Katie the Coach

Katie the Coach

We help entrepreneurs and business leaders live their best professional and personal lives.

It’s Not the End: Why Creating an Exit Strategy Sets Your Business Up for Long-Term Success 07/12/2023

"Start with the end in mind."

Last month I posted about entrepreneur exit strategies and how they seem furthest from most people's minds. After all, if you've only just started your business or if it's going well, why would you already be thinking about leaving?

Well, there are many reasons, just as there are many exits! Sale of ownership, initial public offering (IPO), liquidation, recapitalization, debt restructuring or refinancing, ownership transfer, mergers, and buybacks all have their own place in an entrepreneur's journey.

Which one is right for you? https://bit.ly/3sUicme

It’s Not the End: Why Creating an Exit Strategy Sets Your Business Up for Long-Term Success Planning an exit strategy is far from failure—it’s good business. Read more to learn the what, why and how of successful exit strategies. | SUCCESS


Everyone is chasing constant self-improvement.

Good! We should all aim to be a little bit better every day.

But you need something to aim for. Like a horse galloping towards the sun, you need a blueprint for success.

That's where I come in. In just 90 minutes my blueprint will give you the traction and clarity you've been missing.

Make 2024 your year and light a fire under yourself today: https://bit.ly/40SKEQX


There's still a lot of discussion about productivity in office vs remote work.

This article shares some interesting points on how remote workers can be more engaged than those working in an office:

🏠 A remote workforce is a more inclusive, higher-quality workforce
🏠 Remote workers are happier ― and more productive
🏠 Flexibility fosters self-determination

There are several more, but you get the gist. I'm curious if you agree or think these are just subjective statements. What does your experience tell you? https://bit.ly/3SYBnpu

Strategies For Effective Team Dynamics - TechRound 30/11/2023

The old picture of "the boss" being a stuffy autocrat is largely a thing of the past.

The changing social and technological landscape means leaders are much more likely to be more compassionate, flexible, and fluid, and those who are, see more success than those who aren't.

Those leaders who embrace resilience, communication, and diversity have more productive, stronger, and happier teams, and are in better shape to face whatever challenges come in the future.

Are you missing any of these strategies? https://bit.ly/3QeghQT

Strategies For Effective Team Dynamics - TechRound Leadership has transcended traditional hierarchies to embrace more fluid and inclusive models. The essence of contemporary leadership hinges on fostering a conducive environment; one where team dynamics thrive. Effective team dynamics are the bedrock of


Decades of research have demonstrated the power of horse-human interaction, and the associated physical, emotional, and mental healing benefits are well documented.

Equine-assisted learning is another type of equine-assisted service that is gaining popularity and with good reason.

The leaders who have attended my Arena Breakthrough course have described the experience as "eye-opening" and left in a "remarkably different state of mind".

This is the power of unscripted horse behavior. There's simply nothing else like it. Find out why here: https://bit.ly/49aZZRO

PC: Segan Images

9 policies companies should implement to reduce burnout, according to employees 28/11/2023

25% of the workforce say they feel burnout often or always, and 82% say it's at least "sometimes".

This is from an American Heart Association study, and lucky for us, they also analyzed which policies made the most difference in battling burnout. These include:

❤️ Assess alignment between skillset and job tasks
❤️ Regularly assess workloads
❤️ Discourage work-related technology use after-hours

Which of the nine do you implement at your organization? https://bit.ly/49bCzvg

9 policies companies should implement to reduce burnout, according to employees Survey Highlights: The majority (82%) of employees say they at least sometimes feel burned out in their professional role, with a quarter (25%) saying they feel this way often or always. At organizations with all nine of the American Heart...

How to Prevent Psychosocial Risks While Promoting Well-Being 23/11/2023

"Is this the most effective route to supporting workplace well-being?"

A few years ago it was rare for this question to be asked, but now businesses are routinely asking it to battle the burnout crisis.

Whether they listen to the answer is another story altogether, as this article handily illustrates. Of course, preventing psychological risk is all but impossible, which is why resilience and well-being are so important in happy and productive teams.

Read about the Me-We-Us approach here and see if you've adopted something similar in your workplace: https://bit.ly/3FzvkA2

How to Prevent Psychosocial Risks While Promoting Well-Being Evidence-based well-being controls your psychosocial safety strategy needs.


