Mobile Bay Pastors

Mobile Bay Pastors

Mobile, Alabama Pastors


Thank you to our sponsors, Greg Banks & Matthew Stokes with Scott Alan Construction!


Thank you to our Sponsors like Pastor James Passman and Grand Bay Ministries!


Thank you to our Sponsors like Pastor David Smith and Oak Park Church!


Pastors join together at different churches throughout the city to break bread and grow!

Thursday, May 9th

Pathway Church
7200 Moffett Rd.
Mobile, AL 36618

Please RSVP by Monday, May 6th via text 251-325-1804 or email [email protected]


Come join us for Mobile Bay Night of Worship!


Thank You to our Sponsors like Pastor Wesley Davis and Nazaree Full Gospel Church!


Grab your tickets today or become a sponsor! Check the comments for details 🎟


Thank You to our Sponsors like Shane Hadley and Hadley Construction Specialties, Inc.!


Thank you to our Sponsors like Pastor Bryan R Jones & Revive Church Mobile!


Thank you to our Sponsors like Pastor Kevin Cobb & West Mobile Baptist Church!


Thank you to our Sponsors like Pastor Travis Johnson and Pathway Church!


Pastors Nathaniel Carson and Travis Johnson are grateful for Mobile Bay Pastors. And, they invite you to Saenger Theater for MOBILE BAY NIGHT OF WORSHIP on June 7th at 7 PM. Check the comments for details.


It will be a great night of worship!


Join us for this great CITY-WIDE NIGHT OF WORSHIP. Tickets and details in comments.


We look forward to seeing you at the next Mobile Bay Pastors Lunch hosted by Dr. Alan Floyd at Cottage Hill Baptist Church.

Thursday, Feb 8th

Cottage Hill Baptist Church
4255 Cottage Hill Rd.
Mobile, AL 36609

There will be no charge. Please RSVP by Monday, Feb 5th via text 251-325-1804 or email [email protected].


Noon-1 PM

Pathway Church - Moffett Campus
7200 Moffett Rd
Mobile, AL 36618

There will be no charge for the January lunch.

Pastor Wesley Davis of Full Gospel Nazaree Church will be reviewing “Leadership Pain'' by Dr. Sam Chand. He will also be facilitating discussion about the book.

Please RSVP by January 8, 2024 via messenger or email [email protected].

Photos from Mobile Bay Pastors's post 08/11/2023

The November meeting of Mobile Bay Pastors will feature Pastor Aarif Bradley reviewing and leading discussion on Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s book, “We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding with Courage to Our Culture's Assault on Christianity.”

Pastor Bradley is Senior Pastor of Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church in Mobile. He has a B.A. in Ministry & Leadership with a Local Church Pastor emphasis from Oral Roberts University and a MDiv from Regent University. We look forward to Pastor Aarif Bradley’s presentation and the group discussion.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Original Oyster House
3733 Battleship Parkway
Spanish Fort, AL 36527

Photos from Mobile Bay Pastors's post 08/11/2023

During the October, Mobile Bay Pastors Lunch, Sam Sinclair, Senior Pastor of Cloverleaf Baptist Churcg presented his book review of Another Gospel by Alyssa Childers.

His review of the book was presented and led to robust conversation. The review is attached. Thank you Pastor Sam Sinclair for your scholarship and your investment in your colleagues and the church in Mobile Bay.



Date: Thursday, November 9th, 2023
Time: 12-1 PM

Original Oyster House
3733 Battleship Pkwy,
Spanish Fort, AL 36527

Cost: $25 per pastor
cash or card will be accepted at the event

If you haven't done so, RSVP to Erica Luke at [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you for this special time of worship, prayer, discussion, and fellowship together.

Photos from Mobile Bay Pastors's post 11/10/2023


Pastor Sam Sinclair of Cloverleaf Baptist Church will be leading us in a review and discussion of “Another Gospel: a Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity” by Alyssa Childers. I’ve seen Pastor Sam’s review of the book and the subsequent discussion will be valuable for all of us.

Pastor Sam Sinclair has undergraduate degrees in both History and Pastoral Ministries, followed by a Master's in Biblical Languages and a Master of Divinity.

The information on the Mobile Bay Pastors Lunch is below:

Date: Thursday, October 12th, 2023
Time: 12-1 PM

Original Oyster House
3733 Battleship Pkwy,
Spanish Fort, AL 36527

Cost:$25 per pastor
cash or card will be accepted at the event

If you haven't done so, RSVP to Erica Luke at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing you for this special time of worship, prayer, discussion, and fellowship together.

