Made By Rove

Made By Rove

We build visual identities that resonate through intuitive branding & custom web design. Website tem

Timeline photos 01/07/2022

Lushhh lil monogram currently in the works for a brand that's launching v soon! Lowkey obsessed with this one! 😍
Along with the rebrand we're also working on a custom website and some additional collateral pieces - our favourite kind of project! Cannot WAIT to share more!

Timeline photos 27/06/2022

Are you in a thriving long-term relationship with your clients? 🌹
And no: I’m not talking about getting them Valentine’s cards every year or scheduling weekly date nights… I mean, do your products and services support your clients and customers growth over time? Do you have offers that will help guide your clients from beginner to intermediate to advanced?
AKA an ascension model. 🪜
Multiple studies have proven that it’s way easier to sell to an existing client or customer, than a new one. Not to mention the feel-good factor of playing a long-term role in your clients ongoing growth and success. 🤩 So, really the question becomes, why are you spending all of your time focusing on generating brand new leads (that are less likely to purchase) when you have your own dreamboat clients that are likely needing more advanced support? 🤔
Having an ascension model means that you gently nudge customers from buying your lowest cost services or products right up to investing in your most profitable ones, when they’re ready for that next level of growth and support. It’s a win-win. 🥂
Remember, the first stage, especially, is all about quick wins! Show that you can get your clients results, fast, and they’ll be chomping at the bit to work with you again and move up the ladder!

Timeline photos 23/06/2022

Quick appreciation post for custom social media templates! 👏🏼🙌🏼 Mannn they can really make the difference in how your brand is perceived online. 👀
If you’re investing the big bucks in branding and a custom website, it’s kinda imperative that you extend your brand identity across all channels so that no matter where your people land, they get the same high-level experience across the board, helping to build that all-important trust and, getting designer made, custom social templates will do that for you, with minimal effort on your part! It’s a win-win!👌🏼

Timeline photos 21/06/2022

You know that age-old phrase: ‘done is better than perfect’?
I just KNOW that makes the perfectionist inside you scream out loud. How is shoddy, rushed, unplanned work better than carefully and meticulously crafted work? Surely shoving out thrown-together content looks unprofessional?
Babe, I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you. But that belief is keeping you stuck. Perfect is a lie!
Putting things off, better known as good old procrastination, is a protective process that keeps us from failing. If we don’t actually ever try, or we take months and months to get cracking, we don’t ever have to see something fall flat on its face. The subconscious practice of perfectionism is totally normal, and it’s a knee-jerk reflex when we feel a bit daunted or scared.
We’re here to give you that push you need to move you through that stuck phase.
Our fast and laser-focused service means that you’ll have a fully functional, beautiful website out there in the world in no time at all. No time to overthink, second guess, or put it off. We make sure you hit the ground running, so your business can actually start making you money and attracting the right clients all the while gathering valuable data about how to refine and improve. It’s a win-win-win!
If it stays hidden in the depths of the internet, what good is that? Let’s put that spotlight on your biz and make sure your brand and website are doing you justice.
You’ll soon realise that whilst you’re obsessing over perceived flaws, others are looking up to you and admiring your work and your progress. 🤩
Go on, take decisive action– tap the link in our bio or drop us a DM and let’s chat 🤝

Timeline photos 13/06/2022

Coming in HOT with the BRAND-BUILDING TIPS this Monday morning! 🔥
In this increasingly digital world, I'd argue that it's more important than ever before to take certain elements of your brand to the physical...
What do I mean by that?
Well, creating assets that your clients can literally feel and hold in their hands is a super-smart move - especially for those of you on a mission to build a luxury brand.
You'll be relieved to know that it doesn't have to break the bank either, you can pick up custom embossers on Etsy for less than $50...
All you need is a bomb logo (like this one 👆🏼) and you're good to go! 😉
Currently booking mid-July onwards

