Socials Dennise

Socials Dennise

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Socials Dennise, Social Media Agency, .

Ich unterstütze Unternehmerinnen dabei, eine wertschätzende und unvergleichliche Community aufzubauen indem ich ihr Social Media, Content und Community Management übernehme. 🥁 Content Management
💖 Community Management

Lass uns gemeinsam deine perfekte Content Strategie entwickeln und eine wertschätzende Community für dein Business aufbauen!

Photos from Socials Dennise's post 15/02/2024

Content einfach so posten, bringt dir nichts.

Das ist auch der Grund, warum du vermutlich schon lange mal was posten wolltest oder denkst, du solltest aber weißt gar nicht, was du überhaupt tun sollst.

Eine Content-Strategie ist unglaublich wichtig für deinen Erfolg deines Businesses online.

Du baust dir nicht nur eine kaufkräftige Community auf, sondern hilfst potenziellen Käufern auch, dich kennenzulernen.

Eine Content-Strategie umfasst nicht nur deine sozialen Kanäle, sondern zieht sich durch alle Marketingkanäle, die du bedienen kannst. Ob es nun dein Blog, Newsletter oder die sozialen Medien sind.

Hast du dir bereits Gedanken über deine Content-Strategie gemacht?


Ich helfe dir durch strategischen Content, eine echte Community aufzubauen.

Folge mir, wenn du als Selbstständige oder Kleinunternehmen endlich deine Mission durch deinen Content in die Welt bringen möchtest. 🚀








Fall in Love with your Content – denn in jedem Wort, jedem Bild und jeder Idee steckt deine einzigartige Persönlichkeit und deine Leidenschaft. ❤️‍🔥

Als Selbstständige ist dein Content nicht nur eine Möglichkeit, deine Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu präsentieren, sondern auch eine Chance, deine Geschichte zu erzählen und eine echte Verbindung zu deiner Community aufzubauen.

Indem du dich in deinen Content verliebst, entdeckst du eine endlose Quelle der Inspiration und Kreativität. Du erkennst die Schönheit darin, deine Botschaft mit anderen zu teilen und sie zu inspirieren. Dein Content wird nicht nur zu einer Reflexion deiner Marke, sondern auch zu einer Ausdrucksform deiner Werte und Überzeugungen.

Wenn du dich in deinen Content verliebst, strahlst du diese Begeisterung aus und ziehst automatisch Menschen an, die von deiner Leidenschaft angesteckt werden.

Deine Authentizität und dein Enthusiasmus werden dich von der Masse abheben und deine Marke unverwechselbar machen.

Also lass dich von deinem Content verzaubern, finde Freude in jedem Moment der Kreation und teile diese Liebe mit der Welt. 💖✨

Ich helfe dir durch strategischen Content, eine echte Community aufzubauen.

Folge mir, wenn du als Selbstständige oder Kleinunternehmen endlich deine Mission durch deinen Content in die Welt bringen möchtest. 🚀





Hast du schon einmal eine Kundin gehabt, die deine Dienste benötigt und du dachtest, du würdest ganz genau wissen, was sie braucht, um am Ende festzustellen, dass doch noch etwas gefehlt hat?

Ich hatte mal einen Nebenjob in einem BH-Laden. Dort habe ich Frauen ausgemessen, ihnen die richtigen BHs herausgesucht, eingestellt und intensiv beraten. Die Arbeit hat mir unglaublich viel Spaß gemacht und zählte sogar zu den besten Verkäuferinnen im Laden.

Ich hatte bereits hunderte Frauen ausgemessen und beraten. Was sollte schon schiefgehen?

An einem Tag kam eine Frau herein, die einen BH suchte. Soweit nichts Ungewöhnliches, also bin ich selbstbewusst an die Arbeit gegangen. Nach dem Ausmessen gab ich ihr ihren Wünschen entsprechend einige Modelle in die Kabine. Sie zog die Modelle an und meinte, nichts würde passen. Zu eng, zu weit, es passt nicht, sie hätte es ja gewusst, dass nichts passen würde.

Also bin ich, wie schon hunderte Male zuvor, nach Rücksprache in die Kabine gegangen und habe den BH eingestellt. Die Kundin wurde immer unruhiger, bis sie irgendwann mich lautstark wissen ließ, dass das nichts wird, da sie eine ausgeprägte Kielbrust hat. Sie drehte sich um und ich sah erst dann, was sie meinte. Eine Kielbrust steht etwas weiter hervor und daher konnte ihr gar keins der Modelle passen.

