Transform Men's Pelvic Health

Transform Men's Pelvic Health

We've helped 1,000+ men overcome pelvic, urinary, and sexual issues with mind-body programs.



Your symptoms are a signal from your body!

In a candid conversation, Scott-- Overcome participant-- reflects on the pivotal moment when he realized his body's urgent call for change.

Sometimes, gratitude emerges from unexpected places, reshaping not just your body but your entire outlook on life. Scott's testament reminds us to listen to our bodies and trust the transformative process.

Join us for the full conversation on the Men’s Transform Pelvic Health YT channel as we delve into his inspiring story and the powerful impact of the Transform Men's Pelvic Health program.

Start your journey to freedom from your pelvic + urinary symptoms for FREE with our 7-day kickstart ➡️


Have you truly let go of repressed emotions and stuck energy? This is what is keeping your chronic pain and dysfunction in place.

Just yesterday, after doing our "Emotional Release Reset" J posted in the Overcome community:

"SO, now to the BIG breakthrough… it started to happen. Something started. I wanted to cry. Like I really wanted to release something palpable."

Identifying your root cause is not enough. You need to put yourself in environments in which you can release. You can be with what it, without pushing it away.

I'm offering you this opportunity. To everyone.

A new form of root cause release. Breathe Out. A stacked breathwork journey with new ways to excavate your subconscious. Are you ready to shake things up?

📅 WHEN: March 30th at 9 am CST (1 hour and 15 minutes) -- REGISTER NOW and check your local time zone.

🏠 WHERE: On Zoom, in your house, in a quiet room, where you are ready to drop in

I am making this a free event, with a suggested donation of $33. If you are able to transfer some funds, it really helps, and it is a beautiful way to engage in the reciprocity of life. We invest a lot into free tools, world-class audio/video/trainings...and a donation goes along way in keeping Transform Pelvic Health open. Thank you.

Venmo: -HodgeTX


I'll see you next Saturday. This is FOR YOU.





You know what they say…

Love is the answer 💗

I bet you didn’t think that would relate to healing your pelvic floor, though!

You can’t heal a body you hate; so get to loving it, so you can get to healing it.



The Last Pelvic Podcast You’ll Ever Need.

But don’t take my word for it…

Check out the amazing reviews from real people, experiencing pelvic and urinary issues just like you 💫

Go on and see for yourself ➡️ Watch the whole 6-episode series for FREE on the Transform Pelvic Health Youtube channel.

And if you love it, leave a review and let us know 🙏🏻💛


Spring is a time for renewal. It’s been a hard winter, but there is change on the horizon. To give you the very best chance to shift out of your symptoms, to let go of your root causes, and liberate yourself back to life — I’m hosting a retreat in Sedona, Arizona.

Sedona is a sacred place on planet Earth. It was just named the #1 hidden gem in America by Travel + Leisure a few days ago. People have been going for years due to the other-worldly red rock mountains and energy vortexes (locations with enhanced healing abilities).

I’m hosting an immersive 4 day Overcome Retreat May 16-19.

For only 6 men, so that I can give everyone plenty of personal attention.

This is when you go from UNDERSTANDING to EXPERIENCING. Surrender to every practice. Surrender to the group. Let go of work and responsibilities in one of the most incredible places on planet Earth.

I will be guiding you through an extraordinary path of discovery and release. Daily yoga. Meditations, breathwork, conversations, hikes, healthy food. Fun with the guys.

This is the ultimate healing vacation.

Tickets are ON SALE NOW. 👉


Spinal surgeon & mind-body expert, Dr. David Hanscom, weighs in on how to get rid of pelvic pain ⬇️

The key is ✨neuroplasticity✨

To put it simply, neuroplasticity is retraining the brain and it occurs in these three steps:

1) Awareness
2) Separation
3) Reprogramming

Head over to the Transform Men’s Pelvic Health Youtube channel to watch my full interview with Dr. Hanscom to learn more about neuroplasticity and how it can rid your body of pain once and for all 💫


What are therapy dragons and have you slain yours?? 🐉🤺

Watch to find out! 😜

…. So now that you’ve watched and know what therapy dragons are, take a moment and reflect on ones are still lurking beneath your depths 🔎🐉


Premature Ej*******on is crushing. For some, it is ej*******ng immediately on pe*******on, for others within 1 minute, for others within a few minutes. Wherever you are at, you CAN create control in your own body.

