Mitzi J. Dorton

Mitzi J. Dorton

Mitzi Dorton is a multi-genre writer. Reader at NUNUM literary journal.

Work published by SEMO Press, Rattle, Willowdown Books, and others. Writing featured in "Rise," (Colorado Book Award, 2020, Northern Colorado Writers). Poetry in "Women Speak," Women of Appalachia Project, to be published soon. Book forthcoming with Finishing Line Press, 2022.


Thanks to Kari Gunter-Seymour for an acceptance of my work for Volume 10, Women of Appalachia Project. Looking forward!


At A Writing Room, we have something we call the 5 Min Club.

It’s a simple promise to oneself to write for five minutes per day, five days per week.

There are several reasons this works, but one of them is related to this image. It is recognizing that small, regular steps forward get the job done.

We have so many ways of helping writers develop their skills and confidence.

Visit to learn more and join us!


"Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable."
Mary Oliver

Artist: Yellena James


I was lucky to be able to take a class with Mary Carroll Moore through Grub Street. Besides being an informative teacher (a Goddard grad., too), she is also a writer of quite a collection of interesting books.

Combining fast pace with deep characters creates literary thrillers. How I learned this when writing A WOMAN'S GUIDE TO SEARCH & RESCUE. Watch my interview with Matty Dalrymple as we discuss this challenging genre:


"For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it.
If only we're brave enough to be it."
Amanda Gorman - The Hill We Climb (2021)

Artist: Andrea Kowch


Every Monday, we post a new Sisters in Crime Writers' Podcast. Each week, a different writer is asked about their writing process, what inspires them and their personal best practices. Listen to this podcast at:

THIS WEEK: Vicki Berger Erwin
Vicki Berger Erwin worked in a number of jobs in the “book biz,” including writing over 30 books ranging from middle grade to adult nonfiction, but mystery is her favorite.

Vicki’s first book was published in 1987 and she has written steadily since then. She also enjoyed a career as a children’s book buyer for an independent bookstore and a regional book wholesaler as well as working as a sales rep for Scholastic. In 2006, Vicki and her husband, Jim, achieved their dream of owning their own bookstore. They sold the store in 2013 and both now write full-time.

Threads Handle: VickiBergerErwin


Special thanks to Mary Senter, editor at Milltown Press, for the good work on this anthology and for entering it. Congratulations to all of the contributors. A nice way to commemorate Father's Day for me.

𝘎.𝘐. 𝘋𝘢𝘺𝘴 has been awarded Finalist in the Anthology category of the 2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards! Thank you to the judges for recognizing the work of these talented writers and poets!

Photos from Klinkhart Hall Arts Center, Inc.'s post 09/10/2023
Tickets To Schenectady’s Breathtaking Monet Exhibit Have Just Been Released 26/09/2023

Tickets To Schenectady’s Breathtaking Monet Exhibit Have Just Been Released Prepare for a full immersion into the world of Claude Monet — Monet: The Immersive Experience is coming to Schenectady in October.

Photos from Mitzi J. Dorton's post 13/08/2023

Sharing "Chief Corn Tassel" at the North Chatham Free Library, North Chatham, NY, yesterday.


Is the heat wave baking your brain? Messing with your muse? Find a quiet room with an AC and commune with your cool writing community. Join other SinC members for a write-in to get your writing back on track. No pre-registration required, just jump in and join us!
We've got four opportunities every Tuesday and Friday! All SinC members are welcome at any time. Simply go the the SinC Tradewing site:

Write-ins every Tuesday and Friday at the following times:
- 1pm BT/8am ET/7am CT/6am MT/5am PT
- 4pm BT/11am ET/10am CT/9am MT/8am PT
- 8pm BT/3pm ET/2pm CT/1pm MT/noon PT
- 2am BT/9pm ET/8pm CT/7pm MT/6pm PT


Thanks to Vicki Wills, Director, North Chatham Free Library, for putting this advertisement together. Hope some of you will join us at the library in North Chatham, NY. There will be an ice cream social beforehand at 3:30 p. m.

