Nadine Loves

Nadine Loves

Let GloryGirl be your guide and support on a fun-fit journey to discover your INFINITE potential! Because, everyBODY needs someBody!


It’s a cozy Saturday morning in Los Angeles. An “ordinary” moment in our life filled with so much Divine peace, grace and love. 
And I wanted to capture this moment where and I are doing Svadhyaya (Spiritual studies - forgive my lack of correct translation) after our meditation practice… because I have something on my heart. 

Conscious Relationships. 
How hard it is to do the work together AND how incredibly rewarding it is to grow through doing the work together. 

This week I experienced some tough moments and my first instincts are to shut down and withdraw, making myself small and invisible (avoidance attachment style if you’re familiar) and Ricardo’s first instincts is to help and give advice from a place of love and balanced masculinity. 

And when his reasonable advice comes, I witnessed myself acting through the patterns of pushing against that beautiful, strong masculinity and I see it as him correcting/teaching me and making me wrong for feeling the way I feel (this is through the filter of the father wound that I’m still healing through)… 
My ego arises and the conversation turns into a disharmonious experience that feels sucky and yucky… until.. 


I watch my breath and make the conscious decision to take the courage, oh it takes soooo much courage for me to peel this hard mask of “I’m fine, I’ll be fine, I just want to be alone” away from my heart, and I share my fears and my aloneness and my hurts with him… Honestly, I’d rather climb a mountain than “expose” my heart in this way…and I’m terrified that my vulnerability will be a turn off for him… 

Consciously (this is the workkkk) moving myself out of victim/defending mode, I ask him just to listen, to hold space for me without opinions or advice, to hold me and love me as I am in this moment…. Face cracking, tears flooding… 
And he melts me into his arms. 

Here we are on the other side of “the work” and we’ve elevated another loving step on our path as partners on this journey. 

Encouragement, my friend, any relationship always starts with the work that we do within ourselves. It’s so hard, but so rewarding. 
I love and appreciate you.

Photos from Nadine Loves's post 27/01/2022

I love me the same 💁🏼‍♀️ That’s also my heart’s desire for you. Loving ourselves in the cute moments AND awakening into deeeeper love in the moments where we might not be as “cute” - thoughts, words and actions included. 

Transformation has been the theme of my life…naturally echoing the ever changing seasons of nature and I feel inspired to elevate my physical appearance after years of practicing loving non-attachment to this beautiful earth-ship that I live in…and now the season is here to Glow. 

This is YOUR invitation to join me in February’s FUN-ctional Glow Up 28 days practice! 

The ticket to join is $11 - a commitment pledge to play. That will give you access to our two Zoom calls in February and a sisterhood that is aligned and hold each other accountable to the actions that committed too. 
- Click on the link in the Linktree in bio - 

Your Glow Up could be any area in your life, not specifically physical (mine is though), any area that craves transformation. 

Start playing with that intention, elevation, transformation, Glow Up, and see what comes up for you. 

Check out the Youtube link in my bio for more details and I’ll share more info before we start on February 1st.  
My words are covered in a blessing of love, dear sister, and I pray that your own heart expands deeper today for the majesty that YOU are.  
I love and appreciate you, my precious friend! 

Photos from Nadine Loves's post 29/10/2021

Chapter 1
Look at the label in your yoga tights/fitness bra. What is it made of?
Have you ever investigated the effect of the fitness gear you wear (that's mostly made of synthetic fibers) on your health? 🙋🏼‍♀️ I'm still learning and here is the start of my journey.

2 years ago my heart started pulling me in the direction of creating a line of products that would elevate the peace, harmony and joy in people’s lives. I wanted to be very intentional with sourcing the fabrics and materials for it as it was such a dear project to me and after doing extensive research into fabrics, dyes and the processes that it goes through….

I STARTED QUESTIONING EVERY SINGLE ITEM OF CLOTHING THAT I WAS WEARING and the effect that it had on my health (and of course the environmental impact and the quality of life of the people who manufactures it.)

That includes underwear, bedsheets, that I wear close to my skin, and anything that I could possibly sweat in.

The/my world changed in March of 2020 and I put my heart project on hold, but I kept on researching and continued to ask questions about every type of material and where it's sourced from, every type of fabric dye and what chemical processes they are developed from.

And sadly, when it comes to Active Wear, yessss, most of our fave commercial fitness brands, I don't have very good news, my friends...

