Successful People

Successful People




No Money in Circulation but Laziness is in high supply!!!!

I will give you FOUR examples...

Two young adults came to visit me one morning.

They needed money for food.

I told them that I do not have enough but if they don't mind, they should help me and wash my car so that I can give them the money I budgeted for the car wash.....

Both of them left lazily and I took the car to the car wash......

We have approximately 10 trips of sand dumped by a caterpillar.

I wanted to level the place for motorists and saw 3 young guys parading the street with noisy music from one China torchlight.

When I asked them how much they will collect to level it, they said 5k each, I asked them to commence. In the evening, I drove to the site with their money, I was shocked when I got there and noticed that they did nothing.

On my way back, I saw one of them who told me that they couldn't find a shovel to do the work.......

One undergraduate came to me seeking assistance..

He condemned all the elites because according to him, they refused to dash him money.

While the discussion was on, my launderer brought the clothes he washed for me.

The young man was surprised at the cost.

I now asked him to learn the job so that I can talk to the elites to patronise him during holidays...

He told me that washing clothes for "big men" is washing away someone's talent because they have "blood money"....

Their money is not blood money when they give you without work but will become blood money once you wash their clothes.

I met one of my friends one day, he narrated how he has been suffering and how he couldn't meet up to his responsibilities as husband again, I felt for him and told him to join my farming business but to my greatest surprise, he bluntly refused and told me that farming business is not meant for graduates.......

At this juncture, I switched off....

No money in Circulation....

Overdose of Laziness in Circulation ☹️

*If you no work, you no go chop*

Please let us discourage the laziness and entitlement mentality from our wards, cousins, friends, relations, etc

*There is dignity in working rather than begging.*

~ _Anonymous_ ~


Old woman selling banana


Selling banana for old m**s


"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." - Pelé


Success doesn't respect colour
It doesn't respect looks
It doesn't respect heights. Success only respect vision, decisions, determination, dedication and diligence


Don't let the failure of yesterday to consume your today. Today has great opportunities therefore rejoice in God.
Joy is an attitude of SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE


Nothing just happened. Stop wishing that something will happen. Start to make things happen one step at a time


Daniel 2:21-22 KJV
and he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: he revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

2023 won't end without the release of your blessings

Photos from Successful People's post 13/12/2023

Whether by mistake, by play play, by someone pushing you.
Success requires taking a step.

Boy Who Went Viral At The Aba Fashion Week 2023 Becomes Adidas Ambassador


Happy birthday to you Sir. Thank you for being totally yielded to Him (God) and His work. More divine strength to continue to receive from God to give to us, the church in Jesus name. Amen

Photos from Successful People's post 26/09/2023

"Archbishop Margaret Ekhoe-Benson Idahosa"🙇❤️‍🔥🙌

The day we got married, my husband didn’t have a car, we only had a motorcycle. Yamaha, Yamaha 200, that was what we had. The day we got married, we borrowed our car. Our car took us to church and brought us back to the reception. Before the reception was over, the owner of the car told my husband that he had a place to go, so, he took the car. Then, we did our reception in the frontage of one of the in-law’s house.

“The in-law was coming back from Lagos and “he told his wife”, listen, I don’t want to meet any crowd at the front of my house. So, we hurried things over and when it was time for us to go home, there was no car. I had to tiptoe, my husband had to carry my veil and we had about 8 houses before we got to our house. My husband carried my veil, we both walked or trekked to the house,” she narrated.

Why am I saying this?

“I’m saying this to tell our young ladies that it’s not everything you must have. If I want a limousine to take me to church now, it’s at my beckon and I will get it, but then, there was none. But you see, don’t allow the position that you are in now to dictate your future because your future is bright, your future is great, your future is powerful. So, don’t let what you have now disturb you at all. My husband said before he left, he said where you are coming from is “hind”, that is, it’s behind you. There’s nothing to write home about where you are coming, but where you are now you are not perturbed because you know where you are going.

“So ladies, I know where you are going. I know because, I am a woman of God. I can pray you to where you are going, and also, believe God, believe God for yourself as Sarah believed God for herself. When you believe God, you become what you believe. So, I just want you to know that it was not roses everywhere, no, no, no but look at us today.

Ephphatha Channel


Reason you must build positive self image irrespective of your status now


The Love of God is deep




There is a better you than what you are now

Photos from Successful People's post 20/09/2023

When a pastor's child refuses to follow his father's footsteps, you hear "what a shame, pastor's son did this, pastor's daughter did that" etc

When a pastor's child takes after his father and continues the ministry work, you hear "they have turned church to family business."

Pls what exactly is these wailers' problem?

The ministry God called Abraham to was passed on to Isaac and then to Jacob. One family.

The priesthood was strictly given to the family of Levi. One family.

Israel was practically ruled by one family.
Moses, Aaron and Miriam controlled everything in Israel until their death. One family.

