Josh's Stream Of Consciousness

Josh's Stream Of Consciousness

Everything I post is Original Content. It may not be funny, but it is original. owner of hornyposting


forgot i posted this
made myself laugh with my own stupidity


me : *invents a vinyl record that harshly judges you based on how well you know the lyrics as you sing along*
me : i have only hurt myself with this invention and there is naught to blame but my own self


rivers cuomo : my name is jonas


did... did i answer wrong?


i post stupid s**t on threads, too



grandkid : hey papaw, can you read us a story about your day and age
me : sure thing kiddo *pulls out large leather bound book*
grandkid : wowwww whats it called
me : this my good child, is the stories i wanted to write but never did
grandkid : wowwwww that'd be so convenient to already just like have and not need to do
me : exactly ! *opens to first page*
grandkid : it's blank
me : you'll begin noticing a theme shortly


real talk? im super excited about godzilla movies i may not even watch them all but i love that big kaiju


Them : hey im really sorry for believing bulls**t about you and turning my back on you all that time ago
Me : f**k you and f**k your apology
Them : but I apologized you're supposed -
Me : f**k you
Them : wow you really are a piece of s**t. i knew it all along
Me : *is suddenly crushed to death by the weight of a meaningless person's opinion of him*

Timeline photos 07/12/2023

the album "the sickness" by disturbed comes on and my cats have literally NOT stopped attacking each other
it's mosh time, im goin in.


what happened to lay away



"butch peach"


my supervisor came up to me on friday and asked if I wanted to purchase PTO
what that means is, I work that day (Friday) for free. And the company pays me for taking time off some other day. So yeah, you can get a Paid Time Off. But what about the Paid Time On that you're missing? It doesn't make any sense to me. Honestly, I'm even offended the concept exists. Working for free so you dont get in trouble for wanting a day off later. Ridiculous.
I laughed, almost too loud, and said "Absolutely f**kin' not." Shaking my head.
He laughed and said "Okay, just makin' sure! Haha! You know it's when-"
"Oh yeah, yeah I know. I work today for free so I can take some other day off, paid. Right? Fu**in' ridiculous. You know what we need? Fu**in' sick time." He nods his head. "We get vacation time but when we call in sick, we use our vacation time and STILL get pointed for it." Someone near by starts paying attention. "You know what we need, man? SICK TIME."
"Yeah." said the fellow worker.
I followed up with, "This is why they never invite me to Dialogue with Dave." which is met with uproarious laughter from a few people. See, Dialogue With Dave is where Dave, not the CEO but like a Step Down from that. He has an official title, I just... I really don't pay attention to office people. I know who the CEO is, we've chatted. And I've chatted with "Dave" which is totally a real name. Anyway. Dialogue with Dave is where he has lunch with half a dozen or so employees, and really opens the floor up for discussion.
In his defense, I have heard that he DOES listen, and investigate ideas and claims and concerns. Some good things have come from these lunches, such as a deal with a lift rental company and other such things.
"Oh, why won't Dave invite you to lunch?"
"He knows I'll say we deserve $25 an hour!" I declared.
"We do!" said someone, Idk maybe it was the same guy as before I was only really talking to my supervisor.
"He knows I'll suggest forming some type of worker unification, to protect wage theft such as is occurring. He doesn't want me at lunch."
"Okay okay, so no Paid PTO for you then?" laughing. He means well, he's a good dude. He knows it's bull s**t, too.
"When I'm here, I get paid. Period. I don't work for free. Simple as that. Write down where you would've wrote my name, *Sick Time Is A Better Idea*, I'd appreciate it. I mean, I'll eat their pizza but I still deserve to live on more than starvation wages."

I swear sometimes I just get so f**king angry at the simple injustices that are so blatantly clear and everyone just accepts them as irrefutable facts of life... I don't even hear what comes out of my mouth sometimes. I just go off.
Someone came up to me at work and said "Hey, you know what would be a good idea?" and they started pointing to a pallet they were carrying, getting ready to answer their own question for the sake of conversation but I quickly replied, "The Ethical and Downright Imperative Need for Hunting Billionaires for Sport?"
"Oh my god, where does it end? With everyone with $1,000 in their bank account?"
"Benjamin, do you have a thousand dollars in your bank account?" I asked.
"Um. Well, no."
"That's your boss's fault. Not yours. Your anger is misplaced, friend. You deserve $1,000 yet someone else holds millions letting it rot in imaginary number devices and locked vaults. Never to see the light of day, never becoming actually real money you can hold in your hand. Just, fractions on a screen... that could feed your family for half a year I bet."

