Zaffrany B e a u t y

Zaffrany B e a u t y

Stay connected with "Zaffrany B e a u t y" to get all natural products. No artificial thing is as beautiful as nature. As well as the beauty of a woman! Yes!

So girls,,, let's nature touch you! All of our products are made of natural ingredients!! We don't sell any whitening cream that works within 7days! Products made with natural ingredients takes time to show results. So you have to be patient to get your desired healthy skin/hair. There's kind of a false sense of security thinking, "oh, it's botanical, it's not going to hurt me"

A lot of people ha


জাফরানি সিগনেচার ফেসপ্যাক 💆🏻‍♀️

🌸তৈলাক্ত ত্বকের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• লেবুর রস🍋 (যদি আপনার ত্বকে সুট করে)
• গোলাপ জল 🥀

🌸শুষ্ক ত্বকের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• মধু 🍯
• কাঁচা দুধ / দই 🍶

🌸 কম্বিনেশন স্কিনের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• মধু 🍯
• দই
• লেবুর রস 🍋 (যদি আপনার সুট করে)

উপকারিতা 🌸
✨রোদে পোড়া ত্বক ঠিক করে, দাগ দূর করে এবং বিবর্ণতা দূর করে।
✨অতিরিক্ত সিবাম / তেল দুর করে
✨গভীর থেকে ময়লা, ঘাম অপসারণ করে ত্বক কে পরিষ্কার করে।
✨ত্বককে মসৃণ করে, ত্বকের উজ্জ্বলতা বাড়ায় এবং প্রাকৃতিক আভা বাড়ায়
✨ব্রণ এবং পিম্পল বাড়তে দেয় না।
✨ত্বকের ছিদ্র ছোট করার পাশাপাশি ত্বকের স্থিতিস্থাপকতা পুনরুদ্ধারে সহায়তা করে।

(হলুদ আপনার ত্বকের জন্য উপযুক্ত না হলে আমাদের জানান। তাহলে আমরা হলুদ ছাড়া আপনার ফেসপ্যাক বানাবো)

এখনি অর্ডার করুন...

Zaffrany signature Facepack 💆🏻‍♀️

🌸For oily skin...mix with
• Lemon juice🍋 (if suits you)
• Rose water 🥀

🌸For dry skin...mix with
• Honey 🍯
• Raw milk / yogurt 🍶

🌸For combination skin...mix with
• Honey 🍯
• Yogurt 🍶
• Lemon juice 🍋(if suits you)

Benefits 🌸
✨Treats sunburn, removes sun tan and discoloration
✨Removes excess sebum/oil
✨Deep cleanses skin removing dirt, sweat and impurities
✨ Smooths skin, evens out skin tone and increase natural glow
✨Prevent acne and sores from developing
✨Help in tightening skin pores as well as restoring skin elasticity

(Please let us know if turmeric doesn't suits your skin. Then we'll make your facepack without turmeric)

Order Now...


তাকাব্বালাল্লাহু মিন্নী ওয়া মিনকুম!
সবাইকে ঈদের শুভেচ্ছা.

Photos from Zaffrany B e a u t y's post 26/04/2022

💥💥💥Upto 40% OFF😱😱😱 💥💥💥
✨✨✨ Eid Special Discount 🌙✨✨✨

❣️20% on readymade products
❣️40% on single (powdered) products

Limited stock‼️
So, hurry up girls!
Take some extra care✨ of your skin & hair before Eid🌙 to look more gorgeous with your natural glow 🌟🥰💆🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️
Order now & grab your essentials

Offer valid till 27th Ramadan (29th April) 🌙


Sandalwood powder
...has antiseptic properties that prevent pimples, acne and sores from developing. Exposure to dust and dirt can cause bacterial growth on your skin which can further lead to skin problems.

✨Applied for:

✓ Fighting acne-causing bacteria
✓ Exfoliates the skin
✓ Soothes sunburn
✓ Removes suntan
✓ Reduces signs of ageing such as dry skin and wrinkles.

