FOOD Court Mafia

FOOD Court Mafia

Vendors that work together to create a positive and friendly environment to find that final piece.


Happiest of Holidays! To all from the Food Court Mafia!


With The Weather so Bipolar you can catch us out at the Auburn Mall! You can Catch Pop Hunter Keno next to Evil’sToyLair! The rest to the team in the usual spot. Have a Safe Weekend with all this Crazy Weather! remember Keno’s Table deal!
First 2 pop bundle $5 discount and any additional pops are discounted $5 each. Unlimited discount! So by the 3rd or 4th pop you may end up with a free one! see ya all tomorrow!


HQ this evening! Let’s see how the morning goes!


Welcome to the food court mafia! We are a set of vendors that love to help people find that missing piece to their collection or that hard to find grail without breaking the bank. You can find us on the twin Oaks Mall circuit in western Washington. First weekend of every month you can find us at the Auburn outlet mall in the Food court! Then you can find us on the third weekend of every month at the Federal Way Commons adjacent to the food court.
This time of year our schedule kind of shifts with the holidays for our locations so please follow us for updates. Here is a list of all our vendors that are a part of the food court mafia family.

Instagram info: Pages : Prism Pop Shop
Funkotoro Collectibles



Opening Hours

Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00