Sarah Howe O'Brien

Sarah Howe O'Brien

Sometimes our questions to God can feel like knocking on the door of a house that nobody is answering.

In IS GOD ENOUGH, Sarah discovers a loving God, not behind closed doors but right beside us on the porch, inviting us to take a walk with Him.


Still loving us...


My father always believed in me. Once, while rocking my first wee babe to sleep, I asked my father, a man with 12 years of higher education, if he was disapppinted that I did not study beyond my Bachelors. Tears mingled with tenderness as he looked at me and my sweet baby girl before responding: "What could be more important than this little one? All things in due season Love." I felt his pride in me, in us, and his Love washed away any fear in me.
Today my children are nearly grown and yesterday I graduated with my Master's degree. My aunt sent a note this morning saying that my father would be looking down and smiling on me. At her words, pools formed in my eyes and the back of my throat caught as a sudden wave of missing him washed over me. Why did I suddenly miss him so? I didnt understand. FB answered ...its Fathers Day in North America (not Down Under)! Now, I pause in gratefulness He is smiling on me...and all my children. And I am smiling back through my tears of love and gratitude for this good, kind and wise father of mine: All things in due season. Happy Father's Day!

of life


Excited to share some excerpts from my new book among some beautiful poets! Come and join us...would love to see you there!

Photos from Sarah Howe O'Brien's post 15/02/2023

Who doesnt need a teddy bear friend?


"I am the way, the truth, and the life," is not a mere ideological, dogmatic, religious statement on how to get to heaven; it is an appeal to move within the source of life."


Time with Madz before she returns to her world! 💚🤍💛

Photos from Sarah Howe O'Brien's post 16/12/2022

Super excited to get a full box of IS GOD ENOUGH? Living on an island that closed its boarders during Covid made mail runs slow and dear. Finally, getting a full shipment to NZ! Whoohooo!!!! For all those who have been asking, I now have copies for purchase.


"They often ask what happens in the in-between, for they instinctively know that it is in such a broken-open time that the real work of living happens. This is where the joys and struggles of life collide with the power of the Gospel message, where fear gives way to faith, despair to hope, and where redemption is possible, no matter the mistakes you have made."
-Juliane Stance, Braving the Thin Places: Celtic Wisdom to Create a Space for Grace


Spots of joy sprouting in the mucky-muckness of knee deep mud. Spring is coming alive.


Wise and beautiful words from a classmate: "Hope isn't a remedy for grief its the midwife. Can we trust God with our grief? Grief doesn't separate us from God it brings us into union with God."


Is she a girl or a woman --I cannot tell? Having known her from the start, makes me feel almost divine--for I can see an infant, teenager, and middle-aged woman all in one glance.

Golden strands, bright eyes and an infectious smile are infused by the beauty of a generous soul. A soul with a velvet heart that sacrificed childhood dreams to carry the forgotten and hold the dying.

She did not ask to stay fixed when everything in our worlds fell apart. But has shown pluck in gathering, holding together, and forging new ways forward. Beyond the petite and sweet, is one mighty and fierce.

It is my honor to call her sis. (And nope, its not her birthday.)


Walking down the camp driveway again and reflecting on how sometimes life seems so clear, so peaceful, and other times not. M. Scott Peck said, "Abandon the urge to simplify everything, to look for formulas and easy answers, and begin to think multidimensionally, to glory in the mystery and paradoxes of life, not to be dismayed by the multitude of causes and consequences that are inherent in each experience--to appreciate the fact that life is complex." Life can be compex, but grateful for the beauty of a new day and sunrise.


My mama and eldest. Two peas out of the same pod, 50 years apart.


"God's holy beauty comes near you, like a spiritual scent, and it stirs your drowsing soul...He creates in you the desire to find Him and to run after Him--to follow wherever He leads you, and to press peacefully against His heart wherever He is."
-St John of the Cross (1542-1591)


The truth. Go Brene Brown.




Privileged to work with a publisher who honors the value of asking questions and the journey of unknowing with God.


Could the same God who is recorded as 'hovering over the surface of the deep', reshape my nothingness into something with purpose?
Wild Goose Publishing


Is God enough? A worthwhile question... This beautifully crafted lament is a book for a time such as this...


"Is it possible that my soul can grieve, question, even doubt, while my spirit leads me to say there is still hope, put it in God?" .. Is God enough?


The idea of 'Walking on Water' is inspirational, but where is God when life's tidal waves wash over us, leaving us tumbling in the deep?


It's one thing to be inspired by snow capped mountains from a distance, and quite another thing to come up against the base of the mount.