Zsombor Hermann

Zsombor Hermann

Handmade wooden jewelleries and sculptures made out of recycled materials.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 02/12/2023

It was a long way, but after 6months this little snail has arrived.

I've never tried to carve an animal like form before. It was an interesting experience and I would say, I will continue this in the future.

It's made as a gift for someone and I was really happy to make it.
It's waited still in a small box for this long time to be opened:)

We also can talk about the snail as a symbol, like tolerance, perserverance, observation of natural life, enduring life, the need to slow down.
In the medieval times snails were recognised for their strength and in a huge part of asia it means love and happiness.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 24/05/2023

"Long long time ago.."
I made my first silver ring with a copper orb and hammered inner copper wire parts.

I carved the original form out of wax.
It was molded and created out of silver with wax loss procedure.
Then it needed some finishing process, some polish and I added the copper parts which was amazingly complex to do it right and not to ruin my ring:D

Thank you Luca - -
for the help, and also for the tips and tricks:)
I really enjoyed those months in the , it was a nice group.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 23/03/2023

Time flies and it's already 3 years ago when I sold my first bigger creation,
-a small sculpture, a decoration-
to a carpentry plant owner.

It's still a really good feeling that he -who also works with these kind of materials and throws away smaller pieces just like those what I used to build this project-
told me that he really likes my work and he will display it in his office.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 07/03/2023

New piece to a series of medals.

The dark red layers on its top and bottom sides is a textile which was originally a part of a jeans.


Lamp Nr.1

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 05/03/2023

"The night has come,
And the land is dark,
And the moon is the only light we'll see"

So I think, this is the right time to show the lights of my new laml in the dark.

I really like this warm, orange light.
In the future it's gonna be optional, what color you like and need but still, I think this color looks great in the background, while you watch a movie, prepare to sleep, or read a book (of course with another , more bright light).

I still hope, you like this design and idea and I still can't wait to finish the next lamps on the way.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 05/03/2023

My new project, what I couldn't wait to show you.
To be honest I'm amizngly excited abput it. This one is the first piece of the series and probably the most minimal, most pure, with smooth surfaces. Nothing unnecessary.

Made out of some upcycled cherry wood and a 10mm plexi sheet (also upycled.)

I hope you like it there is more on their way:)

In my next post you can see how it glows in the dark.

Have a wonderful sunday:)

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 03/03/2023

Beech wood and copper.

Another experiment with the materials and the forms.
I would like to make some new medals in small series with only 10-20pieces in each of then.
Maybe I'll use this material consumption to one of these series.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 01/03/2023

Natural necklaces, made out of peach tree branches.

Experiment to make a minimalistic form with some smooth arc but still keep the natural vibe of the material.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 28/02/2023

A piece from a new series of medals.
I still really like these soft arcs, smooth surfaces and their simple forms.


Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 26/02/2023


Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 23/02/2023

Wooden bracelet with carved and painted texture.
Someone told me it's got a 70's vibe ,but axxording to other opinions it looks like an african style jewellery.

If I'm right it is oak wood.
Made out of some wasted material from an order at my workplace. It's too great to throw it out.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 22/02/2023

Rustic mood with artificial fissions.

I know, I need hand models :D
I'm working on some developement in the photoshooting part of my projects, Till then, I hope you can accept my hands:)

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 21/02/2023

A project where I used other's abandoned residual material.
I don't know their original plans so my goal just was to use these small pieces and unite them into a jewellery.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 20/02/2023

A little game with a little waste to make a vase,
for some dried plant decoration.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 04/02/2023

Pieces made to be presents.

After a really long time -for me at least- I begin to show my work again and I can't wait to represent every other piece too.
I have to say, I really missed it.

I got a small piece of wood
-cutted out from an old picket-
and I was asked to make a jewellery out of it. It was chosen because of its form,
so I kept the that and cutted into 6 slices which at the end became 4 pair of earrings.

If I'm right it's acacia and it is an absolutely beautiful material, which works very well with copper.
I think the color of these two material really complete each other and makes a warm, comforting feeling.


After a long time I've started to work.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 03/08/2022

My first work with copper, but I'm sure it is not the last. :)

An unnecessary gift,
an experiment,
a belated promise.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 27/11/2021

Sziasztok! :)

Fontosnak tartom az Amnesty International tevékenységét, úgy gondolom mindannyiunk számára hasznos,
ezért veszek most részt egy adománygyűjtésben , mely során minden forint támogatás DUPLÁN számít -mivel egy pályázat keretében minden adománnyal megegyező összeget kapnak.

Kérlek hogyha teheted - kisebb-nagyobb összeget egyaránt nagy örömmel fogadunk :) - támogasd a kampányomat az alábbi linken:

Továbbá felajánlok általam készített dísztárgyakat, ékszereket,
melyek megvásárlásával 100%-ban a kampányt, és az Amnesty Internationalt támogathatjátok!

Ennek keretében megnyerhetővé válik a képen látható aszaldíszem, szobrom is.
Az alkotás megnevezése: Sc Nr.4 - Piece of inner peace!?


Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 11/08/2021

DAAD gathering - ozora festival

It was great, and I learned a lot from this market opportunity.

Flóra Anna Jeney
Lilla Csetényi

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 03/08/2021

A pair of earring,
made out of olive wood*.

*a really important olive wood for the person who wears it now,
so my goal was to paying a lot of attention, and make a kind of eternal value.
The request was to make it round and put some whiteness in it somehow, so at the and I tried to make both of the request perfectly but still put some excitement in it,make a natural first apperiance from the front, and give elegance with the white belt and the form.
The sticker on the other side is made out of the same wood.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 12/07/2021

Brrrdy Nr.1

First piece of a new product family , called Brrrdy.
Made out of purple heart leftover and an unknown(by me) type of wooden table leg.

Hulladék fából készít generációkon átívelő ékszereket: „Engedem, hogy szinte magától alakuljon" 07/07/2021

Köszönöm a lehetőséget és a szép szavakat Vépy Reni
ás a fotókat Tündi Bereczki

Hulladék fából készít generációkon átívelő ékszereket: „Engedem, hogy szinte magától alakuljon" Az újrahasznosítás találkozik az értékteremtéssel.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 07/06/2021

Wooden sculpture
A wedding gift for my sweet friends :)

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 28/05/2021

Wooden sculpture

This piece turned out to be a moment of frustration in the middle of my inner peace. :)

Industrial plywood waste
Wooden repair plaster
White paint

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 26/05/2021

One new wooden medalion / necklace , made out of an amazingly beautiful material.
The piece of wood was a gift from a friend, and if I remember well, he told me it's mulberry.

I think this type of wood is a great example for the wonder which surrounds us,
It's a small piece of harmony.

Photos from Zsombor Hermann's post 25/05/2021

One of my darkest wooden material I've got. After I treat the surface it becomes strongly deep dark.

TIXA - tickets online // Organix Festival 2021 03/05/2021

You will find me there :)

TIXA - tickets online // Organix Festival 2021 Mi az Organix? Egy olyan egyedülálló, családias hangulatú minifesztivál, ahol a közösségépítés és a baráti légkör megteremtése áll a középpontban. Egy...


In progress