💁🏻‍♀️Some Face mask recipe with Sandalwood powder:

✨Removing Acne and Blackheads

• 1 table-spoonoon sandalwood powder
• 1 tea-spoon coconut🥥 oil
• Some lemon🍋 juice.

Apply it on your face and leave it on for half an hour. Later, rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.

✨Removal of Sun tan

• 1 table-spoon cucumber🥒 juice
• 1 table-spoon curd🍶
• 1 tea-spoon honey🍯
• ½ table-spoon lemon🍋 juice
• 1 table-spoon sandalwood powder

Apply this mask on your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes. This will help in removing sun tan and dark spots.

✨Removal of Dark Spots

• 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder
• Coconut🥥 oil
..massage it on your face and leave it on overnight. With regular usage, the dark spots will vanish.

✨For oily skin

• 1 table-spoon sandalwood powder
• 1 table-spoon rose water

Apply all over your face. Leave it for half an hour and then wash off with cold water.


• 1 table-spoon Sandalwood powder
• 1 tea-spoon rosewater
• 1 table-spoon coconut🥥 milk/raw milk🥛/raw honey🍯

Spread the paste over face and exfoliate skin in an upward, circular motion for 1-2 minutes.
Leave the paste on skin for 10-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.


Rice Flour
... contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant agents and natural exfoliant

Benefits ✨
✓ Prevent skin aging
✓ Reduce UV damage
✓ Promote skin lightening
✓ Improve skin texture
✓ Exfoliates dead skin cells


Aloe Vera
... contains rich source of antioxidants and vitamins that may help protect skin. The important compounds in aloe vera have also been shown to neutralize the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, repair skin from existing UV damage, and help prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

Benefits ✨

✨For skin
✓ Helps soothe sunburn.
✓ Helps to moisturize the skin.
✓ Boosts healing of wounds.
✓ Fights skin-aging.
✓ Reduces infection and acne.
✓ Lightens blemishes on the face.

✨For hair and scalp:
✓ Helps in hair growth
✓ Keeps dandruff at bay
✓ Acts as a conditioner to the hair and scalp


Wild turmeric
...contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce excess production of melanin which in turn lightens scars and keeps even the skin.

🟡 Applied for:

✓ Skin tone and the overall complexion improvement.
✓ Blemish-free, naturally glowing skin.
✓ Acne and its scars reduction.
✓ Facial hair removal.
✓ Skin infections and insect bites.
✓ Several skin ailments including eczema.
✓ Stretch marks.
✓ Bath powder for babies.

💁🏻‍♀️Some Face mask recipe with Kasthuri manjal (Wild turmeric):

✨Face Mask For Glowing Skin

•Kasturi/Wild Turmeric powder
•Chickpea flour (Besan)
•Raw milk.🥛

Apply the paste of medium consistency evenly to your skin and give a gentle massage for 5 minutes. Leave the mask as it is for 15-30 minutes and then, wash off with water to get a visibly radiant skin.

✨Cure For Acne And Acne Marks

• Wild Turmeric powder
• Sandalwood powder
• Raw milk.🥛

Apply it all over your skin focusing on your pimples and wash it off after 30 minutes. You will be amazed to get a blemish-free skin in few months.

✨Scrub For Exfoliating Skin

• Wild turmeric
• Yogurt🍶
..exfoliate your skin with it gently. Allow it to stay on your skin for 15-20 minutes and then, wash away to discover a youthful skin.

✨Anti-Ageing Tool To Fight Wrinkles

• Wild turmeric
• Buttermilk/sugar cane juice

Apply it to your skin focusing on the affected areas. Wash off when it dries.

✨Agent For Removing Facial Hair

• Wild turmeric
• Warm coconut🥥 oil

Scrub your face gently with it. Practicing it frequently will give you wonderful results.

