Peaceful Warrior Design

Peaceful Warrior Design

Custom created hand tied malas by Candita


It's been a while since I last introduced myself here, and there are quiet a few new people now... so here I go!

My name is Candita and I am the sole creator behind each custom designed mala of Peaceful Warrior Design. Peaceful Warrior was manifested out of my own need for a mala that I simply could not find. After a restorative yoga class during a deep savasana I kept seeing my hands making a mala, making the mala I had been looking for. And that is when it all began.

I have always created unique malas. I decided from the very beginning never to duplicate a mala. I believe your mala is a tool designed specifically for your journey and just as no two journeys are the same, no two malas are the same.

The photos I will be sharing here are a collection of malas that have been created for individuals. Every mala starts with a meditative practice to select stones to support intentions. Each knot is knotted with your intentions. Then each mala is reiki charged before being shipped off to you. It is a dedicated practice, no mass production here. There is a lot of energy that goes into each mala and I am so grateful that I can share my craft.

Thank you to everyone who has trusted in my process and welcome to all those who are new to the magic that is Peaceful Warrior!



This is a fact...and everyone needs to fully understand it, black lives matter because they have never been part of the collective all, no matter how hard or how long we have fought for equality over generations of Americans.

Silence is not the answer either. Saying you aren't racist without action is not the answer. Educate yourself, educate your parents , racism is taught and is a choice. And it is a choice to stand beside our black friends, strangers and family and say enough is enough! I ask that you make the right choice. I ask that you stand with compassion and strength fornour fellow Americans who deserve freedom.

I was lucky enough to be raised in a mixed family where racism was not tolerated. I am raising my kids to understand racism and hate is not acceptable. And I can only hope that our actions bring justice and peace to a people who have been surpressed for far to long.

Be the change.


A lot has changed over the year. We finally moved into a house we purchased here in Germany a year ago. Which means I now have a beautiful spacious studio where all my magic occurs. From yoga & meditation to reiki sessions & crystal altars and of course my hand tied malas.

This past September I was blessed with the opportunity to attend the Denver Gem show with my bad ass boss bitch friend . I came back with a nice haul in gemstone beads, which means this mala mama is ready to be back in buisness!

Especially with the kids back in school and sports!!!

Stay tuned for a glimpse into the new studio! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’œπŸ“Ώ


Last week I had the honor to celebrate the 1st birthday of . I am so proud of all the hard work these 3 amazing, talented & strong women have put into their baby! never stop making magic!


Congratulations!! You won the challenger! I will be creating a sister mala especially for you! Please DM me your name and shipping info! Thanks for participating and congrats again!!! Sat Nam. Namaste.


Rising Fire

This mala really supports the lower chakras: root, sacral and solar plexus.and belongs to a fiery little mama!πŸ”₯

Carnelian - courage, vitality, sexuality, confidence, action.

Red Aventurine - discernment determination, strength, creativity, sexuality, alignment with one's highest path.

Citrine - manifestation, personal Will, mental clarity, creativity.

Leopard Skin Jasper - stability, protection, grounding, self healing.

Sunstone - leadership, benevolence, strength, abundance of blessings.

Tigers Eye - discernment, vitality, strength, practicality, fairness

Pyrite - manifestation, action, vitality, willpower, creativity, confidence.



So last week I mentioned in my story a Giveaway to honor this month of Love! Now that I am 100% back to health I would love to share the inspiration for the mala one peaceful warrior will win! This is one of my first originals... I have had it for 3 years now, it has never been re-knotted but it has been well loved and might I add, pulled on and yanked by countless children and my dogs! This mala was created by dumping beads into a bowl and then I turned up the Kirtan and sang my heart out not paying much attention to the beads as I knotted. There is no pattern other then the number of beads between spacers. A beautiful mix of Rose quartz, zebra jasper, hematite and lava rock.
If you would like to be in the drawing for this one of a kind mala of grounded Love... β€’ follow .
β€’ tag in a picture you post of something you Love, and it could be anything! β€’ Then use the hashtag
Invite your tribe to join in... this is all about spread love...and what could be more inspiring to others in this incredible time of violence... Spread Love small and great!

Namaste Warriors πŸ’•πŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ’• PS. The drawing will be on February 28th my Loves Birthday and the end of this month of love!


