Desecration Days Church

Desecration Days Church

A page for learning, discussing and teaching about Jesus Christ. My name is James Robert Marsh. Amen


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;

Ecclesiastes 3:1

When offering to talk about your salvation (accepting Jesus Christ as your chosen God who guides you on His journey through to the end) with people in your known circle, and eventually random future (potential) Christians, please remember that not only is this act a MUST do for you to understand the meaning of what is required for your growth as a GOOD Christian, it is an important experience for the subject whom you talk with.

While not ALL people are ready to accept such a notion of you interceeding on behalf of a God by exposure to a possible alien subject, the timing in their life, as some will understand, which transforms their comfort zone, is not welcome much more at the start of their chosen time to be recognised.

Father could put every/no person/people to be accepting of an intial conversation on all your daily routines, though once you understand that you are activating their natural, destined choice of accepting or rejecting Christ's offer, feel free to know that if every Christian offered a starting point of making our Lord aware in the mind of 1 stranger, the whole world would be complete in 5 mins.

The angels handle after the start of acceptence, and also non-acceptence, though remember that you are responsible for a persons life if, as a Christian, you don't talk about your salvation, share a Bible quote or even give them: details of an accessible means of the stranger knowing where to look for further knowledge of what this cosmic meeting is about. My page is a good example.

If you recently accepted salvation, consider the shock of the whole thing, feel the support of Jesus seeing your supposed lack of knowledge and confidence to know that ANY start of offering ONE hand of help by saving to a random stranger PER YEAR is all that He is after, and difficult to start.


Here's my idea after studying religion (Gods design for instruction) and astrology (God's design for order):

There may be many universes. Within every universe, there are many galaxies which consist of a solar system set-up of 10-12 planets kinda revolving around one human populated planet in which the whole galaxy centers on.

The first, or this, universe, started when all 10 planets were at zero degrees Aries.

I doubt that we can go as far back in recorded time to see WHEN asuch an occurence did occur, but for certain: if the planets were left to be in their motion - and not set from the start - at some point on the journey, ALL planets would be at zero degreesa Aries.

As God created the universe, He probably created himself at the same time, or created it sometime in the past or future. Therefore God is ARIES rising sign.

The rising sign is everything you see through in life: your lens.

Does anyone know why no planet has fallen from the sky and crashed into Earth yet? God controls everybody, everything and all He's trying to do is teach people, like any Father would, right from wrong. Except He's doing it with (probably) every single planet influence in the manner of the sign of ARIES.

And with astrology always working in opposites, any opposite sign has the same themes, yet antithesis (polar opposite, though not good vs bad, but: good vs not-good-at-all/way-too-good and bad vs way-too-bad/not-bad-at-all)

My description of Aries:

'Aries is the sign of MAN: Straightforward, assertive, direct, always wanting to be 1st at anything, colour red, positive look and personality, though falls to easily in love, starts lots of things but never finished them, the sign of energy so expect them to be feisty and concerned with a sense of being and doing. Possible le***an if a rising sign for females. The word 'good' is associated with this sign.

Libra is the sign of WOMAN: negative, indirect, passive, lacking energy, aggressive, not good about personality and looks, therefore vain. They like to keep lots of plates spinning, and the people and situations in their life, so are people pleasers. The sign of love, colour yellow, great middle men people, counsellors, and like life to happen upon them instead of going out and getting like Aries does and gay if a man's rising sign is close to this sign. The word 'bad' is associated with this sign.'

Despite the universe and God possibly being Aries, the God of this Earth (or personality in charge) is likely to be SAGITTARIUS rising, to express the creators guidelines for soul growth in a His own way, in His own world; Sagittarius is all about telepathy, the anthesis of good teaching, communication and release of information, morals, sports, awiens, race and long-distances.

With the amount of suffering (Pisces) going on in peoples lives, whether hidden or apparent, the extremes point to this PLANET being a Virgo rising planet:

