Rainy evening

Rainy evening

Rainy evening


"I don't see anything abnormal in loneliness. I feel good alone. People greatly exaggerate the importance of their love. It is not always so important. The same applies to life - people also exaggerate its significance."


"Imagination is given to a person to console him with what he does not have, and a sense of humor - to console him with what he has."


“When love appeared in my life, I suddenly noticed how many songs there are that are somehow about me. And there are a lot of films about me. Plays, poems, paintings, even sculptures! I somehow find myself just in the center of the world art..."


"People cry not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long."


"Everyone gets what they want in life. But not everyone is happy after that."


Tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot."


"There are no boundaries in our life. Neither for love, nor for actions. People invent barriers for themselves, which means they can be destroyed."


"All my life I have been searching for the truth (the meaning of life). And the only thing I regret is the time spent to finally understand ... The truth is that there is no truth. Live and enjoy life without asking her questions."


"You need to go where you want, and not where you supposedly" need to ". Go yourself, go and be afraid of nothing. You will succeed, really!"


"Dedicate half an hour daily to your grief, and use that half hour to take a nap."