So last week I mentioned my story a Giveaway to honor this month of Love! Now that I am 100% back to health I wpuld love to share the inspiration for the mala one peaceful warrior will win! This is one of my first originals... I have had it for 3 years now, it has never been remitted but it has been well loved and might I add, pulled on and yanked by countless children and my dogs! This mala was created by dumping beads into a bowl and then I turned up the Kieran and sang my heart out not paying much attention to the beads as I knotted. There is no pattern other then the number of beads between spacers. A beautiful mix of Rose quartz, zebra jasper, hematite and lava rock.

If you would like to be in the drawing for this one of a kind mala of grounded Love ...

β€’ follow

β€’ tag in a picture of something you Love, and it could be anything!

β€’ Then use the hashtag

Invite your tribe to join in... this is all about spread love...and what could be more inspiring to others in this incredible time of violence... Spread Love small and great!

Namaste Warriors πŸ’•πŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ’•


Happy Valentine's Day Warriors!

So I have been on bed rest since Saturday night. After my little guys first wrestling match, which he did awesome, something hit me hard and my amazing husband went into Full on care taker mode...which is usually my job since I never get sick!

Anyway Sunday almost didn't exist for me, I slept through it. Monday I thought I was dying but my hubs took off from work to make sure I was well hydrated and taking all my "witches brews" Tuesday I was feeling better but had these severe headaches that would make it hard to walk... and today I am awake and well!!! I said I wanted to be better by Valentine's day... and I am! Manifestation my health for real!!!

Other then my amazing husband taking care of me. I had this love muffin by my side keeping me warm and showering me with Love! Today we got back to our morning Meditation and she held my hand the entire time.

Stella is Pure Love!


So I have a home office / studio space in our finished basement... but my living room is so cozy and has 15 huge windows that allow the sunlight to flood the house... now I find myself constantly bringing more and more of my studio upstairs during the day! Thankfully my gracious husband doesn't mind that I have taken over what seems like the entire house! He is so patient, understanding, loving and supportive! πŸ’•πŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ’•


Peace & Tranquility

Sandalwood - soothing, peaceful, fragrant, clear perception, tranquility, positive frame of mind.

Ametrine - a rare formation of Amethyst and citrine formed together. Enhances mental and spiritual clarity, while uniting masculine and feminine energies.Its healing energy releases negativity from within the aura. Leads to inner peace and tranquility. Many believe that it contains the powers of amethyst and citrine in one stone, making it a very powerful money stone as well as an excellent gateway to higher psychic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.

PS. I love the breeze dancing through the hand tied tassel!



Tranquility in light and love

Sandalwood - soothing, peaceful, fragrant, clear perception, tranquility, positive frame of mind.

Sunstone - is a stone of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness, sunshine truly reflects the qualities of solar light-openness, warmth, strength, mental clarity and the willingness and ability to share your blessings with others.

Citrine - citrine opens the inner doors to increased clarity of thought, enhanced creativity, magnified powers of will and manifestation. Citrine stimulates the root chakra, the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra. Often referenced to abundance it is also a great stone for creativity!

Rose Quartz - the stone of Love, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the divine.

Garnet - their are several varieties of garnet, this mala was completed with Almandine Garner. A stone that cultivates strength, security and abundance. Almandine Garnet strengthens the root chakra. It's energies are heavily earth connected and vibrational enhances vitality and endurance. πŸ¦‹πŸ’—πŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ’—πŸŒΊ


Light through the Shadow

Smoky Quartz - Grounding and stabilizing. Smoky Quartz helps the wearer overcome negative emotions and depression. Allowing the light to come through the shadow.

Lotus seed - known for being cooling and restorative. The lotus gracefully blossoms through muddy waters, it's seeds represent spiritual growth and over coming obstacles along the path to enlightenment. They also represent prosperity.

Amazonite - heightens your optimism, hope and authenticity, illuminates your inner truth, encourages open communication with others. πŸ¦‹πŸ’™πŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ’™πŸŒΊ


Lepidolite - guides you toward calm times, progress and positivity. The lithium found in Lepidolite gives off a sense of stability. Provide tranquility and balance through transitions.

Moss Agate - emanates the vibration of balance and stability in our physical domain. It is very grounding and enhances mental concentration, persistence, endurance and bringing ones goals to completion.

Amazonite - heightens your optimism, hope and authenticity, illuminates your inner truth, encourages open communication with others.




Moss Agate - emanates the vibration of balance and stability in our physical domain. It is very grounding and enhances mental concentration, persistence, endurance and bringing ones goals to completion .

Yellow jade - has a multitude of spiritual symbolism. It is considered to promote emotional stability, balance, loving relationships, luck, wisdom, protection and a long life.

Turquoise - enhances a calmness with communication, allows release & healing, provides protection to the wearer.