'Virgo is the sign of work done and daily routines like getting clean in the shower and buying that newspaper on the way to work.
Virgo’s just love being of service and doing things for people in the same way a servant or secretary would. If you had to give a presentation, you’d get a Gemini to write the report – Virgo would load the slides or even lay out the chairs before the start of church. In either example, they would also make the coffee.
Virgo’s like to be resourceful and make the most of what they have. If you have some cotton and a few decorations, they will make a seasonal jumper from what they have. They’d be great with a few ingredients available to be made into a tasty dish. The dish might not be for the Virgoan cooking the food, as they rebel against certain foods. ‘May come out in a rash’ is common amongst Virgoan’s.
Virgo's can be critical, though. They just can't give an opinion without offering what they hope is constructive – and, it normally is. You should take their criticisms well as they like to be perfectionists so may speak from an ethical standard.
Virgo’s can be very analytical people who are obsessed with detail and facts. They sure have an active mind. There’s something of the sceptic in them too, so maybe don’t tell them that you’re interested in astrology.
Due to their organizing and clean nature, they would make great personal assistants and cleaners.
The planet Mercury represents both Virgo and Gemini, so expect this sign to have a split personality of both signs.

Piscean’s have their dreams and wishes, though they’re very naïve to think that this next happening is the answer to them. Their shyness doesn’t help.
It’s sad that they feel somewhat inferior and invisible to others What is also sad are the tales from others that Pisces gets taken in by.
They are definitely emotional. It’s just that they’re always feeling emotions of the environment and people around them that these feelings would then become their own.
Pisces is the sign of film and illusion. Some could look to deceive others in a positive way by dissolving their sense of self to merge with a fake personality for a role they are playing. They’re most likely the ones to be called chameleons who can change to anything or anybody at will.
Whereas Virgo is the sign of all things clean and tidy, Pisces is the sign of mess. Not just in their house or their work desk, but in their mind. It’s hard for them to concentrate on more than one thing as they get easily confused.
While they do feel melancholy, they can be so impressionable to go with the flow of what is happening that much they can be led astray. A natural flair for the arts, especially painting, can give them a structured creative outlet to express their emotions and whatever they happen upon in life.
For negative Pisces, an obsession with crime and death is a way of life. Drugs too.
As Pisces is related to hospitals, they would make a great nurse. The arts do call, though, so, a painter or dancer can sometimes be the order of the course of life.'

The same 12 SIGNS are uniform all around the galaxies/universes, though their planet cycles/size will differ.


Afterlife idea given to me:

The reason for all this discipline by following wise words, choosing belief and connecting with others:

The ones who make it through run their own planet, bring whoever they want onto it and the ones who choose to do, receive anything from the genie God (none of these options are are wrong choices) have to become remedial by taking these steps that the 1st choice (discipline) had to, though in the afterlife. Genie people don't run planets at all.

The aim is not to make leaders, but put the people who can, want to and are chosen to lead, lead and the ones who choose to follow, follow.

The ones who run planets, and eventually others, go back to their mortal existence in order to guide every single person that they met along their fixed course, to the afterlife.

As above, so below:

This holding place (Earth) until our futures are reached, is pretty good, though a fair few common sense improvements could be made. Not only does this give us ideas of what we could do better, but reflects back to us how good we are without really making more effort than we could do by applying more discipline.

No doubt better in the after-this-life, although, down here, its pretty good and filled with fun and enjoyment for ALL of us to experience whilst going through the type of Earth, God guiding and time when being there.

So much given, so much to be thankful of... so please try focus on not an image or voice, but instruction, presence and twisted-parental-love that the Daddy or Mummy who runs this universe deserves.

If you were given maximum-ish intelligence, saw things in a revealing way, how would you start acting if you got back to your life in 5 mins?

Hell could be based down here on this Earth, though its in the other dimension to ours, with different scientific rules. Same place. We go to a hell when we prefer the pleasures down here, to resisting ev1l.

If you don't believe in a bad side of God, for effect or discipline, please research any religious book!

Thank you!


For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”— yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.

John 13: 34-35

There is one creator, though many heads of religious paths (Gods) that give out the creators message. All religions claim to have the truth - they don't say hidden knowledge - that their message is the accurate story of our becoming, their head messengers (Gods - ones in charge of their followers) should be the sole ones worshipped as Gods and one key theme: do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.

The Devil, being a God (messenger of a different path provided by creator), has it's religion, though quite a reputation, along with a few Bible verses to go with it. So may other religions. Whilst 1, 5 or 500 elements of Christianity to other relgions, and even fellow children of the creator, also attracting dislike of mode of behaviour.

Ain't it great to choose?

The old age problem of ignorance (if I guess correctly) of pure effing ev1l can exist within some religious groups, even Christianity - most likely less - though the big problem is the lack of respect for our creator/God who created/shaped us. We choose our path before birth and magically find it and our destined route, though some are not aware of the path they chose, therefore wander aimlessly, existing without wanting to know from the start of entering life... on the path of not wanting to know about their path, just experiencing.

