The Alignment Grid

The Alignment Grid

There's a reason why your marketing isn't working. Watch this free webinar at Find everything you need at 08/03/2018

Hey everybody. Want to take this quick quiz? I put together 9 questions (in the text below) to help you gauge your consultations alignment. These questions will help you see what areas you need to improve, such as your process, positioning or wording.

A "Yes" on a statement (below) means you are fully aligned.

A "No" means you are not aligned and may experience problems, such as:

> Energy drain from talking to the wrong people
> Morale drop from getting too many "no" responses
> Not enough income
> Problems from bringing on the wrong clients even when you get them to say yes
> Problems with clients either backing out, dropping out or not paying you.

*Note: Should you want my personal help with your consultations, my big sale absolutely ends Friday March 9 at 4 pm Eastern / 1 pm Pacific.*

Ready to gauge your alignment? Answer these questions with a yes or no.

1) I always position the consultation as a chance to get clear on the person’s needs and see If I’m the right person to help them, rather than positioning it as a free session.

2) I know exactly what questions to ask so I can tell 100% whether the person is my ideal client.

3) I ask most of those questions in an application so I can screen out those who I know I wouldn’t be making an offer to.

4) My consultations have a clear structure and the conversation never gets away from me.

5) I avoid going into “helping” mode (or begin coaching the person if I’m a coach), since the purpose of the consultation is to diagnose, not treat.

6) When I go to make my offer, I feel good inside and I’m 100% being myself.

7) I approach each consultation with the intention of learning more about the person’s needs and helping them find the solution that’s right for them, not trying to get something.

8) I help the client gauge their readiness to move forward instead of their commitment or motivation.

9) I clearly know my offers, my pricing and am ready to share that when I make my offer.

How did you do? Can you see where things might be causing a problem? The above principles can help guide you in creating an ethical, effective and JOYFUL process for consultations.

Would you like some help improving your conversations — or learning the framework for how to do it in a way that works and is joyful at the same time? I'm offering one last chance to join my big sale and get my personal help.

Self-study regular price: $497
Online coaching add-on: $300
Total regular package price: $797

Big sale price: $197
You save $600, or 75%

*Spots were filled several days ago, but I believe I will have time to help a few more of you, and I really want you to "get" this because it's such a crucial skill.

****This promotion absolutely ends Friday March 9 at 4 pm Eastern (US).****

Click to see if this step is right for you:

Writing Program | Beth A. Grant 27/09/2017

Are you writing these days? When you do -- for business, for example -- is your true voice coming through? Or are you shutting down the coolest parts of you in the name of business?

Do you ever just write for expression and enjoyment? That's another question I think it's important to ask yourself.

I wasn't for a long time, but writing holds so many benefits I always return to it, like an old friend who knows me better than anyone. I always end up hungry for the expression.

I keep separate journals for different purposes. The big one you see below houses everything related to making my dreams come true.

I also write on my MacBook sometimes ... generally this is when I'm writing potential stories for my memoir, or when I'm creating an article or writing my newsletter.

When I don't write regularly, like any skill, it gets rusty. Occasionally I even lovingly laugh at myself at how poorly I'm writing, because I got out of practice. But soon enough, I'm connected again and my skills are back.

In October I'll be leading a group through a writer's program to help you connect with your True Voice and become creatively nourished.

This "truest" self-connection tends to organically spill out into other areas of your life, like your business or your marriage.

But maybe the best part is how good writing FEELS.

Would you like to join us?

If it's right for you, I hope you will! $125 for four weeks. (Beta pricing ... you'll be asked to complete a survey.)

Includes mentoring and support meetings + Google Group to share your work if you wish, ask questions and make new friends.

Registration closes September 30, and we already have a robust group enrolled. See if it's right for you here:

Writing Program | Beth A. Grant

My radical approach to consultations will have you jumping for joy. 08/06/2017

Just a heads up ... my birthday sale is wrapping up. (BTW thanks for all the bday notes!) This is the last day to save 75% ($600) on my most popular program, Creating Abundance Through Conversation. Click below to see how this program can improve, refine or reform your consultations ... BIG TIME. And read about what others have said about the content and about the radical concept of having me personally guide them through the modules. Imagine that: getting personal help. ;-)

My radical approach to consultations will have you jumping for joy. Last day to save 75% and turn your conversations into profits.