Yellow Jasper Guru - Detoxifying, Protection, Connection to Mother Earth.



Fearless Presence

Unakite - grounding, enhances your energy field by dissipating negative energy, aids those who need to move on from emotional pain, helping you to let go of the past and move forward into the present moment, It is also helpful for anyone hoping to amplify their present spirituality.

Rudraksha Seed - Also known as Tears of Shiva - self realization, protection of Lord Shiva, empowerment , fearlessness.


Tonight in Germany the moon full and the sky is clear and the Super Blue moon is glowing in all her glory! The best camera phone can't capture the true beauty of this evenings night sky! With that my crystals, malas, bracelets and a few orders are out tonight clearing and soaking up the energy of this Trifecta moon in Leo! Dont forget to set your own crystals and malas out in the light of the moon! Sat Nam, Namaste, Aho πŸ–€πŸŒ•β™ŒπŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ’™


Grounding InSight

Lava Stone - Stabilizing and Grounding the root chakra, stone of rebirth shedding the old layers of emotions, calming. Great essential oil diffuser.

Hematite - Grounding, manifestation, connecting the spiritual to the physical.

Snowflake Obsidian - Perserverance, insight, attunement to spiritual guides.



Rainy & Cold Outside....
Warm & Cozy Inside....
Monday work flow has that Hygge feeling!



Jet - Protection, purification, grounding.

Hematite - Grounding, manifestation, connecting the spiritual to the physical.

Quartz - - known as the master healer, it is an energizer and activator for all chakras. Quartz is an enhancement stone, it amplifies the energies of other crystals. Aides in creativity, wisdom and insight.

Mother of Pearl Moons - technically not a gemstone, it is a gift from the sea. Mother of pearl is calming, reduces stress, clearer thoughts and improved memory, balanced emotions.



Love & Divinity

Rose Quartz - Love, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the divine.

Amethyst - Protection, purification, divine connection, spiritual expansion.

Smokey Quartz - grounding, transmutation of negative energies, practicality, organization, manifestation of one's dreams and inspirations.



The White Goddess

Howlite - a calming stone, helps reduce anxiety and absorb anger. Is known to soothe an overactive mind and promote better sleep. Increases understanding and patience. Lowlife is an attunement stone assuring the wearer through deeper meditation and spiritual connection.

Quartz - known as the master healer, it is an energizer and activator for all chakras. Quartz is an enhancement stone, it amplifies the energies of other crystals. Aides in creativity, wisdom and insight.



Happy Mala Monday! Here is a little update on what has been going on here at Peaceful Warrior Design.

Today I am feeling like my feet are finally becoming grounded here in Germany. Arriving in August was a whirlwind! I had 2 kiddos that had to get ready to start a new school year, a husband who started work as soon as we got here, all of our belongings and vehicle arrived 7 weeks later which turned into a marathon of unpacking because I was leaving for Mexico 2 weeks from then, and lets not forget 2 dogs and a cat who were adjusting to a huge change, oh and then there was me.

Like a typical woman and mother I put all my energy into making sure my family had a house that felt like home and that their lives adjusted smoothly . I focused so much on them I forgot about me.

I left my tribe back in the states and found myself sort of lost when it came to getting on the mat. Teaching and taking class was literally a part of my everyday life and in a blink of an eye it was gone. I taught up until the day before we left the country...that's how much my students and teaching means to me.

Today I still struggle with a home practice but I have taken the time to dive deeper into my spiritual practices. I have come to learn that this year is going to be all about expansion...growth! While I can't really teach here like I did at home I can I will be focusing on continuing my educations with yoga and beyond.

Peaceful Warrior Design will also be expanding! So keep your eye open for some amazing changes! Custom malas are the heart of my craft and passion, but I also have so much more to share!!

So now I will get back to posting the beautiful malas that went home with the amazing tribe members of our peace play & flow retreat.. then onto new adventures!

Thank you so much to all of my peaceful warriors that have allowed me to knot intention onto your lives! πŸ¦‹πŸ’™πŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ’™πŸŒΊ


Grounded in Light

Tigers Eye - solar stone of vitality, practicality, and physical action. Stimulating the root and sacral chakras, it assists you to remain grounded, calm, centered with mental clarity regardless of the outer or inner sitiuations.

Honey Calcite - clarity of insight and action, confidence, persistence, intellectual power, groundedness. Honey Calcite activates the root, solar plexus and third eye.




