It's Grow The Heck Up

It's Grow The Heck Up

They banned us a few places so like and follow us everywhere. #GangGang


Forgive and forget.


history (n.) late 14c., "relation of incidents" (true or false), from Old French estoire, estorie "story; chronicle, history" (12c., Modern French histoire), from Latin historia "narrative of past events, account, tale, story," from Greek historia "a learning or knowing by inquiry; an account of one's inquiries; knowledge, account, historical account, record, narrative," from historein "be witness or expert; give testimony, recount; find out, search, inquire," and histōr "knowing, expert; witness," both ultimately from PIE *wid-tor-, from root *weid- "to see," hence "to know."


All gun control is racist, among other things.

Photos from It's Grow The Heck Up's post 07/12/2022



Speed dating 2023....


Experts say…


Let's Take a Trip to Hell, Biblically

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Shell game.


Ok, gr00mR. NY Times Claims Balenciaga P**o Scandal Is QAnon Conspiracy Theory

In the wake of the ongoing Balenciaga pe******ia propaganda scandal, the New York Times produced a piece Tuesday that essentially claimed the entire thing is some sort of QAnon conspiracy theory.

The piece states “they ignited a firestorm that traveled from the internet to Fox News, fueled by allegations that Balenciaga condoned child exploitation. The controversy has become one of the most explicit collisions of internet culture, politics, fashion and conspiracy theories to date.”

It further posits that “As online criticism of the campaigns spread, the story was picked up across right-leaning media outlets, including The New York Post and the prime time Fox News show Tucker Carlson Tonight. The show has helped to publicize and mainstream QAnon, the internet conspiracy theory that ‘a group of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child s*x ring are trying to control our politics and media.'”

The report adds “Here you have a major international retail brand promoting kiddie p**n and s*x with children,” Mr. Carlson told viewers on Nov. 22, “and not promoting it subtly but right out in the open.”


You think this its game?!?!

Photos from It's Grow The Heck Up's post 28/11/2022

The Rabbit Hole Gets Deeper: In 2016, Demna, the creative director of Balenciaga, gave a quote to in their publication where he said "Someone wrote that Lotta (Balenciaga stylist), Gosha, and I grew up on child p**nography and radiation from Chernobyl, which is why we're so fu**ed up." Gosha, the guy he's referring to was accused in 2018 of coercing a 16 year old into sending n**e photos to him. If this is what can be discovered out in the open, then worse than you think.


New Statement


Texas Governor Greg Abbott on the Woke Agenda in Schools




Elon vs. Apple


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 😐





SEE PREVIOUS POST. Balenciaga has filed a $25 million lawsuit against the producers of a controversial ad campaign that included a child p**nography court ruling and B**M teddy bears, new court papers show.

The fashion house brought the suit Friday against production company North Six, Inc. and set designer Nicholas Des Jardins and his eponymous company for the inclusion in one of the ads of legal documents from a US Supreme Court decision on child p**n laws.

Balenciaga is bringing the case “to seek redress for extensive damages defendants caused in connection with an advertising campaign Balenciaga hired them to produce,” the Manhattan Supreme Court summons alleges.

Balenciaga claims North Six and Des Jardins included the images of the court docs without its knowledge – which was “malevolent or, at the very least, extraordinarily reckless,” the filing claims.

“As a result of Defendants’ misconduct, members of the public, including the news media, have falsely and horrifically associated Balenciaga with the repulsive and deeply disturbing subject of the court decision,” the court papers charge. “Defendants are liable to Balenciaga for all harm resulting from this false association.”




n 1957, the Little Rock school system decided to integrate North Little Rock High School, which was met with resistance by an angry white mob. It turns out that one of the young men who tried to block the path of six Black students attempting to desegregate the school was Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.

The Washington Post filed a report on Wednesday that showed Jones was part of that mob intent on keeping Black students out of the school. Beforehand, Jones had only spoken about his presence at the incident as part of historical documentation.

“I don’t know that I or anybody anticipated or had a background of knowing … what was involved. It was more a curious thing,” Jones told the Washington Post when asked about why he was there. Details surrounding where he was and how he got there seems to contradict his stated intentions.

in 1955, the North Little Rock school board voted to integrate classes for seniors, but Arkansas' acting governor, Orval E Faubus, disagreed. Despite the governor's disapproval, six students attempted to enter the school and ran into a crowd - including the current owner of the Dallas Cowboys. The incident occurred Sept 9, when Richard Lindsey, Gerald Persons, Harold Smith, Eugene Hall, Frank Henderson, and William Henderson tried unsuccessfully to enter the school. They eventually enrolled in another school. Seven years later, North Little Rock High School was officially integrated. The photo has been making the rounds on social media since the Washington Post unearthed it. The year and the incident were pivotal moments in the civil rights movement and desegregation.


Colorado Non-Binary Shooter, Balenciaga Pervs, Jab Deaths Are Up

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Statement by Photographer of Balenciaga photo shoot



New spokesman.


The Washington Post: For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.
Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation

It’s a continuation of a troubling trend that has emerged over the past year. As vaccination rates have increased and new variants appeared, the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been steadily rising. In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 percent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 percent, per our colleagues Fenit Nirappil and Dan Keating.
“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Cox told The Health 202.


Whoops: Attorneys for Anderson Lee Aldrich, the individual charged with 5 counts of murder and 5 hate crimes, have said that Aldrich is "non-binary" and uses "they/them" pronouns.

Aldrich is accused of engaging in a mass shooting at Colorado Springs nightclub Club Q, killing 5 and wounding more than 17. Aldrich is being represented by public defenders.

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Colorado Non-Binary Shooter, Balenciaga Pervs, Jab Deaths Are Up
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No more lies!
