Kian Self Healing Journey

Kian Self Healing Journey

Greetings everyone, my name is Kiara Vélez. The main purpose of this page is to help, educate and m


Release your past. You can't go there anymore.
Release who hurted you, they can't hurt you anymore.
Release your expectations about others and yourself. Get to really know people, get to know you.
Learn to love yourself, cause that's the only way you'll be able to comprehend and love others. Release, release anything that steals your peace of mind. Release, let it go like Elsa, embrace who you are in all aspects in your life. Reinvent yourself, use your time efficiently and move with purpose.
Libera tu pasado. Ya no puedes ir allí.
Suelta a quien te lastimó, ya no te pueden lastimar.
Libera tus expectativas sobre los demás y sobre ti mismo. Llegar a conocer realmente a la gente, llegar a conocerte.
Aprende a amarte a ti mismo, porque esa es la única forma en que podrás comprender y amar a los demás. Suelta, suelta cualquier cosa que te robe la tranquilidad. Déjalo ir como Elsa, abraza quién eres en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Reinvéntate, usa tu tiempo de manera eficiente y muévete con propósito.


Suelta las expectativas sobre otras personas. Deja de asumir lo que los demás piensan o sienten. Vive el momento, el pasado es irreversible y el futuro inexistente en tu presente. Nos atamos con cosas irrelevantes muchas veces y el tiempo es demasiado preciado para desperdiciarlo en trivialidades. Amate por sobre todas las cosas, es de la única manera que podrás aprender amar a los demás. Conócete de gran manera y así estarás abierto a conocer en enteridad a alguien más. No estamos para malgastar el tiempo. Usa tu tiempo con propósito.

Let go of expectations about other people. Stop assuming what others think or feel. Live in the moment, the past is irreversible and the future non-existent in your present. We get tied up with irrelevant things many times and time is too precious to waste on trivialities. Love yourself above all things, it is the only way you can learn to love others. Get to know yourself in a great way and so you will be open to knowing someone else fully. We are not here to waste time. Use your time with purpose.

Key phrase: Move with purpose🟢✅️🔝↗️


Good morning☀️

Photos from Kian Self Healing Journey's post 10/07/2022

Good morning☀️❤️


Are you part of the solution?
Shift your focus.
Good morning and good night my friends❤


What a wonderful day to be alive. How are you feeling today? Where are you right now? Are you in a good place?


How are you guys feeling?❤

I'm feeling calm this morning.
I need to go through the day in a effective and progressive way.
I'm greatful for my daughter and for being alive.
I will like to enlight another's path sharing my light with them. That will definitely be an accomplishment for me and set my microphone to a good tune for me to sing.

What about you guys?


Crianza respetuosa, prevención de abuso infantil.



Photos from Kian Self Healing Journey's post 09/11/2021

1)Are you dealing with a narcissistic person?

2) What is a narcissistic personality disorder?

-Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding.

Photos from Kian Self Healing Journey's post 17/10/2021

Most of us growing up have live with the wrong idea or have been taught that having feelings or being emotional equals weakness. Wrong!🚩🚩🚩🚩
Learning to deal with our emotions is the key to a healthy life. Every emotion needs to be felt, dealt with in order to understand certain situations we go through in our daily basis. We need sadness to allow grief to be surpassed. Anger to keep a balance when our boundaries are being step on. Happiness to enjoy the good things that happensto us, etc... Every emotion has their key purpose in our lives and reason to be there. So stop apologizing for crying, being mad or pensive sometimes. You're healing, you're alive. It may feel overwhelming at first, but as soon as you own it, the freedom that comes with that is completely worth it. One step at a time❤

Photos from Kian Self Healing Journey's post 11/10/2021

Happy Mental Health day!🌎 Keep it up healers❤


In which you're living?
Are you in a fish tank or in your habitat?


Be your own hero, you'll get surprised. Good night healers ❤