This is not a one-day conversation or transformation and I can only speak from my own experiences, but it's a conversation worth having and I'll try my best to make it digestible and easy to understand.

Our takeaway for today - most synthetic fabrics come from the petroleum industry and most synthetic dyes have a devastating impact on our health, one sweat drop at a time... this was so hard for me to accept, I mean, most of you know how much I looooved all the colorful activewear I used to wear...aijajaiiii...

I'm nowhere near perfect and I'm learning as I go, always know that this is a non-judgemental space for us to move through our own journeys.

Thank you for being here and I'm so curious to know the answer to the question I asked, what is your fitness tights made of?

Photos from Nadine Loves's post 01/06/2021

Before my coaching career, I used to work as a flight attendant for almost 7 years! The first two years I gained almost 20kgs and got several warnings from the airline’s grooming department that they might ground me for a month to lose weight before I get a flying roster again as I don’t fit grooming standards (as per the company contract that I signed and agreed to). It was a little wakeup call for me to check-in with my habits and mindset that was definitely not supporting a healthy and active lifestyle.

I’m so grateful for that experience because it sparked my discovery of how effectively I could transform my life when I change my mindset and habits, which I did, and that inspired me to pursue knowledge about the human mind and body!

While I was still traveling the world, I continued my studies in the fields of fitness and nutrition and also pursued a life coaching accreditation.

And In 2010 I transitioned from the airlines to starting my own coaching business in which I combined fitness, nutrition and life coaching and pioneered the first holistic transformational coaching program for women in the UAE, GloryGirl Fitness - hence my Instagram moniker; .
Just a short little introduction for anyone who doesn’t know my journey before we met on IG.🤩
To be continued...


*Play this viddy in the background while you’re doing something you love and let me know in the comments (or DM’s) if you are joining me for June.
My website launches in June and as a little birthday gift to you, I’d love to invite you in creating a Sacred Morning Practice for 30 days in the month of June.
Creating a morning routine from the time that you open your eyes until the “normal” activities of the day’s start.
A little bubble in time to become centered, aligned and connected in a way that feels good to you.
We’re all so unique and different systems work for different people, however I’d like to invite you to start considering and prepare these four things before I share more details on Sunday:
1. Identify a space in your living abode that has no distractions where for you to enjoy your morning practice.
2. Identify a special pillow, blanket, mat, chair etc. that is only yours to sit or lie on for your Sacred Morning Practice.
3. Candle, if it feels good to you, invite your favorite candle to join your practice.
4. Have a journal and pen ready to document your inner journey.
I’m looking forward to share in this journey with you and create a morning routine that will support your inner growth to serve your highest good and the highest good of all humanity.
I’ll share more details in the course of the next few days.
I love and appreciate you.


I changed the word “Challenge” to the word “Practice”. And here is why.
This is your invitation, dear beautiful hearted friend, to join me from September 1st to 30th for an “I love and appreciate myself” - 30 day practice.
Right here on IG, accessible to anyone who might feel a little disconnected from themselves, addicted to distractions and validation from the outside world instead of creating a safe space within.
I know, I was there too and still doing the work...

Disclaimer: I’m not a psychologist or claim to be an expert in mental health.
I’ve been in the brain-based coaching and life coaching field for over 10 years and have healed through my own traumatic childhood experiences

Through this healing process, I’ve discovered simple daily practices that helped free me from *living a life that I think I SHOULD live* and get the approval from others to *living a life that I WANT to live* and feeling really good about the choices I’m making.
I’m just a guide who’s heart is burning to help others heal and let LOVE reign supreme in our lives and this world.
I’m looking forward to dance and stumble and play on this journey with you!


This weekend we joined in a march, a rising up, a stand together, a space of learning and I felt so touched, encouraged and grateful for the peaceful, loving and generous hearts of everyone who was present.
Always know, that similar to social media, mainstream media picks the most sensational moments of content that shocks and stirs emotion, but most of the time there is an atmosphere of “let’s work together, let’s grow together” here in the USA.
If these young men and women is representative of what generation Z is all about, I’m filled with hope for a future filled with humans who love and truly See and seek to understand each other.
Always, always, always with love.


