Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker

Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker, Politician, .


This Technical College is in my Constituency, enrol now and be part of the team


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Good Morning Family

Always strive to change the lives for others for Allah will bless us in return.


I always think about the people of Nkungulu Constituency, will try to do my best inorder not to disappoint them.
Let's work together to develop our Constituency, this isn't time for politics but development.
Mu Umodzi muli mphamvu.

May you all stay Blessed, ndimakunyadirani nthawi zonse

Photos from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker's post 09/11/2023

Yesterday I officially opened the SADC Parliamentary Forum Standing Committee on Democratization,Governance and Human Rights training at Ufulu Gardens Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi. The theme for the two day training is ' Enhancing Parliament's role in defending and promoting Human Rights in Southern Africa by the SADC-PF'.


Lachiwiri pa 7 November ndi thandizo lochokera ku Malawi Relief Fund UK I distributed building materials to 50 beneficiaries from Njingama, Changamire 2, Mwanza and Steven villages. The beneficiaries are 50 in total and will each benefit a house. This is an on going project from the same donor. Am very grateful to them for supporting me and my constituents in building decent houses for them. These houses are built to needy and vulnerable people regardless of their affiliations in the society. I urge other donors out there to support us in different fields such as Agriculture by donating water pumps, seeds, fertilizer and other related support since the communities have now embraced Irrigation farming unlike in the past.
Kwa anthu aku Nkungulu Constituency, pitirizani kundipemphelera komanso kuwapemphelera abwenzi omwe amatithandizawa kuti thandizoli lipitilire komanso likathe kufikira anthu ochulukira kuposa omwe akupindula panopa


Good Morning Team
Let's share ideas that can help develop our Constituency than sharing hatred


Share the link to others kuti nawonso adzitsatira zomwe zikuchitika ku dera lawo la Mangochi Nkungulu Constituency


Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker Politician

Photos from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker's post 29/10/2023

Mwambo omwe unalipo ku Lilongwe lachinayi lapitalo opereka njinga was just a symbolic, koma lero we had it in detail at Mzingo Football Groud.
Njinga ndapereka kwa ana omwe akuphunzira msukulu za CDSS izi; Changali, Chimwala, Nansenga ndi Namalomba. (Namalomba CDSS ili m'boma la Balaka koma kuli ana ena omwe amachokera midzi yakudera kwanga monga Chisawa, Silika, Mpira omwe ku Changali kumawatalikira). Ndinadalitsika pamwambowu chifukwa kunabwera a Senior Chief Chimwala, GVH Mtambo, GVH Chimwala/Mtenje. Makolo a anawa analiponso limodzi ndi aphunzitsi oyimira sukulu zatchulidwa zija.
Cholinga mkulimbikitsana kuti aliyense atengepo gawo pofuna kulimbikitsa maphunziro a mwana wa mkazi. Mukaona tonse tiri ndi udindo kuti maphunziro ayende bwino, from learners to parents, Chiefs to political leaders, teachers and the line ministry.
May we join hands to achieve quality education in our area and Mangochi as a District


Good Morning Family!

Lachisano lapitali tinali ndi mwambo omwe timakapereka mphotho kwa aphunzitsi omwe achita bwino during the last Primary School Leaving Certificate Exams, maka omwe ma subject awo ana anachita bwino and got Grade A. Each A was being bought at MK5,000.
Cholinga cha this function was to appreciate the role teachers play in the lives/future of their learners.

Photos from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker's post 28/10/2023

Atsikana ambiri ochokera mdera langa amavutika to access quality education due to many reasons some of which are;
1. Kutalikirana kwa sukulu
2. Umphawi
3. Geographical position of their area to school
4. Peer pressure
Which in the end prompts them to either drop out of school or engage in early marriages. As their MP, mother and someone who has gone through the same to be where I am today, I wrote The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) asking for support. Ndinachitika mwayi opatsidwa njinga zomwe zaperekedwa kwa ana opita msukulu zosiyanasiyana kuchokera kudera langa okwana 120. Izi zilimbikitsa maphunziro a atsikana ndipo zithandizira kuchepetsa vuto la mayendedwe. Ambassador graced the occasion.
Ndi udindo wanga ngati MP kutsogolera pa chitukuko ndipo maphunziro ndimawaika patsogolo. Pakadali pano ndikusakasaka thandizo kuti lifikire anyamata kuti nawo athandizidwe.
Special thanks to God Almighty for making it possible, people of Mangochi Nkungulu Constituency for electing me into this position and all stakeholders who are supporting my development efforts, continue supporting me in many ways as you have been doing.
May God bless us all


I attended the burial ceremony of late Atoht Manje Mw dzulo at Nsanyira Village. It is sad to see young people who could have helped in the development of our country as a whole and Mangochi as a district dying, but since it's the wish of Allah, we accept this and pray to Allah to grant him Janna Firdaus.
Tiphunzire kukhala bwino ndi anthu as was the case with the late who associated with anyone anywhere, this was witnessed by the multitude who attended his burial.
From Allah we came from and to Him we shall all return to

Photos from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker's post 10/10/2023

Zina mwa zinthu zomwe zinapangidwa patsikuli

Photos from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker's post 10/10/2023

Training on how to make Glycerine, Bar Soap and Petroleum Jelly in progress at Chimwala


Lero tiri pa Chimwala kuphunzitsa magulu angapo a Cooperative za momwe angapangire GLYCERINE, BAR SOAP ndi PETROLEUM JELLY


Mwadzuka bwanji nonse kulikonse komwe muli?


