Get Healthy Alabama

Get Healthy Alabama

How can such a beautiful state, with beautiful people, consistently rank at the bottom of every category regarding health and wellness?

It's time to... Get Healthy Alabama!


The past two years have been a whirlwind with regard to health.

Viruses coming, going… and mutating.

Controversial methods of treatment and prevention.

Makes me wonder what this upcoming winter will bring?

Another pandemic?

Or perhaps a more “traditional” cold and flu season?

Regardless of the specific type of threat our bodies will face over the next few months, there is one thing you count on:

The stronger your Immune System the better your chances of staying healthy.

It’s true: the stronger and healthier your Immune System, the greater your chances of overcoming any viral attack on your body.

So, how do you strengthen your Immune System?

There are many ways… five of which we discuss on this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast (now available!).

Specifically, BetyLou Pierce and I share five tactics you can employ to enhance your chances of staying healthy and strong over the next several months.

Best of all, four of the five strategies won’t cost you a cent 🙂

Please give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.


Episode 22:41 How To Stay Healthy And Strong… All Winter Long

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


On this week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast BetyLou Pierce and I talk about things women can do to correct hormone imbalances.

Our emphasis is on supplements and herbs.

However, there IS something else we recommend women do.

(Side Note: Men can do this too!)

Something we encourage them to do BEFORE taking anything.

This “something,” as you may have guessed, is "improve their diet."

You see, hormone imbalances DON’T just happen.

Instead, there is ALWAYS a cause… some kind of “endocrine disruption”… that creates the hormone imbalance.

It could be chemicals in the environment.

It could be the foods a person eats.

It could even be stress.

Whatever the cause, one powerful way to help correct a hormone imbalance is by improving your diet.

Which leads to an obvious question:


How does a woman change her diet in an attempt to correct a hormone imbalance?

A great way to start is by avoiding all “junk” and processed foods… including soda and sweet tea.

Next, eliminate the following foods:







There are several other foods a woman with hormone imbalances should avoid, but these are excellent ones to start with.

In addition, when eating meat, make the following choices:

Grass fed beef

Wild (not “farmed”) Fish

Organic Chicken

Make the changes suggested above and you'll be doing a lot to correct any existing hormonal imbalances.

It’s like magic… except it’s not.

It’s precisely what your body was designed to do when it's fed healthy food 🙂

Learn more about correcting hormone imbalances by listening to this week’s episode:

Episode 22-39 Balancing Female Hormones

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.

* photo by Davey Gravy Unsplash


There's a good chance that you have a spot on your back that, if I pressed upon it, would cause you a significant amount of pain.

Pain that would radiate up into your neck and head... or across your shoulder and down your arm.

This "spot" is located between your shoulder blade and your spine.
Ideally, this spot, when pressed SHOULDN’T hurt or cause pain... but it does.

At least it does on most people.

Technically, this “spot that hurts and causes pain when pressure is applied” is called a TRIGGER POINT.

Trigger Points can appear anywhere in the body.

However, this particular one is found between the shoulder blade and spine... and can appear on either side of the body.

Interestingly, most doctors know very little about this Trigger Point… even though it exists in most adults.

Even though it is not supposed to be there.

Speaking of “not supposed to be there” Trigger Points will NOT show up on an X-Ray or MRI.

Yet, as I said earlier, they DO exist… and they exist in most adults.

In fact, the trigger point in the picture above is so common that I was tempted to name it after myself.

“The Burroughs Point”

Although I really like the idea, I don't want my name associated with something that causes people such pain 😂

So, why am I telling you all of this?

It's simple:

There’s a really good chance that this Trigger Point is “active” in your back.

(If you’re not sure, I’d be glad to apply pressure there to help you find out.)

If you DO have this Trigger Point, it’s important to discover WHY you have it and WHAT you need to do to correct it.

On this week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast I talk about a patient of mine who had severe pain stemming from this Trigger Point.

A pain that was CONSTANT... not just when pressure was applied to the Trigger Point.

More importantly, I talk about how his Trigger Point did NOT respond to treatment from the medical profession or physical therapists.

Nor did it respond to traditional Chiropractic care.

Instead, he needed a rare, yet amazingly inexpensive solution.

A solution that dramatically reduced his pain in just a few days.

A severe pain that he had dealt with every day for the past six years.

Hear his amazing story on this week’s episode.

Check out:

Episode 22-38 Two “Miracle Cures” That Cost Under $5 Each
You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


What if there was a vitamin that has been shown to help eliminate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome… AND help women who struggle with PMS.

Would you be interested in knowing what it is?

