Dusty Rose Fitness

Dusty Rose Fitness

Weight loss journey


This post makes me super vulnerable, but that’s why I created this page…to be open and honest about my journey good or bad. My mental strength is not at its best and days like today I look in the mirror and I’m frustrated because I’ve been busting my ass and the results aren’t happening as fast as I would like them to. So I’m taking a step back, taking a breath and trying to remind myself this journey takes time and consistency and I have to just keep showing up and keep pushing myself and I will get where I want to be in due time. The photo is just for me to look back at and even though I’m not where I would like to be I’m sure as hell not where I was! Tomorrow is a new day, and I’m going to get a good nights sleep and wake up ready to crush it again! Don’t let one bad day set you back and when all the negative voices are in your head telling you that you’re not good enough, that you’ll never make it you might as well quit tell them to F* right off and keep fighting for a better and healthier life for yourself because you are so worth it!!


Listen up you gorgeous human being, why are you so hard on yourself? All of the time your self deprecating and Negative and critical of everything that you do And why because everybody in your life Gets love and compassion and understanding But when it comes to you, none of it…And for what because if you look in the mirror right now You take a long hard look in the mirror You know who’s looking back at you? The only person that is finished every single one of Your days for you The only person that climbed every Hill Fought every battle cried every tear Achieved every success and loved every person in your life To the best of their abilities that is the only person looking back at you And the only person that’s done any of that stuff And you’re gonna tell that person that they’re not the absolute baddest bitch to ever exist, really? You’re going to tell that person their not an absolute warrior who deserves respect, love and compassion? I wouldn’t tell that person that…I’m so proud of you, it’s time you start being proud of yourself. No matter where you are in your journey no matter how many times you’ve tried, don’t give up on yourself but instead be your own biggest support system and motivation because you can do this you just have to love yourself first!


For me the hardest part of a weight loss journey isn’t getting started, it’s sticking with it after the first week or so and staying consistent. I don’t love this photo mostly because I don’t love that I’ve gotten back to this point, to this weight. So I’m just gonna use my frustration with myself to motivate me to push myself back into this, so far so good 😉 Up until about a month ago, I had worked at my job for 7 years. I spent 7 years in a really negative environment, a place that did not feed me emotionally, mentally or spiritually in fact it did the opposite. My job drained me in every aspect and cause me loads of stress. I was commuting 2 1/2 hours a day getting about 3-4 hours of sleep a night, it was not healthy for me by any sense of the word. About a month ago I took a huge leap of faith and I quit my job and decided that life really is too short and I need to do what’s best for me and my mental and physical health…you know put myself first. I realized that the great pay/benefits that I was getting was not worth my happiness or my health and I needed to change that immediately so I did and I walked into work the next day and resigned. I’ve gotten a job that is a 3 minute commute on a bad day lol and I only work about 6 hours a day now. I’m able to spend more time at home and with my family, I get to be in a town that I absolutely love and around people that lift me up, support me and encourage me on a daily basis and I am so thankful that I took that risk and made that change because I am so much better for it! I’m not mentally or emotionally drained when I get home from work so I actually enjoy being able to workout now and be done in time to cook dinner for my husband and spend much more time with him which I am so thankful for. I’m sorry for the extremely long post, but I just want to encourage you to stop giving your energy to things that no longer serve you or build you up and make you better. Put yourself happiness and your health first at all costs because life is too damn short not to!!!


It’s been a minute, but I am back!!! It has been an incredibly hard two years for my family and I (as I am sure it has been for yours as well). I’ve made a lot of excuses, skipped more days than not in the gym, made terrible food choices and put on some weight but we will get to that another day. I’ve recently left a job that was no longer serving me mentally or emotionally. I no longer have that negative energy or stress in my life and I’m ready to get back into this with full force and pick up where I left off. I’m glad you’re still here, and I hope you enjoy following my journey while I navigate through life and all of its messiness, as always I will be real and honest the the good and the bad days that I share with you! Time to rock this s**t!!! 👊🏼


Trying something new tomorrow, trying to get a little kickstart on this weight loss. You know that heavy, bloated, icky feeling after eating heavy not so great for you foods for awhile? Well this is supposed to help with all of that and make you feel great, as a bonus! I’m trying the one day juice cleanse from in hopes that it gives me the little kickstart I need and also makes me feel better! I’ll let ya know how it goes 👌🏼


Nothing motivational today, just a yummy taco salad on a super hot day! Gonna top with sour cream and Taco Bell sauce 🔥🤤


We are back to the basics! The basics work, it’s simple & makes life so much easier during busy work weeks. If you’re prepared then you are much less likely to fail. So back to meal prepping we go! I am not doing at the moment, however I am am doing low carb. I think people hate so much on keto because they really don’t fully understand it and haven’t done the research. I have PCOS so I struggle with insulin resistance. This means that my body functions better and I lose fat when I take in less carbs. I focus mostly on cutting out unhealthy carbs, starches and breads. Obviously carbs from veggies and things like that are good carbs and I eat them daily. The bottom line is, who care what’s anyone thinks or says about the way you choose to eat or “diet” to feel good and lose the extra weight! Do what works for you and do what feels good because it’s your life and no one can tell you what works best for you and your body because every body is different! I’m currently focused on my short term goals, and the main one is just getting back to eating healthy, colorful foods that give me energy and make me feel good, I’ll worry about the macros later. So this week we have chicken and fajita veggies 🤤


This is gonna take a min…you see that smile? That smile is me laughing at myself, because 2 years ago I swore I would never let myself get back here, to the mindset I’ve been in and to the weight I’m currently sitting at. That smile is me giving myself grace, and understanding that life happens and sometimes life downright fu***ng sucks and it’s hard. Things happen that we have no control over and we have to accept that. With that being said, I’ve been trying for almost a year now to snap out of this mindset, to get back on track and get back to working out daily and eating healthy and just living healthy but I’ve just been in this fog. I’ve tried and failed countless times this past year, I tried reading my old posts for motivation, I’ve tried looking through my progress pictures to remember how good I felt, shoot I signed up for another half marathon in hopes it would force me to start training but nothing was working. Until today, something snapped inside of me today and it just clicked. It’s freaking hard, but everything is hard. Feeling like s**t is hard, looking like s**t is hard, you have to pick your hard! This isn’t a sprint it’s a marathon, it’s never gonna be perfect. There will be setbacks and there will be failures, but the only way to succeed is every time you fall you get back up & grind again! I may not be happy where I am at right now, but you best your ass when I say I’m gonna get it back you can count on that. The beast mindset is back and there’s no stopping me now.