Ich habe mich richtig geschämt, da natürlich alles, was ich ihr anbot, nicht passte - ich wusste davon aber im Vorfeld nichts. Wir haben dann nochmal bei 0 angefangen und eine Lösung für sie gefunden.

Was kannst du aus dieser Situation lernen?

Du musst deine Kundin verstehen und ihre Bedürfnisse erkennen. Was benötigt deine Kundin wirklich? Welche Fragen musst du stellen, damit deine Kundin sich abgeholt fühlt und mit dir wichtige Inhalte teilt?

Nur weil deine Kundin dir sagt, was sie braucht, heißt es noch lange nicht, dass das alles ist, was du wissen musst. Trau dich, die Fragen zu stellen, die du benötigst, um deine Kundin glücklich zu machen!

Hattest du einen ähnlichen Fall mit deinen Kundinnen bereits?


Jeder Post, jedes Like und jeder Kommentar hilft uns dabei, Brücken zwischen einander aufzubauen.

Jeder Beitrag ist eine Gelegenheit zu inspirieren und echte Verbindungen herzustellen. Wir erzählen Geschichten und rufen Emotionen hervor.

Mein Job ist es, der Schlüssel zu sein, aus flüchtigen Interaktionen dauerhafte Beziehungen zu machen.

Hast du bereits wertvolle Beziehungen online aufbauen können?

Hi, ich bin Dennise!
Ich helfe female-led businesses ihre Mission klar in die Online-Welt zu tragen.
Lass‘ uns gemeinsam deine Follower zu Fans verwandeln! ✨
Ich freue mich, von dir zu hören 💌

Photos from Socials Dennise's post 19/08/2023

Findet ihr nicht auch, dass die Person hinter dem Account meistens viel interessanter ist, als es auf Social Media erscheint?

Auf Social Media ist es sehr leicht, jemand anderen darzustellen, der man eigentlich ist. Mir gefällt das überhaupt nicht. Das ist eigentlich auch schon direkt mein erster Fakt über mich. Ich bin sehr ehrlich und viel zu faul mich zu verstellen.

Fakt 2 - Ich bin seit über 9 Jahren im Community Management tätig, habe zuvor aber einen ganz anderen (für mich ultra-langweiligen) Beruf gelernt und ausgeübt.
Fakt 3 - Ibiza hat eine besondere Bedeutung in meinem Leben. Ohne diese Insel wäre mein Werdegang und mein Leben ein komplett anderes.
Fakt 4 - Ich mag keine Großstädte. Ich liebe es, in der Natur und in verschlafenen Dörfchen zu sein. Vor 5 Jahren hätte ich diese Meinung aber definitiv nicht geteilt.
Fakt 5 - Ich habe zwei Hunde, mit denen ich regelmäßig alleine verreise. Wir fahren dann mit unserem Auto ins Ausland und bleiben dort mehrere Monate. Diese Freiheit ist unglaublich schön.

Meine Tätigkeit füllt mich total aus und ich kann weiterhin gar nicht glauben, dass ich tatsächlich so leben und arbeiten kann.

Wie sieht es bei dir aus?

Hi, ich bin Dennise!
Ich helfe Frauen dabei, ihre Mission klar in die Online-Welt zu tragen.
Lass' uns gemeinsam deine Follower zu Fans verwandeln! ✨
Ich freue mich, von dir zu hören 💌


Usually, in business we tend to talk more about our positives.

One of my clients wants to share our updates with the managers each month. A lot of times, she comes back to me with something like "Dennise, can you delete this sentence?" or "Can up rephrase it in a more positive way?" or "I think we shouldn't put anything negative or things that don't work properly in the updates." I usually say "... but, they need to know!"

A positive feedback and good looking insights are amazing but they don't always happen. Only looking at what works great, doesn't help being great every time. Being honest does.

I prefer to share what didn't work, why it might've not been great and what needs to be done to make it great again.

I strongly dislike to portray everything in a positive light because it usually isn't. Not every post, every Reel, every strategy is great or works like we hoped it did. We need the negatives, we need to know what we need to work on, otherwise we can't grow and be better.

Negative for me is positive. I want to know what I can do better, I don't only want to hear how good I am. It is a learning curve to accept it and of course a lot of times getting feedback hurts but it is valuable and sooner or later, you and your client will strive due to reviewing the negatives.

What kind of feedback do you prefer? Do you think, negative feedback is important?


