re witnessing re-birth.

As meadowlarks and skylarks
start winging high and low,
with hibernating hedgehogs
we wake to Springtime’s glow.

When earwigs and earthworms
come out to greet the sun,
they signal Winter’s over
and Imbolc has begun.

This miracle of nature,
this warming of the world,
this changing of the seasons
sees dormant life unfurled.

The Great Wheel sets in motion
the new light that we see;
this Sabbath - blessed by Brigid -
sets every creature free.

Across the rolling heather,
and every furrowed field,
in forest and in hedgerows,
her magic is revealed.

© D. Hague; February 2023


Inspiration for Imbolc. Brighid’s cross made of lavender.


Sorry this post is a day late, been having a bit of bother with my keyboard - nothing a few subtle taps with a trusty hammer couldn't solve! Anyhow - to business - Full Moon poem follows...


Our moon works hard, both night and day,
by steering winds and tides our way;
she marks the seasons as they change
and signals life to re-arrange.

We gaze upon her smiling face,
so full of majesty and grace;
her hidden side sees only stars
and, now and then, a peek at Mars.

Each earthly creature understands -
those in the sea and those on land -
her silver light will guide the way,
the time to move; the time to stay.

Our moon works hard for everyone,
and will until the day we’re gone,
so send a prayer and praise the light
that rains upon us full moon night.

Without her presence in the sky,
the world would shrivel up and die;
there’d be no seasons, wind or tides,
and no bright Queen to be our guide.

© D. Hague; February 2023



We light the candles waking Spring
and dance around the fiery ring.
On Brigid's Day we sound the name
of each and every sacred flame.

Each candle holds a place within,
to heal the soul set free from sin;
each colour has its time and space,
the light of life we must embrace.

To reinforce the candles' power,
we save for each a special hour;
beneath the moon each one is charged
as veils of shadows drift apart.

Eight crystals catch the candle-light,
reflecting every Sabbat night,
while in the circle Priestess stands
and chants the spell as rite demands.

A cross of straw in Brigid's name
we offer to the candle's flame,
that all may keep your faith so true,
in all we say and all we do.

St. Brigid, Queen of healing fire,
flame-haired Goddess of Desire,
you give the poets tales to weave,
upon this blessèd Imbolc's Eve.

© D. Hague; January 2023


Brigid's Day tomorrow.


2nd New Moon of the calendar year marks the Chinese New Year. This year it is The year Of The Rabbit.

RABBIT MOON (Chinese New Year 2023)

It’s time to bake some mooncakes
- more than just a few! -
and light your Chinese lanterns,
the Rabbit Moon is due.

Chinese New Year’s here again,
the old year’s been and gone;
Tiger Moon no longer reigns,
the calendar moves on.

A time for changing focus,
not going with the flow,
let calmer waters cleanse us,
relax and take it slow.

Tune in to contemplation,
embrace the strength of Yin,
find comfort in your station,
hold harmony within.

The gift of self-awareness
this healing moon imparts,
there’s nothing can impair us,
we’re driven by our hearts.

It’s the Year of the Rabbit
- though some might say Hare -
so just reach out and grab it,
there’s blessings to share.

Moon festivals celebrate
much more than new year,
with new hope and new spirit,
new light will appear.

So let’s get baking mooncakes,
- much more than a few! -
and light up all your lanterns,
the Rabbit Moon is due.

© D. Hague; January 2023



On any given moonlit night,
as magic moonbeams gently fall,
so many shadows seek the light;
the Silver Queen will find them all.
To those in need she brings fresh hope,
anfd lifts the veils of deep despair;
to desperate ones who cannot cope,
she gifts new strength for all to share.

Beyond horizons dreams set sail,
the start you wished for waits for you,
calm seas of starlight now prevail;
a whole new world comes into view.
For every soul who has belief,
their daydreams fly to meet the light;
escape from endless fear and grief
is granted on each moonlit night.

So push your nightmares to one side,
and leave all helpless thoughts behind;
free yourself from the chains of pride
and forge ahead to your waking mind.

© D. Hague; January 2023


Last New Moon of the calendar year, new light will only grow stronger in the new year.. and so will we, so mote it be...


New Moon of Yule, with its silvery arc,
breaks free from the dungeon of space;
the slenderest curve, the faintest of sparks,
a crescent of beauty and grace.

