Fruit Punch Digital

Fruit Punch Digital

Join growth-ready businesses who are converting online traffic into quality leads and sales, every day.

At Fruit Punch Digital we craft digital marketing strategies that not only stand out, but also efficiently convert more visitors into customers.


Magic happens when the marketing pro's team up...

A couple months ago Corey from Good Oil Marketing reached out to see if we were interested in a project he was working on.

Of course we said yes!

Marketers List is a brand new website helping business owners find the perfect digital marketing support for their businesses.

Each digital marketing professional has been carefully vetted, so you know you're only going to get the best support possible.

Check it out!

(Link in Comments!)


Super proud to have helped the team at Doctor Dog with their e-commerce website refresh!

This dog food was 110% endorsed by our dog Mylo, and we wanted to showcase how amazing it is by displaying the endless 5 star Google reviews on the website and highlighting their Massey University certification - the only dog food in NZ to have this!

We also added in a subscription functionality to the website, which makes it easy for customers to receive fresh shipments each month, while creating reoccurring revenue for the owner.

Website link in the comments for anyone who is looking for New Zealands best quality dog food for their fur baby!


Does Google know you exist?

We spent some time on the Profit Builder - Bookkeeping Services website last week getting their SEO sorted out and the new pages submitted to Google.

The result?

Google indexed 22 pages over the weekend, which means they're ready to be found online!


Fresh website for Profit Builder - Bookkeeping Services!

We designed the website with a clean and professional aesthetic that was SEO optimised for maximum performance on the Google!

SEO things included:

- Keyword optimisation
- Creating quality content!
- Meta tags and descriptions
- Internal linking across pages
- Submitting the XML sitemap & schema markup

We'll be providing on-going SEO support with their website and look forward to seeing this business grow!


You actually don't need a website.

You need this instead:

A smart digital platform that does more than just look good.

Imagine a space that not only showcases your brand.

But drives engagement.

Captures leads.

Converts visitors into loyal customers.


While you sleep.

A good website integrates with your favourite tools.

It streamlines your systems and processes.

It supports your businesses growth.

It frees up your time.


You'll be left twiddling your thumbs while a Fruit Punch Digital website does most of the work for you.


I don't often end up speechless (extrovert ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ)

But this website left me shocked!

Sylvia came to us wondering why she wasn't achieving any growth in her small business.

She was putting SO much effort into it.

She was offering competitive rates, in a niche market.

Her branding, photography, and content was perfect.

But the website was just gathering digital dust.

No traffic, and no sales.

She reached out to us to find out what was wrong, and what we saw left us ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Sylvia's previous designer hadn't left her with a website, just a series of photos (which included the copywriting!).

It was like she had brought a car, but been given a photo of one instead with the expectation it would take her from A to B.


No responsive design.

No functionality within the website.

Sylvia had been doing all this hard work, but wasn't getting results because her website wasn't supporting her.

So Fruit Punch Digital stepped in to help.

And a few weeks later we had to postpone our coffee catchups because she had too many bookings coming through.

We fixed Sylvias website and now she's got too many bookings so we can't drink coffee together anymore ๐Ÿฅน


A fab example of how the right font helps set the tone... ๐Ÿ˜…


Who remembers this ad?

We don't even have to tell you which one it is, you know instantly.

We're talking about why this ad is so effective in todays newsletter... that's heading out the door at 3.45pm today.

(Don't miss out).


What do you get when you cross an SEO specialist with a good idea, and a website designer who can implement it?

Something exciting... ๐Ÿฅณ

If you're a growth-ready business looking for more revenue, leads, and attention then you'll want to stick around to see what Corey from Good Oil Marketing is putting together!

Because it's going to be epic.


You might spot one of our new ads floating around.

Lets talk about the science behind it ๐Ÿง 

In 2020 study participants were shown a list of well known brand names.

Some were spelt in full.

But some of them had a single letter missing...


