Britt's Peaceful Botanicals

Britt's Peaceful Botanicals

Certified Aromatherapist providing a holistic approach to healing through the therapeutic use of ess

National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy Friend Member. I will be registering professionally upon completion of my Level 2 Aromatherapy Certification.


Story time!
My essential oil journey started when I began looking for more natural ways to clean. Essential oils kept coming up in searches, so I thought I'd give it a try. I knew whatever I decided on needed to be safe for my daughter (she was 10 months old when I started this journey).
I spent a month or two researching prior to ordering. I started by talking to a couple friends who belonged to MLMs, though something just felt "off." I finally had a look at Plant Therapy's website and was almost instantly sold. Fair prices, published GC/MS reports (though I didn't understand then how important these are), Certified Aromatherapists on staff, dedication to education and safety, and willingness to answer any and all questions.
4 years ago today, I received my first package of essential oils in the mail from PT. While my journey started for natural ways to clean, it has evolved into so much more. I quickly fell in love with the therapeutic benefits of the oils. My down time was spent researching and learning all I could, though it never felt like it was enough.
3 years ago, I took the plunge and enrolled in a level 1 certification course through The School for Aromatic Studies and completed in February 2021. In March, I enrolled in the level 2 course. Due mental health, 2 miscarriages in 2021, pregnancy from February to November 2022 and now a 2 month old, life has haulted completing the course. I'm slowly nearing the end (research paper & final). While I enjoy using my knowledge to make effective products and blends for others, I've mostly done the courses to increase my knowledge to safely and effectively use oils with/around my children. 🤗💕

Britt's Peaceful Botanicals 28/11/2022

I know I've been quiet for awhile. Home/work life balance has been difficult on top of pregnancy, though we are nearing the end!
I'm always available for consultations and questions. 🥰

I'm running a sale through 11/30/22, or while supplies last.
30% off with code THANKFUL at checkout!

This is the last of the inventory I'm stocking. I will return to made-to-order products.
I will also be updating the names and descriptions of some products, specifically for my two best sellers: Healing salve and deep relief. No fret! The formulas of these salves aren't changing!

Questions on any product? Just ask!
As always, Thank you for supporting my small business! 🤗🤗

Britt's Peaceful Botanicals Certified Aromatherapist providing high quality, natural, vegan body care products that work!


I'm proud to be apart of International Clinical Aromatherapy Network ICAN!

ICAN is not a governing body (like NAHA, AIA or IFPA). Rather, ICAN is a network connecting professional aromatherapists from around the world. One of the main discussions on the platform is having a universal standard for aromatherapy training.
Did you know certifications in the USA differ from those in the UK, Australia, etc?
I have learned so much from this platform. It helped "open my eyes" to the full potential of what aromatherapy is.

This platform is not for general aromatherapy users. Aromatherapy students absolutely can sign up!

Photos from The School for Aromatic Studies's post 07/06/2022

Such a great course!

Photos from Britt's Peaceful Botanicals's post 31/05/2022

Happy Tuesday!

I've noticed a few companies (small and large) using skin irritating essential oils in bath formulations or failing to use proper dilutants—mostly the first.

When using essential oils in formulations, regardless of any certifications, it is your responsibility to understand safe and responsible essential oil use when sharing products with others.

The oils listed on the last slide are known skin irritants and/or skin sensitizers. Some may even irritate delicate mucous membranes at very low dilutions.

I put together a quick guide on the yes and no of bath safety.

What is your favorite way to use oils in the bath or shower?
My favorite ways are by using shower steamers or unscented bubble bath.

As always, feel free to comment or message me with any questions!

Reason 1000 to Not Drink Essential Oils: They Dissolve Plastic 22/05/2022

Excellent read!

Of course, there are proper ways to use essential oils internally. For specific reasons, and for short amounts of time. There are very few aromatherapists trained to do so.

Reason 1000 to Not Drink Essential Oils: They Dissolve Plastic Our Chief Formulator reiterates why people should not drink essential oils - because one melted the plastic insider her refrigerator!