Or, what if that there was ONE simple dietary change a person could make to help eliminate:

Growing Pains
Sinus Congestion
Bed Wetting
Ear Infections

Would you be interested in knowing what that dietary change is?

And finally, what if there was a nutritional supplement that has helped countless number of individuals improve the health and strength of their hair and nails.

Would you want to know what that supplement is?

In all three cases your answer would be:


Of course you would want to know what vitamin… what dietary change… and what nutritional supplement I am referring to.

And you can!

All you have to do is give this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast (now available!) a good listen.

One more thing:

When you’re done listening, please recommend this episode to anyone you think would benefit from this information.


Episode 22-36 Natural Solutions For… Acne, Eczema, PMS, Growing Pains, Carpal Tunnel, Sinuses, Bed-Wetting, Bloating, Ear infections and Weak Nails

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


Happy Birthday BetyLou!

BetyLou Pierce is one of those wonderful individuals who would rather give than receive.

Even on her birthday.

For this reason, to help her celebrate her 81st birthday (August 28) she wanted to give others a present:

"BetyLou’s principles for healthy living!"

Specifically, on this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast BetyLou shares eleven principles that have formed the basis of her lifestyle… a lifestyle that has allowed her to reach the age of 81 healthy and strong in both body and mind.

Best of all, these principles are simple and can be implemented by anyone who is seeking to live a long and healthy life.

Give this episode a good listen as you will certainly learn something.

Then share it with a friend 🙂


Episode 22-34 Birthday Advice From BetyLou Pierce

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


There’s something about the beach that's magical.

Something that makes you feel good in your spirit, soul and body.

It’s not just the sunshine… or the sand… or the water… or the kids playing… or the seagulls flying… or the fresh air.

There’s something MORE to the beach.

Something beyond all the beauty of nature.

There’s an ENERGY.

A force that makes you feel good all over.



It’s a feeling we all love… yet have trouble explaining.

It’s a similar feeling to the one you get from spending time in the mountains… or hiking in the woods… or fishing at a lake.

An overwhelming sense of well-being.

I bring this up because so many doctors and “health experts” ignore the health benefits we get from connecting with nature.

Ignore the boost to our spirits, souls and bodies.

This shouldn't be.

We should each designate some time in our lives to connect with nature.

It doesn’t have to be at a beach… although that’s MY favorite.

It can be anywhere YOU feel connected to nature.

After all, life is supposed to be comprised of experiences that enhance our overall sense of well-being.

Life is supposed to be a beach :)


If you haven’t already, be sure to give this week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast a good listen.

Check out:

Episode 22-30 Five Simple Tips For Living A Happier, Healthier Life

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website. 22/07/2022

On last week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast I talked about how “God is NOT going to heal you.”


Because He already has.

That is, God has already made a way for you to be healed through the “stripes of Jesus.”

As a result, the healing power of God ALREADY resides within you and is not something you need to “get.”

It’s something you need to express.

Something you need to activate and manifest.

But how?

The answer begins with PRAYER.

On this week's episode I teach you how to pray in a way that will allow you to experience more healing in your life… and in the lives of those around you.

Please give this episode a good listen as it may radically improve your life.

Then share it with a friend.


Episode 22-29 The Healing Power Of Prayer

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


On this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast BetyLou Pierce and I talk about the use, and misuse, of pharmaceutical drugs with an emphasis on how harmful many of them can be… even when used properly.

We also discuss one particular drug that is marketed specifically as a treatment for the side effects of other drugs.

(Yes, there is a drug that is promoted as a treatment for the side effects of other drugs!)

Be sure to give this episode a good listen.

Then, share it with a friend.

In addition, check the potential side effects of every drug YOU are taking.


Episode 22-27 Side Effects May Include…

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


Okay, this is a tough one:

How do you get a child, or any loved one, to eat better?

The truth is… neither BetyLou Pierce or I know!

However, we do have some pretty good suggestions.

Suggestions we believe will help.

Specifically, on this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast we share two principles and two strategies that we are confident will help you have a greater influence over the eating habits of your children and/or other loved ones.

Here’s a glimpse into what we talk about:

- Why Patience is more than a virtue... it's a necessity.

- Pivotal lessons you can learn from the hit movie Top Gun.

- A strategy that actually encourages you to be imperfect.

- Why education must involve both information AND entertainment.

This episode will is designed for you to be able to take what you learn and use it in a way that will make a positive impact on others.

As always please be sure to share this episode with a friend.


Check out:

Episode 22-26 How To Get A Child, Or Any Loved One, To Eat Better

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


For some reason most men like to avoid dealing with health issues.

In addition, most men believe that if they don’t think about, or address, a health issue… it will go away.