A velvetty veil of starlight surrounds
this symbol of new life and hope,
viewed from sacred, tribal, burial grounds,
and further still by telescope.

Its glow praised all across the hemisphere,
from Druids by the standing stones,
to Chieftains of the Clans; all revere
its splendour and its undertones.

A winter jewel, glinting, barely seen,
yet growing brighter by the hour;
precursor to the birth of Silver Queen,
heralding the dawning of its power.

Eternal as the timeless, endless space,
from new to old and all between,
the cycle never, ever changes pace..
it starts and ends with light unseen.

© D. Hague; December 2022


Winter Solstice , the Wheel turns, the change begins...


Winter Solstice, cold and bright,
one more turning of the Wheel.
Dark surrenders to the light,
shadows forming so unreal.
Days ahead grow longer still,
Full Moons larger soon will be,
escaping darkest evenings chill,
from Winter’s curse now free.

As the Yuletide morning breaks,
dawn’s light at Stonehenge rests,
to bless the magic that we make,
in praise of Sun’s eternal quest.
Veins of quartz through granite weave,
the energy held within;
once released, it’s goal achieved:
new life on earth begins.

The Winter Solstice turns the Wheel,
it’s wondrous secrets to reveal;
of life and death and then rebirth,
enhancing mankind’s worth.

© D. Hague; December 2022


Yuletide is on the way....


The Moon before Yule is cold and it’s cruel,
but heralds a new dawn ahead.
It’s bold and it’s bright, new plans to ignite,
when Winter’s white blanket is shed.

The past left behind, the present unwinds,
the future we face unafraid.
With new life from old, new seasons unfold,
a promise of re-birth is made.

The Full Moon of Yule no longer seems cruel,
when new light from darkness appears.
So gently it glows, but stronger it grows,
bringing hope and banishing fears.

When Solstice Day dawns the Earth is re-born,
to bless us as in days of yore.
A magical spark extinguishes dark,
when turns the Wheel of Years once more.

© D. Hague; December 2022


Something for Samhain and Lisa at Angel Dust, I couldn't let her wait for the next book! Hope you all like it.


Beneath the cromlech stones of Pendre Ifan,
where the spirit of the Silver Crone still sleeps,
until the Wheel of Years to Samhain turns again,
when the Winter Lady from her slumber creeps.

Ceridwen, Goddess of the Darkness and the Light,
blessèd guardian of the sacred blackthorn tree,
and the soil where only moonstars bloom at night,
when the veils between the worlds sets spirits free.

She walks the quiet forest in her robes of white,
combs the leafy paths for dead wood on the ground,
to use as warming beacons in the chill of night,
calling gentle creatures to come and gather round.

You can feel the heat that stokes her cauldron fire,
smell the rising steam from the sacred herbs within,
hear the crackle of the flames beneath the pyre,
and lose yourself as enchanting spells begin.

At Samhain, summer ends and witches New Year starts,
High Priestesses and Druids lead the Pagan clans,
as Ceridwen once more reveals her caring heart,
in her friendship of the white wolf, bear, and man.

With happy hearts and minds and moonlight in your hair,
turn to all your scrapbooks and your photo frames;
celebrate together, bless the memories you share,
and as the veil of shadows lifts, recall their names.

Soon the veils will close; the time, so brief, will pass;
but the Goddess shall awaken once again.
When that time returns and magick spells are cast,
we’ll bury all our sorrows, push aside our pain.

If you walk the Pagan Paths and follow Wiccan Ways,
you just may sense Ceridwen walking by your side.
With ancient magick powers she rules the days;
with the wisdom of the stars she’ll be your guide.

© D. Hague; October 2022


New Moon; New Poem...


November New Moon rides the sky,
unseen above a changing world,
till Crescent Moon shows by-and-by
as colder seasons now unfurl.

Across the lands new plans are made
to see us through the darker days;
we face the Winter, unafraid,
and follow ageless Pagan ways.

We thank the Harvest and the Hunt,
and bless the bounty we received;
we praise the spirits, Heaven sent,
with prayers for all the ones bereaved.

But now it’s time to look ahead,
to shape our futures from the past;
to heed the wisdom of the dead
with every healing spell we cast.

And once the Crescent Moon appears
we’ll gather, sky-clad, in the night;
with song and dance we’ll banish fears
and celebrate the new-born light.

