

Welcome to the AskRoy App! Here is where you will have direct access to me, a fitness trainer in California, with over 25 years of experience.

Together, we will ensure that you reach your fitness goals. Visit my website At the bottom of the page click on the Get the App link for either Apple or Android and download my free app, Ask Roy. From the main screen, you can signup by simply clicking the 'Ask Roy' button, located at the bottom of your screen. Once signed up, you can ask text or voice questions, or simply just b


Many of my clients ask me how many calories they should eat in a day. My response is that it all depends on their BMR or basal metabolic rate, activity level throughout the day and whether the goal is weight loss or weight gain.
Calculating a person’s BMR is difficult because it is based on a particular setting that the body it is not in for much of the day for the most individuals, but it’s worth checking out. The best site I’ve found for calculating BMR . This site uses the Miffin-St Jeor equation which I this is the best. If you use that site, first click BMR calculator then under the (related) box click calorie calculator....

If you want to read the rest of this article download my app, IOS- AskRoy or Android- AskRoy Free. I keep the articles short because I want you to ask questions so that I can answer each of you as individuals.


Which would be more helpful to you. A posts that educates you or a post that motivates you?


Insightful, educational and motivational articles. You can have an expert to talk to at anytime right there in your pocket.


2% milk is actually 38% fat, don't be fooled.


If you’ve taken my challenge to start running in 2017 or have committed to higher running goals for this year, join our community. Use the voice tool on the app and tell me the following after every run.
1. Goals and timelines
2. Results of each run
*Tell me how far you ran and how many times you stopped(rough estimate)
3. Total time and distance(if you know)
4. How you felt during and after your run
5. Progress
6. Questions
By sharing your runs, goals and progress you’ll stay engaged and also be an inspiration to others. Plus we want to know how your doing!!
* If your an experienced runner and would like to add insight, advice and motivation we would love to hear from you.
**Download my App and use the voice tool to share.


I built my free, fitness coaching mobile app to help anyone anywhere with their personal diet and fitness questions as well as write helpful articles and blast out motivating voice messages. Designing, adjusting and sticking to a successful plan can get complicated and frustrating. Having an experienced diet and fitness coach right there in your pocket to answer every question and guide you makes all the difference. You can download my free app on IPhone by searching Ask Roy in the App Store and Ask Roy Free in the Play Store for Android. It's quick, it's easy, it's free and it works


About 99% of all people do not know how to get their bodies to change in the fashion they want. They believe that the two basics of eat less and exercise are all there is to losing weight. We all know that health comes first and appearance second, but most people are really only interested in losing extra weight and looking / feeling better. There is a way to improve both health and appearance, but most people don't know how to accomplish this. First of all, just losing weight is a flawed thought. Your body weight is a combination of muscle, organs, tissue, water, bones and fat. What people need to do is to strive to lose extra body fat while gaining much-needed lean muscle tissue, but what most people actually accomplish is losing muscle and minimal to no fat. The scale goes down along with their health, energy and metabolism. The more lean muscle we have, the more calories we burn even at rest everyday. Likewise, if we lose muscle, our metabolism decreases and makes it extremely difficult for the body to burn fat. We have to start by breaking down an individual’s current health and body composition, set ultimate goals, and determine steps we will take to reach those goals.
I will teach you, in detail, all the principles and many secrets to not only reaching what many believe to be unattainable goals but also how to control your body weight and composition for the rest of your life. Each person has a combination of food, food timing, strength training as well as conditioning and cardiovascular training that forces their body to change. This is unique to everyone. Through interaction and time, we will find that combination and apply it and your body will change! The most important thing that I do with you is to teach you what I know. I get you to see what I see in you and I give you the education, support, motivation and confidence you need to make a permanent change. There are also many secrets and tricks I use that very few know that will make your body lose fat. We will apply those when needed. Remember, when we find the right formula for you, your body must change; it has no choice in the matter. After one month of working together, all of the confusion and misinformation of your past will be gone and everything will start to become very simple and clear. I tell my clients to look at it like this: you can leave your house everyday looking for an address 2000 miles away. You have no map and no idea how to get there, so you just drive. Your car is in gear and you’re burning a lot of gas, but at the end of the day, you’re just lost and no closer to reaching your destination. I am like your GPS, we plug in all the information and set the course. You may, from time to time, get a little sidetracked but you are never lost, you just have a new start point. After many miles and turns, you’re at that address. You may struggle, but I'm always there to get you turned back in the right direction and moving forward. One day, when you reach your goals, you'll have a moment when you see yourself in the mirror and realize what you've accomplished. At that moment, you'll remember your journey, the day you finally decided to do it, maybe the day you read this. You'll remember when it was hard and you thought about giving up and you'll remember the person or people that were negative or just didn't understand your need to change. (who are now asking for your advice). You'll remember how the diet and exercise seemed hard in the beginning and now its second nature. You'll look at yourself and your entire journey will come flooding back to you. You'll probably shed some tears and you'll ball your fist up in front of you, pump it victoriously at the new person in the mirror and say ' I DID IT '.



