Boobless and Beautiful

Boobless and Beautiful

My name is Sherra and I am a Breast Cancer Survivor, who is committed to helping other survivors fee


Patrick Space Force Base


Starts Today @ 7PM EST!!
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This is going to be Epic! Come join us


Join Me June 20th for the 5 Day Journal to Joy Challenge!!

Register Now at


I'm so excited to have you join us tomorrow evening as I interview Molly Trapuzzano and we talk about diagnosis, taking actions, note taking and journaling and much more.

Come on over to the Boobless and Beautiful Group Thursday @6:30pm and learn more about Molly who is an internationally certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She specializes in women’s health and plant based nutrition, but also has expertise in the use of herbs and essential oils. She has has a bachelors degree in education from the University of Central Florida, with additional certifications and continuing education from the Integrative Institute for Nutrition and Cornell University. After getting a positive BRCA II test in her early 20’s, she has spent the past decade studying natural cancer prevention and treatment. As a Christ follower, wife, and mother of two young children, she finds joy helping not only her family, but as many as possible feel their best and cultivate a life that empowers them to serve others.

See You Tomorrow in the Boobless and Beautiful Group!


It has been a 4 year journey of ups and downs but Boobless and Beautiful is out and can be found as EBook and Print on Amazon

You can grab the First Chapter for Free at

Boobless and Beautiful on Amazon


The paperback book is available now!! I hope in these pages it encourages you to use your voice and ask questions when your faced with a diagnosis.


I love this!!


- Excited, but vulnerable.

- Not a complainer

- Don’t share the negativity in my life

- The negative people/family members in my life.

- To be this open with people I don’t know. But the importance of the message far out weighs my insecurity of being vulnerable.

- Anger- there is no reason for us to partner with anger it doesn’t serve us or anyone else
- Reach out to God for help! That is what I did. He is the only one who knows my true struggle. Every day I ask Him from strength and courage to get up and persevere through the unknown

These are the thoughts running through my mind as the realization of eight years ago, I was given the diagnosis of breast cancer.

But Today I get to share my journey thru the release of my book!
As excited as I am, I'm feeling vulnerable knowing that in these pages I share the good, bad, and ugly
and have turned it into Boobless and Beautiful.

Know that a diagnosis doesn’t define you and this isn't the end of you story. Our stories are to help, encourage, and inspire others.

Hope you enjoy the book.

You can find the Ebook on Amazon - Boobless and Beautiful!!

Link in comments


Here an interview I did with Square Tree Publishing


Today is the last day that you will see “Not for Resale”. Holy Exciting! Tomorrow is the day for my book Boobless and Beautiful to go live.


Can’t believe after 4 years my book is finally being published.


I always knew there was a risk of lymphedema after having my double mastectomy, and here I am 8 years out from diagnosis. This is just a reminder that breast cancer survivors are always on a journey to keep the side effects from treatments at bay.
If you can relate, please comment. We are in this together!

Timeline photos 10/05/2022
Photos from Boobless and Beautiful's post 24/04/2022

What a fun filled day. Went to the Rays game. Then stopped by St.Pete Pier.


It’s always a good time going to the Dr. Having some swelling in my arms from having my lymph nodes removed 8 years ago.

Photos from Boobless and Beautiful's post 12/06/2021

raining berries. Avocado toast is good


Watching the College softball World Series. Go FSU! Shelbys new goal!


Showing up anyway!


Having technical issues


Don’t forget tomorrow Saturday 5/22/22 I will be going live with the fun and funny! Come join me and let’s chat.


Sherra before boobless and beautiful

Back at school | Pandemic continues, but life goes on at Wenatchee and Eastmont highs 26/02/2021

We must stand up for our rights

Back at school | Pandemic continues, but life goes on at Wenatchee and Eastmont highs WENATCHEE — You can’t see them smiling beneath the masks, but students at Wenatchee and Eastmont high schools are glad to be back in school, even if it’s only part-time.


Have you ever felt like everything in your life is perfectly aligned and your excited about your future? That’s exactly where I was years ago when I bought my home. Until three day later when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my good life was suddenly ripped out from under me.

All my dreams of sharing my love for horses with my six year old daughter was put on hold because I was forced into survival mode. I became a cancer patient relying on the Dr.’s to make the best decisions for my life. I trusted that they knew what was best for me. I put my life in their hands. let me stop you right there and say.. don’t ever do that. you have a voice, use it.

Before I knew it, two years had swiftly flown by and I was at a point in my life that I was ready to give up. My only option for survival was God. So I pressed in and prayed begged him to give me my life back. get me back on my feet I would ask. He heard my prayers and as the loving father he is, I was introduced to a product that gave me my life back in two week. overwhelmed with excitement I was running around like a crazy person telling everyone, I couldn’t believe how good I felt.
And everyone needed to buy my product.

For those of you that met me through networking know this to be true. The sad thing is I gave all the credit to the product and not the true savior Jesus Christ. I learned so much through this experience. I learned that this product wasn’t for everyone and whether they bought my product or not they were still my friends.

But there was still something missing.

So here I was a breast cancer survivor with severe emotional trauma from the cancer treatment journey. I couldn’t even share my story without crying. And at times sobbing trying to get my story out.

I was encouraged to write a book. so, I dove into writing out my story in a book.

Through writing, I realized that there was so much healing I needed to process. I truly didn’t know who I was anymore. I just wanted to be me again. I truly was a hot mess. The reality is that I would never be the same woman I was before cancer. That reality hit me like a ton of bricks. I sobbed for days, weeks even, as I laid the


My biggest regret


Not prepared but I showed up


Showing up is the toughest part, but here I am


Just a reminder, Can't wait to see everybody!

Interview with my cousin Jill 21/02/2020

Here is an interview with my Cousin Jill who is an 18 year survivor.

Interview with my cousin Jill Interview with Sherra's cousin Jill Smith who is an 18-year survivor, Go Jill!

Boobless and Beautiful

My name is Sherra and I am Boobless and Beautiful. I am also Breast Cancer Treatment Survivor, who is committed to helping other survivors of breast cancer treatment to feel their best! I will have articles on life hacks, and personal development tips and positive self talk reminders. Message me for more details, or just to talk!

Tip #1
You have to keep yourself in a POSITIVE MINDSET and say nice things to yourself. Because what you say and think about yourself is REALLY IMPORTANT!
-Be nice to yourself and Love Well!

My Private Facebook Group​


Videos (show all)

I always knew there was a risk of lymphedema after having my double mastectomy, and here I am 8 years out from diagnosis...
How important is a second opinion?