Imagine any ghosts/creatures/angels (good and bad)/spirits/Gods/creator to be helping you, even without audible means, with or without you knowing: they deserve thanks, a bit of a sl@p with a wet fish at times and recognition/acknowledgement for the job that they do in the lifes of you, your relatives and the people you will meet in the future.

You do not decide your life down here, your God handles that. Whether committed or not, we all start and stay/move with a God. Christians are said to start with the enemy (Devil - for his anti-Christian ways) and their 'saving' from the route of hell happens upon salvation. There's an 'enemy' in every relgion: most likely the eneny Christians have.

If anyone can prove or disprove that there is only one way from one God or that many Gods with one creator or that one God acting as ALL messengers by different personalities and tweaks of general message, then I ask you to think of this logicalkly: no-one can prove or disprove this by word or equation.


I am not God; this might go against scripture - though kinda addressed in the quote here - but, whatever religion/path you choose:

Resist evil from yours or any other God
Tell people about your God, without shame or fear, though constructive criticism is fine - Gods ain't stoopid!
Apply your Gods word as best as possible. And trust in good in any God, never mind goodness of people down here.


In Him we were also chosen as God’s own, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything by the counsel of His will,

Ephesians 1:11

You had two choices before being 'born'. Though you could say, with a better knowing that there might not be a choice before, so therefore the choice is during life:

Faith (internal):
You give up ALL control to God to do His plan, possibly with some requests, not neccessarily, though probably little money and EXTERNAL things, yet the faith to withstand the onslaught of the God and his many real or not real characters terrorizing the life out of you until you understand what is happening with the death threats, death attempts and temptations to give in - whether your life, soul or you hopes, dreams and wishes. These are a decent amount of Christians and others of good faith. 10-15% of the population.

Mammon/Money (external):
You get anything you want and pretty much have control, until you realise that God controls everyone and everything: probably after death. You get lots of money, people, yet little knowledge of any faith (INTERNAL), therefore not the knowledge and choice of temperament to withstand more than a few days of the terrorization of Godly things - if you think you can, try testing the big bad man. I hear 80-85% of the population.

If you don't pick up your Bible, Quran or any other word: you won't know and apply all needed for how to hitch-hike through this world. Reading on someones Facebook helps, though the shortcut in not the way to being pro-active like you have a rememberence and love of our creator and what he wills for us, His children.

He torments EVERYOINE, whether faith or mammon, starting at different stages, until they die, or most likely, commit su***de or ask for their soul to be given over to His (possible) alter-ego: The Devil/Satan/Lucifer. Meaning that poeple don't have enough faith to believe that He is good and what He is trying to do in developing souls for an eventual 'being a God' of our own planet. Life is like the ARMY to make GODS.

God is good and fair in that, I hear, He tells everyone the options on the table before, and yet they choose the other route, Mammon, which is the route of the enemy. It's having FAITH/Belief vs no-faith/no-belief. Should someone not be liking it in hell, they are wiped out of existence, cease to be; or people may be able to get out of a hell situation; and eventually, or first time, go to a heavenly/paradise place where they apply all their faith skills, from faith or eventual faith-after-hell route. You don't want to go to hell.

Pick up your Bible! Thank you!




After saying what I read and see, yet don't believe the reality compared to the word on paper, through 20 x 4 minute Tiktok videos, I've decided to, after my incoming and short 12 chapter book, I've decided to not go further with the goal of opening His church as I do not recognise the controlling, powerful thing that is the highest in the universe, not this world.

I find God to have zero morals, zero conscience, wishing ill to people and being totally self-interested in being remembered for being a nob head that thinks it knows best in terms of giving any kind of abuse to find a solution to the problem of how to create obedient, disciplined yet positive promoting of His (better than the thing itself) book of wisdom called 'The Bible'.

He has all knowledge, best intelligent processing yet no heart to give a s**t about anyone or anything.

God in all religions is a FRAUD!

This is purely based on the experiences of God to others. Then add in what done and not done to me.

Control freak, stupid and spoilt little child.



Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
Jeremiah 33:3

God decides what He wills you to do, by first planting the idea, then producing the communication, from you, by prayer, to do His will, that works for Him, others and you.


The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

Revelation 22:21

ALL people are Gods people, and ALL, whether receiving hate or not, should be kind, considerate, and forgive neighbours for what our God does through them.