Not true!

Health issues, and symptoms of health issues, are all signals from a man’s body that something is wrong.

And, that something can almost always be traced back to an an imbalance or weakness in one, or more, of seven factors.

What are these seven factors?

Great question… a question BetyLou Pierce and I answer on this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast.

In addition, we provide NATURAL nutritional solutions for three of the most common health problems affecting men:

1) Stress

2) Heart Conditions

3) Decreased Vitality/Energy

These three health problems affect millions of men.

However, very few men know how to identify and correct the CAUSE of these problems.

That ends today 🙂

By learning how to identify which of the seven factors are having a negative impact on their health… and by learning which supplements and herbs may help them correct those factors… men can get back on the road to a long and healthy life.

Give this episode a good listen and then share it with the men in your life.


Episode 22-25 - For Men Only

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


On last week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast BetyLou Pierce and I talked about seven of our favorite herbal remedies… remedies that provide natural solutions to common problems.

That episode was so well received that we decided to do an additional episode on the topic… this time sharing eight more of our favorite herbal remedies.

Specifically, on this week's episode we discuss herbs that provide a wide variety of benefits including:

- A natural form of Ivermectin
- Improved Immune function
- Overcoming constipation
- “Brain” food for better focus/concentration
- Thyroid support
- Enhanced vitality and stamina
- Dealing with stress
- Plant based Antioxidants

The herbs we discuss not only help provide the benefits listed above, they help you avoid the negative side-effects of the drugs doctors would prescribe.

Give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.

Check out:

Episode 22-24 Our 15 Favorite Herbal Remedies

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could be your own doctor?

Of course it would!

And you can… kind of.

That is, you can learn the two important questions that doctors should ask EVERY patient.

Two questions that will steer a person's care in the right direction.

A healthy direction.

Unfortunately, most doctors DON’T ask these two questions.

That’s a mistake… but it’s a mistake you can help correct.


By asking YOURSELF these two questions before going to see a doctor.

This will allow you to help him/her provide you with the best care possible.

Care that will get to the ROOT of your problem... not just put a band-aid on it.

On this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast we share these two important questions with you.

We then take you through several “case studies” that demonstrate how these questions can, and should, be used.

Give this episode a good listen and then be sure to share it with a friend.


Episode 22: 22 How To Be Your Own Doctor

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at Get Healthy Alabama website.


If you truly want to experience physical healing, there are two things you need to know:

1) "Treating" symptoms/diseases is only HALF the battle.

2) You MUST also identify and correct the CAUSE of the symptoms/disease.

Understand this and you will be more knowledgeable than most doctors.


Because in most cases the only thing a doctor knows to do is prescribe a drug to “treat” your problem.

He/she spends little or no time trying to identify and correct the CAUSE!

It’s time for this to change.

Time for doctors to start “digging deeper.”


By helping patients get to the root CAUSE of their problems.

And we want to help!

Specifically, on this week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast (now available!) BetyLou Pierce and I share the THREE primary causes of nearly every chronic disease.

The three reasons WHY you have symptoms.

The three aspects of your life that, when weak or out of balance, play a significant role in the development of disease.

Unfortunately, these three factors are seldom talked about by most doctors.

That’s why YOU need to become informed.

You need to become aware of the underlying CAUSES behind most symptoms and diseases.

Learn this and you will be able to take your health to a new level.
Able to help your body HEAL... not just "cover up" symptoms.

Be sure to give this episode a good listen.

It just may save your life!

And, after listening, be sure to share this episode with a friend.


Episode 22: 21 The Three CAUSES Of All Disease

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


On last week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast we talked about the ONE mistake every medical doctor makes:

They focus their attention solely on treating symptoms and diseases without trying to identify and correct their CAUSE.

The reason this is a mistake is simple:

Treating symptoms does NOT help your body heal.

Healing only comes from identifying and eliminating the CAUSE of your symptoms.

On this week's episode (now available!) we dive deeper into this very important topic.

Specifically, we share how your disease is NOT the problem.

Instead, your disease is a "signalling system" your body uses to let you know there IS a problem... an underlying CAUSE to your symptoms and disease.

Unfortunately, most doctors ignore this and limit their scope of practice to the treatment of symptoms.

This does you, the patient, an injustice.

On this week's episode we also share how, if you're struggling to discover the cure to a condition, you MUST find a doctor who will work with you on identifying and eliminating the CAUSE.


Because, without addressing the CAUSE, there’s a good chance your body will not heal!

A good example of this - one we talk about on the episode - is the treatment of High Blood Pressure.

As you know, the typical patient with High Blood Pressure is simply given drugs.