Burnout is still on the rise and teams are swamped, tired, and fed up.

Now is the time to reset, reconnect, and reframe.

There simply isn't a better way to renew your focus and build strong connections than by stepping into the arena with horses.

Many are shocked at what they discover about themselves and the lessons they learn. Will you be?

Find out with a 1- or 2-day guided coaching experience, no riding necessary: https://bit.ly/3fmsHaM

5 Telltale Signs These Outdated Strategies Are Killing Your Business (and How to Get With the Times) | Entrepreneur 21/11/2023

❌ Low-quality customer experiences?
❌ Decreased productivity and poor sales performance?
❌ Reliance on manual data entry?

You could be killing your business.

Sounds dramatic, but it's true, that the workflows you use have a rippling effect throughout the whole organization. Improper or outdated ones not only waste your resources, but they irritate your employees and make their jobs harder.

Make sure you avoid these mistakes: https://bit.ly/49axfbF

5 Telltale Signs These Outdated Strategies Are Killing Your Business (and How to Get With the Times) | Entrepreneur With the constant evolution of technology shaping how businesses operate and interact with customers, it's important to advance your own business processes and technologies to yield these benefits and stay relevant.


I've posted before about how important employee engagement is (hands up if you never want to hear about "quiet quitting" again) and with the amount of articles written about it, you'd think leaders would have cottoned on by now.

Sadly not! Latest figures show that "almost 70% don’t feel as engaged as they should be and aren’t feeling a meaningful connection to their job".

With only 31% fully engaged with work, things still need to change. What is interesting is that the article says that many employees would rather their jobs be made easier than have more development opportunities.

Some thought-provoking takeaways here: https://gtnr.it/3Qv6448


We've all heard of "imposter syndrome", and I'm sure many of us have experienced it.

That is, of course, until we realize that, actually, we do know what we're doing after all! That's why we really should rename it to "imposter moments".

Everyone feels they're not up to the challenge ahead at one point or another, but learning to ignore those false flags is a real skill.

Raising two young horses has given me plenty of imposter moments. But horses have also helped me and my clients see these moments in a new light.

Read about my journey here and sign up for the newsletter: https://bit.ly/3QafbFT

PC: Cindy Schultz

Every Entrepreneur Needs an Exit Strategy — Here's Why | Entrepreneur 14/11/2023

Most entrepreneurs probably don't start a business with an exit strategy already planned out.

But having one is important for several reasons, depending on your goals. It could be that you want to retire sooner, or that you're eager to move on and set up a new business. In any case, you'll need a detailed exit strategy if you want to make the most of your decision.

Do you have an exit strategy, or is that the furthest thing from your mind right now? https://bit.ly/3s4knDn

Every Entrepreneur Needs an Exit Strategy — Here's Why | Entrepreneur A critical part of strategic planning for your business is creating an exit strategy.

5 Ways HR Plays a Part in Business Strategy - TechRound 09/11/2023

People are the heart and soul of every business, which is why HR is so important in fostering a productive and successful environment.

This article lists five key ways that HR forms the core of a business's strategy:

✅ Shaping company culture
✅ Talent acquisition
✅ Employee retention
✅ Performance management
✅ Workforce planning

Any business leader who fails to make HR a key component of their strategy will never perform at their best.

What does HR mean to you in your organization? https://bit.ly/474Odq3

5 Ways HR Plays a Part in Business Strategy - TechRound Human resources (HR) is an important part of all businesses, particularly when setting the strategy and direction for any business or startup.


"I do not like nature. This was an exception. It was thought-provoking, as it made me consider how I lead people in the workplace, as well as interact with colleagues and teammates." - Shawn Moodie

It doesn't matter if you're an outdoorsy person or not. Everyone can learn something by just being near a horse.

Step into the arena and find your path forward: https://bit.ly/3CeQGBA


Sometimes you just want to learn while giving your eyes a rest. That's where podcasts come in, and this is a great one from HBR.

Just from the title, "The Strategy Mistake Too Many Startups Make", you know this is an important listen, and at only 25 minutes, you can be done while commuting or washing the dishes (if you have a lot of dishes).