"Author Mitzi Dorton Will Speak on Saturday, August 12, at 4 P.M in the Library's Back Garden

Mitzi Dorton is a multi-genre writer, a former postsecondary learning specialist and educator. As an adult, she often spent time in local college history rooms. It was there in some antiquated books she came upon, that she discovered Chief Corn Tassel. Samuel Cole Williams, historian in William Tatham, Wataugan, complained that other than James Mooney's description, there was "no other sketch of this able chief." So Dorton took it upon herself to travel to the old Cherokee towns and various treaty sites, acquainting herself further with his background. By the time she reached Chota, Chief Corn Tassel had become an old friend she grew to know, and she wanted to share his story.

Don't miss this opportunity to hear this noted author discussing her new book, Chief Corn Tassel as well as gather pointers on how to get published."

Mitzi Dorton, Author at Southern Literary Review 21/05/2023

Many thanks to Donna Stanley Meredith, editor, for featuring my book review of this incredible collection of stories by Blake Sanz, in Southern Literary Review, this week.

Mitzi Dorton, Author at Southern Literary Review The Boundaries of Their Dwelling by Blake Sanz is an assortment of fiction short stories of high literary quality, with impressive details and imagery. The stories take place between Mexico, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. The author is a master at fleshing out characters and effective in pulling and...


Tickets are available via Eventbrite:

The Basic Registration fee of $110 covers the weekend of June 16,17, and 18, 2023 and includes participation in up to 4 two-hour workshops, 4 public readings, Saturday buffet lunch, and a reception on Saturday evening.

Please use the ticketing "Add-ons" feature to select your two-hour workshops. You may choose one two-hour workshop from each time slot. Workshop descriptions and information about each presenter are included to help you decide. You are not required to participate in every time slot.

Participation in a single two-hour workshop can be purchased for $30. This ticket only provides access to one workshop and the 4 public readings. Limited to one per registrant.

A day-long Intensive Workshop will be presented on Friday, available as an add-on for an additional $20. This workshop will run 11 AM to 5 PM and includes a vegetarian boxed lunch. You will also have Saturday and Sunday access to as many as 3 two-hour workshops and 3 public readings, as well as the buffet lunch and reception. Purchase the Basic Festival Weekend Registration ticket for $110 and then select the Intensive from the Add-ons menu.

Maximum number of participants per workshop is 15 and registrations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Questions? Please email Julie Rockefeller: [email protected].



“Chief Corn Tassel” by Mitzi Dorton - Southern Literary Review 18/04/2023

So grateful to Donna Meredith, of Southern Literary Review, for bringing the story of Chief Corn Tassel forward with this book review:

“Chief Corn Tassel” by Mitzi Dorton - Southern Literary Review With thorough research, Mitzi Dorton brings the inspiring story of Chief Corn Tassel to life. Much of Chief Corn Tassel (Finishing Line Press, 2022) is told through the Cherokee chief’s own words and recorded speeches. An impressive section of illustrations appends the book. Known as “the best s...


Authors from "Women Speak," Women of Appalachia Project, Loyal Jones Appalachian Center at Berea College, yesterday. Thanks to Kari Gunter-Seymour and Hailey Mitchell Haugen.


An abstract landscape by artist Cormac O'Leary, born in Cork city, Ireland in 1969

Arachne PressSpinning stories since 2012For the Spring Equinox, looking forward to Byways 21/03/2023

Thanks to Cherry Potts, director, editor and publisher. Pleased to have a poem in the forthcoming anthology, Byways, Arachne Press in London, England.

Arachne PressSpinning stories since 2012For the Spring Equinox, looking forward to Byways We will be publishing Byways, an anthology of poems and stories that take us off the beaten track this time next year, for the Spring Equinox, a time for getting the caked mud of winter off your bo…


The next Women of Appalachia Project event for "Women Speak" will be in Berea, Kentucky. I'm planning to read along with an array of writers who make me proud to be there. Yes, it's really April 1st. Join us!