Make 2017 the year you run! if you're already a runner than make it the year you run harder!


There seems to be a million people preaching their path to fitness today. There is no shortage of exercise and diet programs and they all want you to believe their way is the best. The simple truth of the matter is that there is no best way. Whatever plan, program, method or philosophy that is done safely and gives us the sustained results and motivation to continue is the best way. I have found that shiny and new draws the most people in but simple with variety gets the results. In the upcoming year make a plan to try new things to see if they work instead of the same things that haven't worked in the past. Whatever makes you do it is the best plan for you!

Timeline photos 17/12/2016

We must first become physically active before we can become physically fit.


In order to lose weight we must create a caloric deficit every day. A caloric deficit does not mean to stop eating. A caloric deficit means to consume fewer calories than we burn, or to burn more calories than we consume, to burn more calories than we consume. Diet and exercise are ideal partners.


Saying to yourself, "I'll wait until after New Years to get back in to diet and exercise" doesn't mean "I'm going to live the next 4 weeks in Sloth and Gluttony", or does it?

ORIGINAL IRON™ | Danville Personal Training, Diet Plans, Skype Counseling & Lifestyle Coaching | Home 05/12/2016

University studies have proven that long distance diet, fitness and weight loss coaching is more effective than in person training. It works better and costs far less. I use email, skype and my fitness app to guide people from all of the country to success in their goals. Visit my websites and If you have any questions at all email me at [email protected]. My job is to understand you, what your dealing with, what you need and stick with you until you get it and keep it.

ORIGINAL IRON™ | Danville Personal Training, Diet Plans, Skype Counseling & Lifestyle Coaching | Home


There comes a time in all of our lives that we feel unsure, nervous and sometimes a little fearful of the world around us. During these times we have to focus our energy on the things we can control, like bettering and strengthening ourselves. Making a commitment to get in the best physical condition we can will not only give us positives to focus on but will also build the mental and physical strength we need to confidently navigate to storm and come out of it better than ever.


When it comes to weight loss and getting in to great physical shape, one thing is far more motivational and powerful than any other, looking great! Most of us deny that vanity is our motivation instead of using it to motivate. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look great and hearing a compliment about it every once in a while. If short-term is what works for you like it does me, then think short-term!


Two of the biggest problems we face with healthy dieting in our society are that everything eating is social and everything social is eating.


Discipline in dieting is knowing your weaknesses and staying far away from them. Out in public, a guest in someone’s home, or at work can be the most challenging, but in your own home its simple- don’t bring it in! Telling yourself that starting on Monday, you won’t eat any more of the snacks in the kitchen through the week is not discipline, its sabotage. If you can't walk by them on the store shelves, you’re not going to walk by them on the kitchen shelves.


When it come to successful dieting and nutrition, you either prepare or repair.


I'm not telling you to choke down a protein that tastes horrible but if you require a protein that tastes similar to your favorite birthday dessert after your favorite birthday dinner at favorite your birthday restaurant then you're missing the point of supplementation.


We cannot solve our weight problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.


Mix and match your food to accomplish your fitness goal!