The last line of the Bible.


So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

When He's changed you, you help and change OTHERS!

If you have His love, His humour yet not His schemes, then you'll become the hooman bean that He knew you would always be!


But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Isiah 40:31

Any path you think you choose = the same God at the end.

Harsh and controlling would not be bad!


20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20

God named everyone, every: thing, animal, business, product and Himself.

MOVING MOUNTAINS vegan burgers are a much better choice than creating a demand and need for animal slaughter.

What's wrong with: cats, dogs, giraffes, bears and wasps for protein intake?


The only voices in our minds are God - good/bad, whatever he decides at the time - imitating people. Feel free to ignore. Life is about seeing how long people can last under extreme pressure.

His world, His way, His rules, His will. Resist evil!


The good Lord decided to design one country like a dinosaur. What would you design YOUR galaxy as?


The laws on our creators Earth, here for us ALL to feel safe, are worthless, as He allows Himself and others to be above the law.

It's His universe!


God is really, really funny; obviously the most intelligent being in the universe yet effing stoopid.

He means well.

Life for us is about learning at how He communicates and teaches in the most anti-human way possible.


As unbelievable as it sounds: the aim of GOD, in this galaxy set up, is to force people to commit su***de from a certain time of the cowards choosing. Your aim is to see what He's doing through all the bad people that He controls (controls good too) and enjoy your life, whilst resisting the evil wing of God's great army.

Very scary, though when you have the possibly correct information, you can cope better.

Sadly, just about all the people on this planet will hear voices at some point.


This world and the people that God created are solely here for the entertainment of the one true God. Maybe different in other universes.


'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.'

Genesis 1:1

Page 1, chapter 1, line 1, of the Bible.

Whatever the name or form of the thing that created every physical thing (God is the creator), something intentionally created us too. If humans, insects, animals, creatures (awiens), pears, thyme, rice, wood from trees and WATER were created, what else could He create at any time, any place, for any reason...

Everyone will hear voices at some stage in their life. God approves (authority) messages, whether we know it's our own thoughts or something elses, into our brain, which then translates into us making an action: whether good or bad, whether seeming like us or not, and this is how He can control us.

If one person has 1 thought like this in a day, this person can have many or all thoughts throughout the day which can partially or fully control this or any person. If this can happen in a day, it can occur over the course of a persons life, therefore can be the same with EVERY single creature, human, animal and insect.

Ask a fly if you think it has any free-will.

In theory, we may not have any free-will. Nothing on this Earth can prove or disprove this by experiment

There may be no free-will to have a clean thought-track every single second of every day, without interruption.

Israel’s rules of engagement seem looser than ever – if they are followed at all 04/04/2024

The intention of Israel is to not only destroy Hamas, but to make actions that provocate the world into wrath, resulting in people joining together to fulfill the prophecy that Israel will be destroyed in these end times. No need for intentionally bombing schools, hospitals abnd refugee camps.

Everybodys actions are under the control oif the creator.

It's His will, His world, His way, His war and His people. No free-will. DO NOT JUDGE.

Israel’s rules of engagement seem looser than ever – if they are followed at all The deaths of seven aid workers add credence to allegations by observers that commanders on the ground in Gaza may ‘do as they please’


The enemy that you have to defeat in life is God.

It just seems that it might not seem like God for most of the time.


God watches not just us humans, but these, other insects and animals over the course of their life, and all way through the 4 day birth of these ocean quahog. Despite not doing much besides hiding in the sand, away from a predator, God protects, cares and chills with Quahog. Though, there's limited amount of wisdom, humour and teasing pokes that God can do with Quahog. Maybe telepathy is one of any ability a Quahog has.


'I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”'

John 16:33

While just about everyone hears many voices, whether good or bad - despite a common message between either good and bad - telepathic communication, especially receiving instruction like: do this better, good that you did this, you're such an idiot, ain't you lovely?, I'm gonna threaten you with threatening words, I'm gonna make sure no-one threatens you again etc, is common place amongst ALL generations, though much more of an issue with 'mental health' a big issue in this generation gone.

Very scary, very upsetting; uncalled for and inhuman...without any rational reason.

Whether pure effing ev1l voices or comforting arm-round-the-shoulder type voice, we can't stop these voices - even Christians or Muslims - so we can only change how WE react to them, instead of changing the OTHER party.