We beat the drums, and ring the bells,
draw Ogham lines, speak Wiccan rhymes;
we read the runes and stories tell,
and bless the bones of ancient times.

As harsher seasons turn the Wheel,
upon the changing world below,
the Crescent New Moon helps us heal,
and gives us strength to rise and grow.

© D. Hague; November 2022


Welcome one and all!
(A poem for Esbat nights follows this introduction to the full moon of November.)
In the early hours of tomorrow morning we will see the rising of the Beaver Moon. so called because this the season when beavers start building their dams in readiness for the cold, dark winter ahead. In some parts of the world it will also be a partial lunar eclipse, when the earth passes between the sun and the moon. Due to the earth's atmosphere the sun's light turns red when it hits the moon, this effect is usually called a Blood Moon.


Moon of Glory, Moon of Grace,
whose light we worship and embrace;
our Silver Queen of lunar light,
we celebrate each Esbat night.

You lend your wisdom to the Earth,
from lifeless seasons to rebirth;
our coven magic draws you down
on Full Moon nights with stars around.

Bright Silver Coin of Heaven’s realm,
you guide us well, you steer the helm;
we dance and praise your Light Divine
and pray for blessings at this time.

Moon of Power, Moon of Peace,
the magic moonbeams you release,
bring added strength to spells we weave
and sacred chants help us believe.

We follow every path you take,
your lessons we cannot forsake,
for this is how we live and learn
each time the Wheels of Heaven turn.

Around the circle candles stand,
beside the crystals laid by hand;
along with cleansing, smudging gifts,
above the altar, incense drifts.

Moon of Wishes, Moon of Dreams,
magic from your moonlight streams,
your healing blessings find us all
whenever Esbat evenings call.

© D. Hague; November 2022


Well it's Samhain once again, how quickly the Great Wheel turns these days! This time of reflection and reminiscence of the dying year and the expectation of the new one being born, stirs the Coven Witches, Hedgewitches, Druids and Priestesses to action.
Welcome to Halloween, the Day of the Dead, and Ancestors' Day.
Blessed Be. 🎃🐈‍⬛🧹💜


Beneath the cromlech stones of Pendre Ifan,
where the spirit of the Silver Crone still sleeps,
until the Wheel of Years to Samhain turns again,
when the Winter Lady from her slumber creeps.

Ceridwen, Goddess of the Darkness and the Light,
blessèd guardian of the sacred blackthorn tree,
and the soil where only moonstars bloom at night,
when the veils between the worlds sets spirits free.

She walks the quiet forest in her robes of white,
combs the leafy paths for dead wood on the ground,
to use as warming beacons in the chill of night,
calling gentle creatures to come and gather round.

You can feel the heat that stokes her cauldron fire,
smell the rising steam from the sacred herbs within,
hear the crackle of the flames beneath the pyre,
and lose yourself as enchanting spells begin.

At Samhain, summer ends and witches New Year starts,
High Priestesses and Druids lead the Pagan clans,
as Ceridwen once more reveals her caring heart,
in her friendship of the white wolf, bear, and man.

With happy hearts and minds and moonlight in your hair,
turn to all your scrapbooks and your photo frames;
celebrate together, bless the memories you share,
and as the veil of shadows lifts, recall their names.

Soon the veils will close; the time, so brief, will pass;
but the Goddess shall awaken once again.
When that time returns and magick spells are cast,
we’ll bury all our sorrows, push aside our pain.

If you walk the Pagan Paths and follow Wiccan Ways,
you just may sense Ceridwen walking by your side.
With ancient magick powers she rules the days;
with the wisdom of the stars she’ll be your guide.

© D. Hague; October 2022


A poem for the Dark Moon of October, a precursor to the New Moon proper (3 nights hence); All Hallows Eve (Halloween); Day of the Dead; and herald of the approaching Sabbat of Samhain, which will also mark the end of this Pagan Year and the beginning of the next. A time for reflection, transition and new opportunities.


Three nights before the New Moon true,
three Ladies Of The Dark Moon call.
Lost memories they raise anew,
and sacred knowledge meant for all.

~ 3 Nights Before ~
Our Lady of the Shadows first
draws power from the dormant earth;
while chanting spells and ancient verse,
she stirs the cauldron of re-birth.