I was hired as a social media manager for a restaurant last year.
The account had 13.5k followers, great reviews, great food and cocktails and even frequent entertainment with live music and a club.

The Content we could've created would've been amazing. It would've been more than easy anyways because the account was already pretty big and guests are usually there for their vacation. That means they're tagging and sharing their experiences there - for free!

Well. The start was rather rocky. I asked for the branding template, the pictures and events they wanted to be posted every day. I was ready but it took weeks for someone to get back to me. I saw that here and there they posted a very overloaded, outdated post with news. Nobody reacted, nobody understood the post. One day, finally the person that hired me, told me

"Sorry, the boss doesn't like someone doing the content. He just wants you to do community management - answer the messages but he wants me to post the posts. We want this to be more like a billboard. We don't need content. We don't need a strategy. Our account is great, we just need someone to answer the messages."

Hm. I raised my eyebrows, said ok and answered messages that summer. They had no comments and only under 5 likes with every post. The impact was zero. They could've posted nothing and have the same effect.

Doing social media properly is more than using it as a "billboard".
It is understanding that what worked in the 80s (flyers and billboards) is not working today. An account with lots of followers doesn't bring you sales automatically.

Did you encounter similar problems with your client/boss?

Photos from Socials Dennise's post 01/02/2023

As soon as you go online, you'll come across so many offers for a new coaching or online course that it is really tempting to improve your skills.
The things is ... who's the person that's selling the online course?

First thing to check - how long is the person a business owner and how much professional coaching experience has her/him? If you want a business coaching, don't get a coached by someone that's a year self employed. Life experience doesn't necessarily mean you can understand and help other people with their needs.

How much experience has the person over this topic? Is it really an expert with experience or someone that did an online course trying to sell you the knowledge from that one course?

Do they show real results from real people? Is it possible for you to talk about the coaching with someone else than the person offering it?

Is the person talking about other businesses? How does it make you feel if they do? Do they uplift others or do they want to make you believe, they're the only business with a solution?

Do they talk about "manifesting success" or pressure you with sentences like "if you don't invest, you don't want it enough"? These are toxic strategies that coaches like to use to stripe off responsibility for results and only want your money. They only want that you invest in them, not the other way around.

Last but not least - do you really need it right now? Do you have the time to invest the time needed? Do you have the money right to do it?

Be careful with coaching programs, there are great ones but invest your money and your time wisely. A Coaching should always feel good and should leave you better than before. If you don't feel supported and didn't reach your goals, it's not your fault - it's the coach's fault.

Did you have bad experiences with coachings and online courses before?

Photos from Socials Dennise's post 31/01/2023

Being an entrepreneur in a digital environment ist hard. Everyone seems to be super successful and has everything in place - but the reality is different.
Make sure to not get too focused on others - we all have issues!

What was your biggest challenge as a newly) entrepreneur?


Your business is still running on monday. Take a rest. Only a relaxed mind can be creative.


As a business owner you constantly have to make decisions.

You make a plan, do all the right things and it works until it doesn’t. Then, you’ll have to make changes. The decisions never really end.

My dogs have long fur that needs proper care and a cut every 6 weeks. I trained my dog to sit properly while brushing and cutting, even around her eyes. They're just doing great - but …every time I bring her them to the groomer, they doesn’t like going there. It doesn’t matter which groomer they go to, they always hate going. Whatever I tried to do, it just never got better.
They're stressed and just doesn’t want to be there. I have to drag or carry them inside.
They look cute afterwards and the groomer always says, they behaved great - but they just want to leave ASAP and need to rest due to stress for the whole day. I had to make the decision that yesterday was our last appointment with a groomer and do it myself from now on. I just see that it doesn't work out for them. Although it is easier for me to bring them to the groomer, I had to make the decision for them and their mental health.

It’s the same with your business. A lot of times, did all the right steps, tried and tried, tried a different tool, tried a different method or even hired another person to do the things that need to be done - but at one point you figure, it is just not working out. You’ll have to think about the things that are best for YOU and YOUR business. That’s the beauty of being an entrepreneur - YOU can decide and make changes. Sometimes the changes are hard like saying good bye to a great freelancer or overall not offering a service or product anymore but longterm, it’ll be better and healthier with the new changes.

Always remember - you can decide and don’t have to stick with things that you thought would work or others do.

Make the changes you need to do to feel best. Only then, you and your business can thrive. What business decisions did you have to do that were hard for you?


