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This is how to wear a fabric mask safely during COVID-19 âŹď¸
During COVID-19, try taking 20 minutes doing something the kids choose â like playing a game or reading - together with them.
No đą or đş so you can focus on them.
Quality time will make them feel safe and loved.
May this Eid brings you joys unlimited, may all your wishes come true on this holy day, may Allah approve your kind deeds, forgive your disobedience and sins, and ease the suffering of all individuals around the globe. Eid Mubarak blessed by the grace of Allah. Eid Mubarak
the SECRET Hand sanitizer is reaserch based carefully designed product that have moisturizing property while it kills 99.9% of germs and bacterias.
- we designed it to be liquid gel for easy of application plus maximum spreadibility on your hand.
_ You might feel a little bit of stickiness because of the moisturizer but it will go away in a fraction of a second.
_ its Infused with natural antiseptics like Ginger and Lemongrass both are good to your skin
_ We have certificate from EFDA
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The SECRET to prevent yourself from illness causing germs and bacteria is to clean and sanitize your hands frequently
"Saving the 15%" - Dr. Zenebe Teklu, General Surgeon, plastic and reconstructive surgery fellow
According to Chinese data, 20% of COVID patients need hospitalizations (15% need oxygen and 5% needs a ventilator)
New York study and Chinese study: 85-90% patients on ventilator died. So, priority for Us: At least we should save the 15%.
How do we care for them: oxygen, oxygen, oxygen
WHO estimates that for patients who need oxygen: 100-bed facility needs around 45,000 litres of oxygen per hr >>>that is around 7 big cylinder/hr (168 cylinder/day.)
God forbid, let's say we have around 1,000 patients nationwide. That means we need around 1,680 cylinder/day.
What is Ethiopian capacity? According to National oxygen and pulse oximetry scale-up roadmap: (2016) Both Government and private companies combined have the capacity of producing 42 cylinder/hr ( if they have a capacity to work 12 hrs a day) that will be around 504 cylinders /day.
This an oxygen for 300 patient/day
Imagine this is only for COVID patients, we still have non-COVID cases in need of oxygen (Asthmatics, heart failures, Newborns, kids with pneumonia, emergency surgical and obstetric procedures )
So to treat 1,000 patients we to need to quadruple our oxygen production as a nation.
Can we do that? I Don't know! We don't even talk about it.
What can we do? Increase the capacity of existing oxygen plants and finish up all oxygen plants under construction. Support private companies financially to increase their production or build a new one.
Stockpile cylinders full of oxygen near every COVID treatment centre now when you have very few cases. (most of our Oxygen produced in Addis)
Asses the availability in neighbouring countries and prepare for importation Buy new concentrators and fix the old ones
To deliver oxygen safely you need other gadgets like; Flowmeters, Nasal prongs, face masks, pulse oximeters, Humidifiers. We need to have a lot of them.
1.WHO Oxygen sources and distribution for COVID-19 treatment centres (Interim guidance)
2.National oxygen and pulse oximetry roadmap, 2016
3. Large Study of COVID-19 NYC Hospital Cases Shows High Mortality - Medscape - Apr 24, 2020.