Create the income you want in a way that's aligned with who you are. 03/11/2016

*FINAL HOURS TO SAVE 75%* Did you know in my first year in business I held 70 consultations without ONE sale? Arrgh! I tried using a popular method but the whole time, I felt a strange mix of guilt / shame / dissonance inside. Worst of all, it didn't work.

There are lots of conversation-based "scripts" and methods, but
almost all of them are built for sharks -- people who want to impose
their agenda of getting the buyer to say yes, and do whatever it takes to make this happen.

Through that experience I decided to ditch the "shark" ways and find my own way as a dolphin.

Last year I made six figures. Eighty-three percent of that income was made through conversations. Most colleagues would say the same about their businesses. This year seventy percent will come through these consultations.

If you are in the Conversational row on the Archetype Alignment™ Grid, this skill is essential, but you'll want to learn to do it in a way that you get to be the dolphin you are.

With this in mind, today I'm putting my most popular program on sale, Creating Abundance Through Conversation to give you the freedom to earn all the profits you want while being FREE to be yourself.

Here are the highlights of the sale:

* Instead of paying $797, you'll pay just $197, a 75% savings.

* In case you're bad at math, that means you'll save $600. ;-) ;-)

* The first 15 people to enroll will be personally mentored by me through the program via online coaching.

* Online coaching is usually 90 days. I'll give you 180 days instead -- MORE than enough time to get everything you need. Way more.

* In case you don't have it, I'll bonus you my Quick Start Program, a $97 value. This will give you an in-depth understanding of all of your archetypes. It's 99 pages of pure gold.

* Sale ends at 6 pm Eastern November 3 OR until I fill the 15 online coaching spots, whichever comes first. (As I write this Thursday morning, 10 spots are taken.)

If you think you will EVER use conversation to fill your programs or bring on clients, now is the time to learn to do it like the dolphin you are.

Click here for details and instructions on receiving your $600 discount:

Create the income you want in a way that's aligned with who you are. 75% off sale is ending today.

Create the income you want in a way that's aligned with who you are. 01/11/2016

*FLASH SALE - save 75%* Did you know in my first year in business I held 70 consultations without ONE sale? Arrgh! I tried using a popular method but the whole time, I felt a strange mix of guilt / shame / dissonance inside. Worst of all, it didn't work.

There are lots of conversation-based "scripts" and methods, but
almost all of them are built for sharks -- people who want to impose
their agenda of getting the buyer to say yes, and do whatever it takes to make this happen.

Through that experience I decided to ditch the "shark" ways and find my own way as a dolphin.

Last year I made six figures. Eighty-three percent of that income was made through conversations. Most colleagues would say the same about their businesses.

If you are in the Conversational row on the Archetype Alignment™ Grid, this skill is essential, but you'll want to learn to do it in a way that you get to be the dolphin you are.

With this in mind, and in honor of Independence Day in the US, today I'm putting my most popular program on sale, Creating Abundance Through Conversation to give you the freedom to earn all the profits you want while being FREE to be yourself.

Here are the highlights of the sale:

* Instead of paying $797, you'll pay just $197, a 75% savings.

* In case you're bad at math, that means you'll save $600. ;-) ;-)

* The first 15 people to enroll will be personally mentored by me through the program via online coaching.

* Online coaching is usually 90 days. I'll give you 180 days instead -- MORE than enough time to get everything you need. Way more.

* In case you don't have it, I'll bonus you my Quick Start Program, a $97 value. This will give you an in-depth understanding of all of your archetypes. It's 99 pages of pure gold.

* Sale is for two days OR until I fill the 15 online coaching spots, whichever comes first. Last time I ran this sale, the spots were all gone within 24 hours, so don't delay -- take a look right now.

If you think you will EVER use conversation to fill your programs or bring on clients, now is the time to learn to do it like the dolphin you are.

Click here for details and instructions on receiving your $600 discount:

Create the income you want in a way that's aligned with who you are. Save 75% while spots last.

See how to hold conversations as a dolphin, not a shark. Let the process do the work for you! 03/07/2016

*FREEDOM SALE - save 75%* Did you know in my first year in business I held 70 consultations without ONE sale? Arrgh! I tried using a popular method but the whole time, I felt a strange mix of guilt / shame / dissonance inside. Worst of all, it didn't work!