Share with a friend who needs help and save to use for when YOU go LIVE!
The time is ripe to share our light and uplift our communities with our talent.
and I are using IG to go LIVE every night on and here are part three of the lessons that we’ve learned so far.
8. Accessories - 00:04.
9. Interact with your Audience - 04:00.
10. Set Up Time - 05:19
Let us know what you’ve learned and share your learnings, if you don’t mind, so we all improve and get better with this.
All my love!


Share with a friend who needs help and hit save to use for when YOU go LIVE!
The time is ripe to share our light and uplift our community with your talent.
and I are using IG to go LIVE every night on for our movement and meditation sessions. This is part two of the lessons we’ve learned so far.
4. Lighting - 00:13.
5. Authenticity - 06:59.
6. Sound - 07:37.
7. Ask for Feedback - 12:29.
Let us know what you’ve learned so far especially when it comes to better sound and audio.
Believe it or not, there’s a part 3 on the way too!


After almost two weeks of going LIVE daily, here are the lessons that and I learned about how to create an awesome little set up for the best yoga/workout/meditation session on IG LIVE - Part 1.
Let us know if you have any tips AND share this with any of your trainer or coaching friends to help them deliver their BEST content to help us all grow through this extraordinary times.
Special shout out to at the end.
I’m wearing and Ric whatever he wants. 🤣
I’ll post part two tomorrow!
I love and appreciate you!

Timeline photos 18/06/2018

Do you sometimes feel stuck, stuck, stuck? I’ve learned this...
I can drown in my stuck-ness OR I can do something that I’ve never done before and that scares the ish out of me. Try and fail, try and fail better, try and try and keep on friggen trying until I realize I was never really stuck... I was cocooned, like a caterpillar, preparing to break into a new dimension and into a new level of living!.
Be encouraged my friend, “feeling stuck” is just one part of the transformation process, there’s always, always an “on-the-other side”... and on THAT side, we get the wings too 🦋!! 😋😉

Adele - Hello Parody (Hella Cravings) 21/12/2015

And there had to be a fitness parody! You can't deny the genius talent...;) ;)

Adele - Hello Parody (Hella Cravings) Feat. Genevieve Ahkuoi () https://...

Timeline photos 01/12/2015

We love this from The Nudge Effect.

Timeline photos 27/11/2015

Organic Veggies available every Saturday from 9-1pm The Hundred Pilates Studio the veggies are supplied by Our amazing local farm called Integrated Green Resources.

Mobile uploads 06/10/2015

How True?

Photos from Nadine Loves's post 09/09/2015

Hey girls! If being outdoors surrounded by positive friends and making your fat cry is your thing, then Dubai Bells are for you!!
6am every Sunday (at Pride Fitness), Tuesday and Thursday morning (at Dubai Sports City Rugby Park). Drop us a message if you want to come and we'll tell you what the theme is for our next training experience!😉

Timeline photos 02/09/2015

To all the real friends out there... You ROCK!!

Timeline photos 24/08/2015

I just love how social media is a tool to connect and capture the WOW-moments of our lives. Or the "highlight reel" like they say.

However, I believe it is important to remember that for every high in life, there are also a few flats, a few lows and a few crazy spirals... Like after this happy, carefree piccie was taken, and I had a few moments of panic as the strong current took us far off shore and it took almost a whole hour of hard paddling to get us back to the beach...phew...but you wont know of any of that just looking at this pic, right?

My insight is, to never, ever compare ourselves with someone else's WOW-moments that they make visible online, rather celebrate, cheer and admire, because we never know how hard the fight is behind the scenes of that moment... You'll be surprised about how much less negativity and anxiety you'll carry around!
Group huuuuuuugggg!!!

Timeline photos 23/08/2015

I'm living, breathing, eating, sleeping boxing at the moment! I find it so inspiring that our brains and bodies are so adaptable of learning new skills and sports in such a short time! But I still suck at it sooooo much!! It definitely helps that my friends loves boxing too, so there is always a sparring partner at hand, thanks .lovesbeingfit for hooking (pun fully intended!) me up!

Timeline photos 20/08/2015

to 2 weeks ago when .lovesbeingfit and I were in fairytale land!!

Like everyone else, I just love to jump on busy roads in foreign countries to get the perfect IG pic! Lol! Have you done some crazy/fun things lately to get that perfect shot!! (I pushed Dan a little out of her comfort zone for this one, but it turns any slow endorphin day into a faaaast endorphin one!!)