Timeline photos 06/06/2022

Quick question: what’s your job title? 💼
If you’re self-employed, a biz owner, or an entrepreneur, what do you call yourself? I’m talking about the job title you put in your bio, the one you label yourself with on LinkedIn, or how you introduce yourself when people ask what you do…
Whatever it is, is it doing you justice?
Self-titling is so important. Psychologically, our job titles tell us how to act, what tasks we should and shouldn’t be focusing on, it affects how confident we feel, and tells other people how to respond to us. So while you might not think your own job title is all that significant, I’m telling you it could be what’s stopping you from showing up fully and leveling up in your career. It could be blocking a serious quantum leap towards your goals.
The good news? You can change it TODAY, and you don’t have to wait for permission. Try playing around with different roles and titles and see what makes you feel confident, inspired, and powerful.
That’s the one ✅

Timeline photos 10/05/2022

I know you shouldn't play favourites with your (template) children buttttt... 😍
Fun fact, as I was designing Jaime, I was HELLA tempted to keep it for ourselves and start afresh for the template but then in a truly selfless act (LOL), I decided to share her with the world! You're welcome! 😜
(As I stare down the barrel of our own site redesign I may be regretting that decision, just a smidge! 😆)
Anyway, if you want to see just how versatile this template is, head over to our stories... We're working on a semi-custom project this week and it's a totally new look for Jaime but OMG does it WORKKK! 👀 Can't wait to share the finished site!

Timeline photos 04/04/2022

DIY websites don't have to SUCK!
There’s a laundry list of things you want to invest in to launch and grow your online business...
⚡ A fancy brand identity
✨ A brand shoot
⚡ A business coach
✨ New tech
⚡ Oh… and a VERY shiny new website!
Ugh. But creating a website is pain in the a** if you’ve never done it before. Or so you thought. 😉
Don’t get me wrong, if you want to read up on website strategy, UX design, learn how to code, write your own HTML, custom build your website, and take about 6 months (or A LOT more) to do so… be my guest. You can absolutely make it that difficult. 🤷🏼‍♀️
If you want to pay a tonne of money you don’t yet have to a design studio to build it for you… go right ahead. There’s no BETTER place you could spend that dollar… right? 😜
But here’s a piece of advice I’ll give you for 🆓
Take. Fast. Messy. Action.
Get stuck in. Work it out yourself. Move fast. Iterate. Learn the hard(ish) way. Make mistakes. Move on. Expand. Grow. Evolve.
Oh… and don’t do sh*t you hate. ✋🏼
Buy a website template. Pour yourself a wine. Consider it a job well done. 👏🏼🙌🏼
P.s Said website templates are currently 20% off. So if you’re about to 1) try and build your website from scratch, all on your lonesome… or 2) about to fork out a few K in web design fees… you might want to check out the REALLY easy option first 😉

Timeline photos 01/04/2022

Calling BS. Perfectionism + procrastination…
If you’re struggling to build your website, create your brand or simply GET STARTED… you’re probably in need of a visit from Dr Rove.
✨ Perfectionists…
Waiting until everything is ‘perfect’ in order to start. Looking for minute details to fixate on, rather than taking messy action and jumping in. Feels like they must be an ‘expert’ before they can sell. Suffers from comparisonitis.
✨ Procrastinators…
Always able to find the reasons why it won’t work. Doubts themselves and their abilities. Overthinks every single decision before making it… meaning it takes a lot longer than it needs to to get anything finalised.
Both are forms of self-doubt, even self-sabotage. Waiting on ANYTHING doesn’t make it happen.
Too many people spend way too long in the ‘development phase’ or the ‘planning stage’ of their business idea, when really they should be getting in the ring, testing their products and services and gaining that all-important feedback.
One way to do that… is to get that business idea OUT THERE… with a great website.
That’s THE reason we created our template shop. So you have no excuse for perfectionism (the design and functionality is already pretty damn flawless) or procrastination (cos it’s really ain’t gonna take you that long to customise)...
And this week, you’re saying goodbye to your symptoms FOR GOOD. Because the solution is 20% off!
20% off the silver bullet for perfectionism and procrastination… well almost 😉
Link in bio ☝️