Enter Control Your C💧M

Releasing the root cause is 80%. The practices are just 20%.

It’s rather ironic, but by letting go of control of the mind, you gain control of your c*ck.

The practices are doing.

The root cause release is un-doing.

CONTROL YOUR C💧M is OUT NOW. Get the full masterclass + tools.

You can welcome back your s3x life now.

LINK IN BIO, get it now on our website


🌟 Exciting Update! 🌟

Just dropped a truly amazing interview with Dr. Howard Schubiner, the trailblazer in mind-body medicine and author of "Unlearn Your Pain." 📽️

Join us as we dive deep into the root causes of pelvic and urinary issues and explore the world of mind-body medicine.

A big THANK YOU to Dr. Schubiner for taking the time to join me 🙏

➡️ Head over to the Transform Men's Youtube channel & watch it now!


Should you still treat your body if it’s Mind Body Syndrome (TMS)?⬇️

Watch to see what mind-body expert and Physical Therapist, Charlie Merrill has to say about this 👀👀

Head on over to Transform Men's Pelvic Health Youtube channel for his FULL answer! ⚡



Yep. It's true...

❌ I do NOT have a va**na.

But that doesn't mean I can't help you with yours.

See, issues that involve unexplained pelvic pain— in both men and women— often stem from a common denominator: Mind Body Syndrome (TMS), which manifests physical symptoms due to emotional or psychological stress 😮‍💨

Through my work, I have witnessed the transformative power of addressing the root cause rather than merely treating the symptoms. While the manifestations of pelvic issues may differ between men and women, the underlying root cause often remains consistent.

Whether supporting men or women, my mission is rooted in fostering a comprehensive understanding of TMS and implementing tailored strategies for relief.

I am committed to offering holistic guidance that transcends boundaries, helping everyone reclaim their pelvic well-being ✨


Mind-body Physical Therapist-- Charlie Merrill of Boulder, Colorado-- shares where pain REALLY comes from.

⚡ Watch his full answer on our Youtube channel: Transform Men’s Pelvic Health



Yup. I wrote a book in seven days.

It's amazing what can happen when you step away from life for a bit and pour your heart into something you're passionate about.

If it was any other topic, it could have taken me years 😅

But since it's about something I know and love (AKA helping others overcome pelvic + urinary challenges) it felt effortless— almost as if the words flowed right through me onto the pages 📝✨

I want this creation to be *justttt right* though, so there will be a handful of edits over the next couple of months until it's *officially* ready for you to dive in!

In the mean time 👉 Check out "The Last Pelvic + Urinary Healing Podcast You'll Ever Need."

Just sit back, listen, and heal 😌


Would you opt for a punch in the gut to forget heartbreak?? 🧠💔

Fascinating research by Richard Lane proves the human inclination to choose physical pain over emotional anguish.

In essence, this IS Mind Body Syndrome -- meaning that our emotional pain manifests in the body as physical pain.

Which would you choose??


I want you ALL to heal in 2024 ❤️

🎙️ This isn't just another healing podcast; it covers the entire journey of how this happened and how to let it go, full of neuroscience and easy to understand practices.

I converted my 5 years of crippling pelvic pain into something that has now helped over 1,000 people to get better — and it's all covered in this podcast. Are you next?

🧭 You JUST NEED 6 episodes of information. Then, it's time for you to move to application.


Curious about plant medicine?? 🌿✨

If you've tried various approaches like stretching, physical therapy, diet changes, and meditation without success, plant medicine might be a path worth exploring. It can peel back the layers of your consciousness, helping you see and experience profound insights that ordinary awareness may miss. 🤯

In relation to chronic pelvic pain, urinary issues, premature ej*******on, and ED, plant medicine can help you to access deeper levels of your subconscious to get to (and address) the root cause of your physical symptoms.