✨Remedy For Skin Tan

• Wild turmeric
• Raw milk🥛

Apply it to the affected parts of the skin.
Wash off after 10-15 minutes.


Potato Powder
...contains vitamins C, B1, B3, and B6 and antioxidants that guard your skin from environmental damage caused by pollution and exposure to the sun.

🥔Applied for:
✓ Whitening/Glowing
✓ Acne removal
✓ Pigmentation removal
✓ Reduces sebum/oils
✓ Spot reduction
✓ Wrinkles removal

💁🏻‍♀️Some Face mask recipe with Potato powder:

✨Potato Face Pack For Skin Whitening

• 1 table-spoon potato🥔 powder
• 2 table-spoons honey🍯
• 1 tea-spoon lemon🍋 juice

Apply and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes (until it dries) and then wash it off.

✨Potato And Tomato Face Mask For Acne

You Will Need
• 1 table-spoon potato🥔 powder
• 1 table-spoon tomato🍅 powder
• 1 table-spoon honey🍯

Apply it evenly on your face, focusing on the affected area. Wash off when it dries.

✨Potato And Rice Flour Face Pack For Pigmentation

• 1 tea-spoon potato🥔powder
• 1 tea-spoon rice flour
• 1 tea-spoon lemon🍋 juice (optional)
• 1 tea-spoon honey🍯

Apply it on your face and neck and leave it to dry.
Use water to scrub the dry face pack gently. Clean your face thoroughly in a circular motion.

✨Potato And Oatmeal Face Mask For Oily Skin

• 1 table-spoon potato🥔 powder.
• 2 table-spoons raw milk🥛
• 1 table-spoon oatmeal
• 1 tea-spoon lemon🍋 juice.

Apply this paste on your face and leave it on for about 30 minutes.
Wash it off with lukewarm water.

✨Potato And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack For Spot Reduction

• 1 table-spoon potato🥔 powder.
• 1 table-spoon Fuller’s earth (multani mitti)
• 1 table-spoon lemon🍋 juice

Apply the paste to your face and neck and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
Wash it off.

✨Potato, Milk, And Glycerin Face Pack For Wrinkles

• 1 table-spoon potato🥔 powder.
• 1 table-spoons raw milk🥛
• 3-4 drops of vegetable glycerin

Apply it to your face (focus on the problem areas).
Leave it on for 15 minutes or until it dries.
Wash it off.


Tomato powder -
... contain vitamin C 125 mg, lycopene 1.41 mg, iron 3.99 mg, phosphorus 173 mg, calcium 80 mg, magnesium 126 mg, Zinc 2.71 mg, copper 0.876 mg, manganese 1.83 mg, sodium 121.60 mg and potassium 2805.8 mg per 100 g.

🍅 Applied For:
✓Anti-acne & Pimples
✓Skin Brightening
✓Radiance & Glow
✓Pigmentation removal
✓Anti-marks and Spots removal
✓Tan removal

💁🏻‍♀️Some Face mask recipe with Tomato Powder:

✨Tomato And Papaya Anti-ageing Face Mask

• 1 table-spoon tomato🍅 powder
• 1 table-spoon papaya pulp

Apply this paste to your face.
Keep it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off.
Do this twice a week.

✨Tomato And Clay Anti-pimple/marks/spots removal Face Mask

• 1 table-spoon of clay (Fuller’s earth/multani mitti/green clay)
• 1 table-spoon tomato 🍅 powder
• 1-2 table-spoons of lemon🍋 juice

Apply it to your face and wait for 10 minutes or until it dries.
Rinse with lukewarm water. Pat your skin dry and apply a moisturizer.
Do this once every 3-4 days.

✨Tomato And Lemon Skin Brightening/Glowing face mask

Mix -
• 1 table-spoon tomato🍅 powder
• 2 tea-spoons fuller's earth(multani mitti)
• 1 tea-spoon of mint🍃 powder/ fresh mint paste
• 1 table-spoon lemon🍋 juice/yogurt🥛

Apply to clean skin and wash off when it's is dry.