The result? Brands with a hidden letter were recalled 14% more than the fully spelled brand names.

14% more.

They had tapped into a phenomenon called the Generation Effect.

The more effort you put into recalling something, the more likely you are to remember it.

And that's important when you only have seconds to grab someones attention.


Do your ads use dopamine?

PopCap Games has kept users ADDICTED for 10 years straight.

For reference, most games last just under 3 months.

But PopCaps success wasn't just luck - they used science to keep their users coming back for more.

Check out our recent blog article to learn how you can implement science based strategies to get customers addicted to your brand.



When your competitors are zigging, you should be zagging.

A beautiful example of this is Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign.

While most beauty brands were flooding us with highly edited images and promoting unrealistic beauty standards, Dove did something different.

Their campaign featured real women, with various body types, ages, and ethnicities.

They challenged the industries status quo, and connected with their audience on a deep emotional level.

While others were zigging, they chose to zag.

And we all noticed.


It was so much fun working with Sylvia from Healing Lotus Hands... and thank you for the energy healing sessions! โœจ

We swooped in for a quick redesign after her previous designer caused havoc, which was definitely not a relaxing situation to be in!

Now that this small business has a functional website we'll be supporting them with ongoing SEO work (and cups of tea!)


Can confidently say most of the Fruit Punch team are barking mad, so when Furry Friends Hotel reached out about a website of course we said YES!

The project kicked off this week, so check back soon ๐Ÿฅณ


Fresh website for the team at Headstart Total Body!

The best part about working with many different businesses is the insight you get into their industry and all the amazing things they're working on or are involved with.

During this project Headstart taught us about Sustainable Salons and how they are helping salons reduce waste and contribute positively to the environment.

So far they've collected over 90,419kg's of hair which is used to soak up oil in a land or ocean spill!

We think contributing positively to society is so important, so it was really nice supporting another business who is out there doing the same.


The debate between rounded edges and straight edges in website design is more than just a matter of taste; it's about the impression it leaves on our users and the overall user experience.

๐ŸŸง Straight Edges: Often associated with a modern, clean, and professional look, straight edges in web design convey precision and structure.

They frame content in a way that is direct and no-nonsense, appealing to websites that aim for a formal, corporate feel. Straight edges can suggest stability and reliability, resonating with users looking for straightforward information and services.

๐ŸŸ  Rounded Edges: On the flip side, rounded edges are gaining momentum for their soft, approachable, and friendly vibe. They are said to enhance user experience by creating a sense of comfort and ease.

Rounded edges can reduce the perceived harshness of a digital environment, making interfaces seem more organic and less intimidating. This style is often used in designs that aim to be more informal, playful, or user-friendly.

But the impact goes beyond aesthetics. Psychological studies suggest that people perceive objects with rounded corners as safer and more inviting compared to those with sharp edges.

In the context of web design, this could mean that a website with rounded edges might be more likely to encourage positive user engagement and a longer stay.

So, which is better? The answer lies in your brand's identity and the message you want to convey. While straight edges can evoke a sense of formality and seriousness, rounded edges might be your go-to for a more welcoming and friendly user interface.

๐ŸŽจ As web designers, it's our job to understand these nuances and choose the right design elements that align with your website's goals and audience's expectations.

Whether it's the sharp, clean lines of straight edges or the soft, inviting curves of rounded corners, each choice plays a pivotal role in shaping the user's experience and perception.

What's your preference? Straight and structured, or rounded and relaxed? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ’ญ


New website for the team at Quick Freight!

Our pricing structure is slightly different to traditional agencies, and it's designed to suit business owners.

Instead of a big upfront bill we charge one small monthly fee... and then we look after everything so you can focus on running your business.

While Quick Freight are focusing on delivering goods across the globe we'll be working in the background doing monthly SEO and keeping the rates and fees listed on their site up to date.

Win win ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŠ


The 8th of March is International Women's Day, and being a female led business we were invited to help celebrate with some other talented ladies!