When your "right-here-and-now" seems kind of dull and boring, create your own little jumping, yes jumping always works!

Have an amazing day!!

Timeline photos 19/08/2015

Hey girls! This one is for you!! I was invited to do this amazing shoot with Ahlan Magazine as their guest health editor 3 weeks ago. At first I wanted to do the get-lean-quick approach to get "in shape" for the shoot...but then I switched my brain back on and thought; "Hold on, I want to be an AUTHENTIC role model for women, being consistent in my daily training and eating well without starving myself and doing outrageous amounts of cardio. I'm going to do this shoot just AS I AM." In my fitness model years I would've cringed seeing these fuller figure pics of myself as I'd compared myself to all my genetically ripped friends and peers. But looking at these pics, I'm proud of how far I've come with appreciating this strong and resilient body and extra, extra grateful for being healthy and feeling good on the inside and outside!

Regardless of where you are today:
- Become comfortable in your own skin by thanking your body everyday for all the "normal" things you can do without even thinking.
- Be active every day, do the stuff you enjoy, try new stuff!
- Eat good tasting, natural plants and protein most of the time with a few choice fun foods every week.
- Admire and celebrate those around you who inspires you instead of comparing yourself with them!

And always, always massive love to for believing in me right from the start! (They are in Al Ain tomorrow for a massive road trip!!)

Timeline photos 19/08/2015

Gooooood morning Dubai!!! My day started quite rough, BUT I'm focussing on all the good that normally comes from a tough situation!

Have an amazing day and remember to get your copy of Ahlan! today if you haven't yet! It's the last day you can get my fun and happy health editor's perspective from the edition!


I think the best thing ever that happened in fitness fashion was Rich Froning's badass bandana and shades (shirt off) look!! I think I like it!!

Oh, and just showing off my much improved Kettlebell Juggling skills

Timeline photos 17/08/2015

What have I gotten myself into this time?

You know my take on creating adventures and WOW-moments in life, right? Well, I'm on my next quest for a little higher-pulse-rate-action and I've entered the reality TV show!! The trials and auditions are done... Now for the big question, will I make the cut or be cut?

The show will be aired on September 16th on OSN Mena Region wide... So pleaaaaase keep your hands together (or fingers crossed) for me, as this could be a life changer!!

Team GloryGirl, can I hear a YAY!

Timeline photos 16/08/2015

This one is for all my girls out there! Please tag your fave and proud curvy fit friend!! We train to grow stronger, we train to run faster, we train to jump higher, we train to do better than our yesterday's PB. Our bodies are but a side effect of what we do everyday to live better lives, not the obsession and idol that society has changed physical perfection into.

This body of mine weighs close to 70kg, but it doesn't stop me from absolutely loving my health and embracing my curves and inspiring others to make the best of their every single moment!
The strong, fit and curvy revolution is here, let's embrace our feminine athleticism and empower other women to keep the focus on the things that really matter like the heart and soul, while stewarding the physical with healthy habits.

Thank you and for being the ultimate femme rolemodels!!

July New Collection 29/07/2015

The new Lorna Jane Dubai collection is in and it's WOW!! We love, love these summer fruity colors!

Be bold enough to live your best and most colourful Active LIFE!

Shop the latest looks and more at Lorna Jane, J3 Mall now

35 lessons from Precision Nutrition's most successful clients. How they took the first step,... 01/07/2015

Such an inspiring article! Looking for extra motivation to get on with your active healthy life? Have a look at what these transformed-lives have to say!

35 lessons from Precision Nutrition's most successful clients. How they took the first step,... What’s stopping you from getting in shape? Here, eight answers to that question — and 35 proven ways to get over those obstacles to the body you want.

Mobile uploads 15/06/2015

Have you ever jumped a fence?? The perfect place to try new skills are at our Dubai Bells sessions on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 6am!! These girls are amazing!


Day 8 of my Women's Health 30 day Novice to Yogi challenge. 1 week down and I'm encouraged!! I include this quick hamstring stretch exercise (I learned it from Matt Coe from OP Lifestyle) every day and just so excited that I can touch my shoe, even just for a moment! (Knee is still sliiiightly bent, but so much better than a week ago!) thanks Melissa for the vid!

Videos (show all)

*Play this viddy in the background while you’re doing something you love and let me know in the comments (or DM’s) if yo...
GloryGirl Ellen's HUUUGE pants!