There are lots of conversation-based "scripts" and methods, but
almost all of them are built for sharks -- people who want to impose
their agenda of getting the buyer to say yes, and do whatever it takes to make this happen.

Through that experience I decided to ditch the "shark" ways and find my own way as a dolphin.

Last year I made six figures. Eighty-three percent of that income was made through conversations. Most colleagues would say the same about their businesses.

If you are in the Conversational row on the Archetype Alignment™ Grid, this skill is essential, but you'll want to learn to do it in a way that you get to be the dolphin you are.

With this in mind, and in honor of Independence Day in the US, today I'm putting my most popular program on sale, Creating Abundance Through Conversation to give you the freedom to earn all the profits you want while being FREE to be yourself.

Here are the highlights of the sale:

* Instead of paying $797, you'll pay just $197, a 75% savings.

* In case you're bad at math, that means you'll save $600. ;-) ;-)

* The first 15 people to enroll will be personally mentored by me through the program via online coaching.

* Online coaching is usually 90 days. I'll give you 180 days instead -- MORE than enough time to get everything you need. Way more.

* In case you don't have it, I'll bonus you my Quick Start Program, a $97 value. This will give you an in-depth understanding of all of your archetypes. It's 99 pages of pure gold.

* Sale is for three days OR until I fill the 15 online coaching spots, whichever comes first.

If you think you will EVER use conversation to fill your programs or bring on clients, now is the time to learn to do it like the dolphin you are.

Click here for details and instructions on receiving your $600 discount:

See how to hold conversations as a dolphin, not a shark. Let the process do the work for you! This is the #1 skill you'll want to master. Click to learn more.

Immerse Yourself in Joyful Alignment for 2 Straight Days. Guaranteed Awesome. 17/06/2016

Feeling spontaneous and want to get away? Come to Chicago next week and get aligned at my brand new highly-rated 2-day VIP Alignment Intensive, "Follow Your Joy Into Alignment." We'll get you aligned in your business model, your marketing, your life ... through a fun process I'll walk you through.

We'll then dig into the details of YOUR business and you'll make powerful choices that will raise your joy, free up your time and increase your profits.

You'll get major ME time. Dinner together. Two days of my undivided attention on your alignment & your business. And I'll walk you through a brand new, fun process you'll LOVE.

This intensive was rated 10 out of 10 by all four prior participants.

We only take *four* people for this focused 2-day experience. So you get LOTS of attention.

I still have a spot for you. (You'll love your fellow attendees ... they are smart, kind people who are waiting to support you.) The investment for this intensive is less than many mass-in-a-class programs. (And you'll save 85% over the cost of a private 2-day intensive with me.)

Click to learn more:

Immerse Yourself in Joyful Alignment for 2 Straight Days. Guaranteed Awesome. My clients rated this experience 10 out of 10 in every category. Now you can experience it, too.

Truth Guide Webinars Are VERY Different from the Guru Method. 06/06/2016

*Gentle reminder* Today is the last day to register if you want to learn how to create profitable webinars as a Truth Guide. Here are some of the main points of my recent Master Class on Webinars Success Strategies for Truth Guides, in case you missed it:

1) Guru style is to "systemize" your content into an offer. Big no-no for Truth Guides. Your ideal clients don't want to be told what to do or be sold formulas. They want to be EMPOWERED to actually solve their problem on a deeper level, or discover something.

2) If you're a Truth Guide, don't spend your webinar teaching. If you've tried this, you already know your buyer won't purchase. To attract your ideal client and motivate them to buy, focus on showing them what's going on. (That means giving them clarity on why their problem has been happening.)

3) Gurus use promise-driven webinars. (Notice the use of testimonials and name-dropping.) You should be using clarity-driven webinars. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

4) Gurus do a long preamble ... often 15-20 minutes. This is where they are establishing credibility through telling a rags to riches story, dropping names of their famous clients, etc. If you do this, your ideal buyers will leave. They want your content.

5) Gurus set up - set up - set up - PITCH their offer. You empower your buyer to choose by showing them what's going on and inviting them into your solution. And if you try those hypey pitches, your audience is going to wonder why you just turned from a dolphin into a shark.

