Peaceful Eagle

Peaceful Eagle

Peaceful Eagle Sound Healing offers personalised sound healing sessions tailored to your unique needs

04/07/2023 is now live. I'm so grateful to now be taking bookings through the site for personalised 1-2-1 sound healing sessions.

Sound Healing directs harmonious vibrations into the body and energy field. We are all energy and all energy is in constant vibration. Most of us carry around disharmonious vibrations in our body as disease, tension, trauma, supressed emotions, blockages and other health conditions. Sound Healing works to release these energies, helping us to move towards better energetic flow, harmony and peace.

A 1-2-1 session can be tailored to your own personal needs and is directed towards your specific intention for the session. Through multiple sessions, we can help to peel back the layers of conditioning and open to our more authentic alignment.