Do you agree with the mistake Thales Teixeira mentions? Let me know in the comments: https://bit.ly/470a2rr

How to Be an Industry Leader and Innovator. | Entrepreneur 02/11/2023

Becoming an industry leader doesn't have to be complicated.

You can have multi-year plans, hacks, and strategies, but when it really comes down to it you only have to work backward from one thing:

"Start with the customer experience and work backward from there."

If you're completely focused on your customers, the rest naturally follows. Simple, but true: https://bit.ly/3RwHMHI

How to Be an Industry Leader and Innovator. | Entrepreneur Innovation isn't just about making something new; it's about improving something.


"Katie’s approach to leadership training utilizing horses was eye-opening for all the team members and is such a fresh perspective on how best to handle different employee styles and situations.” – Kevin Brasser, Plant Director, Quad Graphics

Achieve greater confidence in decision-making, along with lower stress and greater mental energy by learning from horses. It's like no other leadership training you've ever done before: https://bit.ly/3PR6QIs

Psychological safety: A driver of workplace dynamics and wellbeing 31/10/2023

Psychological safety is incredibly important for everyone.

It's the ability to learn, make mistakes, and grow without fear of punishment or humiliation. How often have you wanted to try something, but stopped yourself because it could backfire or someone might laugh?

Yet without experimentation, without risk, innovation never occurs. Do what you can to make sure your workplace is psychologically safe for everyone: https://bit.ly/3PyiCps

Psychological safety: A driver of workplace dynamics and wellbeing Establishing and maintaining a culture of psychological safety requires dedication, but the dividends it pays are invaluable.

Remote work policies should consider employee preferences, report suggests 26/10/2023

What do employees want?

Well, more than half say working in the office is preferable to remote work.

But 44% said they would take a pay cut if it gave them more freedom to work remotely.

The key takeaway from figures like these is that every employee is different, and what truly matters is being flexible when it comes to working arrangements: https://bit.ly/3PQiK5e

Remote work policies should consider employee preferences, report suggests Many employees said they prefer working on site but also appreciate remote work’s benefits.

Katie Navarra 25/10/2023

One hour can change your life.

So change yours, with my Content Amplifier Workshop.

In just 60 minutes, I'll work closely with you to see what you're doing right and where you can improve to get the outcomes you're looking for.

You'll leave with at least one big breakthrough: https://bit.ly/457Dkm1

Katie Navarra An award-winning writer focusing on Horses, Farming, Business & Leadership, Education and Landscape

Here's the Secret to Growing Your Small Business, According to Execs at UPS, Airbnb, Mastercard, and Other Big Brands | Entrepreneur 24/10/2023

Here's an article that lists what top entrepreneurs think small businesses need to know to be successful.

Some, like "Become 10% more efficient", are a bit obvious (why not 20% more efficient?) but what stood out to me was "Remember the little things".

You can apply this to so much, from how you treat your customers to getting more out of your staff and even how to live your life. Because, truly, what is life but the little things?

Which tip do you find most inspiring? https://bit.ly/3sZRqIG

Here's the Secret to Growing Your Small Business, According to Execs at UPS, Airbnb, Mastercard, and Other Big Brands | Entrepreneur These 10 executives work at big companies, overseeing programs that help small business. Here's the advice they wish all small business owners were getting.


Have you signed up for my insightful newsletter Words of Winston yet?

I post updates and stories about sweet Winston, a foal I'm raising.

It doesn't just have cute pictures. You might be surprised just how much this little creature can teach us (he's not quite so little anymore!).

Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/46pZZLi

Some employees are destroying value. Others are building it. Do you know the difference? 19/10/2023

McKinsey's new research shows that employee disengagement costs businesses a LOT of money in lost productivity.

It could be as much as between $228 million and $355 million a year.

Their research also indicated 6 different types of employees, from the quitters to the thriving stars that bring unprecedented value to your company.

It's a thoroughly interesting piece of research and one that every leader should read: https://mck.co/3Pvr7Sv

Some employees are destroying value. Others are building it. Do you know the difference? More than half of all employees report being relatively unproductive at work. We look at new research on how companies can improve workplace productivity.

Why Empathetic Leadership Matters for CEOs | Vistage 17/10/2023

Successful leaders lead with empathy.

What does that look like in practice? Well, a true empathetic leader will be a motivator, supporter, communicator, and includer.