Date: Thursday, March 30, 2023
Excel and PowerPoint are wonderful tools for writers. Really!
Thanks to our knowledgable panelists, you'll learn how writers use these tools for plotting, budgeting, presentations, book trailers, tracking timelines, ideas and more.
Join us on Thursday, March 30 at 8pm EDT/ 7pm CDT/ 6pm MDT/ 5pm PDT

Pre-register today at:
Our Three Talented Panelists include:
Vera Chan

Vera HC Chan has worked at the nexus of journalism and technology, from small papers to the world's biggest online destinations. She has likely written a million words (all true) covering the gamut from news to lifestyle. Her fiction accolades include winning the Sisters in Crime Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award for a mystery-in-progress by an unpublished writer of color (FOLLOWING) and second place in the fiction category for the Effie Lee Morris Women's National Book Association Literary Awards, San Francisco chapter (THE MOUNTED POSITION). Her short story "Murderers' Feast" appeared in Crooked Lane's anthology MIDNIGHT HOUR, a 2022 Anthony Awards nominee. Chan was the only debut author amongst the 20 writers of color; The New York Journal described the story as "most surreal of all."

Social Media:
Twitter: fasttalkingd

Kim Giarratano
Kimberly Giarratano is an author of mysteries for teens and adults. Her debut novel, Grunge Gods and Graveyards, won the 2015 Silver Falchion Award for Best YA at Killer Nashville. A former librarian, she is currently an instructor at a SUNY Orange County Community College and a reviewer for BookPage. She is also the chapter liaison for Sisters in Crime. Born in New York and raised in New Jersey, Kim and her husband moved to the Poconos to raise their three kids amid black bears and wild turkeys. While she doesn’t miss the Jersey traffic, she does miss a good bagel and lox.

Social Media:

Mary Sutton
Writing as Liz Milliron, Mary Sutton is the author of The Laurel Highlands Mysteries, set in the scenic Laurel highalnds and The Homefront Mysteries, set in Buffalo NY during the early years of World War II. She is a member of Pennwriters, Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers and The Historical Novel Society. She is the current vice-president of the Pittsburgh chapter of Sisters in Crime and is on the National Board as the Education Liaison. Liz splits her time between Pittsburgh and the Laurel Highlands, where she lives with her husband and a very spoiled retired-racer greyhound

Social Media:
New boost


Plotters vs Pantsers: Your Path to a Novel
Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 8pm EST/ 7pm CST/ 6pm MST/ 5pm PST
Featuring Connie Berry and Barbara Pronin
These two published authors use very different methods of writing. One is an avowed plotter and the other is an unapolegetic pantser. Hear how each works and then listen to them discuss how they might not be that far apart after all. Every writer needs to find the system that works for them!

Register NOW for this webinar at:

Flash Discourse: Fiction||Mitzi Dorton|"Shelter" - O:JA&L 08/02/2023

Flash Discourse: Fiction||Mitzi Dorton|"Shelter" - O:JA&L Explore O:JA&L’s Buttonhook Press offerings on Amazon. Become an O:JA&L Member through Patreon. Mitzi Dorton Shelter Graves, my only host, […]



Calling Appalachian Teachers!

Apply now for a FREE, one-week workshop experience at Arrowmont this summer: LEGACY.

Exclusively for K-12 teachers of any discipline from qualifying counties in central Appalachia - this opportunity is part of Arrowmont's Teaching and Preserving Traditional Appalachian Crafts initiative of programs.

Visit for more information and to apply.

Wilda Morris's Poetry Challenge 29/01/2023
This is the link to my poem, which placed third in Wilda Morris's Poetry Challenge/Peace Theme. The judge's assessment of the poem was so sweet and accurate, it made me cry. Grateful to be able to share and thankful to both Wilda Morris and Peggy Trojan that "Two Paths" found the perfect home.

Wilda Morris's Poetry Challenge Beginning in June 2009, a writing prompt has been posted on Wilda Morris's Poetry Challenge at the beginning of each month. You are invited to write a poem responding to the prompt, and to submit it by the 15th of the month for possible publication on the blog. No po*******hy or objectionable langua...


Buenos Aires-based artist Maria Marta Morelli continues the tradition of flower art with a series of large-scale paintings of peonies and roses.

Mobile uploads 29/12/2022

Andrew Newell Wyeth: Wind from the Sea, 1947