The priesthood in Israel was a family business (if you like to call it that), it was handed to Aaron and his sons and sons' sons forever.

God told David that his descendants would continue on the throne of kingship of Judah forever. David ruled Israel through his lifetime, handed over to his son Solomon who also passed it to his son. One family.

Ok, come to the New Testament.

John was Jesus' cousin. You may not realize it, but John and Jesus were the only authentic prophets of that day. One family.

Among Jesus' disciples were brothers. James and John, Peter and Andrew.

One of the most prominent Apostle of Jesus was his step brother, James.

Mark 6:3
Is not this (Jesus) the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James...?

Galatians 1:19
But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother.

To show you his authority in the church, this apostle James, who was Jesus' brother, was the one who gave the final verdict of how the Gentiles were to conduct themselves (after Peter, and other apostles had spoken).

Acts 15:13,19
[13]And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me:
[19]Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God:

(Some Bible scholars say he was actually the pastor of the church at Jerusalem, which was what you'd call the Headquarters of the church worldwide.)

When Paul and his team returned to Jerusalem from their ministry travels, he had to report to James the very next day after he returned.

Acts 21:17-18
[17]And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly.
[18]And the day following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the elders were present.

Apostle James was so prominent and Peter seemed to highly regard him to the point that when Peter saw the men he sent, he stopped eating with certain Gentiles thinking he would be offended if he got the report of him eating with them.

Galatians 2:12
For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.

This same James wrote one of the earliest Epistles - the Epistle of James.

He was the Lord's brother. Same family.

Paul said Timothy's spiritual heritage started from his grandmother Lois, passed through his mother Eunice, before it came to him.

So yes, families can carry on ministry because families can carry on grace.

This should not surprise anyone. God is not a respecter of persons, whoever catches the spirit of the person on whom He put his grace will carry same grace, family member or non family member.

Do you remember that one of the requirements to appoint an apostle to take the place of Judas was that he must have been present from the early days of Jesus' ministry? This is because anyone who will continue a ministry must know the history of the ministry, if possible by experience.

And since sons are raised in the same home of the man of God, under same atmosphere, knowing the in and out of his life and history of the ministry like part of their life, is it any wonder sons are often in the best place to carry on the ministry of their father?

Rather than asking, "is it now a family business?"
You should ask "is the grace of the father also on the son?" "Has the son been diligent enough to serve his father and carefully follow his footsteps?" These are the important questions to ask. And if the answer is Yes, then it is right for the son to continue the ministry his father started.

Now if the answer to these is no, and there's someone else who has been more a son to the man of God than his biological son, who has been an integral part of the ministry from the early days of that ministry or from his childhood, has served and visibly carries the grace on the man of God more than his biological son, then that person should probably carry on the ministry instead of the biological son, just like Joshua carried on Moses' ministry.

But you cannot know these things if you're not one of the elders and top decision makers of that ministry, in which case you are expected to close your mouth and mind your business.

So if anyone has an issue with Pastor Jimmy taking over the ministry work which his father started, that person is only ignorant of scriptures. If you call it family business, then be aware that it has always been family business from Bible days.

And if your problem is with his tattoo or locks, well why? Is the Holy Ghost bothered? I'm even considering the style sef.🤔

Cc: Sam Chiaka
Cc: Ngozichukwu Breakthrough
Cc: The Pastor


How to become Successful


Mentioned you


Happy new month


Every human inner voice.
Some call it INTUITION
Some other call it CONSCIENCE
Others call it VOICE OF THE SPIRIT


Don't believe the motivational speaker if you have not had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Mountain don't just move, it's moved by the Spirit of God. Zacharias 4:6-7

Photos from Successful People's post 16/07/2023

Never mock any man. Success has located ELUU P man. Entered a contract worth 100M Naira after being mocked.


Success in every man/woman. It all begins with the state of our mind


Ben Murray-Bruce becomes first owner of flying car in Nigeria
Ben Murray-Bruce becomes first owner of flying car in Nigeria
Senator Ben Murray Bruce has announced himself as the first owner of a flying car in Nigeria.

Though the car is yet to arrive in the country, nor even ready, the Silver Bird boss announced this on his preferred social media page — twitter, saying when the car is delivered he will be the first to own one in the country.

Talking about how flying cars is the future, he announced his $300,000 purchase thus;

“I am thrilled to announce my preorder of Alef, , the first FAA-approved flying electric car! A testament to our boundless future—flying cars aren’t just for sci-fi anymore. For years, I’ve been an advocate for electric vehicles, and I was the first to own one in Nigeria,” he said.

Credit to LadunLiadi;
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This is a prayer from my heart for my friends


Worry no more
I see you in a new house

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Old woman selling banana
Selling banana for old mams
The Love of God
The love of God is deep
Success in every man/woman. It all begins with the state of our mind
This is a prayer from my heart for my friends