Head over to the Transform Men's Pelvic Health YouTube Channel (link in bio) for insights on my experience with plant medicines— such as ayahuasca & psilocybin— and how they may aid your healing journey. 💫


Anxiety is NOT a psych. issue ⬇️⬇️

But it does begin in the brain 🧠💥

Head over to the Transform Men’s Pelvic Health Youtube channel to watch my full interview with Dr. Hanscom to learn how you say goodbye to anxiety! 💫


Relax pelvic tension with these simple exercises!!

While the root of your pain is most likely a result of Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS), or more commonly known as Mind Body Syndrome, direct physical massage can help aleviate pain as you navigate the deeper root cause.

Give these a try and let us know what you think in the comments ⬇️⬇️

*xualhealth *xualwellness


The secret to a symptom-free life ⬇️🔑

Developing a healthy relationship between the conscious + subconscious mind!!

Watch as Dr. Tovah Goldfine, Doctor of Chiropractic and mind-body expert, uncovers this secret in UNDER 30 SECONDS 💥


Make 2024 the year your pelvic floor is healed. Make this the year where you become s*xually free! To help, I am offering a “Guaranteed to Succeed” workshop FREE with the purchase of the Vigor or Overcome program right now. Along with a massive 24% off discount on all programs.

This is a rare, big deal, where you can save some cash for our world-leading Overcome (pelvic and urinary issues program) or Vigor (ED and prejac program); and attend a special workshop where I share with you the secrets to succeeding. I will be going over why some men succeed and why others fall off the wagon.

Use the code: 2024NOW when purchasing either program

From Greg: “When I stumbled across Transform, I was literally at the point where my doctor had told me that we had come to an impasse and my only option was a pain clinic to work out the best way to manage my pain.

Then with Transform, there was not only a coherent explanation for why I was in pain, but a well explained course of action for getting my life back. And for the price of a handful of sessions at a physio or chiropractor! After 10 weeks I still have a way to go, but my life is worth living again, and I have chalked up significant improvement, and moreover, learned a lot in the process that will enhance life in the future.”

This limited-time deal ends very soon. Can’t wait to be working with you and seeing you as our NEXT SUCCESS STORY!! LET’S DO THIS.

This is your year. -Michael


After seeing so many men be told “there’s nothing wrong with you,” - going to doctor visit after doctor visit…cringefully signing up for their 3rd cystoscopy…doing more physical therapy…more diet changes…without any major changes — it’s time for THE TRUTH to be revealed!

I suffered through 5 years of extreme pelvic and urinary issues…and it was a very dark period of my life. It was also a period of intense alchemy, changing my imbalanced mental/emotional habits into something much more transcendent, free, and aligned to my true self.

After amalgamating several years of mind-body research (and hands-on experience working with 1,000+ men with these chronic issues, and seeing significant results), I am handing over my greatest understanding of the truth to all of you.

It’s free. It’s here. It’s for you. The Last Pelvic + Urinary Healing Podcast You’ll Ever Need. It’s time to turn the page and enter the next chapter of your life. I’m here for the ride with you. Let’s roll!

The six episodes release on the first six days of January. Listen to episode 1 tomorrow wherever you enjoy your podcasts! (link in bio)


From injury to emotional stress, explore the journey that keeps you trapped in pain, fear, and anxiety.

Discover the journey from heightened sensitivity to reclaiming normalcy! It's time to break free and understand the real story behind pelvic floor dysfunction. 💪🏼


Why Zebra's Don't Get Ulcers ⬇🦓

For those who aren’t familiar with it, “Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers” is a famous book that explains the effects of stress, using both social science and traditional science.

While I honestly wasn’t surprised to read about the effects of stress on erections, you may be 😉

Watch the short to learn the relationship between stress and why you can’t get hard 🚫🍆



Journaling consistently but still experiencing ?

✍🏼 Effective journaling is more than just writing your thoughts on a piece of paper… it’s experiencing and working through the emotions as you write.

If you’ve been journaling for years but haven’t seen improvement in your Mind Body Syndrome symptoms, it’s time to TRULY express and release on paper📝✨


There are two types of men who have experienced prejac in their lives. Those who still deal with it, and those who actually broke through and now have amazing control and the ability to experience multiple male non-ejaculatory or***ms (they’re really long and total body and really wavy)

What separates the men who changed from those who did not?