Timeline photos 28/03/2022

Make your website the ultimate Dream Client Magnet. 🧲
Have you ever clicked on someone's website and just gone… wow? 😍 Have you caught yourself scrolling through page after page dreamily, swooning at the beautiful layout and gorgeous branding and feeling the roots of inspiration take hold? ✨
I have. A website alone has left me thinking… I need to work with this person. I need this business in my life.
A beautiful, slick website has the power to LITERALLY instantly inspire and motivate someone within seconds of arriving. How incredible is that?
If you’ve never thought about your website as a digital piece of art, a thoughtfully-curated portfolio, a personal workbook or a tool to create magic, I challenge you to change that perception.
Get readyyyy to meet our girls Harper and Jaime.
One’s edgy and elegant. The other is quirky and cool. And together they’re here to change the way you view your own business. No matter which you resonate more with, our brand new Showit templates are ready to make magic that elevates your business to the next level.
Intrigued? Sign up now via the link in bio to get a first look as well as an exclusive mailing list discount that won't be available anywhere else! LAUNCHING TOMORROW! 🚀

Timeline photos 25/03/2022

Automations don’t make you a robot. 🤖
In fact, it’s pretty much the opposite. ‘Automation’ has become kind of a dirty word in creative industries because of the assumption that it’s cold, unfeeling, and removes your humanity from the process. But after chatting with a friend the other day, we found we just don’t agree at all– and we want to reframe it.
Automating is a masculine tactic that allows you to show up more fully in your feminine. 💛
What I mean by that is, automation is really a super nourishing business move that allows you more space to breathe, think and show up in the best way possible. Feeling like you have to physically complete every single task in your business is a massive lie. It’s keeping you stressed and teetering on the knife-edge of burnout.
Allowing certain aspects of your biz to run without your constant supervision is really the ultimate supportive act.
Automating your processes and streamlining your business doesn’t affect your ability to be human in your work. You’re not any less caring or there for your people if you automate some bits. It just means you can show up more fully for the stuff that matters 🙌

Timeline photos 21/03/2022

Ok, gang, here with the sneeeakiest of sneak peeks 👀 cause, without giving too much away, we need your help in naming one of our brand new templates that are launching verryyyyy soon! 🕺🏽
So, in no particular order, the frontrunners are...
1. Drew
2. Jaime
3. Selena
We have a firm favourite but we wanna see what you guys think! 👀
1, 2, or 3? Go! 👇🏼

Timeline photos 21/03/2022

It's Aries season bebeh so we're wheelin' in hot this Monday morning with a straight talkin' PSA 📣
You ready?
You and your business deserve more than some janky free website you threw together when your business was a newborn. Believing that we all deserve more and that it should be accessible is the raison d'etre behind us creating our website templates...
We want EVERYONE, no matter what stage of the entrepreneurial journey they’re at to be able to show up confidently and charge what their services are worth, knowing that their website is backing them up, every step of the way.
Don't let your website hold you back from making the impact you know you're here to make, k?! 💥

Timeline photos 18/03/2022

You know the phrase ‘time is money'?
I think that time is actually way MORE important than money, I’d bet that most of us focus so much on earning more money, purely so that we can buy back time. 🤯
Take getting a new website, for example. If you choose not to invest any money and instead spend time building it yourself (Buh bye weekends and evenings! 👋🏻), your site won’t be up and running any time soon. With every passing day, you’re missing out on potential business and traffic to your site… all while time is ticking away and your competitors are out there killing the game. ⏰
On the flipside, you take decisive action, invest in support from the pros, and get it built ASAP, you hit the ground running and start raking in all that new business.
I know it's Friday and the sun is finally shining but let's do some math, let’s crunch the numbers, and make the potential impact all the more tangible. 🤩
Figure out how much your products or services cost, and how much you normally sell in a few weeks or months. Calculate how much that could increase if you filled ALL your available slots thanks to a sparkling new site that magnetises your ideal clients: it’ll soon become clear how much money you’re leaving on the table when you don’t have a website that’s high functioning, intuitive, and working for you, around the clock. 📈
If you’re ready to take the leap into fast, decisive action and get a beautiful new website, you know what to do– pop over to the website or drop us a DM and let’s chat.

