Uncle Bundy
Unky Bundo's family owned and operated Health and Beauty Spa.
Missus said she wanted to get freaky, told her let me finish with her nephew
*Sexy time with the Misso*
Misso: Babe put on some music
Scott Morrison trynna get a handshake
Mom: Stay safe, promise me you'll drink some water tonight.
Here at Unky B's we like to look on the flip side.
❌ No dog food left. No toilet paper left.
✔️ Dog gets a free feed. You get the idea.
Haven’t wanked since last year, gonna wait till me uncle comes back from holidays to help me with that one!
It’s not a bender until the shadow people show up c**t
When she says she loves you like a brother but you're from Tasmania 🤭🤠
Dangerous day to be Ketamine I’ll tell ya that much
You haven't experienced complete and utter rage until an elderly couple randomly pulls up besides your car, Grams in the passenger snaps a pic of you and your plates all whilst struggling to hold the fu**in phone up - then the c**ts drive off down the road thinkin they're on some Mission Impossible s**t.
Had a bad night boys don't ask.