*By request, I'll be guiding Truth Guides through how to craft your aligned webinar. You can then rinse and repeat, or use the same method to customized a second (or third or fourth) webinar as you go forward.*

Registration closes TODAY, Monday June 6 five minutes before my head hits the pillow (around 11 pm Eastern). See if the program is right for you here:

Truth Guide Webinars Are VERY Different from the Guru Method. Learn to craft your webinar in a way that's aligned with your Truth Guide nature. You'll feel expansive inside and attract the RIGHT buyers -- people who bring you joy and tap into your highest brilliance.

Truth Guide Webinars Are Different | Beth A. Grant 01/06/2016

Hey all. Here are some of the main points of my recent Master Class on Webinars Success Strategies for Truth Guides, in case you missed it:

1) Guru style is to "systemize" your content into an offer. Big no-no for Truth Guides. Your ideal clients don't want to be told what to do or be sold formulas. They want to be EMPOWERED to actually solve their problem on a deeper level, or discover something.

2) If you're a Truth Guide, don't spend your webinar teaching. If you've tried this, you already know your buyer won't purchase. To attract your ideal client and motivate them to buy, focus on showing them what's going on. (That means giving them clarity on why their problem has been happening.)

3) Gurus use promise-driven webinars. (Notice the use of testimonials and name-dropping.) You should be using clarity-driven webinars. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

4) Gurus do a long preamble ... often 15-20 minutes. This is where they are establishing credibility through telling a rags to riches story, dropping names of their famous clients, etc. If you do this, your ideal buyers will leave. They want your content.

5) Gurus set up - set up - set up - PITCH their offer. You empower your buyer to choose by showing them what's going on and inviting them into your solution. And if you try those hypey pitches, your audience is going to wonder why you just turned from a dolphin into a shark.

*By request, I'll be guiding Truth Guides through how to craft your aligned webinar. You can then rinse and repeat, or use the same method to customized a second (or third or fourth) webinar as you go forward.*

Registration closes soon. See if the program is right for you here:

Truth Guide Webinars Are Different | Beth A. Grant Learn to craft your webinar in a way that's aligned with your Truth Guide nature. You'll feel expansive inside and attract the RIGHT buyers ... people who will tap into your highest brilliance and fill you with joy. 21/02/2016

*** 1 DAY SALE ***
Last night I was at a cocktail party when something cool happened. Someone asked me what I do, and I blurted out, "I help entrepreneurs who are like dolphins create thriving businesses by being themselves, instead of teaching them to be sharks, which is what most sales and marketing training does." (Maybe the wine was making me a bit sassy.)

Immediately the doctor I was speaking with wanted to know more.

There are lots of conversation-based "scripts" and methods, but almost all of them are built for sharks -- people who want to impose their agenda of getting the buyer to say yes, and do whatever it takes to make this happen.

That never sat right with me. I tried using a very popular method but the whole time I was using it, I felt a strange mix of guilt / shame / discomfort / dissonance inside. Worst of all, it didn't work!

Through that experience I decided to ditch the "shark" ways and find my own way as a dolphin.

Last year I made six figures. Eighty-three percent of that income was made through conversations. Most people I know would say the same about their businesses.

This is the most important skill most of you will ever need to master.

If you are in the Conversational row on the Archetype Alignment™ Grid, this skill is essential, but you'll want to learn to do it in a way that you get to be the dolphin you are, not become a shark.

With this in mind, today I'm putting my most popular program on sale, Creating Abundance Through Conversation.

Here are the highlights of the sale:

* Instead of paying $797, you'll pay just $197, a 75% savings.

* In case you're bad at math, that means you'll save $600. ;-)

* You'll be personally mentored by me through the program via online coaching.

* Online coaching is usually 90 days. I'll give you 180 days instead -- MORE than enough time to get everything you need. Way more.

* I'll bonus you my Quick Start Program, so you'll be prepared for the upcoming Advanced Strategies Clinic I'm holding in a few weeks. This will give you an in-depth understanding of all of your archetypes. It's 99 pages of pure gold.

* Sale is for one day only.

If you think you will EVER use conversation to fill your programs or bring on clients, now is the time to learn to do it like the dolphin you are. Discount code can be found on the page.