We are here to learn and grow, though our God has decided that we should, like Him/Her/It, remove all:
fears, taboos, insecurities, unhelpful thinking, dogma (recognised/popular thinking of many), the brainwashing put into this world by it's owner and somehow try to cope with abuse and threats while staying 'human' against v. stoopid awien thinking, despite one pretty stoopid awien being God, who wrote that we should 'treat others how we would like to be treated', despite no God or human wanting to be treated like that. I'm sure even God h1mself wouldn't want its child treated in the 'suffering' manner in which we are ALL to experience, especially when diverting blame onto a supposed 'enemy'.

The stones thrown at YOU:

A) Throw stone back...knowing it will not make them stop (waste of time, though releases frustrations)


B) Use part of the criticism to improve what you can about your life.

I pray that God goes through training on what a soul, a conscious being and vulnerable, powerless human, animal and even alien, is. You don't treat people like this!

I hear that if we go through quite a s**tty life, put up with the controlling b@stard that is God, then we may go to our own planet - some call heaven (while smirking) - and run it just like the t**t that runs this place, but much better and with a much better brain that the idiot than runs this horrific creation.

Bit of an ar****le, though defo cares and is pretty funny.


'For there is no respect of persons with God.'

Romans 2:11

This includes ones who obey and ones who do not obey.

Our Lord despises people who know the law yet fall foul of His law.

And while it seems that there's so much HATE for the ones who are with a God - persecution guaranteed - we are here to face a tough few trials, to put up with the s**t from others who don't believe that His way is the right way (all roads lead to God in the end) and to still keep believing even when the word we read seems to have abondoned us - who'd believe after this?

Whether Jew or Gentile (non-Jew) or believer & non-believer, God will always help people, even the worst ones (as long as they turn from their ways), yet ANYONE is there to be used, to further His goal of creating people very alike in His image: sacrificing, struggling, striving and seeing how He see's.

So, just becuase as a believer you face many challenges, know that God is ultimately good with intention and chooses how much s**t each child of His should handle, to w**d out the ones who do not believe.

Everything is done to make people good. It's just that in order to sovle this problem, in His universe, the actions may seem a little without care. He does's just His method.


Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:25-26

While this passage refers to the beggar that is Lazarus being made to rise from the dead, it can apply to any physical, psychological, neurological, geographical or faith problem.

On entering partnership with our Lord, probably also with any God, you will physically feel that you might be dying every day, though the transformation of dying to the self - hopefully most of the ego with it - to become a butterfly that acts beautiful without trying: to shed your wings on other people (God's children) in giving practical help, is to keep you on your toes...which can help for you to see what you recognise as your true self in extreme circumstances.

If you had a knife to your throat, and this stayed round for the remainder of your life, yet it only mentally harmed you, you'd make the most of your life and be all that you want to. And break through fear inhibiting you.


If you 'see' a: singing, dancing, terrorizing thing that changes form then that probably God.

If He can can do this, what can He do for you.

Who knows anything for sure and who finds it really difficult to be anything but striving to be even better than good?


Talk 20 of 20:

10 Commandments, sin and law.


Talk 19 of 20: Food and Jesus:

US Senate approves $95bn aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan 21/02/2024

US is gonna fund Taiwan so that Taiwan can defeat China. Haha!

'After weeks of setbacks and delays, the US Senate gave final approval to a $95bn wartime aid package for Ukraine, Israel and other American allies early on Tuesday morning, sending the bill to the Republican-controlled House where its fate is uncertain.'

US Senate approves $95bn aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan Pre-dawn vote comes amid growing doubts about fate of legislation in Republican-controlled House of Representatives

More than a million 'doses' of co***ne has been seized during a property raid in Ecuador, said police 21/02/2024

If co***ne is outlawed, why did our creator design, therefore enabling us to use it, and give the idea to make from seeds of plant? Cannabis too.

Both drugs in use for thousands of years.

More than a million 'doses' of co***ne has been seized during a property raid in Ecuador, said police The illegal substances were hidden inside a vehicle at the property in Portoviejo, Ecuador. Ecuadorian Police have said four people were arrested at the property and all co***ne had been seized.

Videos (show all)

Talk 20 of 20:10 Commandments, sin and law.
Talk 19 of 20: Food and Jesus:
Worship Music. Talk 18 of 20.
Power + The Word
Jesus & Prayer
Jesus & Dating
Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness.Daniel Isenring: hope you good mate, and hoping the lion not bothering you too much. Absolu...
Jesus and the enemy. My newest video:15 completed from 20.