In 2021 I applied for a freelance position at Meta. I was interviewed and it looked great for me. It would've been my first paid community manager position and it was even for the Power Admins in Germany. I loved the group being a Power Admin myself, I really wanted to land that position.

The Power Admins group was a group of selected Admins with very active facebook groups - so it was an honor to be in there and learn more about groups and creating communities.

At last, I didn't get the job. I was so sad. I really wanted to be a part of the group.

A year later, I got asked by Canva to work for them as a community manager. I was thrilled and loved it! I was happy to realize, it was the best that could've happened to me not getting the job back then.

Today I got the news that Meta stops running the Power Admin program. The group will close and everyone that worked on that program got laid off.

I was shocked to hear the news but I started to realize - it was the best that could've happen to me in 2021. Not getting the job at meta but getting the dream position at a company I love even more AND still having it as my client and not getting laid off today.

Sometimes, the things you wanted most but didn't happen are your true blessings!

What did you really wanted, didn't get but it turned out even better for you?

Photos from Socials Dennise's post 18/01/2023

On Social Media, you always only see the finished product. The delicious, juicy and sweet looking cake - but what did it take?

Creating social media content is pretty much like baking a cake. When baking a cake, you need good ingredients that need to be combined in the right way and amount. You need to preheat the oven, make sure to check the temperature and time and don't miss the right time to take the cake out of the oven. You also want to decorate your cake and serve it the right way to your guests. Only then, they'll have a great experience at your tea time.

For your social media channels, you need the right channels and a proper content strategy. You want to match the right content types with your content ideas, you need to check your audience and research hashtags. Be consistent in posting and caring about your community. Being patient in growing your community is the key - just like you're waiting for your cake to be ready to be taken out of the oven. You "decorate" your channels with your personality and personal brand. Only then, your target audience will be happy and inspired to follow you and continue to interact with your content --> and buy from you.

There are many ingredients needed to make your social media presence a delight. Just like baking a cake.

If you want to finally bake a delicious social media cake for your audience - send me a dm!

What type of content do you personally like the best?


The worst that can happen is, you finally found the energy to post something but then your brain is just blank. You have no idea what to post.

I recommended earlier to create a topic mindmap but sometimes, everything you wrote down just doesn't feel right atm. There are other ways to get creative. 🪩

1. Type the topic you want to post about into google and check the suggested questions and see, what people asked about that topic.
2. - dive deeper into what people interests about that topic.
3. See what Pinterest offers to your topic.
4. Check Twitter, what are people talking about?
5. Check Google Trends. What is trending right now?

Set a timer for 5 minutes and just consume the content you'll see on that platforms. When the alarm goes off, you take a quick walk outside and let your brain organize the content you just saw and create some new ideas to post about.

When you're back on your laptop, you'll feel refreshed and not pressured anymore. The content will flow.
Don't copy content from others, don't pressure yourself to create content. Creating Content is a creative process that has to come naturally and easy.

What do you do to get content ideas?


🚨 Instagram News! 🚨
Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram just told us that the Instagram Navigationbar will change in February.

The Navigationbar will have the Create-Button in the Center and next to it, the Reels-Button. The Instagram Shop Button will be removed.

You'll still be able to shop on Instagram and sell your things via your Instagram Shop but it'll move across the platform. Stories, Feed, Reels - all will help to bring you the most value in selling and buying things on Instagram.

What do you think about this change? Will you miss the Shop-Button in the Navigationbar?

Photos from Socials Dennise's post 10/01/2023

What did you want to become, when you were little?
I always wanted to become a moderator. I loved to watch TV Series and how the moderator were interviewing interesting people, handling tricky situations on live TV and being all glamorous on TV. To me, it seemed like a super important job and I was born to do it. I used the TV remote and interviewed my imaginary guests.
When I was older, I hosted our school events and read a lot of books about how to speak better but, I was not built for TV with being camera shy. I thought about Radio but how am I supposed to be a Radio Host when I hate listening to the Radio Hosts myself? It just wasn't the right fit for me. A Podcast? I just couldn't find a topic I'm passionate enough to talk weekly about (yet ... 😀 )
I still ended up moderating, by accident. When Facebook grew and Facebook Groups started to become a thing, I started my own group and suddenly, I was a moderator myself.
I talked to a lot of people all around the world. I handled steamy discussions, and created interview questions for interesting people. I might not be on TV or Radio, not hosting a Podcast but I found my true passion in managing communities and moderating groups.