Hi, all! Happy Tuesday!
I'm on a temporary Hiatus until mid-June. I'm currently not able to make custom formulations until this time. More about the reasoning after Hiatus. 🙃
However, I do have products ready to ship. I'm also always around to answer any questions and (if needed) assist with recipes!


Li is such an excellent source of knowledge! I whole-heartedly agree with her article. Happy blending!

Did you know that you can use more than 3 to 5 essential oils (and other aromatics) in an aromatherapy blend?

Some people claim that all aromatherapists only use a few aromatics in blends, but that is a total myth!

You can make effective blends that contain several aromatics. You can also make 'everything but the kitchen sink' blends that are poorly formulated and that do not work that well!

In some instances, a single aromatic is all you need. For other cases, a blend of a few aromatics is perfect. And in some case studies: some of my most effective blends that I have ever formulated have contained several aromatics. Because that was what was needed.

When blending you need to take into consideration many different factors. Aromatherapy is not a one size fits all field.

Want to learn more about blending? Check out my article on how many aromatics you can use in an aromatherapy blend.


Changes coming soon!

Hey all! I've been thinking on a rebrand for a couple months and I've finally settled on a name.

While my primary focus is Aromatherapy, I also use some fresh/dried plants as well. In the future, I do plan to take an herbalism course. With this, it would integrate into the business and expand beyond just Aromatherapy (Hence "Botanicals").

I've always loved peace signs. This integrates the peace sign and "Peaceful." Amethyst is my birthstone, and also close in color to Lavender or Lilac!

The changes will be taking place within the next few months (Possibly by the beginning of October)- once I have a set date for the change, I will make a post! 🥰
The page and the group will change.
*Instagram is changed, solely to secure the username.


❌ Can you tell me what is wrong with this product? ❌

I was browsing skincare products and came across Bambu Earth. I received a few recommendations for my skincare regimen and decided to look at the ingredients list of each.. everything seemed great until I read the ingredients of the Rosemary Toner.

Honestly, I contemplated whether I should post this. I decided too because essential oil safety is a passion!

This product contains nothing to dilute Rosemary Essential Oil. Many believe that witch hazel dilutes. Hint: it does not! Witch hazel is actually a hydrosol- a water based product. (Basic chemistry: water and oil don't mix.) Even when witch hazel contains alcohol, it is not enough to dilute or solubilize essential oils. Even when shaking the product before use, contact with undiluted essential oil is inevitable.

This is why knowledge is key when it comes to using essential oils.

I was horrified reading some of the reviews. Some experienced reddening of the face- which could be considered an adverse reaction because of the undiluted Rosemary Essential Oil.


Excellent article on internal usage. 💚

Let’s talk INTERNAL use, shall we? I firmly believe there is a time and a place for internal use when you are trained in aromatic medicine. In my training, I have learned that dosage, posology and phasing is of the utmost importance. Without this knowledge, along with knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, real damage to the body can occur. Aromatic medicine is precise. It is complex. It should be left to the professionals to formulate, not the mommy bloggers or the sales reps.

I am firmly against the use of lemon essential oil dropped in your water every day to “keep you healthy”. The whole point of holistic health is that you nurture your body's terrain. It's not a "drink this every day and you'll be healthy" sort of mentality. You can't expect to eat poorly and take a "fat or carb blocker" and be fine. If you want to get healthy, you need to make a commitment to change your lifestyle and habits. If you rely on quick fixes, you will never address the root of the issue and solve the problem.

I get more into depth on WHY this practice is unsafe in my most popular blog post to date—->


I'm closing down my online shop to focus on class. I also have a few personal things coming up this week that have also influenced this decision.

As always, feel free to send me a PM if you need something! I'll still accept orders this way. The best way to reach me would be my personal account, rather than my business page, since facebook doesn't always give notifications for messages to my business page.

Thank you all for your support! 🥰💕

Photos from Britt's Peaceful Botanicals's post 22/04/2021

I've been asked several times if I will ever formulate my own body cream or lotion.


As of right now, that answer is no.


Because formulating aqueous (water based) products, such as lotions and creams, takes a lot of care into preserving the formula, making sure it doesn't separate (most combine water and oil), and making sure the addition of essential oils doesn't break the formula. At this time, I do not have the necessary equipment. If you want to request me to use a lotion or cream for a product, it will be from a premade base.