We'll be adding over $1000 worth of value to your business with this amazing give away.

So if you want to give your business a huge boost, here's how to enter:

โœจ Like this post
โœจ Follow our accounts...

We'll be adding over $1000 of value to your business, which will include:

1x Social media content + paid ads audit valued at $300
1x Website audit valued at $300
1x Customised email/newsletter strategy valued at $200
1x 90 minute Customer Lifecycle Automation consulting session valued at $250

Entries close on the 11.03.24 at 11am
.. and it's not associated with Instagram or Facebook.

Kate from Lets Market will be leading the charge, so you will only be contacted by her or her business page . And stay safe! We wont ask you to share personal details, click a link, or pay a fee to claim your prize.


Want to know how your long lost relatives with the trust fund found you?

They used software to scrape data from your website and collect your contact details.

Which is why we encode our emails.

The text in the image below is actually our email address.

We've just made it harder for scammers to find.

Want to know how to do it on your site? DM us!


Looking forward to kicking off a new project on Monday!

We'll be working with a freight company to create a modern design that is SEO friendly and conversion focused.

We're working really hard to implement systems in Fruit Punch Digital that allows business owners to focus on their business, while we look after their digital presence... all for one small monthly fee.


Bloom Habitat helps shares knowledge with homeowners so they can create beautiful, functional, and healthy homes.

We're helping implement a few design and technical changes to optimise this website for the search engines (SEO), setting up some free downloads, and encouraging readers to subscribe to the newsletter.

Looking forward to supporting this new biz as they promote wellness-focused homes and educate families on making mindful choices!


We don't like spam... in a can or our Facebook inbox.

Luckily we've got the solution!

If you head into your settings you can restrict the countries who can see and access your page.

Follow the instructions here:


On-boarded a business who needed monthly website maintenance, which gave us the opportunity to show them around our new Client Support Dashboard.

Our platform gives clients so much control over their websites and makes it really easy for them to communicate with us.

Via this dashboard you can:

- Get notified of news and any changes
- Submit requests that get picked up by our webmasters
- Book meetings with their website designer
- Upload resources to their personal Dropbox folder
- Tell us exactly what changes need to be made on their website using our markup tool.
- Log into the backend of their website to make their own design changes
- Access our resources library - which we are busy recording videos for.

Want to check it out? DM us!


Updated website, who dis?

Slowly discovering that website design is very similar to working in the construction industry... you always see something around the house or on your website that could be changed or improved or redone.

Forever a work in progress ๐Ÿ˜…


Bespoke website design for Local Markets in NZ who want to showcase local markets around New Zealand and the stallholders who attend them.

We'll be helping build out this website over time, adding a ecommerce solution so vendors can sell online.


Fresh website for Kiwi Hauler, who are based out in Kumeu.

Kept it clean and simple, and added a booking functionality so customers can easily get in touch to book or buy a trailer.


Helping the team marvel electrical create an online presence with a new website.

We focused on highlighting the services they offered and emphasising the point of difference this company can offer to its clients.

Looking forward to supporting the team with their journey!


Just finished a bright and fun e-commerce website for! This little business offers the perfect solution for displaying and storing ALL the art brought home by your kids. Kiwi ingenuity at it's best ๐Ÿ˜


Had the pleasure of working with S&A Supports and Services over the last couple of days! A quick 1 page website to give them digital real estate and some professional emails accounts. Looking forward to following their journey and seeing this business thrive!


There's a new website on the way, and we can't wait to show you the finished look! We'll be working with the client to create an ecommerce website for their small business, which will give them the foundations to grow! ๐Ÿ˜

Videos (show all)

Give your website a fresh look for 2024 with these tips ๐Ÿ‘‡๐ŸŠ  Ease up on the animationsToo much drama with animations like...
Hey business owner, is your website responsive? Can it shrink and grow to suit all the different screens your customers ...