Pastor Travis Johnson

Photos from Mobile Bay Pastors's post 23/09/2023

Governor Kay Ivey issues a strong statement regarding Freedom From Religion Foundation’s letter to Auburn University condemning the school for university employees, such as Coach Hugh Freeze for baptizing students and engaging in religious speech.

A similar letter from the activist group was sent to the City of Mobile for a public prayer in June at the City of Mobile Council Meeting.

Many thanks to Governor Ivey for her clear, unambiguous response defending constitutionally protected freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Many thanks to Coach Hugh Freeze and all who participated in the Unite Auburn event by boldly proclaiming the life changing Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

When the Gospel is proclaimed, lives will be changed. Thousands attended. Hundreds went public with their faith in Jesus by being baptized. And, for that, we are thankful to God.




CONTACT: [email protected]
Mobile Bay Pastors Support Mayor’s Decision to Discontinue LGBTQ+ Liaison Position

MOBILE, AL—Mobile Bay Pastors expresses its support of Mayor Stimpson’s decision announced today to discontinue the LGBTQ liaison positions in his office. We believe that this courageous decision reflects the Mayor’s stated goal of “One Mobile” and is an important step in ensuring that Mobile remains a family-friendly and welcoming city for all its citizens, including the faith community.

In June, during Pride Month, our group released a statement expressing our concerns regarding the City of Mobile’s active and taxpayer-funded promotion of the LGBTQ agenda, an agenda we believe to be contrary to God’s Word, diametrically opposed to our convictions as Bible-believing Christians, and inconsistent with the widely-held values of our community.

The City’s appointment of LGBTQ liaisons in early 2022 was among the concerning trends many in our group noted. We felt that this appointment inappropriately privileged and platformed one perspective in our community, giving a small activist group an outsized influence in our City Government.

We are thankful that the Mayor has listened to his constituents and has reversed his initial decision. It is for this reason we want to very clearly express our support and recommit to praying for our leaders, in keeping with our duty as Christians (1 Timothy 2:1-3).

In applauding the Mayor and his decision, we in no way wish ill to our LGBTQ neighbors. We affirm them as fellow citizens deserving equal protection under the law. We likewise affirm them as image bearers of God with inherent worth and dignity (Genesis 1:26-27).

As foundational to our faith, we readily admit that we all are sinners in need of divine forgiveness (Romans 3:23) on the basis of faith the substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:8-10; 10:9-10). We proclaim the promise of eternal life to all who repent of their sins (Acts 3:19) and trust in Jesus Christ alone (Acts 16:31). Anyone anywhere who turns and trusts can become a new creature in Christ, a child of God, and a forgiven sinner in God’s sight (2 Corinthians 5:17; John 1:12).

We look forward to continuing to serve our neighbors, our communities, and our City, as we declare the life-giving and eternity-transforming message of Jesus.

About Mobile Bay Pastors: Mobile Bay Pastors is a group of evangelical pastors in the Mobile area, committed to proclaiming Jesus and influencing our city with the gospel.

# # #

Photos from Mobile Bay Pastors's post 11/08/2023

The first in-person meeting of Mobile Bay Pastors was held yesterday at The Original Oyster House on the Mobile Bay Causeway. We enjoyed great fellowship, worship, prayer, and conversation. We prayed for one another, our community, and our leaders.

This meeting was comprised of the original signors of the Statement from Mobile, AL Pastors during Pride Month 2023.

The many (100+) additional signors (senior pastors or campus pastors) whose names were not on the originally published joint statement are invited to our next monthly meeting, which will be held Thursday, September 14th at noon (and subsequently on the 2nd Thursday of each month at noon). A great lunch will be served. The cost is $25.

To RSVP, please email [email protected] or inbox us on Facebook. Please provide your name, title, church, email, and cell number.

Many thanks to the other four Mobile Bay Pastors Lead Team members: Pastor Nathaniel Carson, Dr. Alan Floyd, Pastor David Smith, and Pastor Wesley D. Davis, Jr.

Many thanks to the strong Gospel-faithful, community-engaged churches and pastors of Mobile Bay who so diligently seek to honor God and bless their community and neighbors. You do so daily. You strive to embody the Great Commision and the Great Commandment of Jesus. You are a great credit to our community. And, we honor you.