~ 2 Nights Before ~
Our Lady of the Blood appears,
unveiling wisdom from the night,
to pass the secrets of her peers,
to witches who perform the rite.

~ 1 Night Before ~
When Lady of the Bone arrives
she gathers all that went before,
to bless the earth and future lives;
the ancient knowledge safe once more.

These Ladies Of The Dark Moon call
for one night only, each in turn,
to share the memories they recall,
then to the shadows they return.

For this is how the power flows,
an endless cycle stirred by time,
and this is how the magic grows,
with sacred spells and ancient rhyme.

Three nights of darkness then make way
as Ladies Of The Dark Moon leave,
and New Moon rises with the day,
to praise the gifts that we receive.

© D. Hague; October 2022

Blessed Be!


Tomorrow marks the rising of the Hunters' Moon, generally thought of as the brightest full moon of Autumn, allowing predators an advantage over their prey. This enables hibernating creatures to store more fat before their extended sleep; for gatherers, like squirrels, to build up their stocks of nuts; and migrating creatures to be more resilient during their extended journeys to warmer climates. Humans need to keep stocks of meat to insulate and feed themselves against the harsh seasons ahead. (Poem follows.)


Man and beast both hunt for food
beneath October’s full moon high;
together they must make the most
of Autumn’s brightest, clearest sky.

Tribes of natives track by stealth,
wild deer and boar to boost their stocks,
now Harvest Moon has been and gone,
to guard against the coming frosts.

Likewise the beasts of forests roam
to take their fill of slower prey,
to feed their offspring and themselves
till hibernation’s underway.

Above them carrion birds await,
until the beasts have had their fill,
then swooping down, they set to work
on stripping morsels from the bones.

Brown bears by river cascades stand,
so patiently with cubs in tow,
to teach them how to sn**ch and grab
wild salmon leaping against the flow.

At Hunters’ Moon, there’s no escape,
no place to hide beneath the light;
the weakest are always sacrificed
when stronger creatures hunt at night.

The sons of man, and daughters too,
trap and fish for what they need;
it’s been this way since time began,
and evermore will surely be.

October’s moon hangs high and bright,
but soon surrenders to the dawn,
when slender shadows slowly creep
across the landscape tired and worn.

© D. Hague; October 2022


Tomorrow brings the Autumnal Equinox Moon, a time of serious change down here on earth and up above. We can't avoid these changes from light into darkness; from warmth into cold, so we need to embrace them and keep moving forward in our own lives.
It is inevitable that there will be significant changes for many of us,
especially with the current economic situation. Do not be despondent, every change brings new opportunities, you just need to be positive and rise to the challenge, don't let anything stop you from living the life you want for yourself and your family. (A short equinox poem follows.)


Dark Moon of Mabon hides her light
within the rising sun’s embrace,
and here she stays apart from night,
for three days till we see her face.

While out of sight her power burns,
now three-fold stronger than before;
the Silver Wheel at Mabon turns,
as witches open Lilith’s door.

The moment falls between the realms
of life and death, before re-birth;
with Dark Moon Goddess at the helm,
all things are equal on the earth.

The Coven Priestess leads the chant
that drives the beating of the drums,
beneath the unseen moon they dance,
till every witch entranced becomes.

And now the time for magic falls,
inspired by the three-fold charm,
be mindful, as you cast your spells,
of the Wiccan Rede, to do no harm.

You may not be the witchy kind,
but magic still can come your way;
leave discarded dreams behind,
embrace the future day-by-day.

And in the space that’s set aside,
before the crescent moon appears,
until the Sun’s bright light subsides,
we’ll overcome our darkest fears.

Each equinox the seasons turn,
so focus on the times ahead;
we all have lessons still to learn,
and unknown pathways still to tread.

© D. Hague; September 2022


The Sabbat of Mabon is at hand, when nights become longer and days are shorter, leading to a sense of urgency to provide for the darker times ahead. The second harvest means that most of the grains and fruits have been gathered and stored, but for the colder days and nights still to come we need to provide meat to ensure we can face the future without fear of hunger. The next Full Moon will be the aptly named Hunters' Moon. However tonight is all about Mabon and how the focus has changed from ancient times to present day 'Greener' times. Just follow the seasons, folks.