I've personally used the unscented body butter as a hand cream since Plant Therapy launched it. It's smooth, light weight for day time use, and non-greasy.
I just made a Rose and Vanilla lotion with the unscented body lotion. Also light feeling and non-greasy


Guys, it's really simple. We know what does and does not effectively kill in hand sanitizers. And while essential oils do contain various antimicrobial properties, all EOs are not broad spectrum, and the concentrations needed to effectively kill what they can are not always safe for the skin.

Side note: you can't take in vitro evidence and cite it as justification for a why using certain EOs in crappy "hand sanitizer" recipes is okay. This is never okay and doesn't prove squat. Science 101.

Protect yourself. Protect your loved ones. Don't waste EOs in crap that isn't going to do what you are being falsely led to believe, and don't risk your skin just to try and make it work.

Side note? As aromatherapists its our job to understand how EOs can be used therapeutically but also how they cannot. And understanding the limits is just as important as knowing the benefits.


Imagine this..

You're browsing a company website, and love the description of a premade blend or roll-on.


You look at the ingredients list to find an essential oil is listed that you don't like.

"Shoot! But the blend sounds fantastic... If only it didn't contain Blue Tansy."

This is my personal experience (and I know many can relate, maybe with other oils). Blue Tansy is currently the only essential oil I cannot tolerate. 🤢

Premade blends and roll-ons are convenient for most people, but for others it can be a hassle to constantly check the ingredients list in order to avoid a specific oil.

* So, how do consultations and personalization fit into this scenario? *

As I mention *quite frequently,* aromatherapy is not a one size fits all approach. Each individual has different aroma preferences or may be sensitive to/have contraindications with some oils.

One of my main goals is to help individuals learn about and enjoy aromatherapy. A great way to do so is through consultations!

🤔 What is a consultation?
You know how doctors offices have health questionnaires? Well, I do, too (though I am NOT a doctor)! It helps me know your background, lets me know what YOU would like to achieve through aromatherapy (mind, body, or spirit), and allows me to create a personalized blend or product for you.

While it would be best to have the consultations in person, I'm currently also offering consultations through video chat. In person consultations can be done outside, when weather appropriate, to ease the need to wear masks (please don't argue here!). While I do have a part time evening job, my schedule is pretty available during the morning/afternoon hours.

🤨 What's the process?
When you decide you want a consultation, I will send a link for a google form (which serves as the intake form). I can also print this off if you're local. The final question of the form MUST be read and accepted.
I will look over the form and then contact you to book your consultation.
We'll discuss in more detail what you're looking to achieve through aromatherapy and settle on 1 or 2 issues to start with. IF we meet in person, you'll also get to smell some oils from my repertoire!

👀 What's the price?
For a "Light Consultation," $25. This includes meeting with you and providing you with up to two recipes. This is a great choice if you want more of a targeted approach, but already have supplies to DIY your own product. Expect at least a 30 minute consultation.

For the "Standard Consultation," $50. While this seems steep, I personally find it to be pretty reasonable. This is ideal if you don't have supplies to make your own products. Includes: meeting with you and up to two products. The additional cost covers my materials to make your personalized products. Expect a 30+ minute consultation.

Send me a message or email to book your consultation! I look forward to chatting with you!

Are you in my group?! I'm running a promo. Join here > BL Aromatherapy Services < and find this post!


Hey! Do you have a few minutes?! 👀
I thought I’d introduce myself for those of you who don’t know too much about me OR for those wanting to know more, so here goes!

Here are some important things to know about me!

I love helping people, and have always wanted to fit that into my career/job. Out of high school, I wanted to be a Certified Public Accountant. Half way through my Bachelor's degree, I started second guessing myself. "Is this right for me?" I decided to take a break from college to find my calling. At the end of 2018, I discovered essential oils on a quest to eliminate toxic cleaners from our household. I'm a very skeptical person, so I did about a month of researching companies before making any purchases. Within 6 months of using essential oils, I completely fell in love with the therapeutic benefits (and actually don't use essential oils in very many cleaning products now). I started creating homemade anhydrous body care products and haven't looked back. I decided to get certified and share my passion.