I'm sure people hate me but they keep talking to me. So that's on them.


Me, as a kid watching Indiana Jones : why the F**K are they kissing they hate each other what the f**k why would I ever kiss anyone I hate that doesn't make f**kin SENSE make it make SENSE


i dont have money to go buy cool stuff, go out to eat, have newer games or clothes or really even drive far for stuff like.
i try to make the best i can out of being somewhat stuff at home with zero money
things i do mostly revolve around food, and cooking it with the kids. sometimes they will prattle on about their personal lives at school or their mom's house, other times I'm lost in talking about the food's history in my family, or cooking techniques or stuff like that
today for example, we have probably three week old flour tortillas laying around so I boiled some oil. i cut the tortilla into pizza slices and deep fried em for like five to ten seconds on each side and then slathered them with either nutella or this weird "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" shake seasoning we have and my daughter lost her mind, best new snack she ever had. couldn't have enough. all of which was made with random s**t I had laying around with no use for, and she did it with me as I was learning myself (idk... sometimes I just do things with no knowledge of hour it'd turn out... I had some experience with cinnamon twists when I worked at taco bell all those years ago, and frying gordita bread (flatbread) and tossing that into cinnamon (for some breakfast thing they had) so I just... like, thought up this thing and went for it. she loved it.
now im cooking "Broccoli, Ham, Cheese, and Rice Casserole" which is a long name and you'd think after eating it in my family 30+ years we'd have a better name, but nope. We call it Broccoli Ham Cheese & Rice Casserole. lol I've perfected it, of course, way better than my mom's. I hope my children make it better than me someday.
im cooking it with my son Henry (Grayson if you haven't been told he goes by his first name now, per his discretion). We'll be chopping block cheddar and onions and ham and all that stuff, its really easy to make and (again) you chit chat while making it, so that's what's really important here.
Last night, my daughter Aayla and I made chicken alfredo which was so good, everyone (I mean all six members of my household) were moaning and exclaiming how good it was. She helped season and stir and cut and baste and everything it went into making, she basically just followed my voice and sometimes I'd gesture and she'd imitate that... but she did basically everything so I know how SHE felt hearing everyone talk about how good it was. That was nice. (she played her TikTok music through a speaker while we cooked and chit chatted so we talked about music a lot)
Today during Lunch, I was making Carter egg sandwiches and (it was short, they're quick and easy) he got a five minute history lesson about how not only MY family and father ate these and when, but also when I was married to his mom how he may not remember he ate these as a baby with us (he thinks he just discovered a new food, but it never went away he just hasn't eaten it in years) and he loved hearing about it like he was eating a part of history (seriously, as easy as it sounds. Fried Egg with slice of cheese inbetween two pieces of white bread lmfao so easy but he was ENTHRALLED
And David and I chopped up some fried bologna and plain ramen noodles with hot sauce mixed together and found a very weird but tasty snack lol
Just... we're constantly broke and this is the best I can do.
I can do food. I can turn dinner (which was already gonna happen anyway, gotta eat!) into an activity instead of like going out to eat or spending money or something to watch a movie or go exploring or whatever
Its too cold to go for long walks and right now too wet to have a fire so there's not a lot we can do except watch TV (which we do as a family often) or have family meals at the dinner table (which we've had almost every night this week)


things my partner did today that made me chuckle :
1. sit in front of the TV, paused, for twenty minutes
2. walked around the house, far out of earshot of the TV while it plays her shows for twenty minutes


"You mock Elon Musk because you're jealous."

I have a wife I love and a daughter who likes spending time with me. He managed to push his away AND lose 181 billion dollars. I wouldn't trade places with him for all the money he STILL has.


i dont understand the "I wanna f**k after every argument" crowd
I dont wanna be near ya for two weeks or more, much less inside each other like wtf


> uses cream of mushroom soup from a can
Sponge Bob Narrator Voice : the next day
> farts so hard it lifts me off the ground and enters orbit


*the distinct sound of a dick and balls flapping in the wind from a distance of further away than one would reckon*

Photos from The Aesthetic Indie Hipster's post 02/12/2023

From My Solo Effort -- > Josh's Stream Of Consciousness


no big deal, its okay


There's no but


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When did I get this old?