Together in Christ,

Pastor Travis Johnson

JOHN 17:20-23
20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. 21 I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.

22 “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. 23 I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.

Photos from Mobile Bay Pastors's post 28/06/2023

We, the undersigned Pastors and Churches of Mobile, Alabama are united together under the name and authority of Jesus Christ and called to the particular task that we rise together today to address.

As evangelical Christian pastors across denominational lines, we stand today in expression of our calling to make disciples of all people (Matthew 28:18-20), to be salt and light in our community (Matthew 5:13-16), and to seek the good of our city (Jeremiah 29:7) as we live as citizens of heaven (1 Peter 2:9-11). We carry out this calling by preaching God’s Word (2 Timothy 4:1-5), praying for our leaders and fellow citizens (1 Timothy 2:1-3), loving our neighbors (Matthew 22:39), and calling all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:17).

We believe that the Bible is God’s authoritative and perfect Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17) that must be declared to all (2 Timothy 4:1-5). Therefore, it is an essential aspect of our faith to speak out. To be silent in the face of evil would itself be a betrayal of our Lord’s command. Christianity makes exclusive claims and issues a universal call to all to repent and believe in Jesus Christ.

Further, as confessing Christians, we believe the Bible’s clear and consistent teaching on human sexuality. God, in His goodness, created humanity in His own image, male and female. He established marriage as a covenantal, monogamous, and lifelong union (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25). For our own good and human flourishing, God condemns any sexual activity outside of His clearly defined creative intent and design as sinful in His sight. We accept the Bible’s unambiguous condemnation of sexual sin including homosexual sin in both the Old Testament (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13) and the New Testament (Romans 1:26-27; I Corinthians 6:9-11; I Timothy 1:9-10). Our Lord and Savior, while on this earth, upheld God’s ordered sexual ethic in Matthew 19:1-12, giving no indication that God’s view of homosexual sin has changed.

The same scripture that reveals our sexual design and purpose also tells us that we are all image bearers of God. In upholding God’s teaching on homosexual sin, as revealed in Scripture and affirmed by Jesus, we in no way disparage the inherent worth and dignity of our gay, le***an, bisexual, or transgendered neighbors. We believe that all are sinners for whom Christ died, to whom the promise of forgiveness is offered on the basis of faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ because of God’s great love for us. We do not single out these sins for exclusive condemnation. Rather, we announce the divine offer of forgiveness to all who repent. Rather than demanding societal celebration for particular sins, we declare the promise of divine forgiveness for all sins.

Now, while we speak in this authority, we also join our fellow neighbors and residents of the city of Mobile and Mobile County as grateful citizens of the United States of America. We realize some of our neighbors disagree with our faith. We respect their First Amendment freedoms to do so. And, we view them as peers worthy of respect and neighborly love.

But, as we express that, we also appeal plainly that government leaders should not use tax funding or official resources to actively promote ideologies that fundamentally oppose the beliefs of vast numbers of their constituents, especially sexually-focused activities and events in public places where children may be placed in jeopardy.

For this reason, we must declare our deep concern for the City of Mobile and Visit Mobile being used to publicly endorse, promote, or facilitate:

• Painting the War Memorial Canon in Rainbow,
• Painting downtown crosswalks in Rainbow,
• Drag Queen Story Hour in the Mobile Public Library,
• City and county tax payer funding “Visit Mobile” promoting “family-friendly LGBTQ Pride
events” featuring Drag Queens,
• Tax payer funded Visit Mobile seeming to editorialize on their website and what appears to
be on behalf of our city that “Mobile embraces all love,” and
• A Drag Queen Performance held this month in Cathedral Park in front of The Basilica of the
Immaculate Conception and in front of children during city-promoted Loda Art Walk’s Pride Parade.

We also express disapproval and absolute objection to the public statements in media by the Visit Mobile CEO stating that using city and county taxes, Visit Mobile “will continue to promote Mobile and continue to promote Pride.” Visit Mobile is tasked with attracting visitors to Mobile. Because it is funded by Mobile City and County tax payers, Visit Mobile should not be used to promote special interest LGBTQ activism against the beliefs of the vast majority of Mobile residents.

This activist use of voter and tax-payer funds creates deep division among our citizens.