Above all, they're kind and make the workplace one where employees feel valued and trusted. Who wouldn't want to work in a place like that? https://bit.ly/3EPnqBZ

Why Empathetic Leadership Matters for CEOs | Vistage Empathy is more than just a buzzword. Learn how to be an empathetic leader and what it can mean for your workplace culture and bottom line.

Employers have 44 days to convince new hires to stay, study says 12/10/2023

Welcoming someone onto the team isn't really the end of the hiring process.

In many ways, it's just the beginning, as those new hires will tell you:

70% say they decide if a new job is right for them within the first month, and 29% know within the first week. That's pretty quick, and shows that leaders must do everything they can to foster an inclusive culture right from the get-go: https://bit.ly/3RDZV6N

Employers have 44 days to convince new hires to stay, study says Almost half of new hires regret their decision within a week, the research indicates.


The new virtual work paradigm has thrown a lot of us off.

It requires a new way of thinking and a new set of skills to truly excel. Luckily for you, I've written a completely free guide that will teach you how to do just that!

Sign up for it on my site today: https://bit.ly/407FaSd

Why The 85/15 Rule Might Save You From Burnout 10/10/2023

Do you follow the 85/15 rule?

If you don't, or if you haven't even heard of it, it could be the key to keeping your sanity.

Simply put, it means giving tasks just 85% of your effort instead of the maximum.

This doesn't mean you're being lazy. Far from it: you're keeping something in reserve so you can keep going. A horse that gallops full speed will collapse in no time, so pulling back a bit can be all you need to cross the finish line: https://bit.ly/3t4rtIf

Why The 85/15 Rule Might Save You From Burnout Hugh Jackman and Usain Bolt are both fans. Read more on Grazia.


We've all heard about having a support network. They're people who act like a security blanket, who soothe you with what you want to hear.

That can be a very important thing, but really successful leaders also have a "challenge network", too.

This will consist of those whose opinions you trust but will ask you the tough questions to make sure you're doing your best work.

Do you have one? https://bit.ly/3LC3lTv


Horses can be our mentors in the workplace.

In the Arena Breakthrough workshop, you will learn how to:

🐎 Foster better relationships with your colleagues, clients, and customers
🐎 Develop better communication skills
🐎 Improve your problem-solving skills

There is no riding involved, so you can focus on the lessons without worrying about falling off!

And, by the end of the workshop, you will feel a sense of calm and confidence that will help you succeed in your career.

Get in the (metaphorical) saddle today: https://bit.ly/3Eb8iyC

How Pay Transparency Can Improve Staff Retention and Recruitment 03/10/2023

"Shh! Don't talk about pay!"

Why not? This culture of secrecy needs to be resigned to history, don't you think?

Forbidding staff from talking about pay is a great way to show that your organization isn't to be trusted.

Not great for employee satisfaction or retention. Whereas the benefits of pay transparency are numerous: https://bit.ly/45JOON5

How Pay Transparency Can Improve Staff Retention and Recruitment Pay transparency has been gaining momentum and is considered a step towards pay equity and reducing gender and racial pay gaps.


People love working remotely.

But managing an invisible ethereal team isn't exactly easy.

If you're the manager of a new remote team, make life a bit easier for yourself by:

✅ Having regular "face-to-face" meetings
✅ Gathering feedback at every opportunity
✅ Creating fun virtual connections

Teamwork is teamwork, whether in person or over an Internet connection. Managing it just requires a new set of skills: https://bit.ly/45hWzKu


Are you free tomorrow for a potentially life-changing event?

Join me and Margo Rudzinski in the arena to unplug and recharge.

There are still limited places available, so if you're in the New York area, stop on by.

Interact with horses (no riding or horse experience necessary) and learn from them. They really are nature's best teachers.

Sign up here: https://bit.ly/44DXJyF

Building resilient workforce: Why prioritizing mental health support, wellness is essential for future-ready MSMEs 26/09/2023

Mental health, mental health, mental health.

Nearly every article you find online will talk about it somewhere, and the reason is blindingly obvious:

It's because your people are your greatest asset, and if they're unwell you're seriously in trouble.