Sharing my passion for aromatherapy is important to me because there is so much misinformation spread about the use of essential oils. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant materials and require a great deal of care to use. There are so many safety considerations to take into account when using essential oils. I'm here to educate on safe and effective usage. Did you know that as an essential oil user (certified or not), you have a responsibility (in a sense) to know and understand safe usage?

My favorite thing about what I do:
I enjoy blending essential oils to find the most aromatically pleasing blends. If it is aromatically pleasing to an individual, the better the chances of a blend or product working therapeutically. What works for one person may not work for another. There is a lot of trial and error to find which essential oils resonate with each individual.
I also love creating products, such as body butters and salves. My happiness fully shines when planning out new products or making blends. It typically doesn't happen overnight or with the snap of a finger. I carefully plan out each blend and product I create which can take days to weeks.

Something you may not know about me:
I LOVE peanut butter! It goes on pancakes, waffles, toast, bagels, and even eaten by the spoonful!

Enough about me! Tell me something I might not know about you below!

Be sure to join my group, BL Aromatherapy Services, for more in depth education, exclusive offers, and some occasional giveaways!

Timeline photos 27/02/2021

It's not your fault.

Misinformation is SO prevalent in the essential oil community, it can be really difficult to know what to trust. Most of the time, you hear about unsafe practices not from people maliciously trying to hurt you, but from fellow EO users who are just doing their best and trusted the wrong source.

It's not your fault if you've been duped in the past BUT you do have a responsibility to yourself and anyone you use essential oils on to do your due diligence and get reliable information from the best sources.

Robert Tisserand has been in aromatherapy for over 50 years. In that time he's taken a particular interest in educating about essential oil safety and wrote the book that ultimately became the industry standard of safety throughout the world.

In addition to his book, Robert teaches the Essential Oil Safety Masterclass, where you can get personal questions answered and hear Robert explain some of the more complicated aspects of safety in great detail.

Currently, this masterclass is being offered as part of our in-depth program Aromatic Skincare. You can learn more and enroll at the link below.

Britt's Peaceful Botanicals 18/02/2021

📢 New product Alert 📢

This one is for our furry family members!

This paw balm works as a preventative when going outside, or to help soften dry pads. Also safe to use on dry noses.
Apply before going outside to use as a preventative, or apply after coming inside and wiping paws dry.

Made with Sweet Almond Oil (Prunus Amygdalis var. Dulcis), Crude Shea Butter (Vitellaria paradoxa) and Beeswax (Cera alba).

I have 2, 2 ounce tins ready to ship. $3 each plus shipping (around $7 shipped) or free local pick up.

Britt's Peaceful Botanicals Certified Aromatherapist providing a holistic approach to healing through the therapeutic use of essential oils, herbs, and other raw materials. Products made are always natural and vegan, never tested on animals, and made with love.

Photos from Britt's Peaceful Botanicals's post 13/02/2021

This natural salve can help stimulate the healing of inflamed, dry, chapped skin. It would also be beneficial in the healing of burns and wounds to minimize scarring. However, the salve should not be applied on fresh burns because it will trap in heat, making the burn worse. I recommend waiting until the area has scabbed over, especially when essential oils are included.
It features:
• Sweet Almond Oil (Prunus amygdalis var. dulcis): Emollient properties; protects and nourishes the skin; helps soothe itching, soreness, dryness, and inflammation of the skin.
• Tamanu Oil (Calophyllum inophyllum): accelerates healing; promotes healthy tissue growth. Also displays anti-inflammatory properties.
• Rosehip Oil (Rosa rubiginosa): Powerhouse carrier oil that boasts a high essential fatty acid profile. Promotes cell regeneration (scars/burns).
• Beeswax (Cera alba): creates a barrier to seal in moisture.
• Essential oils of: Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Frankincense (Boswellia carteri), and Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum). All three of these essential oils have a strong affinity with the skin and promote healing. Also available without essential oils, however I do not recommend reheating this salve to add your own.