Remember, always be yourself. :-)

Alignment Marketing for Heart Centered Entrepreneurs & Coaches w/Beth Grant 26/01/2016

Wow, what that fun! Did you miss our first blab? Here is a replay for you. We answered some great questions from listeners about how to choose marketing that's aligned with who they are. (Like, "If I'm a Conversation Truth Guide, will webinars work for me?") We also played a game, "If Proust Were a Marketer, These Are the Questions." I even SANG for you. Click play and have fun!

Alignment Marketing for Heart Centered Entrepreneurs & Coaches w/Beth Grant

Watch live conversations about topics that matter most to you 25/01/2016

Hey there aligned marketers. Beth here. We're trying something new: the Blab online platform! I'll be holding a mini-clinic twice this week with live Q&A, so bring your questions.

We'll help you brainstorm, I'll look at your marketing ... we're here to help.…

My guests and I will be chatting about what aligned marketing really looks like, how misalignment happens, myths and truths ... AND we'll be answering your "hot seat" questions.

You can watch, listen and interact with us. Mark your calendar and use the link below to join!

Fun Mini Clinic and Q&A:

Tuesday January 26
12 pm Eastern
11 am Central
10 am Mountain
9 am Pacific
5 pm London
6 pm Amsterdam
Click here to join us:

Watch live conversations about topics that matter most to you 29/12/2015

*Part 2 of my Generosity Sale on now* If Conversation is one of your Personal Persuasion Powers, today is your lucky day. :-) Save 75% PLUS get an *extra* 90 days of online coaching free PLUS my Quick Start Program free!

This is my favorite week of the year. It's all about planning and dreaming and releasing limits. In that spirit of joy, I'm releasing Part 2 of my annual Generosity Sale.

My goal with this sale is to empower you to align with your archetype so you can experience more ease, profits and joy in your business, while completely being yourself!

Since last year's sale was so well-loved, I'm holding a repeat performance AND adding a little sugar in to sweeten things up.

I'm offering my Creating Abundance Through Conversation with online coaching program again this year at 75% off. Regular price: $797. Your investment: $197. (Limited to the first 20 buyers; that is all I can reasonably coach.)

If Conversation is your Personal Persuasion Power, this is a no-brainer, folks. It is THE skill you'll want to master. My Certified Ambassadors had such stellar results using this program in their own businesses, they asked me to license it to them!

(Like Jaclyn Watson, who went from closing 50% of her intake conversations but being super drained and feeling icky inside, to feeling soulful & joyful and closing 10 out of 11 of the applicants for her $1,500 program. Sweet.) Read more stories at the link below.

Hmmm .... how can I be even more generous? How about if extend the online coaching from 90 days to 180 days and I throw in my new Quick Start Program, too? Sure, why not. That program is regularly $97. You won't see that on the offer page ... but I'll include instant access to the program for you. Click here to learn about the program:

Want a peek into what this program can do for you? Here is Jaclyn's Alignment Story:

"For the first year in my business, I used the bait-and-hook methods my mentors taught in their big business trainings, and I figured if it felt salesy, I'd just have to live with it. I did make money - I had around a 50% conversion rate but I wanted to come from a place of LOVE, and the conversation structure didn't leave any room for that.

When I decided to launch my group program, that bait-and-hook method flooded me with applications, but most of the prospects were under the illusion I was offering a free session. Bait-and-hook was really bait-and-switch.

I struggled hard to get 2 "yes-es" out of the first 15 prospects. It was draining.

Beth immediately saw where the misalignments were. After whipping through the Creating Abundance Through Conversation curriculum (I knew the investment would pay off with my very next client), I actually raised my fees, and STILL enrolled 10 out of the next 11 people I talked to, effortlessly filling my program!

The best part is that now, I adore consultations; it's a chance to build real relationships by serving from a place of true alignment with my values."

Want to experience this kind of alignment? Check out the program and see if it's right for you during my Generosity Sale, but be sure do it now. The online coaching upgrade is only available to the first 20 buyers: Check out Creating Abundance Through Conversation

Indicate interest - Powered by Infusionsoft 11/12/2015

From Beth: *End-of-Year Generosity Sale Part 1, on NOW.*
(Part 2 begins Dec 24.)

When I make an offer and someone says, "Wow, you are so generous," it makes me SO happy. So I asked myself, "How can I be even more generous as I close out this amazing year?"