✨Tomato, Sandalwood, And Turmeric pigmentation removal Face Mask

• 1 table-spoon tomato🍅 powder
• ½ table-spoon sandalwood powder
• ½ tea-spoon wild turmeric

Apply and leave for 15min. Wash off.
Do this every alternate day.

✨ Tomato, Honey and Buttermilk face mask for Tan Removal

• 1 table-spoon tomato🍅 powder
• 1 tea-spoon of honey🍯
• 1 table-spoon buttermilk🥛

Apply and leave this on for 15 minutes before washing off with cold water.



... contains powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and regenerative properties

Benefits ✨
✓ Delays ageing of skin
✓ Fights pathogens below its surface. As a result, skin remains supple
✓ Reduces the effects of ageing
✓ Treats dandruff of scalp


Multani mitti
...(calcium bentonite), also known as Fuller's earth, is a mineral-rich clay that is commonly used in home-made face packs. It is rich in magnesium chloride. It deep cleanses your skin, removes whiteheads and blackheads, and diminishes pore size.

✨ Applied for:

✓ Fighting acne and pimples
✓ Removing excess sebum and oil
✓ Deep cleansing skin (removing dirt, sweat and impurities)
✓ Brightening skin complexion (Evens out skin tone)
✓ Tanning and pigmentation treatment
✓ Treating sunburn, skin rashes and infections (multani mitti is an effective cooling agent)
✓ Treating skin inflammation and insect bites
✓ Simplifying blood circulation, leads to radiant, glowing skin
✓ Keeping away blackheads/whiteheads, blemishes, freckles, pimple/acne spots
✓ Having antiseptic properties

💁🏻‍♀️Some Face Mask recipe with Multani Mitti:

✨For oily skin

• 1 table-spoon multani mitti
• 1 - 2 table-spoons rose🥀 water

Apply this homemade, pretty-smelling pack on your face evenly and leave it on for 15 minutes.
Wash it off after it completely dries. Your skin will become smooth and oil-free.
Repeat this process at least thrice a week for best results.

✨For softer skin

• 1 table-spoon crushed and ground almonds
• 1 table-spoon raw milk🥛
• ½ table-spoon multani mitti
..let it rest for a minute.
Apply it on a freshly washed and dried skin. Scrub the pack off with the help of a sponge after it dries.
Use this pack twice a week for smooth and supple skin.

✨For spotless skin

• 1 table-spoon tomato🍅 powder
• 1 table-spoon multani mitti
• 1 tea-spoon sandalwood powder
• 1 tea-spoon wild turmeric powder
• 1 - 2 table-spoons lemon🍋 juice

Apply it on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.
Use this multani mitti face pack for glowing skin regularly.

✨To Get Rid Of Dark Patches

• 1 table-spoon multani mitti
• 1 table-spoon mint🍃 leaves powder
• 1 table-spoon yogurt🍶
• Lemon🍋 Juice

Apply and wash after 20 minutes


Red Lentil
... contains antioxidants, vitamin C, essential nutrients, natural cleanser and natural exfoliating properties.

Benefits ✨
✓ Slow down aging by minimizing the damage of cells and tissues
✓ Remove suntans and lighten skin tone with their potent vitamin C content
✓ Nourish the skin from inside out and remove dry patches
✓ Work as a great natural cleanser that leaves skin clean, supple, and glowing
✓ Absorb excess oil from the skin, thus preventing acne, breakouts, and blemishes
✓ Help in tightening skin pores as well as restoring skin elasticity


Extra Virgin Coconut🥥 Oil
...contains vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids- linoleic acid and monounsaturated fatty acids- oleic acid. It contains healthy fatty acids. Coconut oil is high in certain saturated fats. It is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that help prevent aging and damage to our skin and hair.