Sunstone - Leadership, strength, abundance of blessings, personal power, freedom, mental clarity and expanded consciousness

Pyrite - Manifestation, action, vitality, creativity, confidence and will power.

Rose Quartz - Love, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the divine.

Peach Moonstone Guru - gentle loving energy, soothes worry and anxiety.

Rudraksha Seed - Also known as Tears of Shiva - self realization, protection of Lord Shiva, empowerment , fearlessness.


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." -MLK jr.

Be light. Be Love.


This beautiful earthy and grounding mala with a pop of sunshine belongs to a very special soul! She moves with the ebb and flow of the ocean waves, the water within pulled by the moon. She speaks like a gentle breeze, guiding you on and off the mat. Her soul is full of fire burning bright so she can light a path to a place where we all can land. She embodies mother nature herself and can now find that grounding element with Earth and Sun between her finger tips and around her neck.

Mother Nature

Moss Agate - emanates the vibration of balance and stability in our physical domain. It is very grounding and enhances mental concentration, persistence, endurance and bringing ones goals to completion

Citrine - citrine opens the inner doors to increased clarity of thought, enhanced creativity, magnified powers of will and manifestation. Citrine stimulates the root chakra, the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra. Often referenced to abundance it is also a great stone for creativity!

Rudraksha Seed - Also known as Tears of Shiva - self realization, protection of Lord Shiva, empowerment , fearlessness.



Earth and Sol.

Tigers Eye - tigers eye is a solar stone of vitality, practicality, and physical action. Stimulating the root and sacral chakras, it assists you to remain grounded, calm, centered with mental clarity regardless of the outer or inner sitiuations.

Sunstone - is a stone of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness, sunshine truuly reflects the qualities of solar light-openness, warmth, strength, mental clarity and the willingness and ability to share your blessings with others.

Citrine - citrine opens the inner doors to increased clarity of thought, enhanced creativity, magnified powers of will and manifestation. Citrine stimulates the root chakra, the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra. Often referenced to abundance it is also a great stone for creativity!

Garnet - their are several varieties of garnet, this mala was completed with Almandine Garner. A stone that cultivates strength, security and abundance. Almandine Garnet strengthens the root chakra. It's energies are heavily earth connected and vibrational enhances vitality and endurance. πŸ¦‹πŸ’™πŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ’™πŸŒΊ


Happy Super Full Moon in Ta**us Peaceful Warriors!

This is your reminder to set your crystals and malas beneath the moon light to allow them to cleanse and recharge.

This is also an amazing time to sit in meditation focus on what you wish to let go of. Under this full moon allow the energy to shift through you so that it may bless you with love and abundance! Take a salt bath...clean the house, sage the house... whatever your full moon ritual may be...slow down and take part in the amazing energy shift this week!

Blessings my friends, Sat Nam, Namaste πŸŒ•πŸ“ΏπŸ™πŸ•‰


The Clearing, activates the throat chakra soothing the self so the truth can come forward. The traditional rudraksha seed mala is brightened with genuine crystals and pops of silver finished with my hand tied tassel!

Lapis Lazuli - Inner Vision, truthful communication, royal virtues.

Aquamarine - Cooling, soothing, enhancement of clear communication.

Apatite - Phychic activation, access knowledge, cleanses the Auric feild.

Blue Tigers Eye - the guru bead - Soothes stress and anxiety, opens clears and aligns the upper chakras, clear communication.

Rudraksha Seed - Also known as Tears of Shiva - self realization, protection of Lord Shiva, empowerment , fearlessness.



This is The Lotus Heart, a beautiful mala that came together effortlessly. This mala embodies the heart and the blooming lotus. Representing the balance being found through the journeys we encounter. Journeys of the heart, mind and body. Each crystals energies support the heart and higher chakras.

Lotus Jasper - Brings Balance to Yin and Yang energies, promotes healing and peace, aides in peaceful endings to situations or relationships.

Blue Kynite - inner bridges, connecting with nature, empathy, high vibrations and rapid transfer of energies.

Lepidolite - Emotional Healing and Balance, purification, serenity, relaxation, stress relief.

Kunzite - Divine Love, emotional healing, activation of the hearts knowing.

Crystal information sourced from The Book of Stones.


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Last night's crystals moon bath!#crystalmama #malamama #peacefulwarriordesign #chakra #healingcrystals #fayettevilleNC #...
Its a happy day when the crystal beads finally start arriving for my custom orders!!! It's truly the second best day!!! ...
Welcome to Peaceful Warrior Design. My name is Candita, and I am the designer and creator of uniquely made mala beads. E...