The Druids spoke of ancient times,
when faith and magic intertwined,
when sacred music moved the stones
and placed them over royal bones.

Through passage tombs and henges round,
the equinox weaved light and sound,
to bless the darkest realms of night
and raise their spirits to the light.

They bade them rise to greet the Fall
when Mabon, son of Modron, called.
And in the knowledge handed down,
there lay a clue to Mabon's crown.

A covenant twixt life and death,
the world renewed with bated breath,
that all which died shall be re-born,
when early sunsets race to dawn.

Now barren fields describe the tale
of life and death, and then re-birth;
the Goddess knows all souls prevail,
to be returned once more to earth.

The Maiden soon will Mother be,
she can't escape her destiny;
even now she knows her fate,
as Green Man's strength begins to fade.

New colours mark the path ahead,
from vibrant greens to fiery reds;
new season's paint can now be found,
in orange glows and golden browns.

Sweet harmony of light and dark,
warm summers wane as autumn starts;
now harvest fruits bless every home,
we need to stalk the beasts that roam.

When winter calls at Autumn's end,
on more than crops we must depend;
to take us through harsh times to come...
the preparations have begun begun.

The Hunters' Moon will lend its light,
revealing shadows in the night;
like Harvest Moon not long before,
helped croppers gather so much more.

© D. Hague; September 2022


I couldn't let this week go by without comment, so here are a few words to mark the passing of the most gracious and honest monarch we have ever known. Her dignity and integrity will never be surpassed, certainly not in my lifetime; we should all be grateful for her and humbled by her service to this country and its people.
God Bless, Ma'am. (Poem follows)


70 years our faithful Queen,
the ruler of our realm,
for most of us she's always been
the one who steered the helm.

70 years of selfless duty,
so steadfast and so true,
she led us all with dignity,
as only she could do.

70 years of loyal service,
until her final day,
with honesty and kindliness,
she showed us all the way.

70 years upon the throne,
through bad times and the good,
but no-one ever felt alone,
and no-one ever would.

70 years have been and gone,
it seems like yesterday,
sadly time keeps moving on,
but in our hearts she'll stay.

70 years of memories
bring smiles and cloudy eyes,
and echoed words upon the breeze
that never fade or die.

70 years so quickly passed,
how fast the years have flown,
respectful flags all set half-mast,
reflect the life we've known.

70 years a record reign,
it almost seems unreal,
we'll never see her like again,
she was the real deal.

© D. Hague; September 2022

(On the death of Her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II,
8th September 2022 at Balmoral Castle, Scotland.)


A gentle offering for the Harvest Moon tonight...


Blessèd be this Esbat night
beneath our cage of stars;
blessèd be your sacred light
that burns between the bars.

Blessèd be your countenance,
the only face we see;
blessèd be the cosmic dance
that sets our spirits free.

Blessèd be your magic charm,
the power it bestows;
bless and keep us safe from harm
wherever darkness flows.

Blessèd be the Wiccan Way,
its wisdom and its rites;
blessèd be the ones who pray
beneath your haloed light.

Blessèd be your Silver Wheel,
forever may it turn;
blessèd be the ones who kneel,
together may we learn.

Blessèd be the Pagan Path,
we follow where it leads;
bless the knowledge that we have,
that meets our earthly need.

Blessèd be the Wheel of Years
the Sabbats we observe;
blessèd be the Esbats,
and the Goddess that we serve.

Blessèd be the Trinity,
together and alone,
Maiden first then Mother,
and finally the Crone.

Blessèd be this paradise
beneath its cage of stars;
bless the oceans and the skies,
that wash away the scars.

© D. Hague; September 2022


Hi folks, another Dark Moon just before dawn today, so here's a few verses to mark the occasion. Dark Moons always rise with the early morning sun, rendering them invisible, for 3 days before the first Crescent Moon appears. However the magic of the Dark Moon can empower spells with 3-fold charm, but beware... this applies to black magick as well as white. Remember - DO. NO. HARM!

A little poetical fantasy follows here...


Feathered guardians of the skies,
Dark Moon Ravens wake and rise;
avian shadows soaring high,
greet the world as moon slips by.
Rising with the morning sun,
invisible to everyone,
drawing magic from the night,
powered by the hidden light.