Mentally resilient teams are worth their weight in gold, and the good news is that resilience is something that can be taught and learned. It's incredibly worthwhile, and you can find out how here: https://bit.ly/44pQnz1

Building resilient workforce: Why prioritizing mental health support, wellness is essential for future-ready MSMEs It is important to have a sound mental health and well-being in the workplace as these may impact the individual and organisational success.


☑️ Trust
☑️ Psychological safety

These are two boxes that you MUST tick in order to develop your employees.

I see this every day when I work with horses. Trust and safety is so important! Without it, a horse is incapable of doing even the most basic things, let alone taking a risk.

And taking risks is part of growing and being successful. Make sure your employees feel they're safe to do so, and watch them soar: https://bit.ly/3qLCdKG


Who knew that raising a baby horse could teach you so much about life and business?

Well, I did! I've talked about the power of horses for a long time, but even after all these years, baby Winston is teaching me new things.

Find out what lessons I've learned this month by signing up for my newsletter, Words of Winston. It's a ray of sunshine in your inbox: https://bit.ly/45DAHcj

Recruiting efforts falling short? Consider telling candidates the truth 19/09/2023

It really shouldn't need to be said that lying to new hires is a bad way to start a relationship.

Yet, according to a new study, 55% of firms have had an employee walk out after they'd been deceived in the hiring process!

I get that times are tough and companies are doing all they can to hire new talent, but this isn't the way. You expect your employees to be honest, so you should respond in kind.

Misrepresenting yourself during recruitment will only lead to more costs and a waste of resources.

Have you heard any stories of this happening recently?: https://bit.ly/3YO2vZc

Recruiting efforts falling short? Consider telling candidates the truth Real eyes realize real lies.

Building Resilient Teams: How Managers Can Detect and Respond to Burnout | ATD 14/09/2023

89% of workers have experienced burnout within the past year.

Shocking, right?

Of course not, it's all we hear about these days!

It seems like work attitudes still need changing, especially in managers whose job it is to spot the telltale signs and deal with it quickly.

This article will help you with it, but my top tip is to always foster an open and transparent environment. The last thing you want is your employees bottling things up until they walk out: https://bit.ly/3P9DCEd

Building Resilient Teams: How Managers Can Detect and Respond to Burnout | ATD Burnout can lead to detrimental consequences in the workplace. But knowing the signs can help to prevent and reduce this chronic issue. Explore how managers can identify the early signs and learn practical strategies to support and prevent employee burnout.


Content is king in the digital age.

People are consuming more content than ever before, on their phones, TVs, computers, and even in podcasts. This means that there is a lot of competition for attention.

If you want your content to stand out, you need to have a clear strategy.

That's where my Content Amplifier Workshop comes in.

In this workshop, we'll work together to uncover what's working well and identify areas where you can improve. By the end of it, you'll have a clear plan to amplify your content and reach a wider audience.

Click here and let's start working together: https://bit.ly/3EaqyYQ

Where’s your work bestie at? How to create employee experiences that engage 12/09/2023

Are you lucky enough to have a work bestie?

That friend that helps you make it through the day, that you'd truly miss if you or they left the company?

Work best friends are so important. Those bonds you share are different to those you get outside of work, but cultivating them in remote teams is tough.

Can you have a a work best friend even if you say actually see them? This article says you can, and offers strategies to cultivate these relationships in your team. Do you find it difficult to be truly connected when working remotely? If so, how do you handle it? https://bit.ly/45jvAOE

Where’s your work bestie at? How to create employee experiences that engage Top-down decision-making is out, and collaboration is in.

Avoid Burnout and Powerless Rage 07/09/2023

"And after spending tens of thousands of hours over decades of listening, I can wholeheartedly confirm what you already know: having healthy relationships with healthy boundaries in our unhealthy society is hard work."

This is powerful reading.

People suffering from burnout are usually suffering from the same thing, this unhealthy work/life boundary.

But these boundaries are vital to keeping healthy and happy. Easier said than done of course, when time is short and there's so much to be done.

I recommend reading this whole article, but my favorite takeaway is that we must do more to honor our boundaries, as without them we can't hold ourselves or each other accountable.

Do you need to work on your boundaries? https://bit.ly/45kM20Z

Avoid Burnout and Powerless Rage Everywhere we turn, we run into the traps of cynicism, indifference, despair, fatigue, burnout, and powerless rage.