Teacher Heba Ramadan

Teacher Heba Ramadan

مدرسة لغه عربيه لغير الناطقين بها
ومعلمة قرآن وتجويد أونلاين
عضو الاتحاد العالمي للمدارس الاسلاميه


When it comes to raising our children on values and principles, teaching them moral awareness and how to make correct decisions in everyday life is our priority.
The most important of these decisions is to choose the products we buy on a daily basis, and to boycott products that support the occupation, but how do you convince your child to boycott? Here are some tips:
✅ Education and knowledge: Start teaching your child about the issue in an age-appropriate way, use stories and examples that can show him the impact of the occupation on the lives of children in our beloved country.
✅ Good example: Set an example for them yourself by avoiding buying these products and explaining the reasons for your decision, children learn by watching, and watching you practice your convictions will teach them to remain steadfast in principles.
✅ Positive alternatives: Offer them ethical alternatives to products you boycott, shop with your child and choose products that support the cause, and explain how this choice can help improve the lives of others. You can also play a treasure hunt game to avoid their choice of usual products.
✅ Interactive activities: Engage the child in educational activities such as games and workshops that promote empathy and understanding of the suffering of others such as visiting patients.
✅ Emotional support: Understanding and supporting a child is important, and because they will face social pressure to own certain products, be prepared to discuss these feelings and provide emotional support.
✅ Reinforcing values: Focus on clarifying the meaning of the following concepts of justice, dignity and solidarity through everyday examples, home conversations, and stories.
✅ Motivation: Children can be motivated by praising and appreciating them when they make good constructive decisions to support our siblings especially in front of family and friends.
By instilling these concepts in the hearts and minds of children, we can raise a conscious and responsible generation that contributes to creating a better world.


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