Further, grown men portraying sexually stereotyped women and performing under City sponsorship in front of children publicly, or reading LGBTQ material to children in our public library is a moral hazard that, according to Rasmussen, only 29% of Americans find acceptable. Considering that our city is a family-centered community largely committed to Judeo-Christian values, that percentage is most certainly much lower. Many in our community would regard such performances to be a form of grooming.

Therefore, we object to city-funded entities sponsoring and promoting activities that target our kids and expose them to overtly sexual behavior.

We cannot be silent concerning openly dangerous or offensive behaviors. Not speaking is itself speaking; not acting is itself acting. Biblical love always speaks the truth and never rejoices in sin (Ephesians 4:15; 1 Corinthians 13:6). We would be failing our neighbors if we remained silent.

We call on believers in this city to join us in prayer for our community, pleading with God to grant repentance and revival. We call on believers in this city to continue loving their neighbors and speaking the truth of the gospel. We call on believers in this city to join us in expressing our concerns to our God-given leaders, including the Mayor, the City Council, and the County Commission.

Even though our culture is increasingly in rebellion against God’s clear teaching on human identity and human sexuality, we endeavor to maintain a humble posture before the Lord, a sensitivity toward the Holy Spirit, and a gracious disposition toward all people as we proclaim the Good News of Jesus. To anyone reading this statement who does not enjoy peace with God through Jesus Christ, we urge you to put your full trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.

We are compelled by the Word of God to stand firmly in Biblical truth and in Biblical love as we declare the promise that anyone, anywhere, may become a “new creation in Christ,” redeemed and transformed by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Travis Johnson
Lead Pastor
Pathway Chuch

Nathaniel Carson
Lead Pastor
The Shelter Church

Dr. C. Alan Floyd
Lead Pastor
Cottage Hill Baptist Church

David Smith
Lead Pastor
Oak Park Church

Ed Litton
Lead Pastor
Redemption Church

Scotty Howard
Senior Pastor
Life Church of Mobile

Wesley D Davis
Nazaree Full Gospel Church

Dr. Vincent Robinson
Rightway Christian Center

Sam Sinclair
Cloverleaf Baptist Church

Corey McCoy
Senior Pastor
New Harvest Ministry

Charles Collins II
Senior Pastor
Family Worship Center

Scotty Jernigan
Lead Pastor
Government Street Baptist Church

John Breland
Lead Pastor
South Coast Church

Wayne Sheppard
Lead Pastor
Destination Church

Jerry Jenkins
Mobile Section
Assembly of God

R.J. Wynn
Lead Pastor
The River Church

Jeff Calhoun
Lead Pastor
Bayside Church

Brock Bruce
Lead Pastor
New City Church

Daniel Blaylock
Lead Pastor
Forest Hill Church

Mike Sternad
Lead Pastor
Calvary Chapel

Ronny Wareham
Powerhouse Church

Jimmy Wiggins
Revive Church 217

Joey McCollough
Theodore Church of God

David Cagle
Campus Pastor
Downtown Church

Jerrod Stanford
Encounter Church

James Passman
Grand Bay Church of God

Jevonn McIntosh Sr
Senior Pastor
New Destiny Christian Church

Dr. Derek Allen
Senior Pastor
1st Baptist Tillman’s Corner

Kevin Cobb
Senior Pastor
West Mobile Baptist Church

Andre Millsap
Temple of Jerusalem Ministries

Bryant Pugh
Lead Pastor Outbreak
Christian Ministries

Apostle Wayne Dickens
Senior Pastor
Souled Out Ministries Intl.

Dr. Mark Williams
Senior Pastor
Woodridge Baptist

Andric Daugherty
Campus Pastor
Pathway Church
Moffett Campus

Eric Danner
Lead Pastor
Refuge Church

Jacob Maloney
Lead Pastor
The Cross Church

Brandon Davis
Lead Pastor
Freedom House

Rev. Dr. Charlie Satterwhite
Global Methodist Church

Dr. Glen Byron
Lead Pastor
Cornerstone Assembly of God

Adam Parker
Campus Pastor
Pathway Church
Airport Campus

David Bullock
Luke 4:18 Fellowship

Bryan Jones
Revive Church

Justin Driver
Lead Pastor
Forward Church

Videos (show all)

Grab your tickets today or become a sponsor! Check the comments for details 🎟
Pastors Nathaniel Carson and Travis Johnson are grateful for Mobile Bay Pastors. And, they invite you to Saenger Theater...
It will be a great night of worship!
