Catherine Allen

Catherine Allen

A Realtor and an artist.....I make your home shine when I sell it!


I want some


Pretty and looks delicious!


Hedy Lamar for the win

Belvedere Presents Daniel Craig, Directed by Taika Waititi: Director’s Cut 01/09/2023

Belvedere Presents Daniel Craig, Directed by Taika Waititi: Director’s Cut Belvedere Vodka reveals a monumental campaign featuring critically acclaimed actor, Daniel Craig, as he has never been seen before. Directed by Academy Award...


Sunset in Sarasota! A beautiful capture by Marina Goritsas.


This wild Kingfisher's grandparent, I found in the garden, nearly dead, some years ago. Nursed him back to health, and set him free. The next morning, the family swooped down, past me, in gratitude.
A couple of years later, I awoke to find the next generation, a parent of this bird, waiting for me on the terrace, his wing seemed broken. I picked him up and examined him. He never flinched, and stared deeply into my eyes. A thorn had locked his wing from operating. I pulled it out, and set him free. Without fail, he passes my window every day at the same time, crying out to me.
This baby, sat in the tree, eye to eye with me, then flew directly to my hand, and sat there for several minutes, before flying away.
Intuition, compassion, good intent, those essences of love, was all we had. Pure, unspoken.
An energy that has no end, and passes silently onward, much further than we can imagine..


"Everyone, meet Mr. Gino. The world’s nicest public works employee and my 3-year-old's best pal. Mr. Gino has been working our trash and recycling route since before we moved here 2 years ago. Every Wednesday and Thursday, he drives their truck down our back alley, beeps his horn so we know they’re coming, and hops out of his truck to talk to our family. Even my in-laws (who live out of state but visit periodically) know Mr. Gino, that’s how friendly he is.
This morning our doorbell rang and Gino and his wife were on our porch, bearing gifts for our triplets and this trash truck (which we have coincidentally been looking for in every store for weeks). His wife hand painted the City of Orlando logo on the side and stickered Gino’s truck number and Dougy (the nickname the guys yell out when they come down the alley and see us in the yard) on the front.
To say they made my little guy’s day is a giant understatement. And I stood there watching all of this joy unfold on my porch while holding back some big pregnancy hormone tears.
Sometimes friendship can come from surprising places—never underestimate the power of kindness and how much you can affect someone’s day."
Credit: Brittany Werth, Gino Stovall


“Charley, a new retiree-greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn't seem to get to work on time. Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy, clean-shaven, sharp-minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their "Older Person Friendly" policies.

One day the boss called him into the office for a talk. "Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job when you finally get here; but your being
late so often is quite bothersome."

"Yes, I know boss, and I am working on it."

"Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear".

"Yes sir, I understand your concern and I will try harder".

Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment, "I know you're retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you showed up in the morning late so often?"

The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled. He chuckled quietly, then said with a grin, "They usually saluted and said,
Good morning, Admiral, can I get your coffee, sir"?



“This is my great-grandma, Christina Levant Platt at age 100, weeding her garden. She was born into slavery. Her “owner” was a wife that taught my great grandma to read and write secretly, which was illegal and quite dangerous at that time for both of them. She learned to read the Bible.

She had 11 children, she lost two, one son was one of the first black attorneys in US. She sent the 4 boys to college in Boston. Exceptional in those days.

She passed 5yrs before I was born but I love her as if I knew her. Family tells me she would say “ I put prayers on my children’s children’s heads”.

This apparently worked💜

Around April 12, 1861, Christina was at the 1st battle of the CIVIL WAR, in Fort Sumter at Charleston Bay, South Carolina, working in the cotton fields.

She said “the sky was black as night” from cannonball fire. She saw a man decapitated by a cannonball.

She was the water girl for the other slaves as a young girl and “ the lookout” for the slaves in the fields for the approaching overseer on horseback as they secretly knelt and prayed for their freedom.

She would watch for the switching tail of the approaching horse and would alert the slaves to rise up and return to picking cotton before he saw them.

She eventually married a Native American from the Santee Tribe. John C, Platt.

After freedom, Christina insisted upon taking her children north as she knew they would not get a good education in the south, and that’s all she cared about. She died at age 101 in 1944, where she and her husband had built a home in Medfield, Massachusetts, the first black family to move there.

With great respect, I honor my great grandmother.
So much more I could say about this miraculous woman. She gave me much strength in my hard times.

Whenever I thought I was having a hard day, I would think of her and shrug it off.

Thank you for reading one story of millions. 💜 💜
Read more👇🏻

-Brenda Russell

Copied from Good People News

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Watch out, there's a tiger on the beach!

Incredible work by Beach4Art, who created this tiger using stones on a beach in Devon, England!


I grew up on a beach and can verify this. Plus studies have shown wave splash mist creates ozone that calms nerves



Does anyone have suggestions on where to donate clothes, particularly women's clothes? 08/07/2023

Does anyone have suggestions on where to donate clothes, particularly women's clothes? Someplace other than Goodwill. I am clearing out my closet and have a lot of good pieces that need a second life. Thank you!



Horse sculpture made from driftwood found in nature by Jeffro Uitto (Via Knock on Wood)


Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons




"you can use inexpensive wastebaskets from the dollar store to protect yount seedlings from squirrels and critters." - shared by Robert Durocher

via: Creative Gardening (public group)