My healing salve was formulated for a case study, which was highly successful. Since then, several others have requested to purchase. I've also used it on myself for the natural healing of dry, cracked knuckles on my hands from constant hand washing. I personally use an unscented lotion or cream first, and then apply the salve.

While I can't say what others have used this salve for, they are more than welcome to comment here for some ideas on usage. Remember, what works for one person *may not* work for another, and it is your own decision.

This healing salve can be yours for $8! Currently only offered in a 2 ounce size. Yes, I can ship within the United States, buyer pays shipping.


Hi! My name is Brittany. I'm a Certified Aromatherapist with a passion for safety and correct usage.
I'm a wife and mother. I discovered essential oils at the end of 2018 on a quest for "cleaner" living and eliminating toxic cleaners from our household. I've been actively using essential oils since the beginning of 2019. My daughter was less than a year old. I had concerns for her safety and overall safety when using essential oils. I've benefited in many ways from the use of essential oils and it has truly become a passion. I completed my Level 1 Certification, Foundations of Aromatherapy, through The School of Aromatic Studies taught by Jade Shutes. I'm constantly learning and, in the future, plan to take the Aromatic Scholars (Level 2 Clinical Certification) course Jade offers. In the meantime, I'll soon be enrolling in courses taught by Robert Tisserand and Joy Bowles to "fill the bridge."

Aromatherapy is one holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle by using essential oils. Aromatherapy is not a replacement for Western Medicine; it is a complement to Western Medicine. Aromatherapy is not a one size-fits-all approach, as some companies lead consumers/customers to believe. Rather, it is very unique and depends on the need of the individual--what works for one person may not work for another. It takes a lot of trial and error to find what works, and this has been true for myself and my family.

A quick glimpse of some safety concerns that appear frequently. There are a few companies who promote the use of undiluted application and casual ingestion of essential oils. While there is a time and place for both, neither should be done casually. I recommend seeking the advice of a Certified Aromatherapist before using any essential oil undiluted (also referred to as "neat") on the skin. Most of the time, there is a safer approach. I do not and will not recommend the use of ingestion of essential oils. This should not be practiced unless under the care of a Doctor who is also trained in Aromatic Medicine.

I provide consultations to create personalized blends or products. For consultations, there is an intake form that must be filled out first. Consultations can be held in person, via video chat, or via phone. During our current global situation, having options to meet the needs of clients is the best. I would eventually like to only hold consultations in person.
I can also provide small workshops to educate on safe usage. During these workshops, there is a possibility in the future to do a "make and take" where attendees can learn to make their own natural, chemical-free body products. Please feel free to reach out to me via messenger to discuss consultations and workshops, or with any other questions.
I also have a small selection of products that are available to order at any time, without a consultation. These are products I have tried on myself and adore. These products will be posted soon!

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. I provide a holistic approach to promote and restore health and stimulate healing.

About BL Aromatherapy Services

Hi! I’m a Certified Aromatherapist with a passion for safety and correct usage. I’m a wife and mother. I discovered essential oils the end 2018 on a quest for “cleaner” living and eliminating toxic products from our household. I have been actively using essential oils since the beginning of 2019. My daughter was less than a year old, and I had several concerns for her safety, as well as general safety.

Aromatherapy is a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle by using essential oils. Aromatherapy is not a replacement for Western Medicine; it is a complement to Western Medicine. Aromatherapy is not a one-size-fits all approach, as some companies lead consumers/customers to believe, rather it is very unique and depends on the need of the individual--what works for one person, may not work for another. It takes a lot of trial and error.

Some companies say undiluted applications and casual ingestion of essential oils is safe. Undiluted application of oils should not be done unless under the care of a Certified Aromatherapist. Ingestion of essential oils should not be done unless under the care of a Clinical Certified Aromatherapist or a Doctor trained in Aromatic Medicine.

I provided consultations to create personalized products.
I can also hold workshops to educate others on safe usage and teach how to create personalized products from the comfort of your own home using raw materials free harsh chemicals found in commonly used products.

Videos (show all)

Imagine this..You're browsing a company website, and love the description of a premade blend or roll-on.UNTIL!You look a...
Hey! Do you have a few minutes?! 👀I thought I’d introduce myself for those of you who don’t know too much about me OR fo...