ROJoson OCIL on Intentional Living

ROJoson OCIL on Intentional Living


Tuesdays with Morrie, Memento Mori and Intentional Life Plan 11/10/2023

Today is Tuesday with Morrie Day.
Today is Memento Mori Day.
Today is Intentional Life Planning reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living life to the fullest reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living a meaningful life with contentment reminder, evaluation and review day.

Today is Tuesday with Morrie Day.
Today is Memento Mori Day.
Today is Intentional Life Planning reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living life to the fullest reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living a meaningful life with contentment reminder, evaluation and review day.

Tuesdays with Morrie
Memento Mori - Remember that you have to die.

Knowing there is a limit to life, all of us will die one day, we don’t know when and how, we should learn how to die and how to prepare for the last day (life graduation day) in order to learn how to live fully, how to live a meaningful and worthwhile life. (ROJoson – 19feb12)

Intentional Living is Living with Intention; living guided by your long-term visions and goals in life and then designing, implementing and continually evaluating a course of actions to reach your long-term visions and goals, the overall expected impact of which is CONTENTMENT of the life you have lived.

Intentional Living (IL) is accompanied by an Intentional Life Plan (ILP).

Intentional Life Plan (ILP) is a plan you make targeting a certain number of years in which you write down things you intend or want to accomplish on your graduation day (last day of your targeted year) which will make you feel you have lived your life to the fullest; you have lived a meaningful life; and you are contented and ready to die a happy death. [Assumption and reality: all of us will die one day.]

Tuesdays with Morrie, Memento Mori and Intentional Life Plan 26/09/2023

Today is Tuesday with Morrie Day.
Today is Memento Mori Day.
Today is Intentional Life Planning reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living life to the fullest reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living a meaningful life with contentment reminder, evaluation and review day.

Tuesdays with Morrie
Memento Mori - Remember that you have to die.

Knowing there is a limit to life, all of us will die one day, we don’t know when and how, we should learn how to die and how to prepare for the last day (life graduation day) in order to learn how to live fully, how to live a meaningful and worthwhile life. (ROJoson – 19feb12)

Intentional Living is Living with Intention; living guided by your long-term visions and goals in life and then designing, implementing and continually evaluating a course of actions to reach your long-term visions and goals, the overall expected impact of which is CONTENTMENT of the life you have lived.

Intentional Living (IL) is accompanied by an Intentional Life Plan (ILP).

Intentional Life Plan (ILP) is a plan you make targeting a certain number of years in which you write down things you intend or want to accomplish on your graduation day (last day of your targeted year) which will make you feel you have lived your life to the fullest; you have lived a meaningful life; and you are contented and ready to die a happy death. [Assumption and reality: all of us will die one day.]

Struggle – ROJoson 21/08/2023

Struggle - Struggling

Struggle – ROJoson Every second, Every minute, Every hour, Every day, I struggle to: stay alive and not be crippled be productive be contented enjoy be happy I struggle to maintain: mindfulness vigilance against erro…


In Memoriam and Memento Mori - 2023


In Memoriam and Memento Mori

Tuesdays with Morrie, Memento Mori and Intentional Life Plan 06/12/2022

Tuesdays with Morrie, Memento Mori and Intentional Life Plan
Today is Tuesday with Morrie Day.
Today is Memento Mori Day.
Today is Intentional Life Planning reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living life to the fullest reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living a meaningful life with contentment reminder, evaluation and review day.

Today is Tuesday with Morrie Day.
Today is Memento Mori Day.
Today is Intentional Life Planning reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living life to the fullest reminder, evaluation and review day.
Today is living a meaningful life with contentment reminder, evaluation and review day.

Tuesdays with Morrie
Memento Mori - Remember that you have to die.

Knowing there is a limit to life, all of us will die one day, we don’t know when and how, we should learn how to die and how to prepare for the last day (life graduation day) in order to learn how to live fully, how to live a meaningful and worthwhile life. (ROJoson – 19feb12)

Intentional Living is Living with Intention; living guided by your long-term visions and goals in life and then designing, implementing and continually evaluating a course of actions to reach your long-term visions and goals, the overall expected impact of which is CONTENTMENT of the life you have lived.

Intentional Living (IL) is accompanied by an Intentional Life Plan (ILP).

Intentional Life Plan (ILP) is a plan you make targeting a certain number of years in which you write down things you intend or want to accomplish on your graduation day (last day of your targeted year) which will make you feel you have lived your life to the fullest; you have lived a meaningful life; and you are contented and ready to die a happy death. [Assumption and reality: all of us will die one day.]

Death, next on line, be prepared 25/10/2022


This is reminder for all of us who have heard of or seen friends, patients and relatives dying recently.

It is just a matter of time. We will be next.

Every minute someone leaves this world behind.
We are all in “the line” without knowing it.
We never know how many people are before us.
We can not move to the back of the line.
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line.

So while we wait in line –

Make moments count.
Make priorities.
Make the time.
Make your gifts known.
Make a nobody feel like a somebody.
Make your voice heard.
Make the small things big.
Make someone smile.
Make the change.
Make love.
Make up.
Make peace.
Make sure to tell your people they are loved.
Make sure to have no regrets.
Make sure you are ready.

Death, next on line, be prepared DEATH, NEXT ON LINE, BE PREPARED This is reminder for all of us who have heard of or seen friends, patients and relatives dying recently. It is just a matter of time. We will be next. Every m…


Intentional Living Plan (ILP) is a plan you make targeting a certain number of years in which you write down things you intend or want to accomplish on your graduation day (last day of your targeted year) which will make you feel you have lived your life to the fullest; you have lived a meaningful life; and you are contented and ready to die a happy death. [Assumption and reality: all of us will die one day.]


Tuesday with Morrie Reflection:

Death is inevitable!
Nobody knows when it will come!
It will come no matter what!
How one will die, nobody knows - quick / not so quick death; much / not much suffering!
I have to condition myself to accept this reality and be prepared for it!
I have to value my life!
I have to do what matters most now as time may run out on me!
I have to do what matters most in terms of seeking happiness not only on this earth but also on the next life (with God).


Inspirational video on Selflessness / Selfishness
Nigel Chanakira

ROJoson Inforshare, Inspire, Improve

ROJoson's Notes on Life Quotes - 2 22/06/2022

He listed a seven-point plan to ensure a youthful old age:

· Aerobic fitness was probably most important. The function and structure of the brain were influenced by activity.

· Mental stimulation was vital. People could reduce cognitive decline by mental training.

· New learning was important. "The more you learn, the more you can learn," he said. "It can have profound physiological effects on the brain."

· High and prolonged stress had negative effects, particular on human memory.

· A rich social life helped. "People who maintain a lot of social interactions maintain mental sharpness for a longer period."

· Healthy eating. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables and fish had profound effects on cognitive decline later in life.

· Finally, think young.