Timeline photos 16/03/2022

5 ways to improve your client experience 👇🏼
It just isn’t enough to have a great product or service... It’s about taking your client by the hand and wowing ‘em with a slick experience, from start to finish ✨ This is what differentiates you from your competitors and keeps your clients coming back for more.
So what should you polish to keep those referrals and testimonials rollin’ in?
⚡️ Automation. Automating your funnels and processes is gonna give you so much more time to get sh*t done. From purchase confirmations to email sequences, automation creates key touchpoints for your clients, making sure they know what's happening, without taking hours out of your day.
⚡️ Branding. Your branding is a reflection of your ideal client, who they are, and what they want to achieve. From your copy to your visuals, it’s gotta *speak* to your target audience and make them feel seen.
⚡️ Efficiency. Actions always speak louder than words. It’s all well and good having impressive experience and skills, but do you keep to your word? Have you achieved what you set out to do? Being organised and efficient have a huge impact on the overall client experience.
⚡️ Communication. Over-communicate everything, all the time. It’s far better to under-promise and over-deliver. Can’t meet a deadline? Drop your client an email to explain the situation. Need to make more amends than anticipated? Let them know.
⚡️ UX design. AKA making your design user-friendly and fit for purpose. Can your clients find the information they're looking for quickly and easily? Is it organised? Is it mobile optimised? Can it be viewed on different devices?
It goes without saying that this is a continuous process and no one has it all figured out from the get-go. (Trust us on that! 😅)
So, which one will you be focusing on next? ✨

Timeline photos 10/03/2022

Are your habits building the future you want? 🤔
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and our dream lives and careers can’t be crafted overnight. Bringing your future vision to life takes baby steps, every single day.
As James Clear says: “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” ✨ (Btw if you haven’t read Atomic Habits yet, you should add it to your list! So many great aha moments!)
Now I’m not saying you need to try and become ‘that girl’ with 5am starts, daily journaling, lunch-time runs and green smoothies galore. Productive new habits look different for everyone: and your own future vision is as unique to you as your fingerprint. 💛
Instead, just take it day by day, and remind yourself that the actions you take today equal the results you get tomorrow. So make sure they’re serving you and aligning with what (and who) you want to create. ✨

Timeline photos 02/03/2022

Is this the end of the multi-hyphenate? ☠️
Once upon a time (not that long ago), having as many strings to your bow as possible was seen as the ultimate achievement. But is becoming a jack-of-all-trades really a good thing? 🤔
You know how that saying ends, right? … Master of none. 🤷🏼‍♀️
While I’m all for expanding your skillset and learning new stuff, I think it’s time we backtrack down the multi-hyphenate path and start to specialise again.
So, when someone mentions your name in a room full of opportunities, they don’t say… ‘Oh, I think [insert name here] does a bit of [insert what you do here]’. No, they’ll say ‘OMG! I know the perfect person for you, they’re the absolute best at [insert what you do here], you HAVE to speak to them.’
See the difference? 👀
It’s time to leave zero doubt in people’s minds that you’re sh*t-hot at whatever it is that you do and that if they want the job done right, you’re the only option. 💁🏼‍♀️
Honing in on your expertise is the key to rising through the ranks– especially important in the post-pandemic ocean of new online businesses.
Basically, what I’m saying is, get so good at one specific thing that you won’t have any ‘competition’ at all. 💅🏻
What do you reckon? Are you an offer-everything generalist or a laser-focused specialist? 👇

Timeline photos 10/02/2022

Ok, here's the tea on why we design all of our custom websites in Adobe XD first - even though it takes twice as long! 😅
Sure, we could just jump straight into Showit and start cobbling a site together - the platform makes it easy peasy! We could screen capture as we go, checking the flow. But all of that would be doing a disservice to you, someone who has invested the big bucks in custom design.
Designing a site in XD first allows us to not only infuse strategy in every single part of the process, it allows us to zoom out, see the site as a whole, spot and fix potential weak points... It allows us to get reeeally nerdy about how the user will go from point A to booked! 👌🏼 Thoughtful UX design that intentionally crafts a user journey throughout each page, is what separates the wheat from the chaff. It's what separates the 'pretty' from the high-converting. And yes, you can have both - style and substance. But what I'm seeing a lot of at the moment is websites that are working in spite of these shortcuts, they're getting results largely because of the entrepreneur behind them.
If you're still early on in your journey and rocking a template or semi-custom site, this is fine, expected even! Your site will (hopefully!) have been created with as much strategy as possible and will absolutely support your growth from beginner to fledgling boss, but what it won't ever be, is a website that has been built with your unique business and goals in mind. 🤷🏼‍♀️ (just keep in’ it real!)
They're a great solution till you have the clarity and funds to go back to the drawing board, take everything you've learned so far, and craft something that will stand the test of time and create major impact in your business.
Let's put it this way, If a templated website is getting you results, imagine what one crafted from the ground up would do for your business... 💭 Spoiler - It would pour gasoline on that damn fire! 🔥