Although it is different than originally thought - I'm living my childhood dream!

What did you wanted to become when you were little?

Photos from Socials Dennise's post 09/01/2023

If you want to create great content, your ideas are usually not enough.
A lot of great businesses don't become the recognition they deserve simply because the process of getting their ideas into content that gets posted is too confusing and long.

Paper and Pen is great for brainstorming and getting an idea where you want to start with your content.

The next important step is to built a strong infrastructure for your content. Figure out the best way for you to store your ideas, create your content and plan your posts.

My personal favorites are Notion, Trello or Airtable for creating your Content Calendar. Forr automatic posting, my favorites are Later, Flick or Meta Business Suite.

Try different Apps and services out to understand, what you like best and is the easiest to use. It has to be as intuitive to your workflow as possible - that way you'll be excited to finally get your content spread into the world.

There are free options and paid options. If you're going with a paid plan, make sure to only use the plan you need right now. Don't overpay for a service you don't need right now.

Do you struggle with organizing your Content-Process?
What do you like the best to use?


Let's go girls!
New year, new content ✨
I'm super excited to start this new year.
Sometimes we just need a little push for a fresh start - right? The new year is usually the most inviting one.
Did you think about what you want to accomplish in this new year already?
Without a plan, we can't commit to reaching our goals.
The first week of January is still a slow start so think about what you want to do better in 2023 and what actions you have to do to reach them.

My goal is definitely to share my knowledge more with the world.
Learn new things and overcoming my own (unnecessary) fear. 💪🏽

What are you going to achieve in 2023? 🏆


Get to know me a little better. 10 facts about me!

#1 - I LOVE TO TRAVEL.. but mostly through europe!

I still miss learning new things everyday, having frequent breaks and talking to my friends (during lessons). Every September felt like a fresh start!

#3 - MY FAVORITE MEAL IS SPAGHETTI AL VONGOLE.. and my hotel choice in Italy was mainly based on what food they served.

I drank 5-7 cups of Cappuccino daily. Now I rarely drink it but when I do, I really enjoy it and don´t drink it mindlessly like I used to before.

#5 - GETTING MY DOG WAS THE MOST SPONTANOUS DECISION OF MY LIFE.. but also the most thought through decision. I never regretted it!

7 years ago someone asked me to Co-Admin a Facebook Group. I didn´t know, that I had found my passion.

Please, leave me a text or voice message.

There are so many great options and ways to connect with others. Other platforms are great too but they´ll never be my favorit.

I worked in an office before being self employed. It was great but didn´t fulfill me. I was at makeup school, naturopathy school and I worked as a massage therapist on the weekends for years. It was great but it just never´t felt "right".

I love animation movies and I still watch anime series. I just love the creativity they put into creating different characters, the story and jokes. Usually they also never have realistic drama/problems that would make me think about later.

Is there a fact, that surprised you? What fact do you want to share with me?

Photos from Socials Dennise's post 28/01/2022
Photos from Socials Dennise's post 28/01/2022

What can you do today to upgrade your profile today? Here are 5 tips for you!

Make sure to go through your bio and see which adjustments can you do to make sure, people know exactly what you do. Don´t add quotes or jokes in there. The bio helps you get more followers and show up in the search. Don´t lose this opportunity to be seen!

All the links in your bio as well as in your linktree should be checked if they work properly. Check, if the links are still relevant. Always remember, being seen as professional starts with little things like working links for your clients!

Go through your highlights and see if they´re still relevant. Think about adding an "About me" highlight which attracts new members to get to know you better. Did you add a "Reviews" highlight? See if you can add more reviews you recently got. Let your followers know about your amazing work!

Go through your feed and check your Insights. Which posts were really successful? What do you want to post more often and what content want your followers see? Brainstorm new ideas and see what you can add in the future to get more engaging content!

Not all messages get into your regular message inbox. Make sure to check your message request folder and even the hidden requests. There might be new clients or people interested in your work in there. If there are relevant chats, make sure to take some time, answer these messages and get to know your new clients or prospects.

When was the last time you checked and improved your account?


Videos (show all)

Your business is still running on monday. Take a rest. Only a relaxed mind can be creative. ....#socialmediamarketingtip...
In 2021 I applied for a freelance position at Meta. I was interviewed and it looked great for me. It would've been my fi...
There was a time I never liked mondays ...Usually it started sundays when I just didn´t feel good. I made sure I went to...