Getting the body you want takes work, time, and more importantly an understanding of how diet and exercise affect you. The approach I recommend is to learn and understand the foods you are currently eating and the effect they are having on your body and mind, and why. A very important component as well is to learn the correct foods to eat based on your goals and how to mix and match those foods easily. By doing so you will start seeing results in your weight, energy and you'll notice your hard to control cravings subsiding quickly.

Once we add in the proper exercise program, your body will start to change very fast! The process takes 3 to 6 months to complete, but remember, you are changing from the very beginning. After the first 4 to 6 weeks of gradual change your body will start to change rapidly due to the following reasons:

Your body now understands that this is your new way to live and it must adjust.
You will be in a much better condition and therefore will burn more calories while exercising.
You will have added some lean muscle tissue so your body will be burning more calories at rest than before.
At this point, your new way of eating will be an easy and normal part of your everyday lifestyle. Your frequency of eating--if done correctly--will cause your metabolism to speed up, causing, even more, fat burn. When it come to fat loss you cannot use one single approach. You cannot put all of your eggs in one basket. That approach might work a little in the beginning but it will soon end and so will your motivation.

Your approach should be to start getting better and better at these three things: strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and more importantly, nutrition. Over time, your body will get better and better and will see a lot of calories being burned, until you hit a tipping point, in which your body starts to changes very quickly. You will get to the snowball effect but you have to decide to start. My motto has always been "Starting is the hardest part, so start once and don't ever start again".

My question to everyone is this. Don't you want to understand how all of this works? Once and for all understand how to control your body without having to rely on fad diets, dangerous pills or supplements that have minimal effect on fat loss and have maximal effect on money and motivational loss. I strongly agree with taking a quality multivitamin, antioxidant, and a few other nutritional supplements, if through assessing you we see a need. You should never look at any program and see a list of products you need to take for success. That is a red flag and I would suggest steering clear and taking a better approach. You have the opportunity right now to finally learn and change, take it!

Timeline photos 28/09/2016

Tag a friend that would like a California Fitness Pro in their pocket for FREE! Download the app, click a button and get advice from a personal trainer in California with over 25 years experience. to download the app and get moving toward your goals.


Controlling your blood sugar is the major factor in controlling your weight. Go to my App and read the article I just published titled, How Your Blood Sugar is Affecting Your Weight Control Success!
If you don't have the App yet then download it today. Sign up as a user, it's free and go to community or nutrition and read this important message. App Store: Ask Roy
Google Play Store: Ask Roy Free

Timeline photos 25/09/2016

Tag a friend that would like a California Fitness Pro in their pocket for FREE! It really is that simple! Download the app, click a button and get advice from a personal trainer in California with over 25 years experience. to download the app and get moving toward your goals.


Successful diet and exercise is a lifestyle but that lifestyle change has to start somewhere. Learning how to put your dieting and exercise programs in the correct mental compartment of your is a key component to your long term success. Wouldn't you like to live a life where proper, healthy and outcome based dieting is easy? If you can master the mental side and yes, you can then it'll be forever easy. Go to , click on the App link at the bottom of the page and get started today.


Sunday is the day that you eat whatever you want. If you've been following my 7 day a week philosophy of successful dieting and exercise then you know just what I'm talking about. Don't force yourself to eat foods you really don't want but if you've been on point the previous 6 days then go for it. To understand and follow my philosophy download my then read through the nutrition articles and get started.


Saturdays in the Fall are made for outdoors. Get out today and enter a 5k, go for a hike, bike ride or play your favorite sport just for fun. If you're watching your kids play soccer, football or another sport, then you see how much fun it is to get outside and be active. It doesn't have to be planned or perfect, just get up and go. The more you do it the more you'll want to do it. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to watch that football game later and even if you don't, wouldn't you rather get out and live your life instead of sitting around watching everyone else live theirs?


Nighttime snacking is one of the biggest dieting pitfalls of all. Well I have solved the problem for you. Learning the easy steps to controlling your blood sugar during the day will keep your sugar craving brain from controlling you at night. Download and install the app today. IOS- Ask Roy, Android- Ask Roy Free.