✨Used for:

✓ Make-up removing
✓ Moisturizing skin
✓ Healing cracked skin and cuticles
✓ Hair conditioning
✓ Repairing frizzy hair
✓ Minimizing dandruff
✓ Moisturizing hair & reducing breakage
✓ Protecting hair from protein loss & damage when it's wet
✓ Protecting hair from environmental damage like wind, sun and smoke
✓ Cooking (boost heart health, encourage fat burning, antimicrobial effects, reduce hunger, reduce seizures, raise HDL (good) cholesterol)


Lemon peel
... contains high amounts of calcium, citric acid and vitamin C. Vitamin C helps stimulate the production of collagen. Citric acid helps in skin rejuvenation and sloughing away dead skin cells

Benefits ✨
✓ Helps to treat acne
✓ Treats hyperpigmentation
✓ Gives the skin natural hydration
✓ Lightens the Age Spots
✓ Treats Stinky Feet
✓ Works as exfoliator


... is an extract from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant which contains glycyrrhizic acid, or GZA. GZA is made of one molecule of glycyrrhetinic acid and two molecules of glucuronic acid. The extracts from the root of the plant can be referred to as licorice, sweet root, and glycyrrhiza extract.

Applied for:

✓ Brightening Skin
✓ Repairing Sun Damage
✓ Fading Dark Scars
✓ Treating Skin Conditions
✓ Treating inflammation
✓ Tightening skin
✓ Treating Acne
✓ Healing Wounds and Skin Infections
✓ Fighting Wrinkles

💁🏻‍♀️Some face mask recipe with Licorice powder:

✨For Brightening:

• 1 table-spoon Licorice Powder
• 1 tea-spoon Sandalwood Powder
• 1 table-spoon Rose🥀 Water
• 1 table-spoon Lemon🍋 Juice

Apply and wash off when it dries.

✨For Glowing:

• 1 tea-spoon wild turmeric powder
• 1 table-spoon rice flour
• ½ table-spoon licorice powder
• Lemon🍋 juice
• Raw honey🍯

Apply and wash off after it dries.


Orange🍊 Peel Powder
...contains Vitamin C which helps to form collagen and elastin which is the secret to beautiful skin. It makes your skin look youthful and bright. It improves oily skin and makes the skin soft, smooth and firm. It helps unclog pores and reduces blackheads.

🍊Applied for:

✓ Lightening Skin Tone
✓ Unclogging Skin Pores
✓ Treating Pimples and Acne
✓ Removing Scars / Marks
✓ Fighting against Ageing
✓ Glowing Skin
✓ Reducing Inflammation

💁🏻‍♀️Some face mask recipe with Orange🍊 peel powder:

✨ For Instant Rejuvenating

• 1 table-spoon Orange🍊 peel powder
• 2 table-spoon of Yogurt🍶

Apply on face and wash off after 20 minutes to get clear, fresh, and toned up tight looking skin. This is an instant rejuvenating face pack which you can apply before a party or any big event.

✨ For Stubborn Tan

• 1 table-spoon Orange🍊 peel powder
• ½ tea-spoon wild turmeric
• 1 table-spoon Raw Honey🍯

Apply on the face and neck, and wash off after 5 to 10 minutes with any gentle face cleanser or rose water. Try not to use this on acne prone skin but if you decide to do so then follow it up with an acne skin face pack.

✨ For Instant Glow

• 1 table-spoon Orange🍊 powder
• 1 table-spoon sandalwood powder
• 1 table-spoon walnut/almond/rice powder
• 2-3 drops lemon🍋 juice
• 2 table-spoon rose🥀 water

Apply and Leave on the face for 5 minutes and rinse off slowly rubbing in a circular motion to get bright skin which will give instant glow of post gentle exfoliation.


Kaolin Clay
... contains antibacterial properties, minerals, cleansing and refreshing agents.