Generosity Sale, Part 1 -- Certified Ambassador Program:

*If we both see a perfect fit and you enroll by December 23, you'll receive a bonus package that will absolutely DELIGHT you (see below). It's the most robust, Beth-are-you-sure-this-seems-like-a-lot bundle I've ever put together for this.*

I have a secret to share about my CA program:

People love using the Grid with their clients (and using it to attract new clients), but their favorite part of the program is actually the mentoring I give them in their own business.

Sure, your clients will get even better results, so your credibility will soar. That's a given.

And you get to use the Grid to attract new clients ... it's seriously the most compelling thing I've ever seen for that. It's like having an employee who goes around prospecting for you 24/7.

But when you see how to get aligned yourself, your business uplevels big time. You attract the right buyers. You never have to sell, EVER. And you become so much more JOYFUL.

If we both feel the program is perfect for you and you're one of the first 3 enrollees, I'm going to give you the most robust mentoring package I've ever offered. As in, lots of 1:1 access to me.

Like, how about I personally design a pipeline with you that directly helps you make up your investment immediately?

And how about including access to ALL of my courses absolutely free? See a skill you need to master? Boom, done.

Sure, why not?

How about I pay for your first year license fees, too, once you're certified?

Sounds good to me!

I'll share the details with you in a conversation but my goal is that you, too, will say, "Wow, you are so generous."

It all starts by you taking the step of just applying here. What do you have to lose?

Indicate interest - Powered by Infusionsoft

What is a marketing pipeline and why should you care? | Beth A. Grant 24/09/2015

*Reminder* The Pipelines Intensive & Roundtable registration deadline is quickly approaching. If you want help developing customized marketing strategy for your business based on your archetype, this is your chance! :-)

*Registration closes Saturday Sept 26 at 6 pm Eastern.*

Learn more here:

What is a marketing pipeline and why should you care? | Beth A. Grant What is a marketing pipeline and why should you care? by Beth Grant | Sep 4, 2015 | Alignment, Archetype Alignment Grid, Marketing | 0 comments Image via 123rtf Earlier this summer I held a series of clinics called “6 Ways to Use Your Archetype In Your Business for More Easy, Joy and Revenue.” After…

What is a marketing pipeline and why should you care? | Beth A. Grant 15/09/2015

Want to know what I think? I think you don't need more information. I mean, seriously, aren't we all in information overload? I think you need help taking what you now know about yourself (your marketing archetype) and actually seeing how to apply that knowledge in a practical way, so you can 1) leverage your time, and 2) create more revenue in a profitable way.

Because isn't that what everyone is chasing ... more freedom and higher profits? Of course it is. Duh, right?

There's a huge difference between revenue and profits. You can increase your revenue but if there's nothing left for YOU, what's the point???

What I do is create a streamlined, archetype-aligned marketing approach based on your desired offer ... I call this a marketing "pipeline."

I'm taking a small group of people through my process for doing this starting Sept 21. (Well, that's a soft date ... we really dig in starting the week of Sept 28). We've already had a lot of signups which is fun. I'm calling it the Pipelines Intensive.

I'm doing things a little differently than you might have experienced before. Here's how:

1) I'm releasing curriculum most Mondays during the program. You'll have the week to learn it, and let it sink in. I'm going on manageable chunks ... no information overload! No esoteric lectures.

2) On most Fridays I'll hold a Q&A where you can bring me your questions about it. You'll be crystal clear by Friday.

3) After you learn what you need to know, you'll join people in your same archetype in breakout sessions. I'll lead these sessions and my Certified Ambassadors (who go through intense training in the Grid) will be mentoring you, too.

4) You'll leave the program with your very own custom pipeline that YOU designed ... and then you'll put it into action!

You might be wondering, "What the heck is a pipeline and why should I care?" Well, here's more on that and the program, too. ;-)

What is a marketing pipeline and why should you care? | Beth A. Grant What is a marketing pipeline and why should you care? by Beth Grant | Sep 4, 2015 | Alignment, Archetype Alignment Grid, Marketing | 0 comments Image via 123rtf Earlier this summer I held a series of clinics called “6 Ways to Use Your Archetype In Your Business for More Easy, Joy and Revenue.” After…

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