Stronger than Full Moon, somehow,
Dark Moon tips the balance now;
unseen forces start to churn,
vortex magic twists and turns.
Spells now cast reap 3-fold charm,
3-fold good and 3-fold harm;
draw-down less than moons before -
care is needed -less is more.

Ravens banish doubt and fear,
Dark Moon throws no shadows here;
till the Crescent Moon is seen,
ravens rule the realms between.
Now's the time to look ahead,
find new paths your soul can tread;
revisit friendships left behind,
replace a pain with peace of mind,

Embrace those your heart holds dear,
keep your focus calm and clear;
Now's the time for reaching out,
turn your back on fear and doubt.
Thank the Goddess for her gift,
praise her as your spirits lift;
worship light that none can see,
be ever grateful – Blessed Be!

© D. Hague; February 2022
(Re-worked, August 2022)


Tonight we are blessed with the Full Moon of August, as the Great Wheel turns away from summers heat and drifts towards the harvest days of autumn... although, given the sweltering days and nights we are experiencing right now, you may well have your doubts! However, be assured the partnership of the Wheel of Years and the Silver Wheel will soon have it all sorted out. So, with that in mind, here's a verse called 'MOON DANCE' It briefly mentions this month's full moon but it could just as easily apply to each and every one we see.


Full Moon of August shines so bright
to guide the Earth around the Sun;
he rules the day, she rules the night,
till every season’s race is run.
As partners through the stars we dance
and waltz across both time and space;
we glide in endless, fine romance,
eternal as the light we chase.

Time’s constant flame within you burns,
reflecting light you can’t conceal,
eight times a year the Great Wheel turns,
each time you help our world to heal.
With every spin you raise the tides
to churn the bounteous seas below,
and drive the winds to stir the skies
to spread the seeds we need to grow.

For this is how we all survive
the hardship of the years to come;
your wisdom keeps our dreams alive
on moonlit nights around the Sun.
The Wheel of Years brings harmony,
we all embrace our destiny,
but should your presence cease to be,
the dance would end… and so would we.

© D. Hague; August 2022🌕🌎☀️💜


Just a follow up on Lisa's share about my book 'The Wheel Of The Year' being on sale in Angel Dust gift shop, High Street , Widnes.
This is an exclusive arrangement - you won't find it in any other shops - so if you're interested, please contact them directly. They still have a few available! It is currently on sale for £7.95 instore, but if you can't get to the shop they will deliver - Postage & Packaging charges will apply. Again, please contact Angel Dust directly for specific charges depending on weight and distance.

Contact details are on the shop front shown in the photo below.
Thank you all for your continued support. David. 💜


The Wheel of the Year turns once more today, marking the start of the Greater Sabbat of Lughnasadha, also known as Lammas, which translates to Loaf Mass. This was the time of the early harvest when wheat and other grains were gathered; from this, bread was baked and everyone came together to 'break the bread' with their neighbours, family & friends, and anyone who was less fortunate than themselves. In essence the act of sharing their bounty with others less fortunate was a way of sending praise to the Celtic God, Lugh, and a form of sacrifice by giving up some of what they had.
Also, many people chose to bury some of their harvest on hilltops, their way of giving back to the earth in thanks for the harvest.
I have borrowed a verse from my first book that encapsulates the tradition and meaning behind this Sabbat...


Great God Lughnasadh, the Guardian of Corn,
protector of harvests that wait to be born;
the saviour of farmers, destroyer of blight,
we honour your power, your passion and might.
For blessings we offer, with dancing and prayer,
our baskets full-laden with countryside fayre:
cob-nuts and grapevines hang heavy and free,
fresh fruits of the forest, such bounty we see.

We feast on the berries and bury the corn,
on hilltops and mountains at coming of dawn,
to ask your protection for harvests to come,
still growing and reaching to capture the sun.
From summer to autumn we follow tradition,
fairs and pilgrimage, mark the transition.
On Bilberry Sunday there's comfort anew,
with the baking of bread in homage to Lugh.

And after, we visit the holiest wells,
to act out the ancient tales of the Celts.
Some climb to the moon, its beauty so bright,
descending at dawn to welcome new light.
Great God of the Forest; wise God of the Corn;
bless the last harvest that waits to be born.
We offer the berries, we offer the grain,
in hope that late harvest will feed us again.

© D. Hague
August 2021
(Updated August 2022)