- Drugs that will only "mask" the problem.

- Drugs they will have to take for the rest of their life.

- Drugs that come with several negative side-effects.

- Drugs that will do nothing to provide a cure!

That is, although drugs can lower a person’s blood pressure numbers, they will do NOTHING to correct the CAUSE of High Blood Pressure.

As a result, the underlying problems that are CAUSING the High Blood Pressure will persist and continue to do harm to the person’s body.

Unfortunately, this problem is NOT limited to the treatment of High Blood Pressure.

It applies to nearly ALL chronic conditions!

That is, in nearly ALL chronic conditions - High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, Fatigue, Headaches, Digestive Disorders, Alzheimer’s, and Arthritis - drugs are prescribed to deal with the SYMPTOMS, while the CAUSE goes unaddressed.

This has to stop!


On this episode we lay the foundation for doing just that... and set the stage for our next two episodes:

One which will discuss the idea of using Natural Solutions (as opposed to drugs) for treating chronic conditions.

The other for sharing the three primary CAUSES behind nearly all chronic conditions.

Give this episode a good listen as the information will change how you view your symptoms… and how you view your doctors!

Also, be sure to share this episode with a friend.


Episode 22: 20 Your Disease Is NOT The Problem

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.

* photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya @ Unsplash


Did you know that there is ONE mistake that nearly every doctor makes?

A mistake that is negatively impacting YOUR health.

A mistake that should be addressed and corrected.

What is the mistake?

You’ll have to listen to this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast to find out 🙂

However, here’s a hint:

The mistake we discuss is not related to something your doctor is “doing.”

It’s related to something your doctor is NOT doing.

Something that, once they start doing, will help improve your overall health and well-being.

Give this episode a good listen as what you learn will empower you in your health care journey.

Also, be sure to share it with a friend… and your doctor!


Check out:

Episode 22:19 The ONE Mistake Every Doctor Makes

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


I have a question for you:

What time did you wake up this morning?

Even better… did you wake up “on your own” or did you wake up from an “alarm” going off?

Hopefully you woke up on your own.

Without any help.

Without an alarm.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against alarm clocks.

I do, however, think it is far healthier for a person to wake up WITHOUT being “alarmed.”

I say this because, when you start your day with an alarm… you start your day with a shot of stress.

And who needs more stress?

A much healthier way to start your day is by waking up naturally.

Waking up when your body wants to.

Yes, I know for some people this sounds like an impossibility.

I get it.

However, it is truly something everyone should work towards achieving.

Something else everyone should be working towards, whether or not they wake up with an alarm, is having a “morning routine.”

The type of routine BetyLou Pierce and I talk about on this week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast.

The type of routine that recognizes the first hour of the day as the most important one.

The type of health-transforming routine you can learn about here:

Episode 22:18 The Most Important Hour Of The Day

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.

* Photo by Mostafa Mahmoudi @ Unsplash


Regular listeners of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast are familiar with Anedra Brown’s incredible health journey… a journey that has seen her lose over 150lbs in less than two years.

In this week's episode Anedra shares how a statement made by Coach Sam Shelton on Episode 22-11 had a huge impact on her life.

Specifically, Coach Sam said that for many people being overweight is NOT their fault.

The REAL culprit is that they haven’t been taught HOW to be healthy… especially with regard to diet and nutrition.

Hearing this literally brought tears to Anedra’s eyes as it brought back some painful memories.

Memories of people thinking that she was a glutton who did nothing but eat all day.

This, of course, was NOT true.

Anedra didn’t overeat… she simply didn’t know what foods she should eat.

In addition, she was unaware of the other lifestyle factors needed to “Get Healthy.”

Fortunately, all of that changed two years ago.

Changes we talked about in last week’s episode (22-16).

In THIS week's episode Anedra talks about how she wants to use what she has learned along her journey to help others.

How she wants to prevent others from being misinformed - and uninformed - like she once was.

Specifically, Anedra discusses:

- The KEY hormone behind weight gain… and what you can do to combat it.

- The “pleasure” neurotransmitter that causes people to become addicted to the wrong foods.

- Her journey into becoming a “not so typical” fitness instructor.

- The simple rules she follows when it comes to her diet.

- The (bad) food she recently ate that caused her face to swell up like a balloon.

Give this episode a good listen and then share it with your family and friends.


Check out:

Episode 22:17 Overweight? It’s Not Your Fault - Part Two Of Our Interview With Anedra Brown

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


Two years ago if someone told Anedra Brown that she would become a fitness instructor AND that she would use her platform to organize a fundraiser in her community she would have told them they were crazy!

