Words & Ways

Words & Ways

Pathways Faith Community is a gathering place for progressive thinkers in the Christian faith tradition.

Words & Ways is the site for regular commentaries on this topic.


John's lesson for the evening!


How the West Was Won | John Bennison | The Christian Progressive She was also a staunch churchwoman. Her most impressive accomplishment as far as I was concerned as a boy growing up in the fifties was the fact she had once taught Sunday school lessons in the city of Minneapolis to Jimmy Arness; who grew up to play the role of Matt Dillon in Gunsmoke, the most pop...

Love and Death, or, When the Catfish Are Jumpin’ 20/02/2013


Love and Death, or, When the Catfish Are Jumpin’ In ancient Rome, February fourteenth was the time young men chose their sweethearts for the spring festival. Fearing potential conscripts for military service would prefer a little romance to trudging off to war, Claudius II forbade the solemnization of such marriages during his brief reign …

A Reflection for Saint Valentine’s Day | John Bennison | The Christian Progressive 19/02/2013


A Reflection for Saint Valentine’s Day | John Bennison | The Christian Progressive In many years of ministry, offering pastoral counseling to couples who asked for a little objectivity in their troubled relationships, the two most common, well-worn delusions I repeatedly heard in one form or another was, “I thought he’d change,” and “she’s not the girl I married.”

John Bennison Words and Ways | Christian Faith Tradition 15/02/2013

John's Valentine's Day themed article has now been posted to http://www.wordsnways.com/!

John Bennison Words and Ways | Christian Faith Tradition “Arrest of Jesus” – Duccio di Buoninsegna, d.1319. Jesus said, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest me as though I were a bandit? Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not assault me.” (Mt.26:55)

In the Winter of Our Discontent: What Gift Shall I Offer?  | John Bennison Words and Ways 11/01/2013

Enjoy the latest article from John!


In the Winter of Our Discontent: What Gift Shall I Offer? | John Bennison Words and Ways The opening lines in this particular Shakespeare tragedy depicts Richard – one of the Duke of York’s sons – offering fleeting praise to his own decadent brother Edward’s good fortune; Edward having wrested the king’s crown from Henry VI. The underlying problem however has only been kicked down the ...

In the Winter of Our Discontent: What Gift Shall I Offer? | John Bennison | The Christian Progressiv 11/01/2013

Enjoy the latest article from John!


In the Winter of Our Discontent: What Gift Shall I Offer? | John Bennison | The Christian Progressiv The opening lines in this particular Shakespeare tragedy depicts Richard – one of the Duke of York’s sons – offering fleeting praise to his own decadent brother Edward’s good fortune; Edward having wrested the king’s crown from Henry VI. The underlying problem however has only been kicked down the ...


"Yet, if we are willing to consider the possibility that God is still able to still raise up something worth redeeming out of our dashed hopes and battered dreams, my hunch is we may be more inclined to half-reluctantly whisper the words, 'Incline my heart, O Lord.' For ultimately — we may also come to know and believe — as the heart goes, so goes the will."


John Bennison | The Christian Progressive John Bennison and The Christian Progressive are characterized by willingness to question tradition, commendation of human kinds with a forceful emphasis on social justice or care for the poor and the oppressed and biological stewardship of the Earth.


John's latest Christmas Commentary is written in the context of the holiday observance, and as a requiem for the slaughter of the innocents at a place now known to us all as Sandy Hook.


Re-Thinking the “Wonders” of Christmas | John Bennison Words and Ways Note: this Christmas Commentary is written in the context of the holiday observance, and as a requiem for the slaughter of the innocents at a place now known to us all as Sandy Hook. A pdf version to read and/or print is here.

Words and Ways 23/12/2012

Up late? Take a look at John's past Advent reflections...


Words and Ways Featuring John Bennison's cutting edge exploration of the Christian faith tradition. All...

A PATHWAYS Reflection to begin the evening 17/12/2012

Discussing conventional Christian theology and Christmas hymns.


A PATHWAYS Reflection to begin the evening In July, 1933, singer-songwriter John Jacob Niles found himself in the small Appalachian town of Murphy, North Carolina. He came across a gathering of evangelicals who’d been run out of town by the local police. He watched as a young girl, whose name was Annie Morgan, stepped up the edge of a …


I was sitting at my computer early this morning, writing my ‘Reflections’ for the program and Commentary draft for the Pathways gathering this Sunday evening, when the breaking news story popped up on my screen.

As the horrific details emerged from Newtown, CT I looked again at the words I’d written, and the questions I was asking with the topic we’ll be exploring: “Re-thinking the ‘Wonder’ of Christmas.” And it got me considering even more soberly the thoughts that were already coming together.

I plan to relate the story of a child recently shot and killed on the other side of the world; not too far from another place called Bethlehem. That little town seems a lot closer now.

And now I wonder even more, as we wander in more disbelief, how we are called to re-think what this Christ’s mass might more meaningfully represent to us; and moreso, the response it might demand of us.



A portion of a Words & Ways commentary for the second week of Advent has been posted on John's new Blogger page!


Not Jewish Enough? Don't Ask, Can't Tell | Words & Ways

Timeline photos 12/12/2012

Interesting scientific insight and the type of information vital to the project of a truly progressive Christianity.

Scientists confirm that homosexuality is not genetic — but it arises in the womb A team of international researchers has confirmed that there's no such thing as a ‘gay gene.' But that doesn't mean biology is off the hook in terms of explaining why homosexuality exists in the human population.


One of the beers with the highest demand in the world brewed by Belgian monks?


A Sign From Above? Needing New Roof, Monks Sell Rare Beer In U.S. : NPR Westvleteren 12, a Belgian beer often called the best in the world, officially hits U.S. store shelves for the first time Wednesday. But fans of the beer may want to act quickly: The Trappist monks who brew it are only selling enough overseas to raise money to pay for a new roof and other renovation...

Words and Ways 08/12/2012

John's Tumblr is live, and has been updated with a commentary suitable for the first week of Advent! http://wordsnways.tumblr.com/

Words and Ways Featuring John Bennison's cutting edge exploration of the Christian faith tradition. All...

John Bennison (DrJohnBennison) on Twitter 08/12/2012

Follow John on Twitter! https://twitter.com/DrJohnBennison

John Bennison (DrJohnBennison) on Twitter Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.

The Affliction of Affluence | John Bennison Words and Ways 05/12/2012

Welcome to the page for John Bennison's column on the progressive Christian faith tradition, Words and Ways! Here is a sample of John's wonderful spiritual insight!

The Affliction of Affluence | John Bennison Words and Ways We all know the story of Tevye the poor peasant, who dreams of another life; with his own particular list of those things that constitute what would make him a wealthy man. For him, it includes ducks, chickens, turkeys and geese, a wife with a proper double chin, a big house all the neighbors would...