✓ Great for absorbing excess oil
✓ Penetrates the pores when applied wet
—then draws away oil as it dries
✓ Soaks up acne-causing impurities
✓ Gives the ultimate glow
✓ Soothes sensitive skin
✓ Helps to remove dark circles
✓ Mildest and most gentle clay used in skin care —so it's best for combination skin for absorbing oil
✓ Ideal gentle exfoliator. When messaging it into the skin, this exfoliating clay not only buffs away dead skin cells, it also promotes blood flow to the complexion.
✓ In hair care, gentle and rich in silica, kaolin clay helps clean scalp without drying. It calms inflammation and helps moisturize dry, brittle hair. It improves circulation in the scalp and removes dirt and impurities from the hair follicles which helps strengthens the roots.


Zaffrany Goat Milk Soap 🧽
... contains Saffron, Goat milk soap base, Vitamin C, Essential oils and some natural brightening agents🤫

✓ Brights skin tone ✨
✓ Repairs damaged skin 🥰
✓ Cleans skin deeply 🧖
✓ Reduces oil/sebum 🧏🏻‍♀️
✓ Gives healthy skin 💁🏻‍♀️
✓ Lightens acne spots 🌝
✓ Prevents premature ageing 🧓
✓ Keeps skin acne free 🙆🏻‍♀️
✓ Removes dead skin sells 🤷🏻‍♀️

Inbox for ordering


Starting with my favorite ingredient 🌸
100% authentic Iranian saffron is available in various quantities on "Zaffrany Beauty".

Order Now...


💥Discount for Eid-ul-Fitr🌙 2022💥

Coming soon...🧏🏻‍♀️
Stay connected with us...💁🏻‍♀️ for getting huge discount🙆🏻‍♀️ and surprising 😱 gifts 🎁

Ramadan Mubarak to all of you ✨


Wash your face at least 3 times a day. . . !!! 🙍🏻‍♀

Don't forget to deep cleanse your face🧏🏻‍♀️ before going to bed. 🛏️

Always do double cleansing💆🏻‍♀️ while removing make-up💄 from face.

Whenever you sweat, 🥵don't let it absorb your skin. It'll clog the pores with sweat, oil and dirt, then the results will be pimple. 🌚

Share with your friends and family and let them know🤗

Always remember,🧏🏻‍♀️
No artificial thing is as beautiful as nature. Even the beauty of a woman!🌸


Hairfall Solution Signature Hairoil💆🏻‍♀️

✓ Reduces hairfall 🌺
✓ Stimulates hair growth 🌿
✓ Improves scalp condition 🥜
✓ Nourishes hair 🥥
✓ Repairs damaged hair 🥑
✓ Helps to grow new hair 🧅
✓ Treats itchy scalp 🪴
✓ Gives extra shine ✨
✓ Makes smooth and silky 🙆🏻‍♀️


✨Vitamin A
-All cells need vitamin A for growth 💁🏻‍♀️
(Apricot oil, Rosemary Oil)

-One of the best known vitamins for hair growth is a B-vitamin called biotin 💁🏻‍♀️
(B5 Avocado oil, B jojoba oil, B6 Rosemary Oil)

✨Vitamin C
(Jojoba oil, Black seed oil, Rosemary Oil)

✨Vitamin D
(Black seed oil)

✨Vitamin E
(Argan oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, apricot oil, jojoba oil, Castor oil, Black seed oil)

(Coconut Oil, Rosemary Oil)

(Coconut Oil, jojoba oil)

(Coconut Oil, olive oil... but oils doesn't provides protein in hair...we should use hairpack/hair mask for protein treatment)

✨ Fatty acids
(Omega-3 Apricot oil, Castor oil, Black seed oil)

✨ And some secret herbs with these essential nutrients 🤫

🧏🏻‍♀️Google : what is essential for hair?

💁🏻‍♀️Results: A lack of the right nutrients including vitamins A, C, D and E, zinc, B vitamins, iron, biotin, protein and essential fatty acids may slow down hair growth or even cause hair loss. Fortunately, correcting a deficiency in any of these nutrients may help treat hair loss and promote the rate of hair growth.