My speech at Mchiza




Lero ndikucheza ndi anthu Mchiza, mbali imodzi ya dera langa. Will go so that u can see for yourself.
UDF is still intact

Photos from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker's post 01/10/2023

That's how it was


Mwadzuka bwanji abale ndi alongo!

Lero ndinalawilira kukumana ndi abale anga ku Constituency komwe ndakwaniritsa kuwathandiza ndi zida zakumanda. Zina mwa zomwe ndagawa ndi Makasu (Hoes), Zikwanje (Panga Knives) ndi ma shovelo (Shovels).
Ndikukukolnjezani kuti tigwilira ntchito limodzi pofuna kutukula dera lathu ndipo ndigawana nanu kalikonse komwe ndingapeze. Ndi udindo wanga kusaka zinthu zomwe zingathandize dera lathu ndipo ndidzagawa posayang'ana mtundu, chipembedzo kapena chipani.
Ndikupempheni kuti tigwilire ntchito limodzi, ino si nthawi ya campaign koma nthawi yopanga chitukuko ku dera.
Photos to follow

Photos from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker's post 30/09/2023

Pictorial Focus on bicycles presentation to beneficiaries from Mangochi Nkungulu Constituency by myself with support from Malawi Relief Fund (UK). The function was held today Saturday 30 September 2023 at Chimwala Primary School. Guest of Honor was Alhaj Senior Chief Chimwala


Distribution of Push Bikes to Local Leaders from Mangochi Nkungulu Constituency with support from Malawi Relief Fund (UK)

Aisha Mambo Atsekulira Msika Ogulisa Chimanga Wa Admarc - Malawi Freedom Network 18/09/2023


Aisha Mambo Atsekulira Msika Ogulisa Chimanga Wa Admarc - Malawi Freedom Network Olemba: Ambute Paimbe Wachiwiri kwa Wachiwiri wa Sipikala wa Nyumba ya Malamulo yemwenso ndi Phungu wa nyumba ya Malamulo ku Nkungulu Olemekezeka Mai Aisha Mambo Adams lachinayi lapitalo anatsekukira msika omwe anthu amdera lake adzigulirako chimanga. Msikawu watsekukidwa pa Chimwala, mkuyankhula kw...


Mwadzuka bwanji abale ndi alongo

Ndati ndikupatseni update yokhudza ntchito yokumba mijigo kumidzi yakumtunda (Mwatakata mpaka Lusewa) kuti ntchitoyi ikupitilirq ndipo ndiri ndi chikhulupiliro kuti itha posachedwapa. Thank you my developing partners and fellow MPs for supporting me. Koposaposa ndithokoze anthu akudera kwanga pondipatsa mwayi oti ndikutumikireni, ndikukulonjezani kuti ndidzayesetsa kugwira ntchito pofuna kukwaniritsa malonjezo anga, pitirizani kundipanga support in all aspect of life.
One Nkungulu! One Chimwala! Ndife amodzi


Mwadzuka bwanji abale ndi alongo?
Kuti chitukuko chitheke pamafunika umodzi pakati pa adindo ndi anthu wamba, tikagawanikana zimakhala zovuta kuti chitukuko chitheke, choncho ndikupempha anthu aku Nkungulu Constituency kuti tiyeni tigwire ntchito limodzi posatengera chipani, mpingo, mtundu kapena udindo koma tigwirizane potukula dera lathu.
Pano tikukumbitsa mijigo kuphiri (Kuchokera kwa Mwatakata mpaka kumakafika mbali yaku Lusewa).
Zambiri tidziuzana ndipo m***a kutipeza kuseliku (inbox) ngati muli ndi ndemanga, nkhawa kapena mafunso pofuna kuthandiza dera lathu.
Mu Umodzi Muli Mphamvu.

Photos from Hon Aisha Mambo Adams MP, Second Deputy Speaker's post 14/09/2023

Lero lachinayi pa 14 September 2023 tatsekulira Msika ogulitsa chimanga (ADMARC) pa Chimwala. Ndipo sabata yamawa tikatsekulira kwa Mpembena. Cholinga nchakuti anthu aku Nkungulu Constituency athe kugula chimanga pamtengo wabwino.
Pamwambowu panalinso ndi mafumu ena ozungulira komanso anthu akumudzi.


Mawa lolemba pa 11 Sept tikhala tikutsekulira ADMARC pa Chimwala komwe anthu aku Nkungulu Constituency akhale akugulako chimanga


Abale anga aku Mangochi Nkungulu Constituency ndati ndikudziwitseni kuti Lolemba pa 11 September ndidzakhala ndikutsekulira ADMARC pa Chimwala/Mwalija komwe anthu adzigulako chimanga.
This is one other intervention in combating hunger.



Poyamba ku Mangochi Nkungulu Constituency tinali ndi ma CDSS awiri, Chimwala ndi Changali koma pamene awonjezera delapa taonjezeranso Chiunda.

Ndidzifotokoza zinthu zosiyanasiyana zomwe ziri ku dera langa komanso zomwe ine ndikupanga



Videos (show all)

Training on how to make Glycerine,  Bar Soap and Petroleum Jelly in progress at Chimwala
My speech at Mchiza
Distribution of Push Bikes to Local Leaders from Mangochi Nkungulu Constituency with support from Malawi Relief Fund (UK...