You see, back then Anedra lived with chronic pain… and chronic fatigue.

Simple activities such as walking hurt.

In addition, she was always exhausted… even after getting eight hours of sleep.

To make matters worse, her emotions were a mess causing her, at times, to burst into tears for no apparent reason.

All in all, she wasn’t in a good place.

Then, something changed.

She found help in a program.

NOT a weight loss program but a “Get Healthy” program.

A program she committed to stick to (and still follows today).

A program that has helped her lose over 150lbs!

More importantly, it's a program that has helped her regain the health she thought she had lost forever.

A program built around these five simple strategies:

1) Eliminate food sensitivities

2) Take three core supplements

3) Exercise

4) Overcome emotional “blocks”

5) Educate yourself


Now, regarding Anedra’s secret:

There is no secret!

No drugs.

No surgeries.

No pills, potions, or meal replacements.

Just a solid commitment to implementing the strategies above.

Strategies that have been proven to improve a person's health.

(Losing a bunch of weight along the way is a just a wonderful “side-effect.")

Listen to her story on this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast (now available!).

It will inspire you… and educate you!

Then share it with a friend.


Episode 22:16 Anedra Brown’s Secret For Losing 150lbs!!!

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


When I first moved to Mobile, Alabama thirty-two years ago I was surprised at how few people were interested in natural approaches to health care.

To be honest, it was a bit depressing.

However, whenever I did come across someone with such an interest, they would invariably tell me, “you’ve got to meet BetyLou.”

Needless to say, they were referring to the one and only BetyLou Pierce… my co-host on the Get Healthy Alabama podcast and, at the time, the owner of “Naturally Yours”… the number one health food store in Mobile.

BetyLou was way ahead of her time as she believed that, given the right environment, the human body had an amazing ability to heal itself.

Her area of expertise was in using diet, herbs and nutritional supplements to create such a healing environment.

She and I hit it off immediately as we shared a similar mindset regarding health and healing.

As a result, when she met people who needed a Chiropractor she would refer them to me.

One of those patients was her granddaughter, Beth.

Beth had fallen when she was about three years old and hit her head so hard that it caused one of her eyes to cross.

Doctors were unable to correct the problem forcing her to have to wear glasses in order to see properly.

BetyLou asked me if I thought I could help Beth and, of course, I said I would most certainly try.

ONE adjustment later (Chiropractic and Cranial manipulation) Beth’s eye was no longer crossed… AND she was able to get rid of her glasses.

It’s now years later and the eye has never crossed again.

As wonderful as that is, there is something I want you to understand:

I did not “fix” Beth's eye.

What I did was correct the misalignments I found in her neck and cranial bones.

Once those were corrected HER BODY healed itself.

On this week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama I talk about three other amazing health stories I have been blessed to be a part of.

Check them out here:

Episode 22:15 Giving Birth Just Three Minutes After Entering The Hospital… And Other Amazing Health Stories

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.

Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn @ Unsplash


Want to guess why most of the top athletes in the world love Chiropractic?

I’ll give you a hint:

It’s not because they love having their bones “cracked.”

Nor is it because they love our charming personalities 😂

Instead, the real reason why athletes love Chiropractic is simple:

It helps them perform better AND…

It helps them recover from injuries quicker.

That’s it.

Better performance and quicker recovery from injuries.

Athletes will embrace ANYTHING that helps them achieve these two outcomes in a safe and effective manner.

Understand this and you'll understand why I’ve treated many athletes over my 32 years in practice… including those on the professional and Olympic level.

You'll also understand why a young college athlete recently came into my office.

Her Orthopedist had recommended surgery for a nerve problem that was causing her pain and affecting her performance.

She didn't like that recommendation so she sought a second opinion.

Which is what I gave her... along with a different treatment approach.

One she liked.

One that was safe and effective.

You can hear all about her "happy ending" on this week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast.

It’s one I think you’ll enjoy.

Check out:

Episode 22:14 How To Say “No” To Neck, Back… And Gall Bladder Surgery

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.


Everyone knows supplements are important.

The confusion comes with trying to figure out which supplements to take.

After all, there are so many to choose from.

To help you out, on this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast (now available!) BetyLou Pierce answers questions about 22 of the most popular supplements including…

Vitamin D
Fish Oil
Coenzyme q10
Vitamin C
Vitamin B-12
Apple Cider Vinegar
Black Cohosh
Saw Palmetto
Ginkgo Biloba
St. John’s Wort

Give this episode a good listen as you will certainly learn a few things.

Then share it with a friend.


Episode 22:13 Questions and Answers with BetyLou Pierce

You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at the Get Healthy Alabama website.

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Understanding Addiction