Inbox for ordering


জাফরানি সিগনেচার ফেসপ্যাক 💆🏻‍♀️

🌸তৈলাক্ত ত্বকের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• লেবুর রস🍋 (যদি আপনার ত্বকে সুট করে)
• গোলাপ জল 🥀

🌸শুষ্ক ত্বকের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• মধু 🍯
• কাঁচা দুধ / দই 🍶

🌸 কম্বিনেশন স্কিনের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• মধু 🍯
• দই
• লেবুর রস 🍋 (যদি আপনার সুট করে)

উপকারিতা 🌸
✨রোদে পোড়া ত্বক ঠিক করে, দাগ দূর করে এবং বিবর্ণতা দূর করে।
✨অতিরিক্ত সিবাম / তেল দুর করে
✨গভীর থেকে ময়লা, ঘাম অপসারণ করে ত্বক কে পরিষ্কার করে।
✨ত্বককে মসৃণ করে, ত্বকের উজ্জ্বলতা বাড়ায় এবং প্রাকৃতিক আভা বাড়ায়
✨ব্রণ এবং পিম্পল বাড়তে দেয় না।
✨ত্বকের ছিদ্র ছোট করার পাশাপাশি ত্বকের স্থিতিস্থাপকতা পুনরুদ্ধারে সহায়তা করে।

(হলুদ আপনার ত্বকের জন্য উপযুক্ত না হলে আমাদের জানান। তাহলে আমরা হলুদ ছাড়া আপনার ফেসপ্যাক বানাবো)

এখনি অর্ডার করুন...

Zaffrany signature Facepack 💆🏻‍♀️

🌸For oily skin...mix with
• Lemon juice🍋 (if suits you)
• Rose water 🥀

🌸For dry skin...mix with
• Honey 🍯
• Raw milk / yogurt 🍶

🌸For combination skin...mix with
• Honey 🍯
• Yogurt 🍶
• Lemon juice 🍋(if suits you)

Benefits 🌸
✨Treats sunburn, removes sun tan and discoloration
✨Removes excess sebum/oil
✨Deep cleanses skin removing dirt, sweat and impurities
✨ Smooths skin, evens out skin tone and increase natural glow
✨Prevent acne and sores from developing
✨Help in tightening skin pores as well as restoring skin elasticity

(Please let us know if turmeric doesn't suits your skin. Then we'll make your facepack without turmeric)

Order Now...

জাফরানি সিগনেচার ফেসপ্যাক 💆🏻‍♀️

🌸তৈলাক্ত ত্বকের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• লেবুর রস🍋 (যদি আপনার ত্বকে সুট করে)
• গোলাপ জল 🥀

🌸শুষ্ক ত্বকের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• মধু 🍯
• কাঁচা দুধ / দই 🍶

🌸 কম্বিনেশন স্কিনের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• মধু 🍯
• দই
• লেবুর রস 🍋 (যদি আপনার সুট করে)

উপকারিতা 🌸
✨রোদে পোড়া ত্বক ঠিক করে, দাগ দূর করে এবং বিবর্ণতা দূর করে।
✨অতিরিক্ত সিবাম / তেল দুর করে
✨গভীর থেকে ময়লা, ঘাম অপসারণ করে ত্বক কে পরিষ্কার করে।
✨ত্বককে মসৃণ করে, ত্বকের উজ্জ্বলতা বাড়ায় এবং প্রাকৃতিক আভা বাড়ায়
✨ব্রণ এবং পিম্পল বাড়তে দেয় না।
✨ত্বকের ছিদ্র ছোট করার পাশাপাশি ত্বকের স্থিতিস্থাপকতা পুনরুদ্ধারে সহায়তা করে।

(হলুদ আপনার ত্বকের জন্য উপযুক্ত না হলে আমাদের জানান। তাহলে আমরা হলুদ ছাড়া আপনার ফেসপ্যাক বানাবো)

এখনি অর্ডার করুন...