Timeline photos 27/01/2022

Pour a glass of something and daydream with me for a sec, will ya... 💭
Picture this... 😍 Your ideal clients are so obsessed with you and your work that even if they can't currently afford to invest, they make a plan to save up to be able to work with you. Heck, even if they haven't yet nailed down their business idea, they know that when they do, they'll be knockin' on your digital door!
They're not price shopping to get the cheapest version or nit-picking your services, second-guessing that you're actually the expert. Nope, they understand that to expand their business they have to work with the best and if that means being patient and getting a budget in place or asking for an extended payment plan, then so be it.
For them, there's no question, you're the best fit.
THAT, my friend, is what a solid brand and website will do for your business - along with gold old-fashioned hard work and diligence of course - aka the actual WORK that you do!
A luxury brand and digital home, rooted in strategy and intention, will move you beyond the realm of price-shopping clients who just want the job done, they don't care by who, and they don't really care how well it's done, into a vision-board status service provider.
I mean, cheers to that, right!? 🥂
If you're ready to create that for your own business, we're now booking late Feb & March start dates! Let's jump on a call to see if we'd be a good fit! We can't wait to hear from you!

Timeline photos 26/01/2022

Don't get me wrong, raw talent is great! But talent alone won't get you very far.
It's a lit match. LA possibility, really.
Talent plus passion, purpose, consistency, and discipline, however... now that is the whole damn bonfire! 🔥🔥🔥
So, if you've ever allowed the thought to cross your mind that you're not 'talented' enough or 'so and so is SO talented, how can you ever compete with that?!' 😕 just remember that talent alone is such a tiny piece of the puzzle and if you can cultivate the other stuff, and stay in the game long enough, you'll be unstoppable!
Basically what I'm saying is, talent, shmalent. 😉 Keep going, friend. You've got this.

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

Ok so apparently last week was just ANOTHER test run - thank you food poisoning for keeping me humble. (Please don't come again, any time soon. 😅)
I'm not gonna make any grand statements about this week JUST IN CASE... But I am going to share a little piece of good news... 🤗
Made By Rove is now officially a trusted Showit design partner!! Wahhh! 🎉
The platform that truly changed my life - and I don't say that lightly. The platform that I have leaned into and spent the last, almost 4 years, learning and mastering. One that I know has changed countless other women's lives simply by being so user-friendly. No more desperately emailing your developer and trying to speak code just to make a small tweak on your own damn website.
No, thank you. ✋🏼
Instead, Showit offers you total control as a business owner, to launch, pivot, scale, switch up and around, back and forth, as often as you damn well like.
Because... your business, your website, your timeline, YOUR RULES. 😉
Also, whilst it's my name mentioned, achieving this stellar feedback, was very much a team effort and I'm SO grateful to be doing business with a bunch of absolute baddies!
Thanks for having us , get ready cause we're not here to play. This is just the beginning. 😉