In my experience, it has to do with looking deeper into root causes, rather than just doing the “exact action steps perfectly.”

It’s not just about the pelvic floor strengthening, the kegels/reverse kegels, breathwork, ma********on practices…those are really helpful, but that doesn’t address the entire situation.

Tension leads to ej*******on. Sympathetic nervous system activation (fight or flight) leads to cu***ng faster.

When you see your personality traits (putting pressure on yourself, always worrying/thinking/planning, being a perfectionist) and when you look at repressed emotions that you have stuffed down deep inside, you find the link between the brain’s alarm signal going off (creating genitourinary dysfunction) and a message that needs to be heard.

Then, you can listen to that message and make a change in how you operate, creating more relaxation and presence (Ding, ding, ding!), which is conducive to beautiful s*x.

In the Control Your Cum Masterclass, of course, I will take you through the exact practices and progression to retrain the brain and p***s to having more control. But MORE IMPORTANTLY, I will show you some root causes that could be creating the tension, anxiety, and stress in your body.

I am offering the Masterclass free THIS TIME, but it will most likely turn into a paid program in 2024. It’s on Wednesday at 7 pm CST! Register now. (link in bio!)

*******on *xualissues *xualhealth *x


After going in for less than 60 seconds, the precum was already coming out and there was a pressure leading me to ej*****te. My wife said, “just come.” This was not the first time. This had happened so many times over. In frustration she said, “it’s not even worth having s*x with you anymore.”

That hurt, really bad. I couldn’t really blame her though, she just wanted to connect with me and enjoy great s*x. But since she couldn’t even ramp up, she’d rather just not do it at all. I had many tears in the bathroom, sitting on the floor wanting to discover the reason why my body wouldn’t follow my mind.

It took many years, but I finally figured out how to last as long as I choose, with full connection with my lover the entire time. There was a lot of trial and error (kegels, edging, start/stop….); and the need to go way deeper into the mental/emotional elements that create tension in the body (leading to the ejaculatory response).

I’ve now helped over 1,000 men to get better, and I want to share all of this with you, in a FREE masterclass. This will be a paid program later on, but this time, it is 0 dollars and 0 cents.

Come to learn how not to come so fast. I will be sharing some things that you’ve most likely never heard or seen in this way, with a very easy to follow, actionable approach.

Are you finally DONE with not controlling when you cum? Then do something about it!

I'm here for you as you step into your s*xual strength, Michael

Wednesday, December 13th at 7 pm CST. Register Now! (link in bio)

*******on *xualissues *xualhealth *x

Transform Men's Pelvic Health We've helped 1,000+ men overcome pelvic, urinary, and s*xual issues with mind-body programs.

Videos (show all)

📢 IMPORTANT REMINDER ⬇️Your symptoms are a signal from your body!In a candid conversation, Scott-- Overcome participant-...
You know what they say… Love is the answer 💗I bet you didn’t think that would relate to healing your pelvic floor, thoug...
THIS IS IT. The Last Pelvic Podcast You’ll Ever Need. But don’t take my word for it… Check out the amazing reviews from ...
Spinal surgeon & mind-body expert, Dr. David Hanscom, weighs in on how to get rid of pelvic pain ⬇️The key is ✨neuroplas...
What are therapy dragons and have you slain yours?? 🐉🤺Watch to find out! 😜…. So now that you’ve watched and know what th...
Do I Still Treat the Body if it’s TMS? Boulder Physical Therapist Speaks Out
Yep. It's true... ❌ I do NOT have a vagina. But that doesn't mean I can't help you with yours. See, issues that involve ...
I had some fun with ChatGPT 💾🤖⬇️ In this unscripted video, I ask ChatGPT the question, “What is the root cause of overac...
Mind-body Physical Therapist-- Charlie Merrill of Boulder, Colorado-- shares where pain REALLY comes from. ⚡ Watch his f...
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!Yup. I wrote a book in seven days. It's amazing what can happen when you step away from life for a b...
Would you opt for a punch in the gut to forget heartbreak?? 🧠💔Fascinating research by Richard Lane proves the human incl...
I want you ALL to heal in 2024 ❤️🎙️ This isn't just another healing podcast; it covers the entire journey of how this ha...