💥💥💥Upto 20% 💥💥💥

✨✨✨Free delivery✨✨✨
(only if you order over 1000৳)

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Offer valid till Eid-ul-adha 🌙


💥Discount for Eid-ul-adha🌙 2021💥

Coming soon...🧏🏻‍♀️
Stay connected with us...💁🏻‍♀️ for getting huge discount🙆🏻‍♀️ and surprising 😱 gifts 🎁

Zaffrany signature Facepack 💆🏻‍♀️

🌸For oily skin...mix with
• Lemon juice🍋 (if suits you)
• Rose water 🥀

🌸For dry skin...mix with
• Honey 🍯
• Raw milk / yogurt 🍶

🌸For combination skin...mix with
• Honey 🍯
• Yogurt 🍶
• Lemon juice 🍋(if suits you)

Benefits 🌸
✨Treats sunburn, removes sun tan and discoloration
✨Removes excess sebum/oil
✨Deep cleanses skin removing dirt, sweat and impurities
✨ Smooths skin, evens out skin tone and increase natural glow
✨Prevent acne and sores from developing
✨Help in tightening skin pores as well as restoring skin elasticity

(Please let us know if turmeric doesn't suits your skin. Then we'll make your facepack without turmeric)

Order Now...

জাফরানি সিগনেচার ফেসপ্যাক 💆🏻‍♀️

🌸তৈলাক্ত ত্বকের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• লেবুর রস🍋 (যদি আপনার ত্বকে সুট করে)
• গোলাপ জল 🥀

🌸শুষ্ক ত্বকের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• মধু 🍯
• কাঁচা দুধ / দই 🍶

🌸 কম্বিনেশন স্কিনের জন্য ... মিশ্রিত করুন
• মধু 🍯
• দই
• লেবুর রস 🍋 (যদি আপনার সুট করে)

উপকারিতা 🌸
✨রোদে পোড়া ত্বক ঠিক করে, দাগ দূর করে এবং বিবর্ণতা দূর করে।
✨অতিরিক্ত সিবাম / তেল দুর করে
✨গভীর থেকে ময়লা, ঘাম অপসারণ করে ত্বক কে পরিষ্কার করে।
✨ত্বককে মসৃণ করে, ত্বকের উজ্জ্বলতা বাড়ায় এবং প্রাকৃতিক আভা বাড়ায়
✨ব্রণ এবং পিম্পল বাড়তে দেয় না।
✨ত্বকের ছিদ্র ছোট করার পাশাপাশি ত্বকের স্থিতিস্থাপকতা পুনরুদ্ধারে সহায়তা করে।

(হলুদ আপনার ত্বকের জন্য উপযুক্ত না হলে আমাদের জানান। তাহলে আমরা হলুদ ছাড়া আপনার ফেসপ্যাক বানাবো)

এখনি অর্ডার করুন...


You just need to apply this Signature Hairoil on scalp! ✨
In the rest of the hair you can use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 🧏🏻‍♀️

So the most requested product is ready to go 💁🏻‍♀️

Hairfall Solution Signature Hairoil💆🏻‍♀️

✓ Reduces hairfall 🌺
✓ Stimulates hair growth 🌿
✓ Improves scalp condition 🥜
✓ Nourishes hair 🥥
✓ Repairs damaged hair 🥑
✓ Helps to grow new hair 🧅
✓ Treats itchy scalp 🪴
✓ Gives extra shine ✨
✓ Makes smooth and silky 🙆🏻‍♀️

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Videos (show all)

#SkinCareTip01Wash your face at least 3 times a day. . . !!! 🙍🏻‍♀Don't forget to deep cleanse your face🧏🏻‍♀️ before goin...
Hairfall Solution Signature Hairoil💆🏻‍♀️✨Benefits:✓ Reduces hairfall 🌺✓ Stimulates hair growth 🌿✓ Improves scalp conditi...