Timeline photos 17/01/2022

Ok, we really ARE back to business now (promise!) and I wanted to drop in to say hi, and do what we don't do anywhere near enough and that is...
Tell you guys EXACTLY how we can support your business growth and brand-building goals in 2022! 🚀
So, up first we have all the usual suspects & heavy hitters...
☝🏼Our Brand Essentials and Semi-Custom Website, Tier 1 Packages, perrrrfect for if you're just starting out but don't want to LOOK and FEEL like you're just starting out, if ya know what I mean?!
✌🏼Our 'The Works' Brand and Fully Custom Website, Tier 2 Packages. These are for you if you've been in business a couple of years and are ready to level all the effing way upppp!! You might not have even been in business that long BUT if you're progressing fast and you're confident around your offerings and where you're going, then these tier 2 packages could be for you.
🤟🏼We have some brand new, secret menu items that are only available for our brand and web design clients and we think you're gonna love 'em!
Long story short, we kept getting requests for more support after projects had officially ended and because we LOVE hanging out with our people, we figured out a way to make it happen! So, we'll be tweaking and trialing out these services with previous design clients (and maybe you too?) over the next couple of months to see just how much additional impact we can create! Exciteddd!
Oh, and because we don't believe in a one size fits all, you can mix and match brand and web design packages from both tiers! 👌🏼
If you're not quite sure which knockout combo is for you but you KNOW that you wanna work with us then either drop us a DM (we love a good voice note! 💛) or head over to the site and fill out our client application form - either way, we can't wait to get to know you better!

Timeline photos 04/01/2022

First official day back in the studio today (thanks to a UK Bank Holiday yesterday!) andddd lucky for me, it's gonna be short and sweet as I head off on a lil solo vacay tomorrow!! 💃🏼
Any guesses where I'm going? ✈️
I'll be honest, it's been a longgg two years staring at these same four walls and my soul is beyond ready for a change of scenery!
For now though, it's just me and my laptop (and the dogs), catching up with emails upon emails upon emails... 😅☕️
Hope you're all easing back in at whatever pace feels right to you...
Q1 - let's see what you've got for us! ✨

Timeline photos 01/12/2021

Beaut submark that went out the door last week for the absolute BADDEST, ...
We loved working on this brand, are obsessed with how it turned out, and cannot WAIT to share more with you soon... Also, how f**king stunning is this image shot by the mega talent 😍
Up next, the website & social media assets... Watch this space! 👀

Timeline photos 30/11/2021

Alright, friends…
We don’t mean to alarm you, but we HAVE to alarm you that our Cyber week discount (you know, the one we’ve been banging on about ALL WEEK) is about to end! ⏰
Yup, we're down to the last few hours!! 😱
At midnight tonight (GMT), the 30% off makes like Cindarella and disappears! ✨
… Unlike Cinderella though, this discount won't be back to marry the Prince (yes, I had to Google the ending, it’s been a while! 😅🤣) and it will be your last chance to snag your own fairytale ending - aka one of our OG website templates at an absolute steal! 😆
So, if you've been eyeing a template and sitting on the fence, undecided on whether or not to invest in yourself and your biz… Now’s the time to jump down and commit to a vibey new website for 2022! 🤩
If you have any questions about the templates, how they work, what's included, etc, just drop us a DM! 💛

Timeline photos 29/11/2021

I've said this before and I'll say it a thousand times over... Launched is better than perfect, people. 🚀
Lemme jump up onto my soapboax for a minute...
The amount of brilliant, capable women that pop up in my inbox unsure of themselves and their ideas, letting perfectionsim hold them back from launching their ideas out into the world honestly boggles my mind. 🤯
So, lemme be direct and remove all doubt.
Each day, week, month, year you spend obsessing over tiny details and NOT LAUNCHING your business - is time wasted. ⏰
Of course, there's a process and I understand wanting to get your ducks in a row and do your due diligence but there's a BIG difference between that and just plain old perfectionism-driven procrastination. 🤷🏼‍♀️
What if you could figure things out as you go WHILST getting paid for your work? (Spoiler - you absolutely can.)
Seriously, set yourself a deadline, practice fast decision making (a much-needed entrepreneurial skill and one that can absolutely be learned!), and LAUNCH YOUR DAMN BUSINESS, OK!? 😆
I'm here if you need a (loving) kick up the butt. Rooting for you, always!
Oh, and if it's your website that's holding you back... WE GOTCHU! Our plug-n-play, strategically designed, stylish as all hell website templates will make getting online SO EASY! 👌🏼
Oh, and they're 30% off till tomorrow! Just add code CYBER30 at checkout! 😉